Three Kingdoms

Chapter 246: Six verticals Meng Huo


The marshal of the first hole Jinhuan Sanjie understood, waved his hand to retreat from left and right, and asked: "You are here today just to visit my injury?"

Ah Hui muttered, looking around, lowering his voice, and said: "We chiefs didn’t want to bully other tribes. It’s just that Meng Huo is self-reliant and brave, forcing me to join him in the crime. It’s really true. Now the tribes are unbearable to bully. ,Being as the master of Liu Xun, come to inquire about sin. Meng Huozhong rebels, but still persists. This Liu Xun has the teacher to teach, and the gods protect us. If we are his opponent, there is only a dead end to him. Not to mention we are all. After receiving his life-saving grace, if you don't repay it, how can you be a human being?"

After Ah Hui murmured, he turned around and looked at the chiefs behind him. The chiefs kept nodding their heads to show their approval.

Jinhuan Sanjie asked: "Then how do you plan to repay Liu Xun for his life?"

Ah Hui murmured: "Now Meng Huo has been defeated for five consecutive games. He is depressed and drunk all day long. He is so drunk. We tied him while he was drunk and sent him across the river. Isn't it a great achievement?"

Jinhuan's three-knot eyes flashed, cold electric glances swept across Ah Hui Nan's face a few times, his complexion sank, and angrily said: "You have all received the great favor of the old Dongzhu, how dare you to say such a rebellious thing? !"

Ah Hui murmured: "Meng Huo went against him. Following him, we are not only a dead end, even the people in the cave will suffer. The old Dongzhu is not bad to us, but we are also the chiefs of the party, and we have to do our own tribe. Livelihood considerations!"

Jinhuan Sanjie asked: "Is this your truth?"

Ah Hui murmured: "If there is a half-word, the heaven will die, it will not be good to die!"

Jinhuan Sanjie said: "I also have this heart for a long time! There is no one to help, and it is difficult to cry alone!"

A Hui Mum and the chiefs behind him said in unison: "I am willing to help!"

Jin Huan Sanjie waved his hand in excitement, and said, "Okay! Ouch..." The wound on the ass was affected when his arm was waved, and he screamed in pain.

At the hour of the night, Jinhuan Sanjie, holding a steel knife in his hand, limply led more than a hundred people, and quietly covered the cave where Menghuo lived. At that time, Meng Huo had just poured thirty or fifty catties of spirits, and he was already asleep, and the sound of snoring was shaking, and it seemed not much less than the shouting and killing of his army.

Jinhuan Sanjie heard the purring far away, secretly happy, saw two guards at the entrance of the cave, and said angrily: "You are also greatly favored by Liu Xun's survival, how can you be a tiger? Throw it to feed the old snake, in order to repay the vengeance of beating our army stick!" After finishing speaking, he subconsciously reached out and touched his ass, his mouth was so painful that the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching.

When the two guards heard that they were going to be taken to feed the old snake, they saw that the Golden Ring and Three Knots had brought a lot of men and horses, and they were trembling with fright, and said quickly: "We would like to capture this boy alive and give it to the general. Liu Xun." After speaking, he took the rope from Jinhuan Sanjie's soldiers, turned around, and tiptoed to Menghuo's bedside. He looked down, but he saw Meng Huo's mouth wide open, his voice was thunderous, and he slept extremely sweetly. The two of them were overjoyed, looked at each other, went to bed, tied the ropes, and soon tied Meng Huo firmly. Looking down, Meng Huo's eyes were closed tightly, and he was asleep deeply, still unwake.

The two dared not neglect, they picked up Meng Huo and left. When Jinhuan Sanjie saw Li Jian succeeded, with a whistle, five cronies led a bullock cart. The two carrying Meng Huo threw Meng Huo onto the bullock cart. A soldier on the side of the bullock cart waved his whip and went down as a bullshit. The cow hurts and rushes forward with the ox cart. The soldier hurriedly pursued, flew up, sat in the coachman's position, and drove away.

After half an hour, Meng Huo gradually became sober, only feeling dry and dry, before opening his eyes, he shouted: "Water! I'm thirsty, get water!"

At that time, Jinhuan Sanjie rode right behind the bullock cart, and said: "You have to wait until dawn for water."

Meng Huo's hangover was not over, half awake, and felt his body swayed and wobbly, so he muttered like a dream: "You can help me out of bed, and I will get water by myself."

Jinhuan Sanjie replied: "This is not a bed, this is a bullock cart."

Meng Huo heard the words inexplicably, and only felt that his body was tight, as if he was tightly bound by things such as ropes. This shock was really not trivial, his head seemed to be knocked down by a basin of cold water, and he woke up immediately, opened his eyes, and shouted loudly. : "Who is outside!"

Jinhuan Sanjie replied coldly: "It's me! The first hole marshal Jinhuan Sanjie!"

Meng Huo heard the sound of the Golden Ring Three Knots, and said angrily: "The Golden Ring Three Knots! Do you dare to rebel!" After talking about luck, Jin earned a few ropes, but failed to break away. With a look of astonishment, he asked aloud: " What do you want?"

Jinhuan Sanjie replied coldly: "I just want the king to be a guest in the general's account."

Meng Huo was furious and shouted: "You! How dare you betray this king!"

Jin Huan Sanjie sneered slightly, ignored him, and urged the bullock cart to move on. When the group arrived at the Wei Yanjun camp in Shakou, it was already bright. Li Yan and Wei Yan were overjoyed when they heard the news, and went out to welcome them in person, and sent them to inform the general Liu Xun quickly.

At that time, Liu Xun first received Wei Yan’s report. Knowing that the forward had crossed Lushui and entered the Shakou, he was overjoyed, so he urged the three armies to advance quickly. When halfway through, a meteor spy Malay reported: "The Golden Ring has been captured. Meng Huo rushed to Shakou Village and surrendered. General Wei and General Li asked the general to come quickly."

Liu Xun was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and cried out: "Cool! Cool! It is said that I will order the three armies to advance at full speed and rush to Shakou!"

After another half an hour, Liu Xun's army rushed to Lushui, panting. This crossing of Lu is very particular, and you need to wait until the night is cold and the water is cold, the poisonous gas is not enough, and you are full of food before you can do nothing. Although it was almost dusk at this time, the soldiers of the three armed forces were exhausted and sweaty, and screamed with hunger, so that they would cross the river to ensure that the seven orifices would bleed, and they would be horrible death. Liu Xun believed that the important task of rejuvenating the Han Dynasty had not been realized, and of course he could not be careless, so he ordered the soldiers of the three armies to set up camps by the river and bury their pots for cooking.

At the beginning of the change, Jinhuan Sanjie, Ahuilan and others came across Luzhou and went straight to the Chinese army’s big tent to meet Liu Xun. Liu Xun put on the air of the general, he rewarded him with hard work, and comforted him in a camp. A sumptuous banquet was placed in the middle, making Wu Yi led the Jinhuan Sanjie, A Huilan and other barbarian generals who came to surrender to eat and drink.

After the barbarian generals retreated, Liu Xun's eyes rolled, and he secretly passed an order to call the soldiers in each village to rectify their weapons and rearrange them. Only then did they pass on Wei Yan and Li Yan to send Meng Huo. After about a stick of incense, Meng Huo was pushed into Liu Xun's army account by two big men of five big and three rough men.

After seeing Meng Huo, Liu Xun smiled slightly and asked, "Meng Dawang, what else do you have to say this time?"

Meng Huo held his head high, stood upright and unyielding, and said grievously: "This time it's not your ability. It's my subordinates who can eat inside and out, so I have to surrender, but I can't!"

Liu Xun sternly said: "You have the most excuses. You are also troublesome. If I didn't think that killing you had a lot of sequelae, I would have put you to feed the old snake. Tell me how you can be convinced. Belong to me, serve for the court, no longer bully the tribes in Nanzhong, no longer be enemies with me?"

Meng Huo said: "If you let me go back and let me regroup and fight you well, if you can capture me again, I will really convince you."

Liu Xun stared at Meng Huo for a long time, sighed, and said, "Oh, okay! Set up a banquet and shock King Meng." He said in his heart: "If I was not afraid that the people in Nanzhong would not be convinced, I would have killed you. Let's feed the dog!"

After eating and drinking, Meng Huo touched his stomach, hiccuped, reached out his hand and wiped his mouth, he wanted to turn around and leave.

Liu Xun smiled and said, "Don't hurry. I'll take you to the villages." After saying that, he walked forward, took Menghuo's big hand, and walked out of the account. Zhao Yun feared that Menghuo would be violent and wounded, and he followed Liu Xun's side and stayed on.

Liu Xun led Meng Huo to the outside of the tent. There were two pawns waiting outside with two horses, one of which was naturally Liu Xun's love to ride a white Luma.

Liu Xunfei got on his horse, stretched out his hand to compare with the tall horse on the side, and said, "Please!"

It was the first time that Meng Huo saw Liu Xun's mount. He looked disdainful and said, "This is your mount?"

Liu Xun nodded and said, "Well, don't look at it, don't look good, it's my lifesaver, and it saved my life. If it hadn't jumped over Tanxi back then, I'm afraid I would have died long ago. ."

Meng Huo disapproved of it. Lu Ma, who looked at him sideways, snorted and said: "It's just a horse to hinder the Lord!" Lu Ma seemed to have understood his words, and suddenly hesitated with a long hiss. protest.

Meng Huobai glanced at it, ignored it, and flew on its feet. Liu Xun rode his horse, and took Meng Huo slowly around the camp, asking him to watch the food and grass collected by Zhuying Zhaizha, and the weapons accumulated. After a long time, Liu Xun pointed to a tall grain stack and said, "It's so stupid if you don't descend on me. How can you win me? I don't think you have to waste your energy, just surrender."

Meng Huo rolled his eyes and said, "I am willing to surrender, but the people in my cave are not convinced. The general will let me go back and let me recruit the troops from the security headquarters, wouldn't it be good?"

Liu Xun smiled slightly and said, "That's very good. But the barbaric generals such as Jinhuan Sanjie and Ahuilan have already returned. You don't need to take them back. It will be too troublesome to bring them back later. That's it. , I will send you out of the camp, so you can go back to recruit troops and horses from the security headquarters, and come and land early."

Meng Huo's eyes were like electricity, looked at Liu Xun, then slowly nodded, pinched his legs, and walked away. Liu Xun rode a horse to catch up, led the way, and sent Meng Huo to the edge of Lushui. He sent a raft to the other side of Meng Huo.

Meng Huo returned to Yinkeng Mountain and came to the cave where he lived. Before he could sit down, it was anxious to say that Meng You came to see him. After a short while, Meng You entered the cave, and Meng Huo said: "I know what Liu Xun's fictitiousness is. Tomorrow you will bring more than a hundred elite soldiers to Liu Xun's camp. I will lead the army to Jiezhai. At that time, the inside and outside should be combined, and Liu Xun will not worry about capturing Liu Xun alive."

Meng Huo has been captured six times, and even Meng You has doubts about his brother's commanding art. After hearing the words, he was stunned for a moment and said insincerely in dialect: "I know, I will go tomorrow." Whether this trip will be successful, He didn't have a bottom in his own heart, so he didn't rush to shoot this flattery, and it won't be too late to wait until the real robbery is successful. If the robbery fails, it's time to go to the Liu Xun camp to shoot.

On the second day when the cock crows ugly, Meng You led more than a hundred brutal soldiers, carrying valuables such as golden beads, treasures, ivory, rhino horns, across Lushui, and went straight to Liu Xun’s Dazhai. The soldiers outside the village stopped him, and a small pawn turned around, and Fei also seemed to rush to the Chinese army’s big account to report...