Three Kingdoms

Chapter 252: The vine armor army is here


Liu Xun looked anxiously at the situation on the battlefield. Suddenly Liu Xun clearly spotted Yang Feng who was riding on the horse with a vigilant look.

Liu Xun roared and rushed up with the Beidou spear in his hand. The sudden change made Yang Feng's face suddenly turn blue, and he shouted: "Round formation, defense." However, all this was in vain, and the soldiers of Yang Feng could not withstand Liu Xun's impact.

Yang Feng’s emotions hadn’t ended long enough. A terrifying murderous intent struck from not far away. Yang Feng looked intently and saw a young general in golden armor rushing towards him on horseback with a big dipper on horseback. , And the gun front refracted a chilling light in the sun.

In less than a few breaths, Liu Xun rushed into Yang Feng’s defense like acupuncture tofu, and rushed to Yang Feng’s front. The Beidou spear slammed down, and the gun body rubbed the air with a trace of a dragon groan. the sound of.

The ignorant Yang Feng was not afraid, and even tried to block this smashing blow with his spear horizontally. However, the tiger's mouth broke and his wrist felt like a broken bone and painful. The blade that slashed deeply on his shoulder made him suddenly realize. The strength of his second-rate pinnacle is so unworthy for this young general. Yang Feng screamed in pain. The severe pain made him a little dizzy. Liu Xun took advantage of the situation to make up a shot. Yang Feng fell off his horse and died.

The soldiers of the barbarian army were shocked when their leader was killed, and their morale was lost. Liu Xun took advantage of the situation and led the army to conceal the killing. The barbarian army was defeated and almost completely wiped out. The barbarian general Dong Chana was also slashed by the veteran Huang Zhong.

After conquering Sanjiang City, Liu Xun repeatedly attacked Meng Huo’s old nest silver pit. Meng Huo knew he could not resist, and fled in embarrassment with more than a thousand remnants of defeated generals. The Han army took advantage of the situation and occupied Yinkengdong. On the way to escape, Meng Huo said to Meng You: "Now that the cave is occupied, it is completely lost. Where should we go to settle down?"

Meng You's small eyes turned randomly. After a while, he said: "Here is a country seven hundred miles to the southeast, called the Ugo country. The lord of the country has a bone, a length of two feet, and does not eat grains. He feeds on snakes and beasts. All of his sergeants wear rattan armor. The rattan is born in a mountain stream and is coiled on a rock wall. It is taken by the Chinese people, soaked in oil, and then taken out for half a year. It is sun-dried and re-soaked, and it is only created after more than ten times. Armor. Wearing it on the body, it doesn’t sink across the river, it doesn’t get wet through water, and neither swords nor arrows can enter, so it’s called the “Vine Armor Army”. You can go to and flee today. If you have the help of the bones, Liu Xun is full of wisdom. But what can I do!"

Meng Huo was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Okay, you can't enter with swords and arrows. With such an invincible teacher, Liu Xun can't break it even if he has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. Go, go to Ugo Junior High School immediately."

Meng You discerned the direction, turned his horse's head, turned to the southeast, and led Meng Huo and others on the first journey to the Ugo country. It was not only a day on the way, but came to Ugo on this day. It was found that the country lived by the cave, and there were no huts in the cave, all living in the cave. Meng Huo asked about the path, rushed to see the bones, got into the hole, knelt down and bowed, snot and tears told about the past, begging for help.

After hearing the words, Wu Tugu burst into tears and said, "Don't be sad, I would like to avenge you from the soldiers of the country, but..."

Meng Huo quickly said: "As long as the king is willing to send troops to help, I will lead the tribes of southern China to the king and never change my mind."

Wu Tugu smiled and said: "This change is too vain..."

Meng Huo rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth, and said, "I would like to take all the gold treasures from the cave to thank the king for great grace!" After speaking, the muscles on his face trembled, and there was a pain in his heart.

Wu Tugu swallowed his saliva, waved his big hand, and said, "Okay! I will send my troops for 30,000 quarters to set off!" Meng Huo thanked the eighteenth generation Zhongshan wolf who can eat people without spitting out bones. Ancestor.

On the third day, Wu Tu Gu summoned two generals, one Wu Tu Tu and the other Wu Tu Shui, to light up 30,000 vine armor soldiers. Leaving the country of Ugo, looking northeast. When you reach a river, it is called Peach Blossom Water. There are peach trees on both sides of the river. Over the years, there are fallen leaves in the water. Wutu bone soldiers went to Peach Blossom Ferry Xiazhai, waiting for Liu Xun's army.

One day, Liu Xun was lying on the throne of Meng Huo, groaning, drinking a little wine while watching "Historical Records". Suddenly, a soldier flew in to report: "Report! Meng Huo invited the Ugo Lord to bring in 30,000 vines and armies, and now he is stationed at Taohua Ferry."

Liu Xun was shocked when he heard the words, sat up, and asked, "It's really the Vine Armour!?"

The soldier replied: "Exactly!"

Liu Xun waved his hand and said, "I see, retreat." The soldier saluted and turned to retreat.

The military strategist Zhuge Liang rushed to hear the news. Seeing Liu Xun's expression of worry, he asked, "Master, what kind of vine armor army is better than elephants? Why is the master frowning?"

Liu Xun shook his head, and said, "This elephant has a long nose and thick ivory. It's scary. But I heard that this vine armor is inaccessible!"

Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "The vine armor soldiers are invulnerable when they look at the wind. In fact, it is very simple to break. The lord can introduce the vine armor soldiers into Panshe Valley, and then break the valley and set it on fire. It will inevitably break it."

Liu Xun shook his head and said, "Although this method is good, it's too cruel. You step back and I will think about it."

Thinking of this, Liu Xun racked his brains, but he thought about it until he had a splitting headache, and couldn't think of a good idea. After thinking for a while, his head was as big as a bucket, rubbed his forehead, and said, "Headache! Headache!"

After Liu Xun held his head for a while, he became dizzy and fell asleep on his own. I slept so soundly, and I don’t know how long I slept. Suddenly, there was a flash of light in my mind, like a dream but not a dream. Liu Xun woke up with a jump and shouted: "Quick rumor that Li Yan is coming to see me!"

Not long after, Li Yan walked into the cave, bowed, and said, "What is the important thing for the lord to call me?"

Liu Xun stretched out his hand and pointed to the seat on the left, and said, "Sit down and talk." After a pause, Liu Xun said, "You should have a better understanding of all parts of South China."

Li Yanyiyan sat down and replied: "I am quite familiar with this place."

Liu Xun said: "I heard people say that drinking some spring water around here will make people bleed and die ugly, but what about this?"

Li Yan nodded and replied: "This is true. I heard that there are peach blossoms near here and there are peach trees on both sides of the water. The peach leaves fall into the water and rot, and outsiders drink it and die. Only the people of Ugo have increased their spirits. I don't know the poison. How many people have passed."

Liu Xun said: "It's really the best in the world. Now there is a vine armor soldier, which is really a headache."

Although Li Yan is a man in the south, he has never heard of the name of the vine armor soldier, and asked: "What is so terrible about this vine armor soldier? It is worth the Lord's trouble."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yun walked into the cave and said, "Lord, I heard that Meng Huo borrowed a vine armor soldier to come for revenge, and he has been stationed at Peach Blossom Ferry. The lord has been very hard to break the enemy for days. I would like to lead my troops to capture Meng Huo alive and put it under the tent."

Liu Xun shook his head, smiled, and stretched out his hand to compare the empty space on the right, and said: "Zilong is not anxious, sit down and talk first."

Zhao Yun came closer, sat down, and Liu Xun said, "I was upset about this. It happened that you were also here, so we discussed and discussed together."

Zhao Yun didn't expect that General Liu Xun, who was not afraid of even fighting the elephant formation, would be annoyed by what kind of vine armor soldier. He couldn't help but looked confused and asked, "I don't know what is so special about this vine armor soldier that makes the lord so annoyed?"

Liu Xun said: "Zhengfang (Li Yan Zizhengfang) was still asking, just so you came, so I will tell you...

Having just said this, Zhu Rong walked in and said angrily: "I heard that Meng Huo is here again. I don't need you this time. I'll just go."

Liu Xun looked depressed and said, "Go, you can't come back if you go!"

Zhu Rongbai glanced at him and said unconvincedly: "Huh, what's so great about the tens of thousands of vine armor soldiers, I will go now. Let you take a good look at how I captured Meng Huo this time!" After that, Zhu Rong was angry. hole.

Liu Xun looked at Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun rushed forward to stop him, Liu Xun said, "Sit down first, listen to me, and go if you want. I won't stop."

Zhu Rong turned around, sat up close, and said angrily: "What is the ability of this vine armor soldier to make you so afraid."

Liu Xun said, "Of course I am not afraid. Of course I know how to break this vine armor. Mr. Kong Ming has already told me how to break it. But this break is a bit too vicious."

Zhao Yun asked, "What's the problem?"

Liu Xun sighed and said: "The vine used for this vine is between a mountain stream called Ugo country. The local people picked it up, soaked it in oil, and put it out for the sun after half a year. It was dried and re-soaked. It’s been done like this for ten times, before it was used to make armor. After putting it on, it won’t sink across the river and won’t enter with swords and guns. It’s very powerful."

Zhu Rong pursed his mouth, indicating that he did not believe it. Li Yan and Zhao Yun said at the same time: "There is such an armor in this world, isn't it impossible to break it?"

Liu Xun said: "There is a way to break it, but it's a bit too cruel."

Li Yan asked: "How to be cruel?"

Liu Xun said, "This vine armour is soaked in oil ten times. This oil is very easy to ignite, a little..."

Zhao Yun preemptively said: "By the way, attack with fire!"

Liu Xun sighed, and said, "I used fire to attack. I only need to find a valley, attract enemy soldiers to this place, break the valley, set it on fire, and guarantee death!"

Zhu Rong was overjoyed and said: "Since you have an idea, don't hurry up."

Liu Xun sighed again: "This time the Ugo country has come here, and there is not even slag left in this burn. Isn't it too cruel?"

Li Yan shook his head, sighed, and said: "There will be deaths and injuries in the battle, but it is also helpless. If the vine armor is really invulnerable as the lord said, without fire, I am afraid it will be difficult to win."

Liu Xun said: "For a victory, it is too bad for the whole family to eliminate the species. Is this method best not to be used?" After that, he made a pity.

Sure enough, Li Yan was greatly moved, tears filled his eyes, nodded, and asked, "What good advice does the lord have?"

Liu Xun said: "I only have a preliminary idea, and I don't know whether it is feasible or not. I am about to discuss with you. Come here, I will invite several military divisions and generals to discuss together."

After the personnel arrived, they discussed secretly in the cave, and after a long time they dispersed...