Three Kingdoms

Chapter 257: Fuwan's conspiracy (middle)


"Give the world back to you, Zhongxing Han Room!" This is what Liu Xie wants to do in his dreams. More importantly, doesn't this mean that in the future, the power of the Han Dynasty can finally be regained into the hands of the emperor of the Han Dynasty? With great power, the emperor of this big man can be regarded as truly worthy of his name! Thinking of this, Liu Xie's heart immediately became excited. The slightly thin body was trembling involuntarily. Empress Fu, who was seen beside her, also looked worried. She couldn't help stepping forward and gently supporting Liu Xie's arm, and asked with concern: "Your Majesty?"

However, Empress Fu’s kindness was pushed away by Liu Xie. Liu Xie threw her arms away, then looked at Fu Wan with beaming eyes, and said excitedly: "Uncle Guo! Just follow your arrangements! You should! What do you do, Uncle Guo, don't hesitate to say!"

Not enough city houses! This is another definition of Liu Xie in Fu Wan's mind. However, Fu Wan immediately said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty does not need to act for the time being. After the minister leaves the palace today, he will contact the righteous men in the court! But today, the minister rushed into the palace, although he temporarily escaped the attention of the thief Cao. , But I must not be able to hide it from the Cao Thief in the end! So after the minister leaves the palace, the Cao Thief will definitely send people to pay attention to the whereabouts of the minister. We must not attack rashly when we are not ready!"

After Fu finished speaking at the end, she looked at her daughter Fu Empress and bowed a salute. Empress Fu also immediately faced Fu Wan Yifu and said: "Father must be more careful!"

Empress Fu is knowledgeable, and more importantly, she is loyal to Liu Xie. After Fu bowed his hand, he said: "So, in order to prevent the Cao thief from discovering, the minister can't stay here for a long time. Please be careful with your majesty and the empress! Chen, leave!"

"I see! Uncle Guo, also be careful!" After hearing the words, Liu Xie nodded and said yes, and then shouted to the outside of the hall. The former servant also immediately appeared at the door of the hall, Liu Xie To the servant, he ordered: "You immediately send the country uncle out of the palace, be careful! You must protect the safety of the country uncle!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The servant immediately bowed down to Liu Xie, and he certainly understood what Liu Xie's words meant. Although he was Liu Xie's confidant, in contrast, the safety of Fu Wan was more important. In other words, when necessary, even if he sacrifices his own life, he must protect Fu Wan! Such a condition was too harsh, but the waiter didn't hesitate at all, and he just accepted it.

After the waiter left, Liu Xie took a long sigh of relief, turned his head, looked at Empress Fu with joy, and smiled: "Queen! After waiting for so many years, it is finally this moment! I, I , I'm so happy!" While talking, Liu Xie couldn't help but waved his fist again, trying to express his excitement.

Seeing Liu Xie's appearance, Empress Fu also laughed. Although she was born in this conspiracy palace, she couldn't hide the fact that she and Liu Xie were only young people in their twenties. It’s just that in this frightening palace, Liu Xie and Empress Fu also had to suppress the publicity of their own young people. Now, upon hearing the good news, whether it is Liu Xie or Empress Fu, they also want to squander what belongs to the young in their hearts. That share.

But this was only temporary. Empress Fu soon recovered her usual grace and calmness. When she looked down, she immediately opened her mouth and exclaimed, pointing to the ground and shouting to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty! This secret letter! "

Hearing Empress Fu’s exclamation, Liu Xie immediately lowered his head and looked at him. He was also shocked, but the secret letter brought by Fu Wan was still left on the ground. It was densely written about removal. Cao Cao's conspiracy! Liu Xie immediately turned pale with fright. He hurriedly picked up the secret letter, kneaded it tightly, and squeezed it tightly in his hand, not daring to let anyone see it. At the same time, he looked around, fearing that there would be others nearby. Find. This is not Liu Xie's timidity. If this sealed letter falls into the hands of Cao Cao's party feathers, the consequences will be disastrous!

Liu Xie was so frightened that he had no idea for a while. Holding this secret letter, he didn't know what to do. Empress Fu's eyes lit up and immediately said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty! Burn it! Burn it!"

After receiving the reminder from Empress Fu, Liu Xie reacted. He immediately walked to the side of the light, took off the lampshade, and lit the secret letter on the light, and saw that the secret letter was burned. Become ashes, this is to relax. Turning to look at Empress Fu who was also relieved, both of them involuntarily wiped cold sweat from their foreheads.

Compared with Empress Liu Xie and Fu who scared herself in the depths of the palace, she just came out of the main hall, and the Fuwan who was about to leave the palace was really shocking every step of the way. This Xuchang Palace was built under the orders of Cao Cao. Although many places are imitating Luoyang Palace, there are Cao Cao's eyes and ears everywhere in the palace! It was impossible for Fu Wan to leave the palace completely quietly, but Fu Wan still hoped that it would be the best not to disturb Cao Cao's eyes and ears as much as possible.

Under the leadership of the servant, Fu Wan chose a secluded alley specially, bypassing the main road of the palace, and chose a small palace gate to leave the palace. But even so, along the way, Fu Wan and that servant are also cautious, following every step, not daring to be careless.

Finally, I arrived at the gate of the palace that left the palace and looked at the gate that was guarded by only a few guards in front. The servant whispered to Fu Wan, "Uncle Guo, among the guards guarding the palace gate, only a few people are your majesty’s confidants. There are a few others who are the eyes and ears of Cao thief! Then, the villain will lead the eyes and ears of those Cao thief, and the rest of the guards will naturally send the country's uncle away from the palace!"

Hearing the words of the servant, Fu Wan immediately knew how much risk the servant had to take. If caught by the eyes and ears of those Cao Cao, even if the servant was the person next to the emperor, it might not be possible to please him! Immediately after the votive, he bowed his hand to the servant and said: "Little father-in-law is loyal to his liver and righteous, admire it after vomiting!"

Although the relationship between courtiers and eunuchs has always been poor, Fu Wan is not the kind of stubborn and conservative person. The other party is indeed credited with the society, and Fu Wan will naturally not be stingy with these few words of praise.

The servant heard that Fu Wan, as Guo's uncle, would be so polite to him as an eunuch, and he was also very moved. He hurriedly responded to Fu Wan and said: "Guo Wan's words are serious! The villain is just a cripple, fortunately. To be able to do something for your majesty and for the country's uncle, that is the villain's fortune, how can you be worthy of the country's uncle's praise? Please rest assured, the country's uncle, the villain has spent a lot of time in this palace, and is familiar with the palace. Very, it is impossible for those guards to catch the villain! Just ask the uncle Guo to wait here and act according to your plan!" After saying that, the servant gave a deep salute to Fu Wan, and then turned and left the rockery where the two people are now hiding. among.

After Fu watched the attendant leave, he immediately bent himself on the rockery, carefully looking up at the palace gate in front of him. It didn't take long before I heard a bird call from the other direction, which sounded very similar to a crow's call. However, Fu Wan knew that this was definitely not a real crow cry, it must be the previous servant who gave the emperor's confidant at the gate of the palace a secret signal!

Sure enough, the crow screamed. Fu Wan immediately noticed that some of the guards at the gate of the palace had strange expressions on their faces. quickly. A sound came from the other end, like the sound of something falling on the ground! In the night, the sound immediately caused the guards to shout loudly at the same time, and one of the guards with weird expressions immediately shouted: "Brothers be careful, don't go on a business trip. Otherwise, the prime minister will blame it, but it will be terrible!"

As soon as the guard said what he said, two of the remaining guards showed hesitation on their faces, needless to say. These two are the eyes and ears of Cao Cao that the servant said! Immediately the two guards glanced at each other, and one of them shouted: "Don't be careless! We will catch up right now to see what the hell is it!"

Immediately, the eyes and ears of the two Cao Cao led a group of people toward the direction that made the noise, of course. There are still a few people left at the gate of this palace. I don't know how the guards were arranged, but those who stayed turned out to be the confidant guards of Liu Xie! Seeing the other guards rushing to the other side quickly, the remaining four guards also began to look around, seeming to be looking for something.

After seeing this scene, Fu Wan knew that he should leave. Otherwise, when the two Cao Cao's eyes and ears came back, he wanted to leave the palace quietly, that would be a problem! Immediately after the vault, he gritted his teeth. I just climbed out of the rockery and walked quickly towards the gate of the palace. When they reached the gate of the palace, the guards were surprised when they saw Fu Wan, and hurriedly greeted them. Fu Wan lowered his head, lowered his voice and said to the guards: "I'm going out of the palace!"

Although this sentence was short, the guards immediately understood what Fu Wan meant, and turned to Fu Wan to open the palace gate. Another advantage of choosing this small palace gate is that it is very convenient to open the palace gate. Not as cumbersome as the main entrance. After Fu saw the palace gate opened, he didn't say much anymore. He lowered his head and walked straight to the outside of the palace. When he walked out of the palace gate, he heard the sound of the palace gate closing behind him. Fu Wan even felt that his heart was completely relaxed.

"Master Fu! I really enjoyed it! This is the middle of the night, still wandering at the gate of the palace?" Just when Fu Wan was about to return to the mansion to make preparations. Suddenly a faint laughter came out from the surrounding dark streets, and upon hearing this sound, the whole body suddenly became stiff, as if the blood in the whole body had stopped flowing! Immediately afterwards, his neck was stuck, and he raised his head with difficulty bit by bit, looking in the direction of the sound...