Three Kingdoms

Chapter 27: Offer ideas to your pet


Seeing that Gan Ning was a rare general, Liu Xun wanted to capture him and use it for himself. However, it was easier said than done, after all, Gan Ning was just a tiger and would not be able to catch it all.

At night, when Haoyue was in the sky, Liu Xun was pacing in the barracks, feeling very upset. A gust of wind blew by, and Liu Xun smelled the stench of the corpse. "Hey..." Liu Xun sighed deeply.

"General, why sigh?" Xiang Chong, who was on patrol with soldiers, stepped forward and asked when Liu Xun looked worried. Because of Liu Xun's recommendation, Xiang Chong was promoted from ordinary scholar to school lieutenant, so he was very grateful to Liu Xun.

"Now the world is in chaos, frequent wars, and many people are killed and injured. I don't know when the world will be reunified and the people will be restored to a peaceful world." Liu Xun sighed, filled with hesitation.

"As the saying goes, we must divide for a long time, and we must divide for a long time. The general will descend from the sky, and sooner or later will dominate the world and rejuvenate the Han room." Xiang Chong said very sincerely.

"Oh, it's too far." Liu Xun brought the topic back to reality, "I see Gan Ning is a rare talent, so I want to catch him and use it for myself. However, I feel helpless and don't know how. Do it".

"Ganning is a fierce general, but he has the courage and intrepidity, so he can only outsmart, not the enemy." Xiang Chong analyzed Gan Ning's characteristics well and hit the nail on the head.

After hearing what Xiang Chong said, Liu Xun nodded frequently, agreeing with his analysis, "Go on." Seeing that Xiang Chong had something to say, Liu Xun asked him to continue.

"I heard that Gan Ning is irritable and has a strong temper. We can introduce his cavalry into the woods with agitation method, so that the power of the cavalry can't be used, then it will be easy to defeat him. Gan Ning is a face-loving person, and the cavalry is exhausted. If he loses, he must be embarrassed to see Zhang Xian. In this way, it will be easy to subdue Gan Ning." Xiang Chong gave a perfect strategy. Liu Xun was very happy, and immediately promoted Xiang Chong to join the army and counselor in military affairs.

The next day, Liu Xun asked Wei Yan to lead two thousand cavalry to fight. Liu Xun told Wei Yan to bring Ganning’s 10,000 cavalry into the forest. Wei Yan cursed under Jiangxia City, Gan Ning was furious, and attacked Wei Yan with all 10,000 cavalry.

Where did Wei Yan's two thousand cavalrymen rival Ganning's ten thousand cavalrymen, they all fled before they resisted for a while. When escaping, he did not forget to insult Gan Ning. Gan Ning became angry and ordered the whole army to pursue it. Unknowingly, he caught up with a forest.

Wei Yan and others have long since disappeared. Gan Ning yelled badly, knowing he was hit. Gan Ning ordered the whole army to retreat quickly, but it was too late. Liu Xun had long been in ambush in the forest with five thousand crossbowmen, ten thousand infantry, and one thousand white-eared cavalry.

Seeing Gan Ning wanted to retreat, Liu Xun gave an order, and the five thousand crossbowmen immediately released arrows. The arrows rained down, and the Gan Ning cavalry fell. The Ganning army was in chaos, rushing around, trampling on each other.

Liu Xun saw that the enemy army was in chaos, and immediately ordered the whole army to charge. Most of the Ganning cavalry were killed and injured, very miserable. Gan Ning became angry and slammed Liu Xun with a spiked halberd. Zhao Yun next to him was about to step forward to intercept Gan Ning. Liu Xun waved his hand, carrying the Beidou spear, and personally drove the horse to fight.

Liu Xun must convince Gan Ning to lose. With a roar, Gan Ninghu stabled at Liu Xun while holding the Spike Halberd. Gan Ning's move was extremely dangerous, and he clearly wanted to kill Liu Xun immediately. Zhao Yun was very nervous watching from the side, his heart raised his throat, and he was ready to step forward at any time to intercept Gan Ning.

Liu Xun was not afraid of danger. Although he was only a seventeen-year-old boy, he had participated in many battles and was very experienced. With a light flash, Liu Xun easily dissolved Gan Ning's wolf tooth halberd.

The characteristic of Liu Xun's move is quickness. Before others can see it clearly, the move has already been issued.

When Gan Ning saw that his tactics failed, his heart became more irritable, and his halberd stabbed. Liu Xun flashed to the right again, and suddenly the Beidou spear was on Gan Ning's left shoulder. Gan Ning only felt that his body was as heavy as a thousand catties, and he couldn't move any more.

Liu Xun suddenly jumped up from the horse, kicked Gan Ning off the horse, and the Spike was thrown out.

The soldiers hurried forward to capture Gan Ning.

Sitting on the horse, Liu Xun asked loudly, "Gan Ning, you are not convinced."

"What can I do if I don't accept it?" Gan Ning seemed very unconvinced. "If you dare to put me back, I promise to defeat you."

"Hahaha..." Liu Xun laughed loudly when he heard Gan Ning's words, and then said sharply: "You think fighting is a game for children. How many people are killed for each battle? How much food does it consume? One more One battle is worse than one battle."

Gan Ning lowered his head, embarrassed. Although Gan Ning is a rough person, he also knows the twists and turns. When Zhang Xian rebelled, Gan Ning supported Zhang Xian because he hated Cai Hao for his many evils. However, because many people died in this war, Gan Ning felt very uncomfortable. Gan Ning also heard that Liu Bei's army was a benevolent and righteous army. General Anhan Liu Xun is also a young hero. I thought it was an error, and looked down upon this 17-year-old boy. I never thought, but I lost, and I lost very quickly.

A fierce general like Gan Ning admires capable people most. Liu Xun knew that only if Gan Ning was convinced, he would follow him and be loyal throughout his life. Gan Ning was very impressed by his performance just now, and Liu Xun had already seen this change in Gan Ning's expression.

Liu Xun took the opportunity to say, "General Gan is a hero in the world, so why commit himself to a traitor, it is better to join our army, serve the country, and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty." Liu Xun took the opportunity to dissuade Gan Ning.

After hearing Liu Xun's words, Gan Ning was very moved, and immediately knelt down and said: "General benevolence and righteousness, I would like to do what I can do."

Liu Xun was overjoyed and immediately appointed Gan Ning as General Li Wu (from the fifth rank) and reported to Liu Bei for approval.

When Guan Yu saw that Gan Ning had just taken refuge, he was made a general, and he complained.

Liu Xun patiently explained that our army is now in the process of employing people. Gan Ning is brave and can be a general with his ability. Moreover, Gan Ning is familiar with the navy, so he can train the Xiangyang navy.

Guan Yu was not an unreasonable person. Seeing that what Liu Xun said made sense, he stopped complaining.

Zhang Ze from Jiangxia City wailed loudly when he heard the news that "10,000 cavalry had been annihilated and Ganning surrendered" from the defeated soldiers. Hurry up and send troops to ask Zhang Xian to return to the division for rescue.

After Zhang Xian got the news, he was shocked, so he slowly withdrew from Jiangling and hurried back to Jiangxia.

After receiving news of Zhang Xian's return to the division, Liu Xun immediately led all the infantry and crossbowmen to ambush in Longquan Mountain, waiting for Zhang Xian's army to arrive. Gan Ning had just taken refuge and was eager to go with him. Liu Xun readily agreed, and Zhao Yun still stayed at the camp.

As soon as Zhang Xian's army entered Longquan Mountain, Zhang Xian felt that the atmosphere was not right. However, Jiang Xia was in a critical condition and couldn't manage that much. Zhang Xian ordered the army to advance at full speed.

Seeing that Zhang Xian's army had all entered the valley, Liu Xun immediately ordered the soldiers to drop fuel and other combustible materials down. Then the crossbowmen released their arrows together, the rockets roared out, and the valley suddenly burst into the sky, like fire dragons devouring the enemy army. The enemy panicked and trampled on each other, causing countless casualties.

Seeing that the situation was gone, Zhang Xian drew out his sword and wiped his neck. He died.

After Cai Hao heard the news that Zhang Xian's entire army was annihilated, he led the army to Jiangxia quickly, lest Liu Xun preemptively occupied Jiangxia.

Liu Xun had no plan to occupy Jiang Xia, so he left the rest to Cai Tao. However, Liu Xun made a request to Cai Hao not to kill innocent people indiscriminately and to kill the people. Cai Tao agreed with full mouth.

With proper arrangement, Liu Xun led the army back to Xiangyang in a hurry. Why is Liu Xun so anxious to go back to Xiangyang