Three Kingdoms

Chapter 276: Grain and grass delivered to the door (part 2)


After thinking about it for a long time, Li Su gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Snatching! Snatching is also dead, and not robbing is dead! If you grab grain and grass, there may be some way to survive!"

Wang Wu listened and nodded to the side, and then said: "It's better to let the end general go, and the general will lead some soldiers and horses to respond. If I am in an ambush, the general can go to rescue us."

Li Su waved his hand and said loudly: "No, now our situation, the enemy is very clear. If there are more ambushes, we will be divided up, and we will also be ambushed. Food and grass, and then quickly retreated."

Wang Wu said: "What the general said is quite true!" Then, he discussed with Li Su for a while, discussing when to send troops. How many soldiers and horses should be used. Then it was scheduled to send troops at night. Because according to the spy's return, the Han army's food and grass were being transported day and night. At night, they can also take advantage of the night as a cover.

The two of them were discussing in the tent like this, but they didn’t know that Huang Zhong in Dazhai on the opposite side was anxious enough, saying: "Then Li Suzhen can bear it? Why won't he come to rob the grain?" Even the brazier in the tent went out, but I didn't notice it. It was only in the early morning, when it was the coldest time, that the brazier in the tent went out, and I quickly got up and lit the brazier again. At this moment, he suddenly reported from left to right, and General Zhang Yi asked to see him.

Huang Zhong was taken aback, and then he was overjoyed. He said hurriedly, "Call him in!" The soldier hurried out and invited Zhang Yi in.

I saw that Zhang Yi covered his body with a gray head and face, but with a happy face, he smiled and said: "Fortunately, the general entrusted him, that batch of grain and grass has been robbed by Li Su!"

Huang Zhong laughed and said, "Okay! Okay! Good job! Tell me what's going on!" He didn't play with the brazier anymore, but sat on the couch and waited for Zhang Yi to learn more. The land passed by. However, those recruits had already seen it and would naturally help Huang Zhong light the fire, so Huang Zhong was not afraid of being cold.

Zhang Yi hurriedly replied: "Last night, the general led the soldiers and horses and pretended to be in the village with the grain and grass, but he walked on the side road. I would have thought that last night was nothing. When Li Su was still not coming to rob the grain and grass, suddenly there was a loud shout of killing from the left and right, and then countless Yongzhou soldiers slammed out. The final general looked at it, and that Wang Wu and Li Su were both here, and the final general was watching. Come, I'm afraid that Li Su has brought out all the soldiers and horses."

Huang Zhong stunned for a moment when he heard it, and said in his heart: "Good fellow, Li Su really dares to do it! I thought he would be divided into two teams, thinking that he would save it, or leave some soldiers and horses in charge of Dazhai. But he didn't expect him. Actually brought all the soldiers and horses out to rob for food and grass." As he was thinking, Zhang Yi was standing there, swallowing hard, so he smiled and said, "Bo Gong drink first and speak slowly!" After that, pour a bowl of water and hand it to Zhang Yi.

After that wing heard it, he hurriedly came to pick up the bowl of water, and said quickly: "General Xie!" Then he drank the water in one gulp and let out a long breath before continuing: "Then the general will lead The soldiers and horses responded to that Li Suxu, then retreated, and then hurriedly reported to the general to know."

After listening, Huang Zhong nodded and said to Zhang Yi: "Well done, Bo Gong, let's go and rest! From now on, I only have to stay here and trap Li Su here. Then well! As Huang Zhong said, he touched his chin without the slightest beard. "Just wait for the other party to be defeated." Zhang Yi heard back and went out, while Huang Zhong got up and said to the left and right: "Help me put on my armor, I'm going to see General Zhao!" Left and right stepped forward to help Huang Zhong dress. , And then Huang Zhong went straight to Zhao Yun's big account.

At this time, Zhao Yun had just got up and was wearing it. Seeing Huang Zhong had arrived, he asked, "Is there anything wrong with Han Sheng coming so early?"

Huang Zhong smiled and said, "Li Su couldn't help it last night and has already accepted the gift I prepared for him."

After Zhao Yun heard it, he asked: "Li Su can't help it? Han Sheng said carefully." At the moment, Huang Zhong repeated what Zhang Yi had said. Zhao Yun finished listening and said with a smile: "So, Han Sheng's calculation is half done!"

Huang Zhongdao: "Presumably it's that good. I'm still thinking about how to grab a lot of grain and grass with such ease!" After saying this, the two looked at each other and laughed. The guards outside the tent quietly looked inside the tent, and then glanced at each other, but they couldn't understand what the two generals were laughing at early in the morning. They curled their lips and continued to stand guard.

However, they said that Li Su and Wang Wu had robbed them of such a large amount of food and grass. It seemed that he didn't understand why the other party gave up such important food and grass so easily.

Wang Wu was puzzled, and finally he had to say to Li Su: "General, perhaps the other party thought that our army was weak, so he relaxed his vigilance before being defeated by our army!"

Li Su thought for a while, but he really couldn't think of any results, and finally he had to say, "I hope so!"

However, this speculation was thrown aside after the two returned to Zhaizhong. There is no other reason, but Li Su, who had grabbed food, ordered a full meal tonight. When the order went on, the soldiers immediately reported back, saying: "Most of the food is sand and stone, and less than half of the edible rice!"

Li Suwen was stunned, but he was completely confused by these messy things. At first, it was inexplicable and easily robbed a large amount of grain, and then the subordinate reported that the grain was mostly sand and stone, and there were less than half of the edible ones. What was the situation

If Huang Zhong used these grains to lure them into robbing them, it happened that the opponent didn't have half an ambush. If you really lose your grain and grass carelessly, why is it that you got the bad grain? Is it possible that Liu Xun's staff has no grain support, and all of them use poor grain to support it

Li Su had a headache here, but the soldier also had a headache below. I thought that I would return with the general's robbing of the grain this time, and he would have a full meal, but I didn't want to rob these bad grains, and I didn't know what to do.

"How long can those grains and grasses last?" Li Su pondered for a while and asked this question.

After the soldier heard it, he hurriedly replied: "If you save some food, you can keep the army for more than a month."

After Li Su heard it, he let out a sigh of relief. The situation was much better than he thought. At least this tribulation was not useless. So he ordered: "Today, let the soldiers have a full meal, starting tomorrow, everyone will still be rationed every day, save some food."

The soldier sighed inwardly when he heard it, and then retreated. Seeing him go, Li Su thought in his heart: "Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng, what are you thinking of?"

After the two armies confronted each other for a long time, Li Su had known that the opposing army had been Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng who had made suggestions. Zhao Zilong is brave and calm, but not quick and wise. Ma Zhongyong is brave, but seldom strategy. Only Huang Zhong and Huang Hansheng have extraordinary martial arts, but they also have many ghost ideas. After playing against these many times, Li Su has already had something to do with these opponents. understood.

Besides Huang Zhong, he looked at Li Su's Dazhai when he had nothing to do in his village. Seeing the smoke rising, he smiled and said to Zhao Yun: "Li Su just returned to the village and immediately cooked food. It can be seen that his soldiers are very hungry! We delivered food when the other party was hungry and cold. It was so kind!"

As Zhao Yun and Ma Zhong were in the audience, they rolled their eyes and said in their hearts: "Giving food is a good deed, but when you are sending food, you have not been well-intentioned. If Li Su knows, this food is the poison that trapped his army here. , I wonder if I can still eat it?"

At this moment, a cold wind blew, Huang Zhong shook unconsciously, and said: "It's cold, it's time to ask the soldiers to add more clothes!"

Ma Zhong and Zhao Yun were stunned when they heard that, they turned their heads to see Huang Zhong looking at Li Su Dazhai with a weird face, but they didn't know what he was thinking about again.


Huang Zhong sat in the big tent with a brazier in front of him. The fire in the basin was very hot, but it was only a small brazier, and Huang Zhong couldn't let the heat from such a small brazier reach his whole body no matter how powerful. Now it's winter, and the weather outside is getting colder and colder, and it's not cold anymore. Just pour a basin of water on the ground and it will freeze into ice in a short time. Only then did Huang Zhong know that the winter here is not as warm as he originally thought, at least there are still cold winds for hunting. According to the soldiers who are familiar with the weather in central Sichuan, the area of Chen Cangshan is much colder during the coldest winter.

The protection against the cold at this time is far from comparable to later generations. Clothes are not warm and tents are not warm. This is also the reason why soldiers are not suitable for use in winter in the north. It is too prone to large-scale non-combat attrition. Huang Zhong sat here thinking for a while, instead of feeling warm, only feeling getting colder and colder. "Go for a walk, maybe you will get warmer if you move!" Thinking about this, Huang Zhong stood up, ordered his guards to look after the brazier, and went straight out of the account.

The soldiers in the Zhaizhong were wearing thick clothes at this time, and each of them looked stronger than usual. As I was walking, I suddenly heard the sound of splashing water in front of me, which was very incoherent. Huang Zhong was taken aback when he heard the sound. Where did the water come from in the village? So look forward. After a short time, I was in front of Ma Zhong's big tent, and I saw a strong man in front of the tent. She only wore a set of underwear, and poured water on her body with buckets in both hands.

Huang Zhong looked carefully, not who Zhao Yun was, so he asked, "Zilong, what are you doing?"

Zhao Yun heard the sound, stopped his hands, turned his head and looked aside. Seeing that it was Huang Zhong, he smiled and said, "Han Sheng has come, and I have been in the village for many days. I haven't taken a bath, and I have nothing to do today, so I took a bath."

Huang Zhong walked in front of Zhao Yun, but felt a chill rushing towards his face. I saw Zhao Yun braving white air, and Huang Zhong knew that the water was cold water when he saw this posture.

"Zilong takes a cold bath in this weather? Are you afraid of getting sick?"

Zhao Yun put down the bucket, and immediately handed a piece of dry cloth to the left and right. Zhao Yun took it and rubbed his body while replied: "I used to be in Changshan. It was colder than this. I also took a cold shower, so I was not afraid of the cold. "As he said, a cold wind blew, Zhao Yun shivered unconsciously, seeing Huang Zhong's smile on his face, so he said: "The wind has been very strong in recent days."

After that, Zhao Yun looked up at the sky, but it was okay if he looked at it or not. Look at it. Zhao Yun's face gradually became serious.

Huang Zhong was close to him, so he could see very clearly. Seeing Zhao Yun's face changed, he followed him to the sky. There were so many and thick clouds in the sky that they actually blocked the sunlight a lot. Although Huang Zhong is a southerner, seeing this situation, he suddenly guessed a situation in his heart and knew that it was not good. But after all, he was not familiar with this kind of weather, so he looked at Zhao Yun...