Three Kingdoms

Chapter 277: Huang Zhong breaks the enemy (part 1)


Zhao Yun lowered his head and saw Huang Zhong's dignified expression. He nodded clearly, took the clothes handed from the left and right, and said while wearing: "I look at this day, I'm afraid it's going to snow!"

Huang Zhong nodded and said to Zhao Yun: "Moreover, it seems that this snow will not be too small, I shall prepare early!" As the two of them were talking, Zhao Yun had already put on his clothes, so he said to Huang Zhong: " Let's go to the big account and discuss it together!"

The two hurriedly carried to the big account. After the two arrived at the big tent, they sat down.

Just listen to Zhao Yun said: "I have been in the North for a long time. Looking at this day, it seems to mean snow, and it is not ordinary snow. I am like this, and I must prepare early." Zhao Yun is a northerner, so I don't know how The hazard of heavy snow, especially for the army stationed in the mountains, how terrifying is the lethality of heavy snow. But he couldn't just withdraw like this, wouldn't he just let Li Su run away? So he asked, "Han Sheng has any suggestions?"

Huang Zhong said: "Immediately take the soldiers up the mountain to collect firewood, as much as you can collect. It is best to find more firewood for later use. I asked Bo Gong to take out some of the clothes sent by Bo Gong, and then add a few more to the soldiers. If it really snows, the weather will be colder.” He pointed to the ground and said, “It’s after the snow. If it snows, it’s not cold and snow stops. For northerners, this sentence is already familiar. It's cooked."

When Zhao Yun heard the words, he nodded and said, "I ordered my hands to prepare!"

Huang Zhong said again: "Don't worry! I still have something to say." When he said this, Zhao Yun was taken aback, but he didn't know what Huang Zhong had to say. Just listen to Huang Zhong smile and say: "Now that the heavy snow is approaching and the weather is even colder, the opportunity to defeat Li Suzhi is right in front of me. I need to prepare early!"

Zhao Yun was puzzled when he heard the words, and asked: "Heavy snow is approaching and the army is unable to fight, but Han Sheng said that Li Suzhi's opportunity is approaching. What is the explanation for this?"

Huang Zhong smiled and said: "And prepare the extra clothes and food, and take out all the meat that caused people to fight earlier. When the snow arrives, I will give the soldiers extra meals!"


Standing outside the tent, Li Su sighed while looking at the gloomy sky. Wang Wu next to him said: "General, I have asked the soldiers to gather more firewood. The general, don't worry." Li Su sighed again. Then he said, "General Wang also lives in the north. Don’t you know that after the heavy snowfall, it is extremely cold? And our army has no food or clothes. Now many soldiers can’t support this situation, and there is such a heavy snowfall irregularly. , These thousands of soldiers will be covered here!" At the end, it became steep. And her voice trembled, as if she was enduring great pain.

Wang Wu said: "It's just a moment of cold. As long as we survive, we will definitely be able to rush out of Chen Cangshan and then return to Guanzhong."

Li Suruo smiled and said, "Going back to Guanzhong? It's difficult! I have missed the best opportunity! I now finally understand why Huang Zhong gave me the food. He used the food to keep us here. He is I want to be sleepy and wait! Now the weather is freezing, the soldiers can’t get enough food or clothes, how can they fight against Liu Xun’s army? Complete! Complete!" After speaking, she shook her head, ignored Wang Wu, and went straight back. Among the big accounts.

Wang Wu met later, knowing that Li Su was trapped here now, there was nothing to do. It’s as if he’s been trapped here for so long as if he’s waiting to die, he has tortured this long-time battlefield general to the point of collapse, but he has nothing to do. The soldiers are powerless, and no matter how good the strategy is, it’s useless. . Turning his head and looking at the weakened soldiers, Wang Wu could only helplessly shook his head, and his majestic body suddenly appeared a lot rickety. "Could it be that my Wang Wu is dying here before he is famous in the world?"

Looking up at the gloomy sky, he suddenly felt cold on his face. Wang Wu touched it with his hand, but it was a small drop of water. Looking at the sky again, there are sporadic snowflakes falling from the sky...

It snowed, and the heavy snow fell for a day and night, and all of a sudden, the ground was covered with a new layer of snow-white clothes. The two pawns were facing each other in Dazhai, but there was no voice. The soldiers mostly hid in tents and surrounded the brazier to keep warm. The dry firewood prepared a few days in advance was enough for the army to burn for a long time, and Huang Zhong took out a lot of wine from the supplies, and each handed out a little to keep him warm.

In addition, Huang Zhong also proposed that all guards' guard time be changed. Everyone only stood for half an hour before changing the guard. All the soldiers in the village stood guard in turn, but no one would want to escape. But as a result, the frostbite situation has improved a lot, and the soldiers have no complaints. After all, this kind of weather, if you stand outside for a day, no one can stand it.

However, Huang Zhong did not stay in the tent at this time, guarding the hot brazier. He was standing in front of the village, looking at Li Su's Dazhai. Zhao Yun stood beside him and asked, "What can Han Sheng see?"

Huang Zhong smiled and replied: "I have seen a lot, I don't know what Zilong wants to know?"

Zhao Yun said: "Oh? Han Sheng is so powerful? You can see a lot of things from such a distance? Let's just listen!"

Huang Zhong rubbed his cold hands and smiled: "I think Li Suzhai can't afford fireworks. I think there is not enough food, and there is too little dry wood. I guess they won't last long."

Zhao Yun frowned when he heard the words, and said, "Unfortunately, our army is well prepared, but in this kind of weather, we don't even want to kill with the enemy." As he said, he moved the slightly numb pair. foot. This movement made noises when stepping on the soft snow.

Huang Zhong said: "You don't need to kill! Just stay at night, and I will launch an offensive when I wait!"

Zhao Yun said in amazement: "No need to tear it up?"

At this moment, Zhang Yi ran out of the village, stepping on the snow along the way, making a creaking sound. Running to stand in front of Huang Zhong, Zhang Yi respectfully said: "General Huang, the things you ordered are ready!"

Huang Zhong listened and said with a smile: "Well! You tell me to go on, tonight, give the soldiers a meal, and prepare more wine and clothing. Then choose some soldiers with good voices, let them drink and eat, and follow me. Look at the opposite party!"


"Brothers in the village! Are you not hungry? Are you not cold? We have thick enough clothes and delicious, hot steamed meat. As our general said, no one must be a citizen of a big man. , Are soldiers of the big men. As long as you brothers are willing to come, we will provide you with clothes and enough food. Brothers! Everyone is Han, there is no need to fight and kill like this, and it’s freezing in this cold day, much Suffering! Brothers, as long as you come, we will immediately treat you as a brother..."

The loud shouts echoed back and forth in the night, and even if the soldiers in Li Su's Dazhai couldn't listen to them, they couldn't do it. One of the soldiers standing guard said: "How did you say they yelled? Why are they so loud?"

Another soldier said: "Whatever they do, I just listen to it. I was hungry and cold. I was still shouting for clothes and food. Didn't it mean to torture us?"

There was a soldier standing guard next to him holding a spear, rubbing both hands on his arms, cursing: "Nonsense, they were torturing us! Or else in this cold weather, who is fine? Shouting?" Similar discussions can be seen everywhere in Li Suzhai, and Li Su, as the leader, is naturally aware of this situation. But he has no way to stop these things. Can only sit in the tent and sigh.

While feeling distressed, the guard suddenly reported that Wang Wu had come to see him. Li Su said weakly, "Please come in!" Then he still sat there, as if he had lost his soul.

As soon as Wang Wu came in, he saw Li Su sitting there with his head drooping, the brazier beside him was gone, and the temperature in the big tent was only slightly warmer than outside. Busily called the left and right soldiers, re-ignited the gunpowder pot, and then stood still in front of Li Su. He felt that he didn't know how to speak now, because he knew that Li Su was already under the pressure to get up, and he was afraid that his words would become the last feather that would crush him.

Li Su glanced at Wang Wu, as if he had guessed something. Smiled and said: "I have something to say, but it doesn't matter."

When Wang Wu saw Li Su’s smile, he only felt so miserable, but when Li Su asked, he had no choice but to answer: "General Li, Zhaizhong... The grain in the village is exhausted!"

He was afraid that Li Su would hear this, and he would frown, or be furious, and want to fight Zhao Yun and others to the death. Or he was silent, but didn't want Li Su to laugh and say, "Is it? I guess it's almost the same. The food can last until now, it is the limit."

Wang Wu also said that Li Su was fascinated by the series of blows, and asked in a panic: "General, you..." Before he could finish speaking, Li Su interrupted him with a wave of his hand. Said: "I know what you want to say! I didn't think about it! I admit, I lost! And it was a terrible defeat. Maybe, even the chance of turning over is gone..."

As he was talking, suddenly a hand came down to report: "General, some soldiers have escaped from the village privately and went to the opposite Dazhai!" Wang Wu was furious when he heard this, and shouted: "Flee privately. It's time to kill!"

Li Su also frowned. At this moment, the reverberating shouts in the night sky reached his ears, and Li Su understood it all at once. "Huang Hansheng, very good, very good!" He muttered like this, but he didn't know what he was thinking...

Huang Zhong stood behind a group of soldiers, watching them holding a tube like a trumpet in their hands. Shouting there. Secretly said in his heart: "The strategy of Army Master Zhuge is really easy to use, this trick works well. I don't know if I can use it now, can it be effective." At this time, listening to the shouts of these soldiers, Huang Zhong responded to those behind him. The soldier said: "Replace them, go, and shout out what to eat! I don't believe that the group of soldiers from the Yongzhou Army are so hungry!"

The soldiers got the order, immediately stepped forward to replace the original ones, raised their horns and shouted loudly. Two of the three sentences are mentioning food, and they are echoing constantly under the dark night sky. Coupled with the posture of the two Dazhais facing each other far away, it is really weird.

Huang Zhong froze in the snow for a long time, but he didn't see half of the Yongzhou Army soldiers coming to vote. He thought: "I think it will be useless to come today. If I keep calling for a few more days, I won't believe that there will be none." He decided in his heart. , As long as one person comes over, it will cause a strong chain reaction. With the first one, there will be a second, and with the first two, there will be four. After all, no one wants to watch people have food, clothes and clothes, but they are cold and hungry by the side...