Three Kingdoms

Chapter 278: Huang Zhong breaks the enemy (part 2)


"Who? Come out!" Huang Zhongzheng pondered, and suddenly heard a loud shout from the surrounding soldiers, he immediately became alert and looked forward. I saw in the dark night, there seemed to be a shadow walking slowly towards this side, shouting feebly: "I am from the opposite village, really... Is there really food?"

Huang Zhong was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly ordered: "Quick! Come in! Get the clothes for him!" With such a joy, he forgot that he was in the snow and ice, and said that the flowers are already blooming.

Hearing Huang Zhong's order, the soldiers on the left and right hurriedly took the clothes and rushed up. First, they collected the soldier's weapons, and then passed the clothes over, leading him to walk back. As he walked, he said: "Brother! Don't worry, there is meat in the pot, and there are many more! You can eat enough!" These are naturally taught by Huang Zhong beforehand, so that the soldiers of the Yongzhou Army who came to live up. It is much better to stay behind than to go back, so that you can use these Yongzhou soldiers who ran over to continue propaganda and seduce more soldiers from the Yongzhou Army.

"Shout! Shout hard! I don't believe that there is the first one, there is no second one!" Huang Zhongdale finally saw the results, and seeing the effect of the shouting, the soldiers shouted harder and harder. You know, Huang Zhongke told them that as long as someone called, he would add a meal after he went back.

After Huang Zhongdi shouted and attacked for four consecutive days, the effect could be described as amazing. Huang Zhong's original intention was to cause deserters to appear in Li Su's army, making morale worse, and then chaos. But he didn't expect that Li Suzhai would have no grain or rice. After several days of persisting, these soldiers finally couldn't bear the hunger and ran out in the dark.

Li Su can't do anything about this, what should I do? Send someone to guard? The guards ran away by themselves. Guarded by yourself? He and Wang Wu are only two people together. There are thousands of soldiers in the village. How does he think about living

In this way, four days later, nearly a thousand soldiers had escaped and ran to Huang Zhong to eat. However, Huang Zhong did not refuse all those who came, and took all these soldiers over, leaving the village alone. Make Zhang Yi responsible for the management of these surrenders, and these surrenders will have a full meal when they first arrive, and they will also receive clothing to resist the severe cold, and even after a while, they will also send out some drinks for them to drink. drink. Now, if you invite them back to Li Suna, they are unwilling to leave.

At that time, Zhang Yi said to Huang Zhong with a look of admiration: "General Huang is really powerful, and I only know what the words of the day mean today! I don't want to have so many soldiers..."

After staying for ten days, Li Suzhai's soldiers escaped a lot, and he himself didn't know how many soldiers he had left. The remaining soldiers lay there all day long, unable to move since they were hungry. It is Li Su himself who sits in the tent every day. Let him get up and inspect Dazhai? He doesn't have that strength anymore.

The weather is gradually warming up at this time. Although it will not warm up all at once, it is much stronger than when the mountains were covered with snow a few days ago. The sky was cloudless outside, and the sun was shining warmly on the body. It's a pity that Li Su wasn't in the mood to go out and enjoy. He sat in the tent and looked at the map of Guanzhong in front of him.

At this moment, there was a sound of shouting to kill, but there was no sound of weapons chatting, not even the screams. Li Su knows. Huang Zhong led soldiers and horses to attack. Having trapped him here for so long, Huang Zhong was waiting, waiting for the day when his army was completely incapable of resisting. The shouts of the past few days were just waiting while he was seriously injured. With a stroke, his power was lost more quickly.

At this moment, a soldier rushed into the big tent. Anxiously shouted: "General. The enemy has entered the village! The brothers have been hungry for a long time, and have no strength to resist. General Li. Before the enemy has reached here, the general will run away!"

Hearing this, Li Su stood up awkwardly and shouted angrily: "Escape? Where can I escape?" After speaking, after taking the weapon, he said: "Leave the account with me!" Then he rushed out of the big account first. It seems to be fighting to death with the enemy.

However, when he rushed out of the account. However, they found that they were already full of Han soldiers standing outside their big tents. Seeing Li Su came out, these soldiers immediately clenched their weapons and stared at the general of the Yongzhou Army. Seeing such a scene, Li Su didn't know what to do for a while.

Huang Zhong led the soldiers and horses into the Yongzhou Army Dazhai. The soldiers of the Yongzhou Army did not say they resisted, but they did not even move. Some soldiers of the Yongzhou Army even showed joyful eyes. I think I don’t have enough energy and I can’t escape to the opposite village. Now that the opponent is calling, I can’t just leave myself alone, right? "I heard that Liu Xun has always treated prisoners kindly!" With this idea in their hearts, countless soldiers of the Yongzhou Army were secretly happy to be Huang Zhong's prisoners.

And Huang Zhong himself, riding a horse at this time, patrolled Li Su's Dazhai back and forth, searching for Li Su and Wang Wu. If you find it, you must report it as soon as possible. Before Ling went down, someone immediately reported: "General, Li Su found it!" Huang Zhongwen reported overjoyed and said, "Take me!" The soldier was busy leading the way, and Huang Zhong followed closely behind. From time to time, I urged: "Hurry up, don't let Li Su run away!" Who thought the soldier smiled: "General, Li Su is surrounded by our brothers. Even if he puts on his wings, he can't run away. "Yes." Huang Zhong said with a smile: "What the hell? Take me there!" The soldier smiled and replied: "General, just ahead..."

In fact, the soldier didn't answer Huang Zhong's words, and he had already seen it. He was riding a horse, naturally looking farther than others. In front of the big tent, countless soldiers surrounded a warrior, who was wearing a battle armor and carrying a long spear, but who was Li Su

Then Li Su also saw Huang Zhong. The two looked at each other from a distance, only to see one vigorous and the other with a gray face. If it weren’t for a gleam in his eyes, no one could tell this. The embarrassed person was associated with the famous Li Su. Huang Zhong rode a horse and looked at Li Su with a smug look at each other for a long while. The two were looking at each other. Suddenly they saw Li Su sighed up to the sky, threw the spear away, and cried up to the sky: "Lord! I will not be able to worry about the ruler anymore!" After speaking, he pulled out his waist with a sword and went straight to his neck. erase.

Huang Zhong was shocked, but he also forgot that even if Li Su didn't commit suicide, it would be useful to catch him back. At this moment, he just thought: "You can't let him die like this."

Peering with his left hand, he took the longbow at hand. The longbow hung behind the saddle, and he could take it off as long as he leaned back. The right hand also leaned back, squeezed a feather arrow, followed both hands closely, set the arrow and opened the bow, a series of movements were completed in the blink of an eye. After Huang Zhong finished these actions, he didn't even have time to aim, he just shot an arrow with his feeling. After the arrow flew out of his hand, Huang Zhong saved it. "It's over! This arrow won't shoot him directly, will it?"

The soldiers around did not expect that Li Su would suddenly drew out his sword to slay himself, so even the soldiers of the Yongzhou Army beside Li Su were stunned and forgot to step forward and stop Li Su, seeing that Li Su was about to die by the sword. Next, I suddenly heard a sound of metal clinking, and then I saw a long sword flying up from Lao Gao, and a feather arrow in the sky for a few times, and then it fell to the ground with a clang.

Li Su's hand was trembling, blood was bleeding from the tiger's mouth, and a shallow scratch on his neck revealed a trace of bright red. Looking up, he saw Huang Zhong holding a long bow and sitting on his horse majesticly. Li Su said softly, "Why? Why?"

At this time, Li Su's soldiers finally reacted. Those things just finished in the blink of an eye, until Huang Zhong hit the sword in Li Su's hand with an arrow, shook the sword out of his hand, and saved Li Su's life. These few people reacted and their lord was about to commit suicide. These soldiers hurriedly fell down beside Li Su. Persuaded: "The general has the talent of Wang Zuo, but today is only a defeat on the battlefield, how to find short-term? And the general's defeat is really no food to eat, or even no soldiers available, which has nothing to do with the general's ability. In the end, victory or defeat is a common matter for soldiers, and the general can't be more self-blame!" After crying and persuading, Li Su finally gave up suicidal thoughts.

But he wanted to commit suicide again. Huang Zhong did not do it either. He was hesitant to see Li Su. Immediately ordered: "And tie him up. It's good to take care of him, don't let him take his own life!" Mo, then said: "First, get him some food, tell him to eat first. I won't starve to death."

Then he looked at the left and right again, and ordered: "Bring these soldiers together and retreat. Return to the camp!" After that, I suddenly remembered something, and asked the left and right: "Have you ever seen Wang Wu?" He replied from left to right, "Never!" Huang Zhong sighed after hearing the words, "Tell him to run!" But when he turned his head, he happened to see Li Su with a frustrated face, and said with joy: "You can catch Li Su, you can catch him. Wang Wu wants to be much stronger." Thinking about this. Huang Zhong smiled, and his whole body exuded triumphant energy. Leading soldiers and horses, leisurely rushed to Dazhai and returned.

In Xiabian City, Liu Xun set up a banquet to entertain the generals who had returned after victory. Liu Xun was sitting on top, and Zhuge Liang and Fazheng were naturally beside him.

Everyone had a good time eating, drinking, talking and laughing. And Liu Xun, sitting on the head at this time, with a smile on his face, the whole person was very happy, and he kept talking and laughing with everyone, and never left anyone in the cold. Liu Xun said to everyone: "To eliminate Chen Cangshan's enemies, all the princes will do their best!"

At this time, Zhuge Liang only heard Zhuge Liang say: "Old General Huang personally killed the enemy general Xu Rong, and captured Li Su. In the end, he did not live up to the master's entrustment, and has now defeated the enemy and surrendered nearly 10,000 soldiers."

Regarding the method by which Li Su was defeated, who made this plan, and what the specific details were when it was implemented at that time, the Fazheng had already explained the details to everyone.

Don't say Liu Xun listened, it was because everyone in the hall heard that Huang Zhong made a strange thing, and the soldiers couldn't help but laugh when they kept shouting at the time of the meal. He chuckled, and waited for it to come out. , Li Su's army immediately disintegrated, and after countless soldiers escaped from the village and went to their side, they all opened their mouths and couldn't laugh anymore.

Thousands of troops were tortured and defeated by Huang Zhong with this rags, and when he led troops into Li Su Village, no one resisted. The enemy general Li Su attempted suicide and was captured by Huang Zhong. Those Han soldiers who have been lost will soon be replenished by trained soldiers from the descending army.

When Liu Xun first heard about Huang Zhong’s policy, he was only amused. When he heard that he used this policy to torture Li Su's army, and then defeated Li Su almost bloodlessly, he sighed: "I don't want to Han Sheng came up with such a plan!” Then remembered that when Huang Zhong envoy Zhang Yi had come to ask for food, grass and clothes, Zhuge Liang immediately agreed, and immediately prepared all the clothes he wanted. Zhuge Liang had already guessed this plan when he came to think. Said to Zhuge Liang: "Since the military master knew it at the beginning, why didn't he tell me?"

Zhuge Liang said: "At the time, I could only tell Li Su's army to have no fighting spirit, but I did not expect it to have such an effect. It is a pity that Li Su is unwilling to serve our army. He has been executed for the sake of strict military discipline. !"

"Oh!" Liu Xun sighed deeply, and then said: "All meritorious soldiers are rewarded, the whole army will rest for more than a month, and when the weather is warm, let the troops go out!" After Liu Xun finished, he raised the wine jue. And all...