Three Kingdoms

Chapter 282: Zhao Zilong fights Li Meng (part 2)


Therefore, when Li Meng took back the painting of the halberd just now, it was as if he had cut another halberd, causing Zhao Yun's body to be shaken by the shock. This is Li Meng's second attribute of anger when he was collecting the halberd. Therefore, Li Meng's power to reclaim the halberd was emitted on both sides of the painting. That is, while not delaying the recruitment, use the power of the recruitment to attack Zhao Yun again.

When Li Meng defeated Zhang Yi and Thunder Copper yesterday, he did not use this power, so Liu Xun did not notice. However, facing Zhao Yun today, Li Meng had to do his best. Under this blow, Liu Xun was shocked, and he secretly squeezed Zhao Yun's sweat.

With this blow, Li Meng struck Zhao Yun coldly and took the lead. How could he let Zhao Yun slow his hand and let out a loud roar, "Uh, ha!" "Chaos!" Fang Tian's painting of a halberd suddenly turned into a thousand pieces. Looking up, the sky was full of halberd shadows, covering Zhao Yun like a storm.

"Be careful, Zilong!" Liu Xun, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Fei shouted out almost at the same time.

Zhao Yun didn't expect that Li Meng would have such a blow when he was recruiting. He suddenly cut it off, and Zhao Yun was caught off guard. He gathered all his strength to resolve Li Meng's blow. Both breathing and rhythm were affected, and Li Meng took the lead.

At this moment, seeing Li Meng's painting halberd hitting the sky, Zhao Yun bit his steel teeth and burst into a shout. He violently lifted the gentian silver spear and swept it in the air, "Fuck!" This cried out, and three shots suddenly appeared. , Like an electric flint, swept out, when there was a sound of impact in the air. This is exactly the style of Zhao Yunfei's rainbow rounding the moon. It is Zhao Yun's unique knowledge of the house, combined with the gentian and bright silver spear, and is extremely overbearing. Rao is so, but still failed to resolve Li Meng's tricks.

Zhao Yun didn't hesitate after finishing the "Flick" word formula, "Flying rainbow round the moon and shave!" The word pattern followed, and the gentian bright silver spears suddenly turned into a row, all attacking in the air.

"Hundred Flowers!" Zhao Yun shouted again, and countless gun shadows flashed in mid-air, like flying snow all over the sky, colliding with Li Meng's halberd-like hurricane frequently, the sound of "dingdong" in mid-air continued, sparks chaotic. Channeling, continued for a while before stopping.

Li Meng's frantic state seemed to have reached the limit of time. He collected Fang Tian's halberd and turned it into a whole. With a full blow, he blew the wind, and attacked Zhao Yunzhong Road.

Zhao Yun continued to use the three forms of flying rainbow through the moon to withstand Li Meng's stormy attack, and the palms of his hands were sweaty. This is the first time that Zhao Yun has ever charged. In the past, Feihong Guanyue used to kill the enemy with one blow. However, Zhao Yun couldn't help being more cautious when he even used the three methods to resolve the crisis.

Li Meng knew that his frantic state could not be fired continuously, so in order to avoid letting Zhao Yun take the lead, after closing, taking advantage of the advantage he had just now, and continuing to attack, Fang Tian painted a halberd and swept with all his strength.

Zhao Yun seemed to have discovered this too. Seeing that Li Meng's offensive was greatly reduced, he knocked the gentian bright silver spear outward, fending off Li Meng's halberd, and followed up with an attack, "Flying through the moon!" "The word Jue went straight to Li Meng's slanting shoulder. The first attribute of Zhao Yun's anger is a fast character. This flying rainbow circling the moon is to raise the anger to the highest point. This "split!" word tactic is by no means as simple as a single blow. Make three ways, divide the left and right, the middle and the three ways together.

Li Meng swung the halberd to the left and right, fending off the two shots from the left and the center. It was too late to meet the third shot. He hurriedly turned sideways, and Huo Yunma took a step horizontally before avoiding it.

Zhao Yun dominated with a single blow, and the offensive was unabated. The gentian flashed his silver spear and waved, "Zhou break!", but within a round, like a silver dragon flying end to end, making a circle, endlessly galloping. .

Li Meng saw that Zhao Yun's attack was so ferocious, he hurriedly raised his breath, "Chaos!", thousands of halberd shadows reappeared, covering the galloping silver dragon, and the sound of "Ting Ting Lian!" Passing through the shadow of the halberd, it turned into a fire dragon, sparks shooting in all directions, and silver flowers flying around.

Suddenly, Yinlong disappeared. Seeing that Zhao Yun had finished his trick, Li Meng changed his halberd offensive, and attacked Zhao Yun overwhelmingly.

Zhao Yun had already experienced this stormy attack by Li Meng. Once the "Zhou Break" was used up, he immediately changed the style, "Hundred Flowers!" and "Dial!" The two styles were handed out one after another and connected with Li Meng's painting of a halberd.

Three armed forces and two camps, inside and outside the camp, everyone was stunned. Who has seen such a fight, even the generals of the Han army are dumbfounded, Zhang Fei stared and said to himself: "Is this our Zilong?"

Li Meng and Zhao Yun each exhibited what they had learned in their lives and fought together before the battle. A red horse and red robe and a red halberd are like a phoenix of Nirvana; a white horse and white robe with a bright silver spear looks like a silver dragon going out to sea. The two guns went back and forth, fighting in one place, from early morning to noon, more than three hundred together, it is difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat.

These soldiers of the three armies and two formations can be regarded as opening their eyes, one by one, they are full of emotions. There were applauds and discussions, and they all seemed to have entered a state of selflessness, as excited as watching a great drama.

Unknowingly an hour passed, Li Meng and Zhao Yun had already killed nearly three hundred rounds, and they had been fighting for a long time. Both of them had slowed down their moves, and they seemed to be quite tired.

Wei Yan looked at the formation, looked at Liu Xun, and seemed hesitant to speak. "Chang Wen, what's the matter?" Liu Xun saw that Wei Yan's expression was wrong and asked.

"Lord, now Li Meng has fought General Zilong for nearly three hundred rounds. Looking at the situation, both of them are exhausted. General Huang's archery is like a god, and Li Meng is fighting hard at the moment, and he must have no time to look around. Please Huang The old general...".

"No," Liu Xun raised his hand and didn't let Wei Yan go on. "Now Zilong and Li Meng are fighting in front of the formation, more than three hundred together, regardless of the outcome. If we sneak an attack at this time, even if we kill Li Meng, But what is the dignity of Zhao Zilong of Changshan? In order to kill an enemy general, he destroyed the reputation of Zilong I. It is really worthless. Not only can we not sneak attack, and today Zilong and Li Meng fight, no one can do it."

"The lord's lesson is that Wei Yan is short-sighted, and the lord forgives sins."

Liu Xun smiled, "You are not wrong, I am the one who is wrong. You are based on the military situation, I am inspiring. But Zilong is my general. I will not do what he does not want to do. Not only It’s him, change to be either of you, and I’m the same."

"I said, Old Wei, don't think about it!" Zhang Fei patted Wei Yan on the shoulder, "You don't know what Zilong's temper is? Now let's help him and tell him where to put his face? Let's talk about it. Zilong has never been at a disadvantage, let's watch it with peace of mind."

"Well, what General Zhang Fei said is." Wei Yan nodded and said no more, continuing to stare at the fight between the two in front of the formation.

At this time, Zhao Yun and Li Meng had been combined for three hundred rounds, and it was already early afternoon, and both of them seemed to be reaching their limits. Li Meng dashed at Zhao Yun's face, and the horse jumped out of the circle, then raised his hand at Zhao Yun, "Hold on!"

Zhao Yun was also out of breath, so he took the gentian shining gun away, looked at Li Meng, and asked, "How are you doing?"

Li Meng took two breaths and said, "You and I have been fighting for a long time, and we have been tired and exhausted. If you continue to fight, you will lose both. If you are not afraid of me, you will have a truce today. Return to camp and rest and fight again tomorrow! How about? "

"Hmph," Zhao Yun smiled slightly, "Whether it's so, if you fight again tomorrow, you will be cut under the horse!"

"Hey! It's useless to say more! I'm going to Li Meng, Ruxiu will catch up!" After Li Meng finished speaking, he turned his horse's head and ran back to the formation.

Zhao Yun also pulled the silk rein and rode his horse back. In the two formations of the three armies, no one knew who led the head. The soldiers, regardless of the enemy and us, shouted in unison, Changshan Zhao Zilong! Changshan Zhao Zilong! "

When Zhao Yun returned to the front of the battle, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan and other generals all gave Zhao Yun a thumbs up. Liu Xun laughed loudly, "Zilong! You opened my eyes to me today. This battle is so powerful! Go back to the camp and I will celebrate for you! Hahahaha".

"I said Zilong! When did you learn such martial arts? Lao Zhang has never seen you before, so you are a dragon, you are still hiding with me!"

"Ha ha ha, Yi De, you are telling a joke again!"

"Hey, you have to give me a good rehearsal of your marksmanship another day."

"It's easy to say, Yi De has life, how dare the little brother not follow? Hahahaha".

The Han Jun brothers talked and laughed, completely forgetting that they were in the middle of two battles.

Guo Bang led his troops back, and Liu Xun also returned his troops to the camp.

Another day passed, and before the pass was over, it was already gloomy. Liu Xun slammed his gun and immediately led the brothers of the Han army to confront Guo Bangjun. The cold wind blows on the cheeks, the stinging life hurts, and the clouds are pressed against the sky, occasionally revealing a little sky, which is more and more depressing.

"General Wang!" Guo Bang called by name.

"Subordinates are here."

"Yesterday, General Li fought for a few hours, and I must have been tired. Today, you will go out and fight for General Li to rest for a day."

As soon as Wang Fang heard this, he scolded his mother, "Grandma's, Changshan Zhao Zilong's ability, you have also seen it, you don't dare to go, why let me die!"

He cursed in his heart, but Wang Fang didn't dare to disobey the military order, so he had to respond, bring his horse out of the battle, and come to fight.

Seeing Wang Fang came out, Liu Xun smiled and said to Huang Zhong: "Old General Huang, you are the first to fight today!"

Wang Fang went out to fight, Huang Zhong took the order of Liu Xun and took the lead. "Wow!" A string of roars, with his mouth open, holding a high yellow dragon hook and sickle, as if mad, he rushed towards the king.

"Ah! Wang Fangxiu is crazy! Take my Huang Zhong a knife!"

Huang Zhong rushed to the king's side and performed the "Huanglong Chain Knife" move, raising a big knife at the king's chest and slashing.

When Wang Fang saw that it was not Zhao Yun, the fear in his heart suddenly disappeared. He lifted the long sword and used the "long attack to break the enemy" to greet Huang Zhong with the big sword fiercely.

When an attack encounters a block, the "serial knife" move will produce a continuous momentum to punch the opponent. This is also the origin of the "serial knife".

The "Long Strike" anger is to reduce the space for exerting force, without having to open and close, you can also use your full strength.

These two people fought in one place, each with a powerful and prestigious battle. After more than fifty rounds of battle, Wang Fang gradually lost. Selling a flaw, when Huang Zhong cuts it with a big knife, he uses the "long strike" technique with all his strength, swings two swords in a row, hits Huang Zhong with one blow, pulls his horse's hoof, turns around and retreat...