Three Kingdoms

Chapter 35: The three will show their majesty


The news came so suddenly that Yan Baihu couldn't believe his ears. Yan Xing would be annihilated, which he never expected. He originally believed that even if he could not kill Sun Ce, he would surely be able to defeat the enemy.

But now the news that was waiting was that the main army was wiped out and the city was also surrounded by Sun Ce's army.

Those patrons who were still yelling just now stopped talking and didn't know what to do.

Time seemed to stand still, everyone was stunned and motionless.

Sun Ce outside the city was not idle. Sun Ce ordered people to shoot arrows into the city, and the arrow was wrapped in a letter of surrender. The paper says "As long as you surrender, you will be given preferential treatment."

Sun Wu's army shouted, "surrender without killing, surrender without killing..." The momentum was shocking and it was frightening.

The voice also reached Yan Baihu's ears, and he tremblingly asked: "Now that the general trend of our army is gone, what should you say?"

It seems that Yan Baihu is very panicked now, how to say he is also a vassal, but he is so useless, it is ridiculous!

"It's better to surrender. They also said that as long as they surrender, they will treat us preferentially."

"You are too naive, right? Under the broken nest, you have finished your eggs? The lord has a good relationship with the prefect Wang Lang of Kuaiji, it is better to go to Wang Lang."

"After Sun Ce captures Wu Jun, Kuaiji will definitely be his next goal. Wang Lang is definitely not Sun Ce's opponent. Where shall we go by then?"

The ministers expressed their views one after another, and Yan Baihu was full of doubts and hesitating.

The army outside the city can't wait any longer.

"His grandmother, why isn't Yan Baihu this chopstick moving?" Huang Gai was very anxious, waving the weapon in his hand, very annoyed.

"What are you waiting for? The morale of our army is booming. It's better to attack the city as soon as possible." Zhou Tai was already waiting anxiously, already gearing up, eager to try.

"Don't worry about the two generals. First, scare the soldiers in the city. It will be easier to attack the city after a while." Seeing Huang Gai and Han Dang in a hurry, Zhou Yu quickly persuaded them to wait patiently for a while.

"Yes, the siege equipment hasn't arrived yet, how can you attack the city? It seems that you have to wait a while." Jiang Qin said freely, but the siege equipment had not arrived.

Sun Ce was watching Wu Cheng's movement at this time, feeling full of emotion in his heart. Wu Cheng is already in front of him, now it is within easy reach. Jiangdong's hegemony has taken another step forward. Suddenly I heard the generals calling for battle, restless, and laughed, "The generals are eager and understandable. Wait patiently for a while, there will surely be a chance to do something."

Seeing that the soldiers were exhausted, Zhu Zhi said to Sun Ce: “It’s midnight now, and everyone hasn’t eaten yet. It’s better to let the soldiers eat first, take a rest, and wait until the siege equipment arrives. Siege."

Zhu Zhi used to be Sun Jian's subordinate and played a very important role in Sun Ce's occupation of Danyang County.

Sun Ce ordered to go down and let the three armies bury the pot and cook and rest on the spot.

After receiving Sun Ce's order, the messenger on horseback yelled: "The lord has an order, bury the pot in place to cook food." Due to the large number of soldiers, the messenger could not run over. They told one by one, they could only ride and shuttle through the army. In time, convey the order.

The soldiers were already tired, and after hearing the order, everyone happily set up the pot. In the dark night, there was a little fire.

After eating, everyone was sitting or lying down, and finally sometimes took a rest for a while.

The summer night is short, and it is early morning without knowing it.

"Master, the ladder is here."

Sun Ce, who was still in the shadows, was awakened by a sudden sound.

It turned out that Han Dang was ordered to transport the ladder from Danyang overnight.

The siege equipment has arrived, but Yan Baihu has no intention of surrendering. It seems that he can only attack the city.

Sun Ce immediately ordered, "The three armies follow the order, and the whole army rushes to attack the city."

"The lord has ordered the three armies to attack the city quickly."

"The lord has ordered the three armies to attack the city quickly."


The order was quickly communicated to the whole army, and the soldiers moved.

In an instant, a cloud ladder was quickly hit the top of the city.

"Charge, charge..."

The soldiers all held back their energy, their spirits were lifted, and the shouts shook the sky, and Wu Cheng was crumbling.

"The first soldier to board Wucheng, rewards one hundred gold."

Sun Ce was infected by the atmosphere of the whole army and issued such an incentive measure.

"Hundred gold? That's a lot of money."

After hearing the news, Huang Gai became more excited and rushed forward.

"The gold must be mine!"

Han Dang's eyes fired, and he couldn't wait to take the gold into his arms immediately.

Zhou Tai had already invaded the city at this time.

Huang Gai and Zhou Tai also rushed up at this time, and Sun Wu soldiers gradually pressed up.

The defenders at the head of the city had no fighting spirit, and they disintegrated before they could resist, and fled for their lives.

Jiang Qin led a team of troops from the city to the city gate, opened the gate, and Sun Wu's army poured into the city like a flood.

Yan Baihu in the palace had already received the news that the city gate had fallen, and the end had really come.

The main book, Yang Feng, persuaded Yan Baihu to run away, but Yan Baihu was already disheartened at this time, and said to the officials: "The situation is over. You may come down or escape, just go."

After everyone heard it, they fled, and no one stayed.

Yan Baihu sighed deeply, "They are all ungrateful villains." At this time, he was already frustrated, sitting on his throne, just drinking. It seemed that he was smashing the jar and waiting for Sun Ce.

Lu Meng took the lead and led a team of soldiers into Yan Baihu's government office.

I saw a large white-faced man in luxurious clothes sitting there drinking, looking very haggard.

"Who are you?" Lu Meng asked sharply.

"Blind your dog's eyes, I am the'East Wu Dewang' Yan Baihu." At this time, Yan Baihu's mouth was quite hard and he was very unconvinced.

"Look at him, I will invite the lord," Lu Meng ordered, then turned and walked out.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Sun Ce leading a group of people to the government office. Lu Meng shouted: "Master, Yan Baihu has been caught by me, right here."

After Sun Ce and others heard, they walked towards Lu Meng.

When he arrived in the hall, Sun Ce looked at Yan Baihu, and saw that Yan Baihu was white and fat, with fat head and big ears. It seemed that his usual life was pretty good.

"I heard that you have no less than 20 dishes per meal, life is very luxurious."

Zhou Yu had long heard that Yan Baihu would enjoy it very much, and today he finally had the opportunity to verify it face-to-face.

"I am the King of Virtue, living a luxurious life is nothing." Yan Baihu said without embarrassment, taking his luxurious life for granted.

"Do you know that because of your enjoyment, the people of Wu County have a heavy burden. How many people in Wu County are displaced by you, and their wives are scattered."

Sun Ce asked sharply, very angry, and the blue veins on his face burst out.

Yan Baihu kept shivering with his head down without a word.

"It's better to slaughter this beast."

"Such a person should be killed."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and demanded that Yan Baihu, who had harmed the people, be killed.

Sun Ce pondered for a while, cleared his throat and said: "Yan Baihu is indeed hateful. However, our army should not kill too much when entering Wu County. We should send him to Danyang for imprisonment." Sun Ce's strategy is indeed clever and will be strict. When Baihu was put under house arrest, he could not only appear to be forgiving, but also eliminate Yan Baihu's threat.

Huang Gai, Zhou Tai, and Han were three fierce generals. Because of their extraordinary bravery in the siege, Sun Ce rewarded each of them with one hundred gold.

Since then, Jun Wu has also fallen into the hands of Sun Ce, his strength has greatly increased, and the situation in Jiangdong has become more clear. But Jingzhou is messy...