Three Kingdoms

Chapter 39: Liu Xun plans to break Pei Yuanshao (part 2)


Liu Xun deliberately asked Zhou Cang to pretend to take refuge in Pei Yuanshao. However, Zhou Cang and Pei Yuanshao used to be brothers after all, so Liu Xun didn't know what Zhou Cang thought.

Zhou Cang was originally a loyal and honest person, with more than bravery, and lack of strategy. If a flaw is revealed, he will definitely be stunned. It will be even more difficult to get rid of Pei Yuanshao at that time.

Liu Xun worried that Zhou Cang would not be able to take on such an important task, hesitated and hesitated.

"Is there anything the general needs to do? As long as I can do it, I will do my best to finish it." Zhou Cang seemed to see that Liu Xun had something on his mind.

Liu Xun looked at Zhou Cang, thinking that there was no other suitable candidate right now, so he could only give it a try.

"How did you and Pei Yuanshao meet?" Liu Xun said suddenly.

Zhou Cang answered five to ten: "Back then, I couldn't afford to eat. In order to survive, I joined the Yellow Turban Army. I met Pei Yuanshao in the army. At that time, I thought that Pei Yuanshao was righteous, so I went with him. We became brothers. Then our army was broken up, and we led thousands of brothers to a mountain in the boundary of Fancheng to become bandits. Unexpectedly, Pei Yuanshao was cruel and greedy. How to persuade him, he would No. So I left the cottage in a fit of anger and went to the gate of General Guan Yu."

Zhou Cang was also sincere, explaining his own experience clearly. For Zhou Cang, the 17-year-old young master in front of him was his lifesaver. If Liu Xun hadn't said a few good things for him, he might have died long ago.

"Hey..." Liu Xun sighed deeply, looking haggard and worried.

Zhou Cang looked around, didn't see anything special, and quickly asked, "Why did the general sigh suddenly?"

Seeing that the time was right, Liu Xun said, "I am worried about the people of Fancheng. It was easy for our army to take down Fancheng, but the culprits used the people as a shield. Even if we take down Fancheng, we will lose popular support."

"Then there is no other way? Pei Yuanshao is very tyrannical and eager to have fun. If we capture Fancheng one day later, the people will suffer one more day." Zhou Cang is more anxious, and he still knows Pei Yuanshao very well. Besides, Fan Cheng was lost under his hands, so he was anxious and blamed himself.

Liu Xun saw the color of guilt from Zhou Cang’s expression and saw his hatred for Pei Yuanshao, so he took the opportunity to say: “I want to send someone to sneak into the city and find an opportunity to open the city gate, and the inside and outside will work together to capture Fancheng. To achieve the goal, it can avoid harming the people. However, I cannot find a suitable candidate."

"I'll go" Zhou Cang rushed to say as soon as Liu Xun's voice fell. "I am most familiar with Pei Yuanshao, but it is the most suitable for me to go."

"Will he trust you?" Liu Xun was still a little worried.

"It doesn't matter, I have my own way to make him believe me. Raise the fire tonight. The army will lie in ambush outside the city first. When I succeed, I will set a fire on the wall. When you see the fire, you will rush into the city, General." Zhou Cang seemed very confident.

Liu Xun felt that Zhou Cang seemed more clever than before, and he had to look at Zhou Cang with admiration.

"Okay. After I succeed, I will give you the first credit, and report to the lord, and restore your official position." Liu Xun said happily, it seems that Zhou Cang is still very reliable.

"I don't ask for meritorious service. I just hope to redeem my sins and repay the Lord's life-saving grace. Fancheng was lost in my hands, and I have the responsibility to take it back." Zhou Cang said with a clear head.

A breeze blew by, and the flag fluttered in the wind.

Early the next morning, Zhou Cang appeared at the foot of Fancheng and shouted to the city: "Listen to the city, I am Zhou Cang. I want to go to the city to see your king."

The small leader of the thief who defended the city took a look, and he didn't know whether it was true or not.

At this time, the sun has risen to the highest level. The prefectural palace looked very dazzling under the sunlight. Entering the courtyard, Zhou Cang couldn't believe his eyes. All kinds of debris are piled up everywhere in the yard. Watermelon rinds, leftovers, and torn clothes and shoes were everywhere, smelly, and flies were flying in the middle.

The soldiers were sitting together in twos and threes, throwing dice, fighting crickets, and fighting cocks. A good government office became a large courtyard within two days.

Inside the mansion, Pei Yuanshao sat crookedly on a chair, and the maid beside him peeled off the peel and put the pulp piece by piece into his mouth. There is also an almost fucking dancing girl around, playing with Pei Yuanshao. It seems that Pei Yuanshao enjoys such a life very much.

"Brother, you have to take me in, I have nowhere to go." Zhou Cang cried as soon as he saw Pei Yuanshao, looking very pitiful.

"Why, you are not dead yet." Pei Yuanshao continued to play with the beauty, and from time to time, he took the wine that another maid had handed over, and utterly admired it.

Zhou Cang cried even more sadly, "It's all because of you. You took Fancheng in my hands. Can Liu Bei let me go?"

"Well, we are brothers, we are blessed to share, but I don't have any place here. East Gate still lacks a captain who guards the gate. Would you like to go?"

"Of course I do, as long as I have a place to stay." Zhou Cang said quickly.

Pei Yuanshao wanted to use this to humiliate Zhou Cang and ask Zhou Cang to guard the goal for him. But Zhou Cang was very happy. This happened to have the opportunity to open the gate of the city and enlarge the army to come in.

At the East City Gate, an attendant pointed to Zhou Cang and said to the soldiers, "This is your new captain, and you all listen to him."

Zhou Cang quickly became one with the soldiers guarding the city.

"You are all newcomers. When I used to occupy the mountain as king with Pei Yuanshao, I never met you." Zhou Cang asked.

"Yes, yes. I heard that veterans are drinking and eating meat in the Taishou Mansion, but we can only defend the city here." The soldiers said one after another.

"Why are there so many people." Zhou Cang pointed to the many people who were tied together by ropes. Both men and women are crying.

"Oh, the enemy is so powerful. Without these people as a shield, we can't hold it at all." Someone replied.

Zhou Cang took out a piece of gold from his arms and put it in his hand. Those soldiers looked straight, and they were really a lot of money.

"I am here for the first time, and tonight I will use the gold to invite everyone to the best restaurant to eat and drink." Zhou Cang said, looking at the drooling soldiers.

"Who will handle the gate of the city?" Someone expressed his worry.

Zhou Cang handed the gold to a soldier's hand, and then said: "I will watch for you, there are so many people on the wall, they dare not attack the city. Don't worry, I will bear it if something goes wrong."

These recruits have long been greedy for the veterans to drink and eat meat. Someone paid for them to eat out tonight. Of course they accepted it and nodded one after another.

At night, the thieves in the east gate were all happy to go to the restaurant.

Seeing them walking away, Zhou Cang quickly opened the city gate, and a fire ignited on the city wall.

Seeing the signal from the east gate, Liu Xun outside the city hurriedly ordered the whole army to rush to the east gate.

After Zhou Cang cut off the ropes from the people, he hurriedly joined Liu Xun.

Liu Xun asked Guan Yu, Xiang Chong, and Zhou Cang to lead a team of people to the three gates of the south, north, and west to rescue the people, while he led an army to the prefectural palace to capture Pei Yuanshao.

Pei Yuanshao is immersed in the gentle township of the dancer, half-dreaming and half-awake, dazed. Suddenly hearing the shouts shook the sky, Pei Yuanshao was shocked, pushed the dancing girl away, got up quickly, picked up the weapon, and rushed out, without paying attention to his own upper body.

The thieves in the prefect's mansion had no idea that a large army would be killed in the middle of the night.

Liu Xun glanced at the culprit coming out of the bedroom. Since he slept in the best place, it must be Pei Yuanshao. Liu Xun was so angry that he picked up the Beidou spear and ran towards Pei Yuanshao.

Pei Yuanshao was terrified, and hurriedly brandished a broadsword at Liu Xun.

Liu Xun flicked the spear lightly and lifted the big knife away. Then, he leaped up and kicked Pei Yuanshao to the ground.

Pei Yuanshao yelled in pain, and the big knife flew a few feet away.

The soldiers stepped forward, caught Pei Yuanshao, and tied them up.

At this time, Guan Yu, Xiang Chong, Zhou Cang and others also rescued the people and rushed back.

Pei Yuanshao thumped down on his knees and kept kowtow begging for mercy.

Liu Xun's face was green, unmoved.

Pei Yuanshao knelt and walked in front of Zhou Cang again, grabbing Zhou Cang's trousers tightly, and crying in mourning: "For the sake of a brother, please plead for me. Although I have seized your city, but I didn't kill you. Now, you lied to me once and took the city back. We are both cleaned up."

Zhou Cang was a little tempted by what he said, and just wanted to intercede for Pei Yuanshao.

Liu Xun said sternly: "You take my city, harm the people, force the good for prostitution, and desperately want to be extravagant. In just three days, you made Fancheng a smoggy mist. I forgive you, and the people of Fancheng won't agree."

Pei Yuanshao was frightened like mud and collapsed to the ground.

Liu Xun ordered Pei Yuanshao to be dragged out and chopped. Other thieves shall be punished one by one according to the crimes committed.

"Uuuuu..." The soldiers escorted a group of dancers to Liu Xun. Those dancers had never seen such a formation, sobbing one after another, and did not dare to cry loudly.

"I know, you were all looted by Pei Yuanshao, you can go home now." Liu Xun said kindly.

When the dancing girls heard it, they kowtowed their heads and thanked them and went home thankfully.

Liu Xun appointed Xiang Chong as the prefect of Fancheng, leaving him with a thousand soldiers. Let Xiang Chong recruit 3,000 people to defend Fancheng. Xiang Chong is resourceful and capable, and there is absolutely no problem defending Fancheng.

Fancheng’s problem was finally solved, and the people were very happy. The disaster was finally over, and Fancheng was revitalized.

Zhou Cang made a great contribution to retaking Fancheng this time. Liu Xun reinstated other officials and reappointed him as a school lieutenant. So Zhou Cang returned to Guan Yu's account, feeling that it was suitable for him to carry a knife and lead a horse.

Zhou Cang was very happy about this official restoration. He knelt down to Liu Xun, kowtowed his head, and muttered in his mouth: "Zhuge Liang really has a brilliant plan, he deserves to be Mr. Wolong. You can expect everything."

"Zhuge Liang?" "Mr. Wolong?" Liu Xun was shocked when he heard these two words from Zhou Cang's mouth.