Three Kingdoms

Chapter 45: Wolong comes out of the mountain (part 2)


Humbling... Chunhuitang was actually fucked up. The audience sighed in anxious state, but Sima Yi did not rush or meditate, and suddenly broke into the hinterland of the white-clothed scholar.

"Good!" As soon as the market was on the market, the hall shouted in unison.

Liu Xun's palms kept sweating, and he was very worried.

However, the white-clothed scholar did not panic, but suddenly cut into Sima Yi's site. If Sima Yi's site is infiltrated, the field may be completely raided. After thinking for a long time, Sima Yi could only resist. But with such a defense, the white-clothed scholar's slightly cracked line of defense has become a copper wall and iron wall. The white-clothed scholar abandoned the scattered chess pieces that infiltrated the border, took the lead, and suddenly launched a fierce attack on the "Cao Cao Army" that had penetrated the hinterland.

Since "Liu Beijun" occupied the central Tianyuan from the beginning, no matter which direction a "Cao Cao Army" fled, there were copper walls and iron walls that were forced from the center to the surroundings. After dozens of rounds, the "Cao Cao Army" was surrounded on all sides and finally fell into a desperate situation.

Chunhuitang was stunned and silent, and there was no sigh.

"Okay!" Liu Xun exclaimed excitedly and applauded with a crisp sound.

With the good shout, a heavy sigh finally spread hummingly. "Cao Cao has bad luck." "This style of play is really incredible." "Liu Bei has good luck, look ahead."

Sima Yi stood up and bowed his hands abruptly, "Mr. has a lofty manner, and he is convinced to lose."

The scholar in white said modestly: "Concession."

At this time, the sky was approaching dusk, and Chunhui Hall was already brightly lit.

"My son, the food has already been prepared." Zhao Yun made arrangements and found them.

Liu Xun hurriedly stepped forward and said to the white-clothed scholar: "Seeing that Mr. Chess is very clever, we have already prepared wine and food at Xuanyuan Inn. I wonder if we can drink together.

"I also live in the Xuanyuan Inn, and it happened to be on the way. It would be better to be respectful than to obey." The scholar in white readily agreed.

Under Zhao Yun's leadership, Liu Xun and others arrived at the inn and sat down in a secluded place. The table was already full of wine and food.

Liu Xun poured a full glass of wine, and said to a toast: "I'll do it first." After he finished speaking, he said nothing.

The scholar in white also drank a full glass of wine.

"Mr. Chess is so advanced, I don't know if I can give some pointers." Liu Xun asked modestly.

The white-clothed scholar was also not modest, saying: "The way of Go is made by the way of heaven and humanity. In the ancient times, Yu Yu dredged the land, and the earth appeared in a vast wilderness. So Yu established the system of minefields, and the arable land was expanded ninety-nine times. Infinite squares. Among them, the ditches are intertwined vertically and the residential areas are dotted on it, which makes it a game of chess among adults. Later, there are sages, watching the sky in the middle of the night, feeling the stars in the sky, and the roads of the earth are vertical and horizontal, and the fascinating reverie becomes a fantasy. , Remote sensing of the stars in the sky spreading in the longitude and latitude of the ground, as a grand pattern of thousands of weather. The mind and skill, intertwining the longitude and latitude on the wood, and placing stones at the intersections are the beginning of chess."

"Go is actually formed in this way, no wonder I look so dizzy, it's too esoteric." Zhao Yun said with emotion.

The scholar in white nodded slightly. Continue to say: "Subsequently, we captured and conquered cities, besieged cities and seized land, and the life and death of the world became more and more fierce. Chess also has the rules of life, death, capture, and encirclement to win. Over time, chess will become a success. This is the principle of the interaction of humanity and heaven. and also."

Liu Xun asked: "Why is this chess called'wei'?"

The white-clothed scholar speaks eloquently, "All the elephants in the world, the heaven and the earth, are all surrounded by each other. The people are surrounded by officials, the officials are surrounded by officials, the officials are surrounded by the king, the monarch is surrounded by the country, the country is surrounded by the world, and the world is surrounded by The universe is surrounded by creation, and the creation is finally surrounded by the spirit of the universe and all beings. The wider the surrounding, the greater the momentum. The larger the surrounding, the larger the surrounding. This is the path of chess, and it is also the path of heaven and humanity. The master of chess, Taking enclosing the land as the goal, of course, must take the momentum as the foundation. Only if you have a pivotal point, you can become a force. If you are strong, you enclose the land, and if you are weak, you will break.

Liu Xun was fascinated when he heard it, and said to himself: "No wonder the ancients used to say,'If chess is ineffective, the Jewish state cannot save the structure. If chess is influential, the sons will be in order. If the people have laws to follow, Soldiers have battalion rules to follow. The sacred hand governs chess, the ruler governs the country, and the famous general governs the army'."

The scholar in white was shocked when he heard Liu Xun's words. It is really rare to have such insights at such an age. "Liang, I finally got to see my confidant today!"

"Liang!" Liu Xun and Zhao Yun said in unison.

Seeing the expressions of the two in front of him, the scholar in white was puzzled, "It is Zhuge Liang of Longzhong, I don't know how the two are shocked?"

"I was excited to see you." Zhao Yun said truthfully.

"Excuse me, Master Zun's name?" Zhuge Liang turned his head and asked Liu Xun.

"In Xiangyang, Liu Xun is the direct descendant of Liu Bei, the provincial governor of Jingzhou... the eldest son." Liu Xun was very excited and stammered.

"Are you really Mr. Wolong Zhuge Liang?" Zhao Yun also wanted to confirm again, to prevent making a mistake, he was happy for nothing.

"Mr. Wolong, we have had a hard time looking for you. We haven't seen your house three times." Liu Xun took Zhuge Liang's hand and wept with joy.

It turned out that the young man in front of him was Liu Xun, a young hero who was well-known in Jingzhou. Zhuge Liang also knew that they had visited Longzhong three times, but Zhuge Liang was cautious. There is no exploration, so there is no meeting.

"Mr. Wolong, what do you think?" Zhao Yun was in a much better mood when he was sure that the person in front of him was Zhuge Liang. Zhao Yun often fought south and north with Liu Xun, and established a deep friendship with Liu Xun, just like brothers. Seeing Liu Xun worrying about not being able to hire talents, Zhao Yun was also sad. It's all right now, Daxian is right in front of him.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly knelt and said, "I ask the son to redeem his sins. It's not that Liang refuses to meet with you. There is really important thing to do. I have often come to Yizhou for inspections in the past two years to understand the customs and geography of the Shu area."

Liu Xun quickly helped Zhuge Liang up, "I finally saw him today, it seems that the land of Shu has not come in vain."

Seeing Mr. Wolong, Liu Xun felt much better, and a stone in his heart fell to the ground.

"I don't know what the husband is doing in Shu?" Zhao Yun was very puzzled.

"Hahaha..." Zhuge Liang laughed loudly and said mysteriously: "The secret of heaven cannot be revealed."

Zhao Yun curled his lips, "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, but also make excuses."

Seeing Zhao Yun's funny expressions, Liu Xun and Zhuge Liang laughed.

Zhuge Liang asked, "I don't know what's the matter with the son looking for me?"

Liu Xun stood up and said, "I heard that Mr. He is knowledgeable and talented, and he has come to seek a strategy for Anbang to stabilize the country."

"Master, please tell me in detail." Zhuge Liang was not polite with Liu Xun, and was straightforward.

Liu Xun cleared his throat and said, "Sir. Since the Yellow Turban Uprising, the world has been in chaos, traitors have been everywhere, and the people have not made a living. As a descendant of the Han family, I feel heartbroken every time I see the displacement of the big men."

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said calmly: "A big pain must have big ambitions. If there is no big ambition, where does the pain come from? Liang would like to hear the ambition of the son."

Liu Xun respectfully said: "If you want the big guys to live a stable life again, in order to enable the people to live and work in peace and contentment, you must destroy the heroes, stop the war, and dominate the world. However, my talents are limited. Surrounded by powerful enemies, I don’t know where to go."

Zhuge Liang is still very calm, "Cao Cao in the north'carry the emperor to make the princes'; Yuan Shao IV and San Gong have a solid foundation. They all have three states, strong soldiers and strong horses, and many counsellors. We have not the strength to compete with them. Sun Ce of Jiangdong The family has established a second generation. Sooner or later Jiangdong will fall into their hands, and we can't fight with them either."

"Then where should we go?" Liu Xun asked eagerly.

Zhuge Liang drank a sip of wine and continued, "Jingzhou is a strategically important place, but his master Liu Biao is infatuated with his wife. This is the first base for the son to take. Now the son has occupied the Xiangyang County of Jingzhou, it will be easier to take Jingzhou. ."

"Oh, my father always said that Liu Biao and we are of the same clan, we are both Han clan clan members, and we should support each other. I'm afraid my father can't bear to take Liu Biao's territory."

"I watch the sky at night, Liu Biao will surely die soon. When the time comes, if the son doesn't take it, others will take it." Zhuge Liang added.

Liu Xun said firmly, "Jingzhou is the territory of my big man, and we will never allow others to get involved."

Zhuge Liang smiled and continued: "Yizhou is a country of abundance, enough to raise millions of soldiers, besides, there are many famous ministers in Yizhou, and they are all talents. It is a pity that his master Liu Zhang is indulging in sensuality and will not be able to keep it for long. The son wants to have a separatist regime. The strength of one party must occupy the land of Shu."

"The land of Shu is very good. If we can get the land of Shu, that would be great." Zhao Yun was full of praise for Yizhou.

"After occupying Yizhou and Jingzhou, you can replenish your energy for several years and recruit soldiers to train soldiers and horses. Li Lao and Guo Bang of Yongzhou were originally Dong Zhuo's eagle dogs. After preparations are made, our army can attack Chang'an. When Chang'an is the capital, our army will inevitably gain momentum."

If that day does come, the revival of the Han room is expected. Before Zhuge Liang finished speaking, Liu Xun jumped up excitedly. Zhuge Liang's strategy was shocking, like a beacon, illuminating the direction of Liu Xun's advancement.

Zhuge Liang shook the feather fan and continued: "Then, our army will move due to time, and then we will destroy other vassals one by one. The world will be unified, and the Han Dynasty must be revitalized."

Hearing this, Liu Xun plopped and knelt down, his eyes moist, "Mr. Genius, rare in the world, Liu Xun courageously invites Mr. to come out of the mountain and help the Han room."

Zhuge Liang also knelt down, "The loyalty of the son to the Han room is touching. Liang is deeply blessed by the Han room, and always does not want to rejuvenate the Han room. Thanks to the son, I would like to do what I can do!" Zhuge Liang was also affected by Liu. Hun's sincerity was moved. Kuang Fu Han room was originally Zhuge Liang's dream, and he also dreamed of assisting virtuous kings and masters to fight for hegemony in the world and make meritorious deeds.

This is the choice of the prince to the prince, or it can be said that the choice of the prince to the prince.

"It is really the blessing of our army, the great man and the people, the blessing of the common people in the world. With the assistance of such a talented person, the revival of the Han Dynasty is expected!" Liu Xun was extremely excited and after hardships, he finally invited Wolong out of the mountain. Up.

In June of the fourth year of Jian'an (AD 199), Zhuge Liang officially set foot on the historical stage of the Three Kingdoms...