Three Kingdoms

Chapter 50: Wolong's first plan


Hearing Zhuge Liang said that there was another suggestion, Liu Xun was very curious, because he knew that Zhuge Liang's suggestions were pertinent every time.

"As the saying goes, if the name is not correct, the words will be unsatisfactory, and the words will be unsatisfactory." Zhuge Liang's remark is very true. China has always emphasized "to be famous", and only teachers of justice can win the support of the people.

"We have always played the banner of reviving the Han Dynasty, and we are very much supported by the people." Liu Xun said truthfully.

"The son is right, but our banner is just our surname'Liu', which seems stingy." Zhuge Liang said his opinion.

"But now all the princes of all walks of life, don't they all use their own surnames?" Liu Bei asked rhetorically, not understanding Zhuge Liang's views.

"But there are so many Liu clan relatives in the world, such as Liu Yao from Yuzhang and Liu Zhang from Yizhou are all Han clan relatives, but they only pay attention to their own interests and never thought of revitalizing the Han clan. Cao Cao of Xudu's Taking the emperor's name as the princes of Han Xiangshi as a Han thief, he can't think of revitalizing my big man. Sooner or later, one day, he will usurp the Han and stand on its own. Since we are determined to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, we must play'Han' The word "big banner" clearly indicates that we are going to rejuvenate the big man, and our army is the Han army." Zhuge Liang's suggestion can be described as deafening.

Liu Bei once thought of playing the'Chinese character banner', but he was afraid of being too ostentatious, so he didn't implement it. Maybe Zhuge Liang's suggestion is right, and no princes are thinking about reviving the Han clan, including those Han clan family members. If the banner of the Chinese character is not played, it may not be long before the Han Dynasty is really forgotten by the world, and there is really no hope for the redevelopment of the Han Dynasty.

"Yes, father, since we are interested in promoting the Han, we must make a clear-cut proposal. We should replace the'Liu' flag with a gold-letter and red-bottomed flag with the Chinese character. Those scholars who are interested in Han will inevitably gather here. Around me, our strength will grow, and we will become famous."

After Liu Xun heard Zhuge Liang's suggestion, he immediately felt his eyes brightened. As a descendant of the Han family, he must boldly put forward his own slogan and play the banner of the Han Dynasty, so that he can be justified and let more people be attached.

"When I was in Xudu, Emperor Xian once gave me the power of'Fake Festival Yue' to fight against the princes. In this way, we will be more legitimate." Liu Bei also figured it out and agreed with Zhuge Liang's suggestion.

False means "borrowed", representing short-term agency, not true or false. Festival represents the identity of the emperor, and all envoys who hold the festival represent the emperor's presence in person, symbolizing the emperor and the country, and can exercise their rights. The yue is an axe yue, a torture instrument, exclusively for the king.

"Fake Festival Yue" represents the emperor's travel. Among all the authorization methods of the king, the specifications of "Fake Festival Yue" are extremely high. With the power of "fake yue", not only can he kill the soldiers who violate the military order at will, but also can replace the monarch and have the power to kill the generals.

Although it has been a long time since Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty granted Liu Bei the right to'false festival yue', he didn't care about it. He just played the banner of the Great Han on this ground, making the conquest of Wuling County more justifiable.

Liu Xun ordered the three armies to replace all the flags of the counties and the army in Xiangyang with the Chinese flag with gold letters and red background. The people in Xiangyang were very happy to see the Dahan flag flying above the city. They hadn't seen it for a long time, as if the Han Dynasty had returned.

After everything was prepared, in the fourth year of Jian’an (AD 199), Liu Xun took Zhuge Liang as his army division, Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei as the pioneers, and Wei Yan as the deputy pioneers. He led 20,000 infantry, 5,000 archers, 5,000 cavalry, and Baier. Two thousand cavalry, a total of 32,000 men, marched towards Wuling County.

In the Wuling County government office, there is a scene of singing and dancing. Prefect Jinxuan's eyes were misty, and he seemed to enjoy the wine in the cup and the singing and dancing in front of him. Jin Xuan was originally a subordinate of Liu Biao, Mu Liu Biao of Jingzhou. He served as the magistrate of Huangmen and the prefect of Hanyang. Later, when Jin Xuan saw that Liu Biao was unable to control the four counties of Jingnan, he and the prefects of the other three counties of Jingnan successively declared independence and broke away from Liu Biao's control.

Wuling County has been free from wars for many years, and Jinxuan is very comfortable and does not want to make progress. Jin Xuan's son, Jin Yi, is quite talented. Jin Yi believes that no place will remain peaceful in the troubled times. Only by training the soldiers and preparing the army can the city be protected to deal with the sudden war.

Jin Xuan handed over all the military affairs to Jin Yi, and he had peace of mind to enjoy himself. With the help of Gong Zhi, Jin Yi trained fifty thousand elite soldiers, and the combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

The sunset glow reddened the sky of Wuling. After Liu Xun led his army to the boundary of Wuling, he did not rush to attack the city, but set up camp twenty miles away from the city. The soldiers were tired after walking for a day. Only if you have a good rest can you have the energy to attack the city.

Looking at the sky of Wuling County, Liu Xun hoped that Jin Xuan would come to rob the camp, so that he would not have to siege the city, but he also knew that Jin Xuan would not be so stupid, and a big battle was inevitable.

"Report... Your lord, it's not good, Liu Xun's army has reached the boundary of Wuling." A soldier hurriedly reported to Wuling Prefect Jinxuan.

"Are they coming to Wuling City?" Jin Xuan hurriedly asked.

"No, they camped twenty miles away from the city."

Hearing that Liu Xun's army did not come to attack the city immediately, Jin Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and ask Jin Yi and Gong Zhi to come to discuss countermeasures." Jin Xuan said to the waiter beside him, waved his hand in disgust, and made all the dancers retreat. At the moment of the enemy, Jin Xuan did not dare to be careless.

After a while, Gong Zhi and Jin Yi hurried to work.

"Liu Xun led an army of 30,000 to attack Wuling, how should we respond?" Seeing that everyone was here, Jin Xuan asked straightforwardly. At this time, Jin Xuan's mood is complicated. On the one hand, Liu Xun's 30,000 army was twice as large as his own army. Moreover, the city of Wuling is strong, so it shouldn't be a problem to stick to it. However, Jin Xuan also knew that Liu Xun used soldiers like a god, and he was also assisted by the military strategist Zhuge Liang, so his strength should not be underestimated.

"Liu Xun has long been praised as a juvenile hero, who is very good at using soldiers. Moreover, now there is the assistance of the famous scholar Zhuge Liang, and his pioneers Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei are both current warriors. Our army is probably not an opponent. It is better to make peace with them, Liu Xun has always been benevolent and righteous, and will certainly not embarrass the lord, and it can also save the people of Wuling from being disgraced."

Gong Zhi has always been a pro-Han faction. Seeing that Liu Xun led his army to attack, he tried his best to persuade Jin Xuan to surrender.

"It's very poor. We have 50,000 elite soldiers, and the enemy has only 30,000. Moreover, our army has a city as a barrier. If you surrender in this way, you will be looked down upon by Liu Xun and others." Jin Yi did not. Agree to surrender.

From the bottom of his heart, Jin Xuan didn't want to surrender either. As the lord, you can have fun at will without restriction. I heard that Liu Bei advocated thrift. If he surrendered, he would definitely not tolerate his extravagant behavior. Moreover, in the real fight, winning or losing is not always certain.

"Then our army will stick to the city and wait for the opportunity to break the enemy." Jin Xuan finally made a decision.

"Father, most of our army's grain and grass are stationed in Hanshou County on the east bank of the Yuanjiang River. We should send 10,000 troops to defend to prevent Liu Xun's army from attacking." Jin Yi is very worried about the safety of the grain and grass. If the grain and grass are gone, then Not far from failure.

"I would like to lead the army to defend." Gong Zhi stepped forward to petition.

"Okay, I order you to be General Hanshou and lead an army of 10,000 to defend Hanshou County." Jin Xuan agreed to Gong Zhi's request.

Outside the city of Wuling, a flag with the Chinese character was fluttering in the wind. Liu Xun's army tent was brightly lit, and three large butter lamps flickered with fire. The layout of Liu Xun's military account is extremely simple. Divided into a large case with tiger charms, Lingjian, a few scrolls of bamboo slips, and a complete topographic map of Jingzhou, the Beidou spear stood on a bracket beside the large case. In front of the big case, there are eight wooden piers, arranged in two rows, as seats for generals who come to discuss matters.

Liu Xun paced back and forth, thoughtfully. Before the big case, Liu Xun opened the map again and looked at it. Zhuge Liang's map is really easy to use, and the situation in Wuling County is clear at a glance.

"My son, I haven't rested yet." Zhuge Liang walked in.

"Didn't the military division sleep up? You said, is it possible for us to surrender Jinxuan?" Liu Xun thought, if Jinxuan can be surrendered, it will definitely save much trouble. Liu Xun was not afraid of fighting, but didn't want to consume his troops to attack the city. Wuling City is strong, and the enemy has 50,000 troops. If the city is forcibly attacked, even if it is attacked, the army will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Zhuge Liang thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I think that Jinxuan has a 50,000 army, it is difficult to surrender, and he must be forced to surrender."

"Does the military division have a clever plan?" Liu Xun asked quickly.

Zhuge Liang pointed to the map and said: "Look, my son, Hanshou County, on the east bank of Yuanshui, has most of the grain and grass of Wuling County. It is better to pretend to attack Hanshou County, Jinxuan will inevitably send reinforcements. We can send an ambush before The small woods next to Wuling City can be smashed out suddenly when the enemy is out of the city, and the enemy is bound to be defeated. After annihilating the main force of the enemy, it will be easier to handle the rest.

"No wonder, there was a report of horse-traveling. Gong Zhi led a 10,000 army through Yuanshui overnight and entered Hanshou County. The military division was really resourceful. I admire it." Liu Xun heard Zhuge Liang's plan and shouted aloud to Zhuge Kongming. That's even more admiration.

Early in the morning of the next day, Liu Xun summoned the generals and advisers in the Chinese Army's Great Account to assign combat tasks.

"Ask General Zhang Fei"


"Order you to lead an army of five thousand and attack Hanshou County under the banner of my'General An Han'. Remember that you only need to make a big push to make the enemy mistakenly think that I am under Hanshou County."


Zhang Fei took the lead happily.

In ancient times, when fighting a war, the general flag was the national name, which was called the military flag. Then there is a small flag under the army, which is called Shuaiqi, or General Banner. This generally writes the surname of the chief general. Or even write official positions. The banner of Liu Xun's army is the Han banner with gold letters and red background, and the banner of'General An Han' is the banner of Liu Xun.

"General Wei Yan"


"You help the military division guard the camp, you must do your best and follow the military division's dispatch."


After all arrangements were made, Liu Xun led Zhao Yun and other generals, personally led 10,000 infantry, 3,000 crossbowmen, and 2,000 white-eared infantry cavalry in ambush in the dense forest, waiting for the arrival of the Jinxuan reinforcements.