Three Kingdoms

Chapter 51: Liu Xun plans to capture gold


After receiving Liu Xun's order, Zhang Fei led five thousand people to the town of Hanshou County. Zhang Fei was not in a hurry to attack the city, and divided the soldiers into three teams, back and forth, as if there were a lot of soldiers.

General Gong Zhi of Hanshou County, standing on the head of the city, saw the banner of the Great Han Army from a distance. Liu Xun’s general banner was very conspicuous. The words'Anhan General Liu Xun' on the banner looked like thousands of horses. Gong Zhi panicked very much.

Gong Zhi thought that Liu Xun had personally led an army to attack Hanshou City. No matter how the Han army shouted, Gong Zhi just shrank in the city and did not dare to fight. Gong Zhi believes that there are few people in Hanshou City, and if Liu Xun leads an army to attack, he will definitely not be able to defend it. But most of the grain and grass in Wuling County are here, and they can't be sloppy. Gong Zhi sent someone to escape from the city during the night and asked Jin Xuan for help.

Jin Xuan in Wuling City heard that Liu Xun led an army to attack Hanshou City and hurriedly recruited Jin Yi.

"Father is looking for me so late, what's the matter?" Jin Yi hurried over.

"Gong Zhi from Hanshou just sent someone to ask for help. Liu Xun personally led the army to attack Hanshou City. It was very difficult to defend." Jin Xuan pointed to the messenger sent by Gong Zhi and said.

Jin Yi walked to the messenger and quickly asked, "Did you really see Liu Xun?"

"Yes, son, we also saw Liu Xun's flag, no fewer than 30,000 soldiers and horses." The messenger said quickly. It is estimated that the messenger was also frightened. There were obviously only 5,000 people, so he said that he had become 30,000 people.

Jin Yi thought that since Liu Xun's army was mostly concentrated under Hanshou City, then Liu Xun's camp was inevitably empty. It is better to take the lead in attacking Liu Xun's camp, so that it loses its foundation and shakes its military spirit. Liu Xun will inevitably lead his army back to help. When the time comes, he will be able to defeat Liu Xun.

Jin Yi thought she had a good plan, and happily told her father Jin Xuan of her plan, and Jin Xuan agreed very much.

Outside the east gate of Wuling City, Liu Xun had already led his army in an ambush in the woods. Seeing Jin Yi's delay in coming, Liu Xun suddenly shouted, "No!" He hurriedly asked everyone to lie in ambush among the forests of the North Gate.

Zhao Yun was very strange and quickly asked what was going on.

Liu Xun said as he walked: "Jin Yi is quite intelligent. If he hears that I led an army to attack Hanshou City, he will surely attack our barracks. Our army camp has only 5,000 soldiers and horses, and he will definitely resist. There are tens of thousands of horses from the enemy army. The woods in front of the north gate are the only way to our barracks. It should be too late to go to ambush now.

Everyone sincerely admired Liu Xun's adaptability. The battlefield situation has always changed rapidly, and the generals often need to make corresponding adjustments according to the changes in the battlefield situation in order to win the battle. Liu Xun possesses such an ability, his sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and he can often want to make timely adjustments in front of the enemy.

Fortunately, Jin Yi's army has not left the city yet. Liu Xun's army quickly laid ambush in the small woods in front of the north gate. After Liu Xun occupied Jingzhou, he conducted systematic training for the incorporated army, spending a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. However, all of this is worthwhile. The quality of the soldiers has been comprehensively improved, so the tasks are well performed.

Not long after, the gate of the north gate of Wuling County opened slowly, and Jin Yi led an army of more than 30,000 out of the nest and ran towards Liu Xun's camp. All this was seen by Liu Xun's army ambushing in the woods, and everyone was breathing, waiting for the arrival of Jin Yi's army.

When Jin Yi's army all walked into the woods, Liu Xun shouted, "Kill...", and the Han army killed the soldiers in Wuling.

"Kill, kill, kill..." the Han army shouted loudly. Shouting on the battlefield is also an invisible weapon. It can overwhelm the enemy's momentum and make the enemy guilty, and it can also improve the morale of one's own army, killing two birds with one stone.

Jin Yi was thinking of attacking the Han army camp, but he didn't expect to be attacked.

The Han army overwhelmed the Wuling soldiers. The Wuling army was terrified and killed countless people.

Liu Xun carried the Beidou spear and killed it. The five soldiers on the opposite side slashed towards Liu Xun. Liu Xun lightly swiped his Beidou spear and slid away the enemy soldiers' broadswords without any hesitation. Liu Xun roared, and pierced one of the soldiers' throat with a shot, blood spurted out, and he died. The remaining four soldiers were furious and chopped off at once. Liu Xun jumped up gently and hid. The four soldiers used too much force and all their bodies leaned forward. Liu Xun took the opportunity to move the Beidou spear. The four soldiers felt that their necks were cold and no longer felt anymore, and they fell to the ground one after another.

There are two kinds of Liu Xun's weapons, one is the cloud sword. According to legend, it was used by Gaozu Zhanbaishe in the uprising. With this sword, Gaozu created the Han Dynasty. When Liu Bei was in Xudu, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty quietly bestowed this sword on Liu Bei. Later, Liu Bei gave Liu Xun the Pianyunjian.

Another type of Liu Xun's is the Beidou gun. The Beidou Gun was made by the famous weapon master Ou Tiezi. According to legend, Ou Tiezi is the descendant of Ou Yezi, the master of sword-making in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Passed down to the generation of Ou Tiezi, Ou Tiezi was not satisfied with the achievements of his ancestors, but devoted himself to researching other weapons. The silver gentian spear used by Zhao Yun and the Beidou spear used by Liu Xun are both outstanding representatives of the weapons he made. The Beidou Spear was named as the'Beidou Spear' because it was made from a meteorite on the Beidou Mountain.

In the battlefield fight, Liu Xun likes to use the Beidou gun, because the Beidou gun is extremely powerful, and the cloud sword only plays an auxiliary role on the battlefield.

The enemy soldiers next to him saw Liu Xun so brave, they were all shocked and fled.

Zhao Yun on the other side was also fighting vigorously, and saw him waving up and down, and the enemy troops fell under his gentian silver spear.

Jin Yi saw that his soldiers had suffered heavy casualties and knew that the situation was over, so he desperately led the army to break through. As the saying goes, life comes from a dead end. People have great potential in times of crisis, and Jin Yi is about to stand out. At this time, Liu Xun caught up.

Jin Yi was furious and stabbed Liu Xun with a halberd. The halberd is fast and powerful. The halberd is heavier and longer than Liu Xun's Beidou spear, and the longer the weapon on the battlefield, the more advantageous it will be. Jin Yi obviously wanted to fight Liu Xun hard.

Liu Xun was a little bewildered at first, but after all he was responsive and adjusted in time.

Jin Yi suddenly jumped up, holding the halberd and stabbing Liu Xun. His strength will be exhausted, but this thorn is still powerful.

Liu Xun hurriedly caught it with the Beidou spear. With this connection, the weapon sparked in the dark.

Jin Yi's arm was numb, and she took a few steps back. The last stab of Jin Yi just now exhausted his strength, and life and death were all in that blow. Since there was no success, he had to wait for death.

Liu Xun took advantage of the situation and stabbed him.

Jin Yi only felt a cold in his neck, and the tip of the gun was already on his neck. He closed his eyes and waited for death to come, but the tip of the gun did not go further.

Liu Xun took the Beidou spear and asked his soldiers to tie up Jin Yi.

"My father and son are in Wuling County and didn't provoke you. Why do you want to kill my soldiers and take my city? Don't think that you will be grateful to you by forgiving me." Jin Yi glared at Liu Xun.

Although the sky was still dark, with only sporadic firelight, Liu Xun could still feel Jin Yi's angry eyes. "Wuling County was originally my big man site, not your private property. I don't kill you, not to make you thank me, but I don't want to kill another person.

"I've heard of my son's righteousness for a long time, and I finally saw it today." Jin Yi heard Liu Xun's words and was deeply moved.

Seeing that the master was arrested, the soldiers in Wuling became more confused, fled everywhere, and fled for their lives.

Thousands of Wuling soldiers simply put down their weapons and surrendered.

Jin Xuan on the tower watched the main force being annihilated and his son was taken away, but he did not dare to rescue him. It was really useless.

After arriving at the barracks, Liu Xun asked Jin Yi to take care of him, and he was kind to entertain him. Those soldiers who surrendered were sent to Xiangyang for training if they were willing to continue to serve as soldiers; those who were willing to go home were given travel expenses. Those Wuling soldiers who surrendered were very grateful.

After a day's battle, Liu Xun was also hungry, so he asked his soldiers to bring a pot of mutton and ate it hungrily. In a short while, a tripod of lamb was eaten up. Liu Xun was very happy when he wiped out Jin Xuan's main force. He believed that all the cities in Wuling County would be taken down soon.

"My son, this battle seems to be very successful." Zhuge Liang walked in with a smile.

Seeing Zhuge Liang coming, Liu Xun hurriedly stood up, showing that he respected Zhuge Liang very much.

"The military master's strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain is very clever." Liu Xun finally saw the power of Zhuge Liang's strategy with his own eyes. If you attack the city forcibly as before, even if the city is attacked, the soldiers will suffer a lot of deaths and injuries, and their vitality will be severely injured.

"When I heard the killings in the north gate of Wuling City in the camp, I realized that the enemy must have come to attack our camp. Fortunately, the son anticipated it in time and made adjustments quickly, but the consequences were unthinkable."

Zhuge Liang also admired Liu Xun's battlefield resilience. It is not easy for a seventeen-year-old to have such courage.

"This is the topographic map of Jingzhou that depends on the military division. This map shows the conditions of the gates of Wuling City in detail. When I was looking at the map last night, I read the information of Wuling City in detail and knew that there was a dense area at the north gate. Woods, so I can make adjustments quickly tonight."

Liu Xun takes things very seriously and considers issues comprehensively. Before the war, he took a detailed look at the situation in Wuling City, and it happened to come in handy tonight. It really deserves Jin Yi's bad luck. It seems to be because of Liu Xun's luck, but in fact it is the inevitable result of his careful preparation. As the saying goes, details determine success or failure, and qualitative changes will inevitably occur when quantitative changes accumulate to a certain extent.

"The son can have such a mind, Liang is deeply gratified, I will do my best to assist the master and son to achieve the great cause."

Seeing that Liu Xun was not greedy for merit, Zhuge Liang was very moved. At a young age, he is not only talented, but also broad-minded. Zhuge Liang believes that Liu Xun's comprehensive ability must be no less than that of his father Liu Bei, and he will definitely inherit Liu Bei's great cause in the future and rejuvenate the great man.

"Excuse me, what should I do next?" Liu Xun asked modestly.

"Now the main force of the Jinxuan army has disappeared, and the occupation of Wuling County is just around the corner. The son and the soldiers have been tired for a day and night, so it is better to rest for a day and discuss again. I will leave." Zhuge Liang stood up and said goodbye to Liu Xun.

"Okay, the sergeant is going well, it just happened that I was also sleepy." After speaking, Liu Xun yawned, and the army on the back tent collapsed and fell asleep.