Three Kingdoms

Chapter 52: Wolong collects Gong Zhi with a wonderful plan


It's late summer in August, but the weather is still very hot. Liu Xun didn't sleep for too long, so he sent a soldier to invite Zhuge Liang to come and discuss the plan.

Zhuge Liang’s camp was next to Liu Xun’s military tent. After receiving the notice, Zhuge Liang arrived in a while.

"The son didn't sleep longer. I got up so early." Zhuge Liang didn't expect Liu Xun to get up so early.

"Wuling hasn't captured yet, so I can't sleep." Liu Xun said truthfully.

"How do you want to take Wuling County?" Zhuge Liang wanted to listen to Liu Xun's opinion first.

"The main force of Wuling County has been wiped out by us, and Jin Xuan's son was also captured by us. He should surrender." Liu Xun thought Jin Xuan should surrender.

However, Zhuge Liang knew that Jin Xuan was greedy for pleasure and would not surrender easily, but he was not sure. "It's better to send a messenger to send a letter, urging him to surrender."

Liu Xun asked Sun Gan to recruit Jinxuan with his letter. However, after seeing the letter, Jin Xuan expressed to Sun Gan that he was willing to give Liu Bei a certain amount of money every year. Sun Gan reported Jin Xuan's statement to Liu Xun one to one.

Such conditions are obviously unacceptable to Liu Xun, and he has to fight.

Zhuge Liang believes that Jin Xuan's camp is not monolithic. Gong Zhi and Jin Xuan in Hanshou City have always been in conflict, and they can use Gong Zhi as a breakthrough point to divide the enemy.

Liu Xun obeyed Zhuge Liang's suggestion and personally led a team to crush Jin Xuan's son, Jin Yi, to Hanshou City. Liu Xun ordered the soldiers to speak to the city and let Gong Zhi come to talk.

"My son has an order, please come and speak with Hanshou General Gong Zhi."

"My son has an order, please come and speak with Hanshou General Gong Zhi."


After receiving the report, Gong Zhi went up to the tower. "This is Gong Zhi, what advice does General An Han have?"

"Look at the general, your reinforcement leader Jin Yi has been captured by us, and the reinforcements have been wiped out by us. Only surrender will have a way out." Liu Xun pointed to Jin Yi and said.

At first, Gong Zhi thought it was Liu Xun who was instigating him. He looked down the city and saw that the big man in the prison car was indeed Young Master Jin.

"Prince Jin Yi has suffered." Gong Zhi smiled bitterly, then turned to Liu Xun and said: "I also know that this small Hanshou county town cannot be defended without reinforcements. However, I always regard loyalty and righteousness as the foundation. The lord gave me this city of Hanshou, how can I betray my lord and seek glory?"

"My son, don't talk nonsense with him, as long as you give an order, I promise to take Hanshou City for you before dark." There was no war today, and Zhang Fei was panicked, eager to make merit.

"General Zhang, don't worry. We will take Wuling this time. If we can kill fewer people, we will kill fewer people. If the killing is too heavy, it will have an adverse effect on the capture of the other Jingnan three counties. We still need to consider the long-term plan." Zhang Fei does not understand Liu. What Xun wanted to express, but felt that what Liu Xun said was reasonable, so he didn't say anything.

Liu Xun told Zhang Fei to take a good look at Gong Zhi, and then went back to the big camp on the west bank of Yuanshui.

Jin Xuan in Wuling City heard that Liu Xun had personally recruited Gong Zhi to surrender him. The name is babysitting, but it is actually under house arrest in disguise.

After Zhuge Liang learned that the plan to recruit Gong Zhi had failed, he felt a little disappointed. He didn't expect Gong Zhi to be so loyal. However, Zhuge Liang knew that Jin Xuan did not trust Gong Zhi very much, so he had never been responsible for him. This time it was because of the emergency that he reluctantly agreed to send Gong Zhi to lead the defense. However, in order to guard against Gong Zhi, Jin Xuan now took all Gong Zhi's family to Wuling City. Said to help Gong Zhi take care of his family, but it was actually under house arrest in disguise to prevent Gong Zhi from rebelling.

Zhuge Liang was keenly aware that Jin Xuan still had many worries about Gong Zhi, and he could make a fuss about this and force Gong Zhi to surrender. As a well-known military strategist and politician, Zhuge Liang observes the relationship between characters very carefully. Being able to find a breakthrough from the subtle cracks is a very powerful skill he learned from Master Guiguzi.

When Gui Guzi taught Zhuge Liang, he kept telling him that the relationship between characters is a very important factor in determining the success or failure of a war. Sometimes it determines the success or failure of a war, and even the fate of a country. There are two living examples in history.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, the vassals attacked each other. One year, Song Guo doctor Hua Yuan led his army to attack Zheng Guo. In order to boost morale, Hua Yuan ordered the cooks to add meals to the group, stewed lamb in a big pot, and rewarded the soldiers. One piece per person, and the soldiers happily chewed on the bones of lamb. It happened that Hua Yuan’s coachman was pouring sheep here, and it was gone. Sheep Pu didn't eat the mutton, so he was unhappy and drank cold water.

It turned out that Huayuan was busy with military affairs and forgot to give a portion to the sheep. Seeing the other people's eating, Yang Zhen couldn't help but fight. They all said that the next step is to get the moon first, and there are so many benefits to following the leader, so why do I just remember it! Isn't this being true to me? If there is no grudge against the non-gentleman, Yang Zhu secretly made up his mind and decided to retaliate.

On the second day, Hua Yuan set out on a chariot driven by sheep. When the two armies of Song and Zheng met, the two sides started to fight each other. When the fighting between the two armies was raging, Yang Zhu suddenly flicked his whip and drove the horse-drawn carriage to Zheng Jun's camp. Hua Yuan in the car was shocked and yelled to Yang Zhu, "Are you dizzy? Where are you going? The enemy camp over there!" Yang Zhu turned his face back and replied, "The old yokan is governed. , I'm in charge of today's affairs!" You have the final say when you divide the mutton, and I have the final say on where to go. In this way, Yang Zhu drove the chariot track to the Zheng army base camp.

As a result, the Song Army was defeated. Poor Hua Yuan studied the art of war for a whole night and became a prisoner in a daze.

Hundreds of years later, the monarch of Zhongshan Kingdom did not learn the lesson and repeated the mistakes of Hua Yuan. Once, the monarch of Zhongshan had a big banquet in the capital and served a large pot of lamb soup. The monarch asked his servants to divide the soup into the bowls of the guests. However, there were more people and less soup. When it was the turn of a doctor named Sima Ziqi, the mutton soup was gone.

Sima Ziqi didn't say anything at the time, but after returning home, the more he thought about it, the more he thought it was wrong. He thought it was the monarch deliberately making a fool of him in the public: "All of you who are here today are the ministers of the DPRK, and Sima Ziqi can't do it anymore. A doctor, everyone shares the mutton soup, but the monarch does not give me the mutton soup. It’s not clear to underestimate me, in front of so many people, everyone else eats it tastefully, but I didn’t drink the soup. What's more, someone smiled proudly at me while drinking. Huh, what's so great, there is no parenting place here, there is a place to support him!" Thinking of this, he got up and left angrily and went to Chu State.

Under Sima Ziqi's ingenious debate and lobbying, the State of Chu attacked Zhongshan with all troops. Zhongshan is weak, so how can it be Chu's opponent? In an instant, Zhongshan was destroyed, and Zhongshan Jun lost the throne because of a bowl of sheep soup, so he could only flee abroad in a hurry.

The monarch of Zhongshan sighed to the sky, "I lost my country with a cup of yokan." I was wronged, isn't it just a bowl of mutton soup? Jun Zhongshan was on the run, and two people followed him. Jun Zhongshan turned around and said to the two men: "What do you do?" The two replied, "Our father was dying of hunger once, and you gave him a pot of cooked food. He said when he was dying:' Mr. Zhongshan is in distress, you must die for him.'So I am here to serve you.” Only then did Mr. Zhongshan understand: “Unexpectedly, it is due to dignity; resentment is deep and shallow, it is due to sadness. I perish my country with a cup of yokan, and win two people with a pot."

It can be seen that the relationship between characters is a factor that can be used.

After making up his mind, Zhuge Liang went to Liu Xun’s military account and said, “I heard that Gong Zhi’s parents, wife and children were taken to Wuling County by Jin Xuan. The name of “Take Care” is really under house arrest. We should release it. The wind says that Gong Zhi has surrendered. Jin Xuan will surely believe, and will even anger Gong Zhi's family. Gong Zhi has nowhere to go and will inevitably take refuge in our army."

Zhuge Liang's divorce strategy is really clever, using details cleverly to make a fuss.

After the news of Gong Zhi's surrender spread, Jin Xuan was really fooled. He didn't believe in Gong Zhi at first, and killed all of Gong Zhi's family without asking. After Gong Zhi got the news in Hanshou City, he cried bitterly and hated Jin Xuan. He yelled, "Jin Xuan, I worked hard for you, but you indiscriminately slaughtered my family. Since you are ruthless to me, don't blame me for being unfaithful."

Gong Zhi opened the city gate and surrendered to Zhang Fei outside the city. Liu Xun received a lot of food and grass and 10,000 soldiers, and his strength was further strengthened. Liu Xun abolished some old, weak, sick, and disabled soldiers who were willing to go home, and got three to four thousand soldiers, all of whom were incorporated into the army.

After Jin Xuan in Wuling City heard the news of Hanshou County's surrender, he immediately understood the plan, but it was too late. Jin Xuan hated Zhuge Liang, and he was prepared to resist stubbornly with his 10,000 army and resolutely not surrender.

Jin Xuan was really dazzled by the anger, thinking that he could resist with 10,000 remnants, and Hanshou County, which was heavily stocked with food and grass, had fallen into Liu Xun's hands. It was really ridiculous. Liu Xun led a large army to surround Wuling city regiments, but was not in a hurry to attack the city. As long as Wuling City runs out of food and grass and loses its energy, then it will be easy to win Wuling.

Liu Xun sent Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Wei Yan each to lead a man and horse to capture other counties in Wuling County. There are not many defenders in these counties, only dozens of government officers, and they are simply unable to resist. The three generals acted in accordance with Liu Xun's instructions and did not indiscriminately kill innocent people. The people of Wuling County were very happy, and none of them were unwilling to submit.

Now, there is only the lone city of Wuling City, and there is not much food in the city.

Captured in the camp, Jin Yi asked Liu Xun for his order and went to Wuling City to persuade his father Jin Xuan to surrender. Zhang Fei, Wei Yan and others believed that Jin Yi might not be able to keep his promises, and asked Liu Xun not to let Jin Yi go back. However, Liu Xun believed that Jin Yi was a loyal and righteous person, and he would surely be convinced, so he sent Jin Yi as a messenger to invite Jin Xuan to surrender.

Can Wuling prefect Jin Xuan obey the advice of his son Jin Yi and surrender Liu Xun