Three Kingdoms

Chapter 54: Eight formations


After Liu Xun captured Wuling County, he trained his army with Wuling City as his base camp.

Wuling is still very hot in August, and the sun is like fire at noon. Liu Xun was wiping his sweat with a wet towel in the Prefect's Mansion of Wuling County, while reading "Historical Records".

"Lord, look at your panic. This is the ice cube sent by Gong Zhi to cool you down." Sun Gan brought Bingjian to him, sweating profusely.

Bingjian is a container for ice. The specific method is to put ice cubes in a box made of bronze. It has a clear function, which can not only preserve food, but also distribute air-conditioning to cool the room. In ancient times, there were no refrigeration equipment such as refrigerators and freezers, and the production of ice cubes could only be done in winter, which was time-consuming and labor-intensive. Ice is not available at all times of the year, especially in the hot summer, ice can be described as precious.

Sun Gan has always been more careful. Seeing that the weather in Wuling was very hot, he took the ice cubes stored in the Fuya Ice Cellar to cool Liu Xun.

"Sure enough, it's much cooler." Liu Xun threw down the wet towel, enjoying the coolness of summer. "How many ice cubes are there in the ice cellar? Can you send someone to the military division and generals." Liu Xun was very concerned about his subordinates.

"There are not too many ice cubes." Sun Qian said truthfully.

"Then you send someone to invite generals, General Zhang Fei, General Zhao Yun, and General Wei Yan to come and enjoy the coolness." Liu Xun never enjoys the benefits exclusively, he can always think of his subordinates.

After a while, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and others arrived.

"The son's prefectural palace is really cool." Zhang Fei shouted as soon as he entered the house.

Everyone agreed that in the hot summer, it is rare to have such a cool place.

Liu Xun cleared his throat and said, "I call everyone here, on the one hand, to invite everyone to enjoy the coolness, on the other hand, to discuss with you about the training of the army.

"I'm the best at training soldiers. If you don't obey with a whip, you will be obedient." Zhang Fei's method is simple and rude.

"This is not right. Our military regulations have strict regulations prohibiting corporal punishment of soldiers." Liu Xun said quickly.

"The thousands of Wuling soldiers we surrendered are far from our original veterans and need more training." Zhao Yun discovered this problem in the usual training of soldiers.

Liu Xun praised Zhao Yun for discovering this problem, "We can recruit some strong and physically fit into our regular army, and others can be integrated into the local garrison."

"I heard that the military division is very good at arranging formations, can you let us know about it." Wei Yan has always admired the military division Zhuge Liang.

"I have also heard that military divisions are good at training formations. And our army usually only drills some very simple formations, and does not have much advantage in battle. Please guide our military's systematic training formations to improve our army. Combat power."

As a general who has experienced many battles, Liu Xun deeply understands the importance of formation. On the battlefield, the military's tactics are mainly realized by formation. Because the distance of human voice is limited, fireworks and musical instruments are relatively monotonous. Formation is the best way to achieve the intention of the general.

Before in Liu Xun's army, there were no jesters and generals who were quite talented with Zhuge Liang. Everyone will only have a few simple formations. On the battlefield, they won't take the slightest advantage. In many cases, it is the soldiers' hard work to win the victory.

"Before I took refuge in my son, I had always developed the'Eight Formation Diagram' based on Sun Wu's Bagua Formation based on the experience of my predecessors. It is just right for our soldiers to practice." Zhuge Liang's Bagua Formation Diagram is world-famous.

The "Eight Array Diagram" created by Zhuge Liang absorbed the permutation and combination of Itian and Taoist gossip, compatible with astronomy and geography, and was an extremely sophisticated combat formation.

"I heard people say that the'Eight Formation Map' is extremely powerful.'The formation of the formation and the team are the capacity of the team; the former is the back, the later is the front; the forward is fast, the retreat is not fast; the four heads and eight tails, the contact is the first; The enemy rushes into the middle and both ends to save; strange and positive, the cycle is endless; the end and the end are corresponding, unpredictable; the story is like a god, and it is emergency. "I thought the eight formation map was just a rumor, but I didn't expect there to be an eight formation map. "Liu Xun was very excited when he heard that the'Eight Formation Map' was created by Zhuge Liang.

"This is only developed from the results of the predecessors. The method of eight formations, pay attention to cooperation. During the formation, the two formations follow each other, one battle and one defense; the importance of China and foreign countries, the rigidity and the softness, the reality of each other, the host and the guest are in sequence , The latitude and longitude changes, precisely because of the foundation, the strange reason, the multi-factor interaction, and the logistics guarantee. It takes a lot of effort to succeed in the exercise, and it is not so easy."

Zhuge Liang's statement is very factual and not intentionally exaggerated. Zhuge Liang was inspired by Sun Wu's "Bagua Formation". They named their own formations after heaven, earth, wind, clouds, dragons, tigers, birds, and snakes. In addition, the Chinese army has nine major formations. The Chinese army in the eight formations is composed of sixteen small formations, and the surrounding eight formations are each composed of six small formations, for a total of 64 small formations. In the eight formations, the sky, the earth, the wind, and the clouds are the "four elements", and the dragon (blue dragon), tiger (white tiger), bird (suzaku), and snake (snake) are the "four odds". In addition, there are still twenty-four formations placed in the rear for maneuvering purposes.

After hearing Zhuge Liang's introduction, everyone was stunned.

"Military teachers are really gods and men." Liu Xun did not expect that there is such a wonderful formation in the world.

The eight formation diagram is indeed superb, specifically referring to:

First, the sky-covered formation is characterized by an outer circle and an inner circle, and the fourth is the wind. Its image is heaven, the master of the formation, and the first of the soldiers. Make good use of the three armies, their form is not partial.

Second, the ground-carrying array is characterized by its square shape, the four corners of the cloud, it is difficult to attack the enemy, its body is unpredictable, it can be used infinitely, it is independent, and it is suitable for the sun.

Third, the wind blowing array is characterized by the fact that the wind has no shape, attached to the sky, and transformed into a snake. Its meaning gradually becomes mysterious.

Fourth, the cloud hanging array is characterized by the cloud attached to the ground, and it becomes invisible at first, turning into a flying bird, its shape is complete, the bird can stand out, the cloud can be faint, ever-changing, and the sound of golden leather.

Fifth, the dragon flying formation is characterized by the backlash of the sky and the earth, and the dragon transforms into it, with claws and feet, back and chest. The potential is unpredictable, the movement is endless, the formation is impressive, and the name is dragon.

Sixth, the tiger wing formation is characterized by the advancement of the sky and the earth, turning into a tiger wing, and the tiger will fight and prosper its might. When Huaiyin uses it, it becomes Promise, and the meeting of Gaixia is unpredictable.

Seventh, the bird flying array, the characteristic is that the bird of prey will fight, must soar first, the power is on the sky, the bird is terminator. After the trial, there must be slander, one man assaults, and the three armies do not.

Eighth, the snake pan array, characterized by the wind as a snake pan, formed by the sky, surrounded by potential energy, and capable of flexion and extension. Among the Four Wonders, the tiger is next to each other, and then it becomes Changshan, end to end in trouble.

"If our army can train into this formation, it will be really powerful." Zhang Fei also had to admire Zhuge Liang's formation. It sounds mysterious and unpredictable, making people feel that this formation is powerful and extraordinary. .

"Okay, let the military division work hard for a while." Liu Xun stood up and said with his hands.

"Please rest assured, I will do my best to let our army train into this formation as soon as possible." Zhuge Liang is also very confident.

At first, Zhuge Liang and his daughter-in-law Huang Yueying studied the formations of the ancients with great concentration, and finally created the eight formations. Zhuge Liang also wanted to let the soldiers drill the eight formation map as soon as possible, so that they could see the actual power of the eight formation map, or else it would be nothing more than a paper talk.

Liu Xun also asked Zhang Fei and Wei Yan to assist military divisions in training the formation, while Zhao Yun was sent to train the soldiers who surrendered.

After Zhuge Liang received the task, he asked the soldiers of the whole army to get up to practice when they are ugly and eat at the hour. Rest two hours at noon, so you can avoid the strong daylight at noon. Although some soldiers have complaints, the military laws are like mountains, and no one dares not listen.

When Zhuge Liang studied under Guiguzi, he also dabbled in the knowledge of Legalism. Therefore, Zhuge Liang has formed a characteristic of fair and strict law enforcement. Although the law enforcement is very strict, Zhuge Liang is very fair, so most people are convinced by Zhuge Liang.

However, there were also a small number of mid-level and lower-level officers and soldiers who had complaints in their hearts, and ran to Liu Xun to file a complaint. Among them were Xiao Wei Liao Hua and Zhou Cang.

"My son, you have always cared about the generals of the whole army. But the weather is so hot and the military division has asked us to train for so long. Don't you care about it?" Zhou Cang grumbled first.

"Yes, it's too tiring to practice like this. The soldiers complained a lot." Liao Hua was very dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang.

Liu Xun looked at them and said solemnly, "Is the military division lazy? The military division goes to the school very early every day, and he will not go back until you are all gone. He has worked harder than you, but the military division has never complained. ."

Hearing this, Zhou Cang and Liao Hua both bowed their heads in shame, thinking that the military division was indeed the first to arrive at the school and the last to leave, so they both regret coming here to complain.

Seeing that they are all ashamed, Liu Xun took the opportunity to say: "The military division once told me that you two are very intelligent and brave in fighting. Sooner or later you can become generals. However, from today’s incident, I feel that the military division I misunderstood you."

Liu Xun reprimanded these two people by name, in fact, boasting that they have potential, so that they can stimulate their fighting spirit.

The two school lieutenants were even more ashamed and embarrassed to hear them, and said quickly: "We must work hard to not let the prince and the military division down."

Seeing that the two of them had realized their mistakes, Liu Xun turned angrily into joy, "That's right, I sweat more now and there is less bloodshed on the battlefield. I hope you will make more military exploits and become generals sooner."

Under Zhuge Liang's rigorous training, the soldiers of the Han army worked hard every day and slowly learned the eight-pattern formation method, and the task was completed very well. Zhang Fei and Wei Yan, who assisted Zhuge Liang in training the soldiers, witnessed the power of the eight formations and felt the unpredictable changes of the eight formations, so they admired Zhuge Liang's talents even more.

The eight-array pattern seems to be unpredictable and extremely difficult to grasp, but it is not difficult to practice. The reason is that Zhuge Liang is a doer and pays great attention to practical results. When Zhuge Liang was studying Sun Wu's Eight Diagrams Array, he removed the parts that were not very useful and difficult to practice, and added some easy-to-train but lethal and powerful arrays, and finally created the Eight Arrays.

After a month of training and rest, the combat effectiveness of the Han army has been greatly improved. At this time, Liu Xun was full of ambition, ready to march towards Lingling...