Three Kingdoms

Chapter 56: Zhang Fei is saved


Liao Hua and others transported Zhang Fei to Wuling City in a hurry without stopping. By the time Wuling City arrived, it was late at night and the city gate had already been closed. During the Han Dynasty, the gates were basically opened at dawn and closed at dusk, with drums as the sign.

At night, everyone usually rests. It is safer to close the city gates, so as to prevent sneak attacks by bandits. Moreover, in a world of great controversy and frequent wars, it is necessary to close the city gates at night in order to prevent sneak attacks by the enemy.

Moreover, the Han army only occupied Wuling County for more than one month, and they were more careful about the defense of the city. Liu Xun's law enforcement is very strict, and all the lieutenants of the city gate opened and closed the city gate strictly in accordance with the regulations, and did not dare to dereliction of duty.

Liao Hua was anxious and hot, tired and sweating profusely, "Listen in the city, I am the school lieutenant Liao Hua, General Zhang Fei is injured, and needs to go to the city for treatment early. Open the door for me as soon as possible."

"General Anhan has an order to not open the city gate at night. If you need to open it, you need to ask for instructions. Please wait a while and I will report it." The city gate lieutenant did not dare to call the shots without authorization. .

Wei Yan, who was patrolling the city, rushed over after hearing the movement and asked, "What's going on."

The city gate lieutenant told Wei Yan about the situation.

Wei Yan hurriedly ordered to open the city gate, and Liao Hua and others hurried to the city. On the one hand, Wei Yan ordered the captain of the city gate to manage the city gate, and on the other hand, he sent someone to inform Liu Xun quickly. After hearing the news, Liu Xun hurried to Liao Hua's side.

"What's the matter?" Liu Xun hurriedly asked when seeing Liao Hua's motorcade from a distance.

"General Zhang Fei was poisoned." Liao Hua was full of frustration.

"Go, follow me to find a military adviser." Liu Xun said.

When he arrived at Zhuge Liang's residence, Zhuge Liang had already heard the movement and greeted him at the door. Everyone hurriedly carried Zhang Fei into the room.

"General Zhang Fei fainted?" Zhuge Liang asked while looking at the wound.

"I was sober when I came." Liao Hua replied.

"How did General Zhang Fei get the arrow wound?" Zhuge Liang saw that Zhang Fei's arm had an arrow wound, and the skin around him had turned black, his brows were furrowed, and he felt something was wrong.

"I don't know this too well. I heard that it was injured by the enemy's cold arrow." Liao Hua said truthfully.

Zhuge Liang took a closer look at the wound. It should have been scratched by a feather arrow. It shouldn't be a major problem, but because the arrow was coated with poison, Zhang Fei was poisoned. Fortunately, the infected area was not too large. Zhuge Liang took a closer look and judged based on experience that the poison in Zhang Fei was'aconitine'.

Aconitine is a perennial herb in the Ranunculaceae family. Plant height 60-120cm, leaves alternate, leathery, ovoid, three lobed, two lobes and then 2-lobed, central lobes and then 3-lobed, with nicks on the edges. 5-calyx panicle, 2 petals, oblong fruit, flowering period from June to July, fruit from July to August, distributed in most parts of the country.

"How about it, sergeant, is General Zhang Fei in danger?" Liu Xun was very worried when he saw that Zhang Fei's situation was not good. After all, Zhang Fei is his father's beloved brother, and he is loyal to his father. He never cares about personal gains and losses, and has been brave enough to kill the enemy on the battlefield many times.

"Although aconitine is very toxic, there are very few poisons on General Zhang's arm, and it was delivered in time, and there should be no life-threatening danger." Zhuge Liang still has a lot of research on medical skills.

"Then ask the military adviser to heal as soon as possible." Liu Xun couldn't wait for Zhang Fei to be cured immediately.

"Relieving the poison of aconitine requires four herbs, dried ginger, licorice, honeysuckle, and mung bean. Add water, boil them into a decoction, and take them for three days, and the poison will be completely resolved." The poison is still very learned.

When he was in Wollongong, he focused on studying how to detoxify. Because he knew that on the battlefield, he could be injured by the enemy's poisoned arrows. If you want to take the initiative, you must understand how to detoxify. This time it comes in handy. As the saying goes, "Knife sharpening does not accidentally cut wood."

"Doctor, hurry up and make the soup as ordered by the military division." Liu Xun hurriedly ordered the army doctor who had already arrived.

Liu Xun’s army’s configuration is still very standardized. You must bring enough doctors every time you fight, so that you can treat the wounded soldiers in time and minimize the loss of the army.

"The general forgive me. There are three traditional Chinese medicines: dried ginger, honeysuckle, and mung bean, but licorice is the only one missing." The doctor's words were like a bolt from the blue, and the hope that had just been ignited was shattered again.

"First boil the existing three-flavored herbal medicine and give it to General Zhang Fei." Zhuge Liang knew that the existing three-flavored herbal medicine could control the poison of aconitine from spreading and prevent Zhang Fei's condition from getting worse.

"Where is the licorice?" Liu Xun was anxious, eager to find the licorice.

"General, I know. There is a mountain thirty miles away from Wuling City. There are many herbs on the mountain, and there should be licorice." A local soldier said.

"Well, you will lead the way, and we will look for herbs overnight."

After that, Liu Xun took a team of people to find licorice.

Half an hour, Liu Xun and others rushed to the foot of the mountain. Under the guidance of the soldier, everyone held up torches and looked for licorice.

Except for Wei Yan staying in the city and defending the city, almost all the other major generals came.

The mountain is not very high, so everyone climbed up without any effort.

"Remember, the leaves of licorice are triangular-shaped stipules, the stems are upright, and there are multiple branches. They have white or brown hairs." Zhuge Liang detailed the general characteristics of licorice, which is convenient for everyone to find.

Everyone held torches, bent over, and kept walking and turning, searching carefully. Even if you turn the mountain upside down, you have to find licorice.

"Military teacher, come quickly and see if this is licorice." Liao Hua said loudly to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang heard the sound and rushed over, took a closer look, and tasted it again, confirming that it was licorice. There were a lot of licorice nearby, so everyone pulled out all the licorice together and brought them back to Wuling City.

With the crowing of cock, it heralds the arrival of a new day. After taking the decoction, Zhang Fei gradually regained consciousness.

"General Zhang, you finally woke up, everyone was busy all night." Zhuge Liang said happily.

Zhang Fei was still dazed at this time, blinked, and gradually became sober. Seeing everyone at the head of the bed, Zhang Fei was a little strange.

"What's wrong with me? Everyone is here." Zhang Fei said slowly.

"You are poisoned. If it weren't for the son and the army teacher to save you, you would have died." Seeing Zhang Fei hadn't figured out what was going on, Liao Hua said quickly.

Zhang Fei knew that he was poisoned, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. Seeing that Liu Xun was also in front of the bed, he thought of standing up and thanking him.

After Liu Xun saw it, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "General Zhang, take care of his injuries, don't care about these false courtesies."

"Oh, then I'm here to thank the son, the military teacher." Zhang Fei sighed deeply, "It's really unlucky. I've damaged hundreds of brothers. I'm really useless."

"General Zhang was secretly calculated by the villain. He can heal his wounds. There will be a chance for revenge."

Seeing that Zhang Fei was a little angry, Zhuge Liang quickly consoled him. The most feared of poisoned people is to get angry. When they get angry, the wound will crack and the poison will spread, which will affect the body's recovery.

The prescription Zhuge Liang prescribed was very effective. Zhang Fei drank it for three days, and his body recovered completely. Zhang Fei was lucky this time, because the aconitine is very toxic. The arrow only rubbed Zhang Fei’s arm, so the poison was not too much. If the feather arrow hits his arm, Zhuge Liang will save him. Can't help him.

This time as a pioneer, not only was he injured, but hundreds of soldiers were also damaged. Zhang Fei's heart has always been uncomfortable. As a fierce general, Zhang Fei rarely defeats battles. In this attack on Qiyang, Zhang Fei took the initiative to ask Ying to be the vanguard. At that time, I heard that the general defending Qi Yang was Xing Daorong, and Zhang Fei was disdainful. Zhang Fei believes that Xing Daorong is nothing but an obscure rat, and it is not worth mentioning.

Originally, Zhuge Liang warned Zhang Fei that when setting up a camp, he must set up a part of soldiers for defense to prevent the enemy's sneak attack. On the surface, Zhang Fei promised well, but he didn't do so. He thinks that a straw bag like Xing Daorong must be very courageous, and when he sees him, he will definitely be so scared, how can he dare to attack.

So when Zhang Fei led his army to Qiyang, he completely ignored Zhuge Liang's instructions and swaggered to order the entire army to build a camp, waiting for the main army to arrive. However, Xing Daorong led a sudden attack.

When Xing Daorong went out of the city to attack, Zhang Fei not only didn't panic, but was very happy, thinking that he could do meritorious service. Unexpectedly, it was difficult for the enemy to fight, and he was wounded by a dark arrow.

Liu Xun saw that Zhang Fei had been poisoned this time, so he couldn't bear to pursue it. However, if he is not warned, he is likely to make similar mistakes again in the future. Seeing that Zhang Fei was almost recovered, Liu Xun went to visit Zhang Fei.

"Has Sanshu's body recovered?" Zhang Fei was Liu Bei's third brother, so Liu Xun called Zhang Fei privately.

"It's getting better." Zhang Fei was practicing martial arts in the yard. Seeing Liu Xun was here, he hurriedly paid him a homage. "Please come inside, my son."

"It's good to sit here, you can sit too." Then, Liu Xun sat on the stone bench. In the yard of Zhang Fei's residence, there is a big tree with a stone table and a stone bench under the tree.

Zhang Fei also sat down, "Is there anything wrong with the son?"

"This injury is a lesson, Sanshu. In the future, no matter how strong or weak your opponent is, you can't take it lightly." Liu Xun was straightforward.

"Oh, hundreds of brothers have been lost this time." Zhang Fei's face was full of shame and guilt.

"Sanshu don't blame yourself, but you can no longer despise your opponents in the future, and you must follow the arrangements of the military division." Liu Xun knew that Zhang Fei had always not respected Zhuge Liang.

Zhang Fei stood up and said, "Don't worry, my son, I will definitely be more cautious in future battles and follow the military commander's arrangements."

The conversation between Liu Xun and Zhang Fei was very successful, and Zhang Fei also realized his mistake. Zhang Fei was just a bit grumpy, but in fact he was still very kind.

Lingling still has to be taken. After dealing with Wuling County's affairs, Liu Xun stayed in Wuling Prefecture, Gong Zhi, to guard Wuling County, and he led his army towards Qiyang. General Zhuge Liang of the military division Zhonglang, general Zhang Fei, general enlisted captive, and Wei Yan, general exterminating the bandits, accompanied them.

This time, Liu Xun is determined to win...