Three Kingdoms

Chapter 61: Liu Bei Xiangyang Military Parade (Part 1)


Liu Xun led his army back in triumph, and Liu Bei was overjoyed and rewarded the soldiers for meritorious service. But in actual combat, some problems have also been exposed. Liu Bei asked Liu Xun to solve these problems and sent Zhuge Liang to assist him. Liu Xun summoned civil and military officials to discuss the matter in the council hall of the governor's house.

Civil officials and generals stand in a row, and Xiangyang also has a lot of talents at this time. The advisers included Zhuge Liang, Jian Yong, Mi Zhu and Sun Gan, headed by Zhuge Liang. Generals related to Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan and other generals.

"Our army has occupied Wuling and Lingling counties. It is very happy that our army has occupied Wuling and Lingling counties. However, our army has also exposed some problems. I am calling you today to find out the problem and then solve it."

Liu Xun opened the door and explained the reason for calling everyone here and asked everyone to express their opinions.

It was already late autumn and the weather became cooler. The cool weather is very comfortable. The soldiers had just received the award, and they were very happy. Among them, General Zhang Fei, the enlisted general, made great contributions in the process of capturing the two counties, and Liu Bei rewarded him with a hundred gold. The rebel general Zhao Yun took the lead in the battle, and also beheaded Xing Daorong, the first fierce general of Jingnan, made his first contribution and won a reward of one hundred and fifty gold. General Wei Yan, an exterminator, was very brave in the battle. He charged ahead and broke the enemy repeatedly. Liu Bei rewarded him with fifty gold.

Everyone was in a good mood and spoke enthusiastically.

Guan Yu first expressed his thoughts: "Although I did not participate in this battle, judging from the speed of our army's attack on the city, our army has made great progress compared with before."

"The soldiers of our army are brave in battle, there is no problem." Zhao Yun thinks that the soldiers are very desperate and brave in battle, there is no problem.

"My son, our army has won again and again, what can be the problem?"

Zhang Fei also didn't understand. Zhang Fei was in a good mood today and didn't open his eyes with anger.

"Our soldiers are brave in combat. There is no problem at all. It's just that there are still some unreasonable places in the setting of the army."

Zhuge Liang said slowly. He has fully understood Liu Xun's meaning.

"There is a problem with the setup of the army?" Everyone was surprised when they heard it. The army had done systematic training as early as a year ago, with strict military discipline, clean military appearance, and strong combat effectiveness. Otherwise, Wuling and Lingling counties would not be destroyed so soon.

It makes sense that everyone does not understand what Liu Xun and Zhuge Liang meant. Civil officials such as Jian Yong, Mi Zhu, and Sun Gan have average qualifications and are just ordinary officials. Although Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others are all famous players in the world, they are just tacticians, not strategists.

Tacticians pay more attention to the local area, and often come to the front line to command and strive to win every war. They only care about the outcome of each war. As long as they are victorious, they will definitely feel that there is no problem, because their vision does not look so far. Compared with strategists, tacticians tend to focus all their eyes on one or two specific battles, and put all their energy on detailed battle arrangements. Their biggest flaw is that they can’t think outside of a battle. The whole war.

And Liu Xun and Zhuge Liang are not only tacticians, but also strategists. Strategic parents in the long-term overall analysis. Able to focus on the entire battle, and have a strong macro-awareness and long-term strategic vision, and be able to formulate one’s own strategic policy in full detail and correctly, and can reasonably allocate and use one’s own power and resources, thereby guiding one’s own side to obtain war The final victory. Strategists look at issues very comprehensively, not too concerned about gains and losses, but focus on the overall situation.

"Planning in the strategist, decisively winning a thousand miles away." is an indispensable skill for a strategist. Although he won this time, Liu Xun discovered the deficiencies of the army. The army configuration is too rough. There is no distinction between heavy infantry and light infantry, heavy cavalry and light cavalry. Moreover, the White-eared soldiers not only acted as personal soldiers to defend the capital; during the war, some of them were dragged to the battlefield to fight, resulting in the usual training lack of pertinence and inability to display their characteristics.

Heavy infantry generally has high requirements for the quality of soldiers and equipment performance. They are the elite force of infantry and can perform well in both siege and field operations. However, heavy infantry moves at a slower speed and consumes a lot of material and financial resources; compared to heavy infantry, the protection of light infantry is relatively simple, and it is the basic unit on the battlefield, but it has low cost and flexible combat.

The heavy cavalry uses the speed and momentum generated by the charge to make a repressive breakthrough to the enemy's position. The main purpose is to destroy the enemy's formation and attack the enemy's super cavalry. However, due to the high armor coverage, the mobility is not good. The armor coverage rate of the light cavalry is much lower than that of the heavy cavalry, and the protection is small. However, the light cavalry has good combat skills, can fight independently, and can also cooperate with other arms. It is a symbol of freedom and courage. It is a tough and persistent fighter because of its strong mobility and flexibility in combat.

"Our army has six infantry battalions, Huwei Left Camp and Huwei Right Camp; Huben Left Camp and Huben Right Camp; Huhan Left Camp and Huhan Right Camp, all of which are light infantry. Now our army has more cities and financial resources. It’s more than before, so you can train your own heavy infantry. Now the 10,000 horsemen of the left and right battalions of the guard are transformed into heavy infantry."

Liu Xun's words caused a flurry of violence in the barracks. Everyone immediately understood that it turned out to be to transform the arms. The generals have also seen the power of Cao Cao's heavy infantry on the battlefield. They are very happy to have their own heavy infantry.

"My son, I suggest that you can re-create the characteristic unit and name it Xuanjia Army. It is divided into Xuanjia cavalry battalion and Xuanjia infantry battalion, each with 3,000 people. Let the white eared soldiers take the task of full-time guards to protect the city and the safety of the young man's clan. ."

Zhuge Liang's suggestion was also what Liu Xun wanted to do, so Liu Xun readily agreed.

Liu Xun selected those who were strong and responsive from the battalions and incorporated them into the Xuanjia battalion, and recruited new soldiers to supplement the battalions. The armor worn by light infantry is made of leather, while the armor worn by heavy infantry is made of iron.

The Xuanjia Army was personally trained by Zhuge Liang. In order to build a good Xuanjia army, Zhuge Liang personally researched and produced special armor. This kind of armor is also made of iron armor, but it is more sophisticated because it looks like a fish scale and is called a'fish scale armor'.

The "fish scale armor" invented by Zhuge Liang has a high level of craftsmanship and shows Zhuge Liang's superior wisdom. In the "fish scale armor", the ropes woven with the armor pieces are hidden under the armor pieces, so as to minimize the possibility of being cut by sharp objects.

Moreover, the nail pieces can be stretched, and the overlapped nail pieces after expansion and contraction are superimposed again, and the overall protective thickness can be adjusted at will with the degree of curvature. The steel armor piece is woven on the leather goods with ropes to form a stable body. The leather goods have been purchased as the last protective barrier. Under the blow of a blunt object from the front, they appear to be not loose individuals, but like plate armor. The same whole, in terms of point area, to deal with sharp weapons like bow and arrow spear stings, the hard and inclined armor surface can make the arrow spear tip pass by, and the overall protection is very high.

In addition to wearing "fish-scale armor", the mysterious cavalry is also very particular about the protection of horses. The horse equipment of the Xuanjia Army cavalry is also specially made, which can be divided into "curtain" to protect the head of the horse, "chicken neck" to protect the neck of the horse, "breast" to protect the breast of the horse, and "vest armor" to protect the body of the horse. , Protect the "back" of the horse's buttocks and the "parasites" erected on the horse's buttocks.

The cavalry is a whole composed of man and horse. In battle, if a horse is injured, the soldiers on the horse will also be greatly affected. Therefore, the protection of horses is also very knowledgeable.

The weapons used by the Xuanjia Army were all spears. In addition, each person is equipped with a short sword, which is used in fighting.

With this set of "fish scale armor" and sophisticated weapons, the Xuan Jia army is even more powerful. Moreover, Zhuge Liang was very good at training soldiers, and it was very helpful to the Xuanjia Army's combat effectiveness.

Some people might think that since the Xuanjia Army is so powerful, why not train more. Because training soldiers requires manpower, material resources and financial resources. The horses, armor, weapons, etc. used by the Xuanjia Army cost a lot of money. Not only does it cost a lot to make weapons and armors, but it also needs to be maintained at ordinary times. These all require money. The horses of the Xuanjia Army were purchased from Ma Teng from the Liangzhou area, and it was not a small expense to raise and take care of these horses.

The Han army now has only three counties, and can't afford to consume more. Moreover, the combination of military heights and lows is reasonable.

The generals worked hard to train the soldiers. It took nearly three months to complete the training of the army. At this time, it has reached the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the weather has become very cold. However, Liu Bei saw that the training of the armed forces was completed. In order to test the army, the three armies were deliberately drilled in the university grounds.

In the fourth year of Jian'an, on December 11, the weather was still fine. The three armies drove to the university grounds for inspection. In addition to the local defenders, the regular Han army has more than 60,000 men. They were 10,000 heavy infantry, 20,000 light infantry, 10,000 light cavalry, 5,000 sailors, and 5,000 crossbow soldiers, as well as 4,000 Baier soldiers and 6,000 Xuanjia troops.

Seeing the Han army lined up in a neat line on the university grounds, everyone was very happy. Unexpectedly, it took Liu Xun only three months to train so many elite soldiers to give the army a new look. Everyone was amazed and thought that in the future, Liu Xun could inherit Liu Bei's great cause and rejuvenate the Han Dynasty.

The soldiers were solemn, murderous, and straight into the sky. When Liu Bei saw the powerful military appearance, he was full of mixed flavors, and the past is vividly remembered. At the beginning, Liu Bei started his army at the age of twenty-eight. Now there is finally a land of three counties with sixty thousand elite soldiers.

"Master, the army has been assembled, please review" Liu Xun, who was standing on the side, reported to Liu Beihui, his voice high and excited.

"Let's get started." Liu Bei said excitedly.

The grand military parade is about to begin...