Three Kingdoms

Chapter 62: Liu Bei Xiangyang Military Parade (Part 2)


After Liu Bei issued the order to start the military parade, Liu Xun immediately replied: "I will obey the order at the end."

Then, Liu Xun turned around, holding the cloud sword in his left hand, waving the flag in his right hand, and shouting loudly: "The lord has an order, the military parade begins, and the Xuanjia infantry advances."

"The Lord has an order, the military parade begins, and the Xuanjia infantry advances..."

After receiving the order, several messengers immediately passed the order to the whole army.

After receiving the order, the Xuanjia infantry standing in the front row stepped majestic steps towards the parade. They are armed with long spears, with bright armor, half of their faces hidden under a black mask, and their footsteps are neat and powerful, very mighty. These three thousand Xuanjia infantry are the elite of the infantry, so of course they must be at the forefront of the infantry.

"Change formation!" Liu Xun waved his order, and the three thousand mysterious soldiers started to move. With the waving of the flag, the three thousand Xuanjia infantry changed from a square formation to a circular formation, followed by a geese formation, a wing formation...

These three thousand Xuanjia infantry troops are not only strong in body, but also flexible in mind. These formations can't stand them up at all.

"Eight formations." Liu Xun shouted loudly.

With the waving of Liu Xun's banner, the three thousand Xuanjia infantry troops quickly assembled into a medium-sized eight formation. I saw the shouts and killings shook the sky in the array, the arrangement was staggered, and the banner was clear.

In the stands, in addition to the civil and military officials of the three counties, the local elders were also invited. When they saw Xuan Jiabing, they couldn't help but utter admiration.

"We have never seen a soldier like this before, and the formation is amazing," a prestigious scholar in Xiangyang asked curiously.

"This is the Xuanjia army trained by the military commander Zhonglang Zhuge Liang. Their armor called'fish scale armor' was also invented by the military commander. This formation is an eight-array pattern and created by the military commander." Liu Xun replied respectfully.

"No wonder, it turned out to be Mr. Wolong's masterpiece." Everyone couldn't help admiring Zhuge Liang's talents.

After the Xuanjia infantry passed by, with the sound of bows and arrows, the five thousand crossbowmen from Shenji Gongniuying in brown leather armor walked over. Among them, a hundred marksman stood alone in a square formation of four, walking in the forefront.

With the command of the school lieutenant, "Let..."

"Swish! Swish! Swish..." A hundred feather arrows shot out, hitting the bullseye in front of them one after another.

After the crossbowmen, there were heavy infantrymen from the left and right battalions of Huhan. The heavy black armor on their bodies was very eye-catching. Although they are not as dazzling as the Xuanjia Army looks, they are numerous, and they will definitely be the backbone of the battlefield in the future. They walked straight across the parade stand arrogantly.

"Liu Cishi's army is really refreshing." Everyone exclaimed. These well-known figures in Jingzhou were all born in the big family. Although the forces are not as powerful as the original four great families in Xiangyang, they have all seen big scenes. They have seen many armies before, but they are not as good as the armies in front of them. They were shocked by their neat appearance, strict military discipline, and strong combat effectiveness. Especially the Xuanjia Infantry, it brought them too great an impact.

Then the light infantry and light cavalry also walked through the reviewing platform one after another. They wore leather armor and were full of energy.

"Boom...", the heavy horseshoe stepped on the ground, as if the school field could not withstand their trampling and was about to collapse. Three thousand mysterious cavalry, wearing fish scale armor, silver-gray iron claws on their heads, and their faces still hidden behind the masks, their stirrups, holding reins in one hand and long spears in the other, are very mighty.

The cost of three thousand mysterious cavalry is several times that of three thousand mysterious infantry. The reason is that there are more horses. These three thousand Xiliang horses were all bought by Xiliang Ma Teng. There are no high-quality horses in Jingzhou, and they can only be purchased from other places. The Xiliang area, close to the Western Regions, is rich in famous horses. So Liu Xun dispatched Sun Gan to act as a businessman and bought four thousand Xiliang horses for four thousand dollars from the hands of the governor of Xiliang, Ma Teng.

There were only more than 3,000 horses left in Xiangyang, and usually the raising and care of horses cost a lot of money.

Before Liu Bei was poor, he was very distressed when he spent so much money on horses. But in order to train three thousand mysterious cavalry, Liu Bei had to agree. Now that the Xuanjia cavalry is training well, Liu Bei is very happy, thinking that the money has not been spent in vain.

On the battlefield, the infantry is no match for the impact of heavy cavalry. The effect of their crushing infantry is very obvious, just like later generations of tanks destroying infantry. The role of the mysterious cavalry is far more than that. The tactics used by Liu Xun and Zhuge Liang in rehearsing the Xuanjia Army are roughly as follows: flank assault, ambush, and frontal assault.

A flank assault is not necessarily the side of the enemy's formation, it may also be a weak link of the enemy, or it may detour to the back of the enemy's formation. Zhuge Liang suggested that Liu Xun should let the frontal troops engage the enemy first, and when the enemy's spirit is frustrated and consumed, he would then lead the Xuanjia army to attack the weak link of the enemy, or directly bypass the enemy and attack the enemy back and forth.

Such an attack is often a fatal blow, causing the enemy to collapse. A frontal assault is based on the Xuanjia Army as the forward and the army as the successor. It directly impacts the enemy's formation, disrupts and disperses the enemy's formation, and finally achieves the goal of annihilating the enemy.

Seeing the mysterious cavalry approaching, Liu Xun waved the flag and shouted: "Assault! Charge!" He just wanted everyone to watch the power of the mysterious cavalry up close, showing that it was worth the money.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" After hearing the order, the three thousand profound armored cavalry shouted loudly and rushed forward. Although their upper faces were covered by the mask, the viewer could still feel the ferocious eyes that they showed, and the murderous intent rushed into the sky.

Although their number is only three thousand, the sound of horseshoes stepping out together is as loud as spring thunder.

"Kill kill kill..." The shouting shouted loudly, their rushing speed from slow to fast, billowing dust and smoke rolled up behind them. The weapons in their hands showed cold light, as if they would never stop without seeing blood. It is undeniable that the momentum of the three thousand heavy cavalry is amazing. Besides, Zhuge Liang has a good training of soldiers. Everyone is a good soldier, and it is even more powerful to work together.

Many people can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they see such a momentum. There seemed to be a scene of profound armored cavalry crushing the enemy: after three thousand profound armored cavalry charged, a corpse was left behind, and the scene was very bloody.

"With such a magical soldier, why don't the lord worry about the immortality of the enemy army, and the world is not peaceful."

Everyone complimented, they were all stunned by the sight in front of them, and they couldn't think of other words to describe them.

"Our soldiers practice daily, and the training of the Xuanjia Army is even stricter. Every morning, you must run for ten kilometers with a load before you can eat. The Xuanjia infantry and the Xuanjia cavalry must practice marksmanship, swordsmanship and archery. The Xuanjia cavalry also needs to practice equestrianism and horse slashing, and the Xuanjia infantry needs to practice formations, and they practice very hard every day."

Liu Xun carefully introduced to everyone. Liu Xun wanted them to understand that the results they saw were achieved after every step of hard training, and it was not easy. Indeed, without accumulating steps, there is no way to reach thousands of miles, and without accumulating small currents, there is no way to become a river. The Xuanjia Army can have what it looks like today, all because of hard training.

When training the Xuanjia Army, everyone didn't believe in the power of the Xuanjia Army. Many people think that this is a waste of money and not much effect. Nowadays, whether it is the Profound Armored Infantry Army that has been trained long ago, or the Profound Armored Cavalry in front of you, the power is amazing.

Especially the profound armor cavalry, although the cost is huge, but watching them ride on all black horses, they are majestic and murderous. He hasn't done anything yet, just relying on his momentum can make the enemy fearful, and he is a rare cavalry. The Xuanjia Army cannot be piled up by money alone. In addition to money, the training of the Xuan Jia army has several important factors.

First of all, there must be clear discipline. Military training requires clear military discipline. Only when the military discipline is strict can we order prohibitions and order uniformity. In this way, soldiers can be trained more efficiently. The Xuanjia Army usually has heavy training tasks, and it will definitely not be able to complete the training tasks without the constraints of military discipline.

Secondly, there must be proper command. The Xuanjia Army was trained by Zhuge Liang himself, with the assistance of generals such as Wei Yan. Zhuge Liang is very good at training soldiers. His formation and art of war are top-notch, and his requirements are very strict. Under Zhuge Liang's rigorous training, the Xuanjia Army quickly became an iron army with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

"The military division has worked so hard to train such a strong soldier."

Although Liu Bei is a dozen years older than Zhuge Liang, he has always respected Zhuge Liang and never called him by his first name.

"It all depends on the support of the lord and son."

Zhuge Liang didn't dare to be greedy by himself. Zhuge Liang is cautious by nature. Since joining the Han Army, he has been conscientious, hardworking and hardworking, and has made great contributions to the development and growth of the Han Army. But he didn't take credit for arrogance, he just wanted to repay Liu Bei and Liu Xun for their knowledge and revitalize the Han Dynasty.

Revitalizing the Han room is Zhuge Liang's long-standing ideal. He was deeply influenced by the orthodox culture. Seeing that the Han Dynasty was in danger, the people were in danger, and the heroes were separated, his heart was like a knife. He didn't want to revive the Han room all the time and save the people from water and fire. Now, he assisted Liu Bei and Liu Xun to raise the banner of the big man again and saw hope. Therefore, Zhuge Liang worked harder, hoping to realize his ideals sooner. This is not only loyalty to the monarch, but also loyalty to the country.

With the completion of the training of the Xuanjia cavalry, the military parade at the colonel was also over. This military parade demonstrated the military might of the Han army. The scholars and people in the three counties all admired, and their recognition of the Han Dynasty was further improved.

As New Year’s Eve approaches, the flavor of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger. It's rare to have a leisure time and rest at home for a period of time. However, Cai Wenji insisted on pulling Liu Xun to join in the fun on the street and feel the taste of the New Year. Liu Xun couldn't help her, so he had to go with her.

In the evening, the city of Xiangyang is still very lively, with lights and festoons everywhere, beaming with joy. Due to the proper management of Liu Bei and Liu Xun, the city of Xiangyang is very prosperous, and the people's life is getting better and better. Everyone welcomes the new year with hope.

"Brother look, there are so many people watching, there must be something fun, let's go."

With that said, Cai Wenji dragged Liu Xun towards the crowd...