Three Kingdoms

Chapter 68: Loyal Huang Zhong


Looking at Han Hao's further and further back, Liu Xun was very anxious. He knew that Han Hao was quite talented, and if he were allowed to escape back, Changsha City would definitely be more difficult to win. However, Liu Xun couldn't move forward, because the archer on the city wall stared at him tightly. If he stepped forward, he would fall within the range of the enemy's archer.

"Why doesn't the son use bows and arrows?"

Guan Yu behind him seemed to see Liu Xun's thoughts and hurriedly reminded him.

Yes, my bow and arrow have a longer range than other ordinary bows and arrows. Ordinary bows and arrows can shoot a hundred steps away, while their own bows and arrows can shoot a hundred and fifty steps away. I even forgot about it in a hurry. Liu Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head, and hurriedly drew a feather arrow from behind, opened the bow and pointed it at Han Hao.


Han Hao, who was about to rush into the city, fell to his horse in response.

"The son's arrow is really amazing."

"Yeah! Yeah! I have never seen such an arrow in my life."

Everyone admired Liu Xun's archery skills and admired them in unison.

However, Liu Xun was very calm and did not feel complacent at all because of the compliments of the soldiers. "Win without arrogance and defeat without discouragement" is a necessary quality for a general, and Liu Xun deeply understands the truth.

Ganning’s camp has been repaired and tired after a day of fighting. Everyone has entered the barracks to rest, waiting for the next war.

Huang Zhong in Ancheng had already received Han Xuan's request for help.

General Fu Tong, the general under Huang Zhong, said to the Han family, "I heard that Liu Bei's eldest son Liu Xun defeated Han Hao's 30,000 army with 3,000 infantry and 3,000 cavalry. The strength should not be underestimated. We only have it. A mere 10,000 horses is not necessarily Liu Xun’s opponent. Moreover, Liu Xun, under the banner of the Han Dynasty, represents orthodoxy, and we should submit to Liu Xun."

Huang Zhong sighed deeply after hearing this, "I understand all the truths you said. But Han Xuan, the prefect, treats me not badly, and our army can still fight. If I treachery and surrender without a fight, I must do it for you. The world laughed."

Seeing Huang Zhong's determination to be loyal to Han Xuan, Fu Tong said disappointedly: "The general's loyalty is touching. However, the Han army is so powerful that we are absolutely unable to fight the enemy. If we go to rescue, we will die. It is better to hold Ancheng and watch the changes. "

"It's a good plan."

Huang Zhong neither rescued Han Xuan nor surrendered to Liu Xun.

Early the next morning, Liu Xun summoned everyone in the Great Account of the Chinese Army to discuss plans for attacking Changsha County.

Engaged Mi Zhu suggested: "The main enemy force has been wiped out by our army. There are only tens of thousands of enemy troops in Changsha. It is better to take down Changsha City in one go."

"Never, the city walls of Changsha are strong, and the city is tall. Attacking our army will inevitably result in heavy losses."

Zhuge Liang thought this trick was undesirable. It would be unwise to lose too many soldiers and horses in the siege.

When Liu Xun heard this, he nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhuge Liang's statement.

"Then what shall we do?"

Guan Yu asked eagerly, he wanted to take Changsha faster.

"On the periphery of Changsha City, there are two major towns, Ancheng and Youxian. Youxian is under the control of Han Hao's son Han Rong, who has 10,000 troops in charge. Ancheng is under the control of the famous general Huang Zhong, and there are also ten thousand horses. If you want to take Changsha city, you must first take the Under these two important towns."


Before Liu Xun finished speaking, Gan Ning asked eagerly. It seems that he is also eager to make a contribution.

"If we don't take down these two important towns first, when we are attacking Changsha City, if they attack us behind the scenes, wouldn't our army be attacked?"

After hearing Liu Xun's explanation, everyone nodded and said yes, thinking that it was the long-term consideration of the son.

"I am going to divide my troops into three groups. The first route will be led by General Guan Yu with 10,000 troops to attack You County. The second route will be led by a 6,000 Xuanjia army to attack Ancheng. In the third route, the military division will lead the remaining troops and take the lead. camp."

Liu Xun's arrangement was very appropriate, and everyone was convinced.


"It's not good, it's not good, the Han army is here."

After Huang Zhong heard the soldier's report, he hurried to the top of the city, only to see the "Chinese" flag waving in the wind. The general flag of "An Han General Liu Xun" is also very conspicuous. Although the Han army was small in number, it was clear-cut and tidy, which Huang Zhong secretly admired.

However, Huang Zhong was not a counselor, and led the entire army out of the city to fight.

"Old General Huang, I have long heard that you are a loyal minister. Why do you want to be loyal to the rebels

Liu Xun asked sharply, with regret in his voice.

"Han Xuan treats me very well. As the saying goes,'A scholar dies for a confidant' let him go."

Huang Zhong's attitude is very firm, that is, to be loyal to Han Xuan.

"Huang Zhong, don't be ignorant of promotion. If you don't surrender, you will surely be killed in pieces."

Wei Yan was impatient and cursed.

"If you really start, it's not always the one who will kill you."

Huang Zhong was also angry. After all, he was a great general and would not easily admit defeat.

"Old General Huang, do you have to fight against me?"

Liu Xun cherishes Huang Zhong's talent and can't bear to go to war with him.

"Oh, you and I are the masters, and it is hard for Huang Zhongshu to follow his fate."

Huang Zhong still didn't want to surrender.

War is still unavoidable.

Liu Xun waved his flag, and three thousand Xuanjia heavy infantry rushed up.

Huang Zhong sighed deeply, slammed his bow and arrow to the ground, pressing all the 10,000 soldiers on it.

"Kill! Kill! Kill"

"Kill! Kill! Kill"

The shouts and killings of both parties are endless.

The two armies are fighting fiercely, regardless of victory or defeat. Under Huang Zhong's training, the ten thousand Changsha army was far more powerful than the other Changsha soldiers. Liu Xun realized that the Xuanjia heavy infantry would not necessarily win in this way. Even if it wins, it is a miserable victory and both loses.

"Wei Yan, you led a thousand profound armored heavy cavalry to break through the enemy's left flank, and other soldiers will follow me."



After receiving the order, Wei Yan led a thousand Xuanjia army to the enemy's left wing and rushed over.

Liu Xun personally led the remaining two thousand profound armored heavy cavalry to break through the enemy's right flank.

The enemy army was concentrating on fighting with the three thousand profound armored heavy infantry in front of him. I didn't expect that the profound armored heavy cavalry would charge from the two wings and was terrified. Before he recovered, he was trampled under his iron hoof and screamed.

The Changsha soldiers were in chaos, trampling on each other and causing countless casualties. Three thousand Xuanjia heavy infantry took the opportunity to press up, and Changsha soldiers fell one after another, which was more like a massacre. These six thousand mysterious armies have been running in the last war, and their tactics have become better and better. Although the combat effectiveness of Huang Zhong's soldiers was stronger than that of Han Hao's soldiers, they still couldn't resist the Xuanjia Army.

Huang Zhong saw that the general situation had passed, and was not ashamed to become angry, so he killed the Han army. Instead, he dropped the weapon in his hand and said to Fu Tong beside him, "The trend is over, surrender."

After speaking, Huang Zhong pulled out his saber and wanted to wipe his neck. Seeing this scene, Liu Xun quickly stepped forward and picked off the sword in Huang Zhong's hand at the moment of his death.

At this time, Ancheng soldiers had put down their weapons and surrendered under Fu Tong's orders.

Liu Xun strictly ordered the soldiers not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Seeing that the saber in his hand was picked off, Huang Zhong sighed deeply, "What is the face of the defeated general who lives in the world!"

"Old General Huang, a hero of the world, with the heavy responsibility of reviving a big man, how could he let go so early!"

Liu Xun hurriedly dismounted and said.

"Don't say it anymore, my heart is determined, you can make me perfect."

Huang Zhong's attitude is very firm, and he will not surrender.

"Old General Huang is benevolent and righteous, if he leaves like this, the law of heaven will not tolerate it!"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

Liu Xun's words aroused Huang Zhong's curiosity.

"General Huang made a good bow with a good bow, 200 steps away from the arrow, which made the late birth admire very much. But General Huang threw down his bow and arrows before the battle, and didn't want to shoot our army secretly, so he must have great righteousness in his heart. And here It's very rare to see people who are as benevolent and righteous as a general in troubled times."

Liu Xun said it very sincerely, of course, there is also a compliment. In order to win over Huang Zhong, Liu Xun even said compliments. In order to obtain talents, he really struggled.

"Hey, the defeated general can only apologize with death."

Huang Zhong still cherishes his failure. He did not expect that he would not be able to beat a young man with twice the strength. And the defeat was so fast and so thorough, now there are only a few hundred remnants left.

"You are not wronged if you are defeated by the young man with his soldiers like a god."

Wei Yan said casually on the side. Although it is true, it is out of date. Liu Xun hurriedly winked at Wei Yan, and Wei Yan shut up with interest.

"The general's arrow skills are unparalleled in the world, and his martial arts are superb. Even my father praised the general as a rare general."

Liu Xun praised Huang Zhong as much as he could, and it seemed that he really did his best.

"Oh, the son is wrong."

Huang Zhong's attitude has changed. It seems that praising others is a good trick and it is very effective. Liu Xun was very happy, and finally moved Huang Zhong.

"The general's name is loyal to Han Sheng, just like him. The general's loyalty corresponds to the word'loyalty', and the general has done it. Han Sheng means to be born for a big man, that is to make the general loyal to the big man.

What Liu Xun analyzed was that his head was good, which moved Huang Zhong very much.

"If Changsha is captured, I hope the son can treat my old master Han Xuan kindly."

Huang Zhong was determined to submit, but he still missed his old master, which shows that he is indeed a loyal person.

"Well, even if you don't say it, I will do it."

Liu Xun readily agreed, and being able to subdue a general makes Liu Xun more happy than getting Ancheng.

"This is my general Fu Tong. He is loyal and reliable. He is a talent."

Huang Zhong introduced to Liu Xun his capable cadre Fu Tong. Although Fu Tong had average talents, he was highly loyal and worthy of trust.

Liu Xun appointed Huang Zhong as the general to break the captives, and still took Fu Tong as his general.

The Han army has strict military discipline and has no offence against Ancheng. The people of Ancheng had long heard that Liu Huangshu's Han army was a benevolent and righteous army. Everyone is eager to see the demeanor of the Han army. There are also a lot of young girls and deep-bowed women who are grieving and rushing to the streets regardless of dissuasion.

Seeing that the Han army had such prestige among the people, Liu Xun opened his eyes and smiled, and he was exuberant, not knowing where he was.

On Ancheng's side, Liu Xun won it smoothly, but Guan Yu, who attacked You County, was not so smooth.