Three Kingdoms

Chapter 69: military discipline!


General Han Rong of Youxian County received a report from visiting Malaysia, and Guan Yu was leading an army of 10,000 to attack Youxian County. Han Rong is the son of Han Hao. He and the Han army have a vengeance for killing his father. Hearing that Guan Yu came, his teeth were itchy. However, he knew that the Han army was strong in combat, and Guan Yu was extremely brave and could only outsmart an invincible enemy.

He remembered that there was a river in front of Youxian County called Laodao River, which was densely covered with jungles, and could ambush Guan Yu there. Because Han Rong worked diligently and loved the people in Youxian County and was loved by the people, thousands of people volunteered to deliver supplies.

When Guan Yu arrived in Youxian County, it was too late, and Mi Zhu reminded Guan Yu: "General Guan, I think the rivers and nets are crisscrossed in front of you, and the jungle is so dense that it is easy to lie in ambush. It's better to be careful."

"Master Mi, I was scared before the war. Han Rong is just a rat. Hearing that the Han army is here, he must be scared. He must be hiding in the city and dare not come out. How dare you come here to attack me? military."

Guan Yu always looked down on the Mi brothers, thinking that they were able to become officials with his sister, Mrs. Mi.

Mi Zhu still wanted to persuade, but Guan Yu ignored him and had to stay silent, praying in his heart that there would be no trouble.

"Swish! Swish! Swish"

As soon as the Han army entered the woods by the river, a rocket shot over the sky.

"Ouch! Ouch..."

Many soldiers in the Han army hit arrows and wailed.

"Kill, kill!"

Enemy troops rushed out of the woods overwhelmingly, and the Han army had no fighting spirit, and Guan Yu hurriedly led his troops back.

"Guan Yu escaped, we won."

The soldiers and people of You County cheered.

"I just saw Guan Yu's Azure Dragon Yanyue Sword fell into the river."

A good deed suddenly said.

"Really? That's worth a lot of money."

"Qinglong Yanyue Knife, that's a magic weapon."

Everyone believes the rumors every word you say, and you roll up your trousers and fish for a knife.

When Han Rong saw that Guan Yu had retreated, he would not return for a while, and he did not restrict the behavior of the soldiers and the people.

Guan Yu led his army back more than ten miles before stopping. He counted hundreds of casualties. Guan Yu was not reconciled, this time he was defeated. He ordered the soldiers to advance to You County again.

This time it was a coincidence. When Guan Yu led the Han army to Laodao River again, the soldiers and people of You County were all touching knives in the river, and there were many women, children and children watching the excitement on the bank.

"Listen, everyone, regardless of women and children, the soldiers and people all killed."

Guan Yu's eyes were really red this time, anxious and frustrated, no matter how Mi Zhu persuaded him, he just wouldn't listen.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"


The Han army screamed for killing, and the flames of revenge filled everyone's heart.

The soldiers, people, women, children and children of Youxian County were all killed by the sword. Before Han Rong understood what was going on, he was hacked to death by Guan Yu and became a ghost.

Guan Yu led his army into the city and slaughtered Han Rong's family. The small You County immediately ran into rivers of blood.

As soon as Mi Zhu arrived at the county office, he heard a faint scream like a pig from inside, heart-piercing, and it sounded creepy. Mi Zhu frowned and asked, "What happened inside? Who is inside?"

A small soldier said tremblingly: "General Guan is inside. The adults can ask him, but I dare not answer when I wait for the small soldier."

Mi Zhu knew that there was a massacre in the city, so he hurried in. I saw blood stains on the road and on the walls. The corpses were sloppy. There were males and females, old and young, the big ones were seventy and eighty, and the little ones were waiting to be fed. Seeing this miserable situation, Mi Zhu couldn't help feeling pity, sighing and chanting, "Amitabha." When he walked into the hall, the front hall was also chaotic and messy. There were no living people, but corpses.

Alas, this Guan Yu, relied on being the lord's brother-in-law, to kill innocents in such a way, and seriously violated military discipline. This is okay, and he must be taken care of. Thinking of this, Mi Zhu followed the screams all the way, and finally saw Guan Yu in the back garden. He was stripped naked, his eyes were blood-red, and his body was blood. He carried a sword and slashed at everybody. There are maids, servants, princes, and young ladies in the Lashi Mansion. There are very few martial arts. No matter how Guan Yu's opponent is, there is no chance to escape. It only takes a quarter of an hour to be in a different place and soul flying away.

Mi Zhu sighed and rushed forward, trying to persuade him. Guan Yu was going to kill him, and he was indiscriminately indiscriminate. After knocking down the last maid, he still felt uncomfortable. Suddenly he realized that someone was approaching behind him and cried out, "It's just here!" Turning around was a sword. This sword came very quickly, but before the sword arrived, the wind had screamed. How could Mi Zhu resist, he had to resort to the invincible fainting Dafa, with a pair of eyes, and he collapsed to the ground.

Guan Yu was shocked when he saw Mi Zhu, he hurriedly helped him up, shook him up, and shouted: "I said Renlu, you will not say a word when you come. There is no sound like a ghost. I am not afraid of being killed by me. Ah!" Mi Zhu said: "Who is like a ghost? You don't look at yourself. In the middle of the night, the dark lights are blinding, you are stripped and blood-red, and the ghosts in the house are screaming and screaming. I just arrived. I thought it was hell on earth!" Mi Zhu became angry when so many innocent people died tragically.

Guan Yu smiled and said, "Hey, who asked them to help the gang to abuse them? It's a joy to kill like this!"

Mi Zhu sneered slightly, and said: "Happy? There will be more fun in a while. Come!" Mi Zhu's close guard rushed forward when he heard the words, and Mi Zhu asked: "Master Liu Xun once instituted strict military discipline in Xiangyang. Specifically, there are'Ten Slashes','Five Punishments', and'Three Rewards'. I can't remember what the fourth item in Ten Slashes says, why don't I remember any kind of sergeant to remind me."

The guards looked at each other, not knowing what they were saying, and they didn't dare to answer anyone who knew.

Guan Yu furiously said, "These are Han Rong's family members, they are all damned!"

Mi Zhu nodded and said, "Oh, it's Han Rong's family, you said it earlier!" He pointed to the corpse of a maid beside him and said, "What about this one? It looks like a maid. , I don't know which relative of Cha Cha's?"

"This..." Guan Yu stammered and couldn't answer.

Mi Zhu said angrily: "What the hell! Is the maid also guilty? Besides, the son Liu Xun once said to punish the Han Rong nine clan?"

Guan Yu shook his head, speechless.

Mi Zhu then asked: "How to deal with Han Rong's family? It's up to son Liu Xun to decide. What crime should you be guilty of killing Han Rong's family without order?"

Under Mi Zhu's question, Guan Yu suddenly furious: "Mi Zhu, Mi Zhu, my elder brother calls you my brother-in-law, you don't know how thick the sky is? You are just a rotten scholar who eats soft rice. You dare to take care of me?"

Mi Zhu did not back down and said sharply: "You violate military discipline and kill people without authorization. I will take care of it!"

"Tube! Tube! I told you to do it! Come on! Take the rope!"

Guan Yu became angry with embarrassment. He grabbed Mi Zhu by the collar and pushed him under a big tree. The soldiers handed him a rope. Guan Yu took it and tied Mi Zhu to the tree. He tied it firmly and raised his hand with a whip. go with. Guan Yu had long been obsessed with the dominance of Mi Zhu's younger brother Mi Fang, so he spread his anger on Mi Zhu's body.

Mi Zhu's pain was unbearable, and he yelled "Ah", thinking: "I didn't expect Guan Yu to hate me so much. He would lose his life after a whip..."

Seeing Mi Zhu gritted his teeth, Guan Yu was furious, not begging for mercy, and continued to wave his whip. The cursing in his mouth was endless, worthy of fifty lashes.

At the beginning, Mi Zhu still screamed endlessly, and then gradually couldn't support it. He was dying, but he vented more and less air, and saw that he couldn't live anymore.

"Why is General Guan like this! Why whipped Lord Mi?" At this critical juncture, Liu Xun walked into the courtyard.

An old man onlookers approached, trembling, and said: "General Guan rushed into the mansion and killed Han Rong's family. Master Mi couldn't see it, and said a few words. General Guan was furious and tied Master Mi. Come up..."

When Liu Xun heard this, he was furious, "Naughty! Unreasonable! Hurry up and loosen the tie!" Hearing this, his own soldier came up to loosen the tie for Mi Zhu.

Mi Zhu was blown by the cold wind and woke up. Seeing Liu Xun, he said weakly: "Nephew, one step later, uncle, I won't see you."

Liu Xun knew that Guan Yu had caused a catastrophe this time, and said quickly: "Master Mi calms down, I will apologize to you for him.

Mi Zhu weakly said: "It's not a question of whether or not to pay for the crime. General Guan is the lord's second brother. He kills people indiscriminately and no one dares to control his family. If this continues, the military law is like a dead letter.

Guan Yu said with a disdainful expression: "These unsophisticated people in You County helped Han Rong attack our army and killed them. As for such a fuss? These family members of Han Rong are also helping him to abuse him. It's time to kill!"

"Second uncle, don't talk nonsense, you go back."

Liu Xun was also very angry about Guan Yu's behavior.

"The prince’s military law stipulates that the murderer dies. It is not wrong for General Guan to kill people indiscriminately. In the future, other sergeants will also follow suit. So the army will have no discipline at all, so why defend against the enemy? The reputation of benevolence and righteousness that the lord and princes usually put down is destroyed. Why can't Guan Yu be punished severely?"

"Second uncle's move is somewhat improper, but although my father and third uncle have different surnames, they swear to live and die. Uncle's statement wants to kill him, I'm afraid this is wrong!"

Liu Xun also knew that this matter was difficult to handle, but he didn't expect Mi Zhu to be so staunch.

"Even if he is the brother of the lord, he should not be sentenced to capital punishment, and he should be heavily blamed for a hundred army sticks, in order to behave like you!"

Mi Zhu's request is also very appropriate, after all, Guan Yu committed a serious crime.

Liu Xun gritted his teeth and said, "Come here, drag Guan Yu down and blame a hundred army sticks."

Guan Yu yelled: "Nephew! How can you listen to this guy's nonsense and beat people indiscriminately?"

With tears in his eyes, Liu Xun flicked his sleeves and said: "I don't have to do it quickly!" Two big men came up behind Guan Yu, and they couldn't help but push them to the ground. The strong man who executed the torment, picked up the big stick and beat them down one to one. Guan Yu was also very stiff, gritted his teeth and forbeared without humming.

Liu Xun couldn't bear it. He turned his head and shed tears in silence. He didn't dare to look again, but for the sake of strict military discipline, he had no choice but to do so.

After hitting a hundred army sticks, Guan Yu climbed up and gave Mi Zhu a fierce look. He pushed away the soldiers who wanted to come forward to help him, clutched his butt, and limped away.

Guan Yu was good at slaughtering innocent people and was accused of a hundred army sticks. It spread throughout the town of Youxian for a while, and the elders of the people heard that Liu Bei did not favor favoritism, restrained the army, and had strict military discipline. All of them opened their eyes and laughed, and said in unison: "The sky has eyes, and you have to meet the Lord." Some poor and ruthless scholars made a fuss about this matter, and the words of praise could go around the city in an instant.

Liu Xun’s one hundred army stick was shown to the people of You County, and even to the people of Changsha County as a whole, as well as to the generals of the whole army. Everyone knows that even the lord’s second brother Guan Yu will be punished heavily for violating military discipline. After that, who would dare to violate military discipline again? It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Dealing with the affairs of You County, Liu Xun led his army back to Changsha, with the goal directed at Han Xuan.