Three Kingdoms

Chapter 75: The messenger of Samok


There is still a tense atmosphere in Wuling City. These ten days have been really tiring. That bunch of barbarians are really crazy, with such crazy offensive frequency, many people were killed and injured. Don't that Samokui know that Wuxi has only a few hundred thousand people

But Liu Xun was undeniable that it was such a crazy offense. The situation in Wuling City has deteriorated a bit. The soldiers did not get effective rest and were very tired. At this time, the disadvantage of the scarcity of the army was also exposed. Fortunately, the Han army usually trains rigorously, and the quality of soldiers is generally very high, and they can still hold their teeth.

"Get me some hot water, I want to take a shower."

After a day of fighting, Liu Xun returned to the mansion and asked the guards to get himself some bath water.

The armor is not only heavy, but also sealed. Even in spring, wearing it all the time is very uncomfortable.

"No." The guard responded and walked out.

Soon after, hot water filled the tub. Liu Xun untied his clothes, sat in the tub, and washed them after three times. Now it's a critical juncture, so you can't put it all together. After washing, Liu Xun's stomach was groaning with hunger.

On the case, a stack of noodles and a plate of beef with soy sauce, plus a jar of wine.

Just after eating, Liu Xun heard a rush of horseshoes ringing outside. Liu Xun frowned, thinking that there must be something serious when riding a horse in the city at night.

Just as Liu Xun guessed. Soon after, the guard walked in to report.

"My lord, there is a barbarian who claims to be under General Samok to beg to see him outside the city. He is already waiting outside the door."

Samok? Liu Xun's eyes condensed. Liu Xun was actually quite surprised for this man. He had long heard that Samok was a strong general. What did he send his hand to do? Now his brother Samokie is in power, maybe their brothers have conflicts.

Thinking of this, the light in Liu Xun's eyes flashed away, and he immediately said, "Call people in."

"No." The guards answered.

After a while, the guard brought in Samoko's men.

The people here are rough-faced, burly, and dressed differently. However, in a pair of eyes, the rare is very calm, and it seems that there is some wise taste. According to Liu Xun's understanding, Wuxi people should be some unruly and rough people. Unexpectedly, there is still such a kind.

"General Shamoko went down to the dragon and paid homage to General Liu."

After the Wuxi people came in, they did not show any disrespect, and directly bowed their heads to Liu Xun, with a very respectful attitude, and spoke fluent Chinese. Wuxi is adjacent to Wuling, and it has been in business for generations. There are not a few people who can speak Chinese. But fluent Chinese is rare.

"Now that the two armies are at war, your General Samok sent you here late at night. I don't know what the intention is?"

Liu Xun asked bluntly.

"Report to General, my general Samok wants to submit to the big man."

Long Qi's words surprised Liu Xun.

"Follow the big man? How do you follow the law?"

Liu Xun's spirit was lifted. He didn't expect such a beautiful thing, but he didn't dare to be careless, I'm afraid there was fraud.

"General Shamoko is willing to help General Liu defeat Shamokui, and then lead all the tribes in the Wuxi area to submit to the big man."

Long Qi took a deep breath, and said this sentence very bluntly, something that made people feel incredible.

Liu Xun was also shocked. After a while, he took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know what this means?"

"From then on, Wuxi will be the county of Dahan."

Long Qi raised his head and said, as if he had been prepared.

Wuxi belongs to Wuling and intersects with Yizhou. Dozens of foreign tribes are entrenched here, and this has been the case for generations. Although Dahan enjoys this land in name, he has never really controlled this place. Now this guy is actually going to lead the Land of Five Streams to obedience, and truly merge into the territory of the Han, which makes people feel incredible.

"Why?" Liu Xun asked in a deep voice.

"Because General Samok's mother is a Han. Moreover, Lord Samok admires the culture and life of the Han people. He also thinks that if the backward Wuxi people are incorporated into the Han people, life will be better and better. "Speaking, Long Qi also explained the hatred between Samok and Samok.

Liu Xun was lost in thought, and to be honest, he doubted what the man in front of him said. The grievances that occurred between Samok and Samok were really terrible. Moreover, in this era, there is a strategy called surrender. You can listen to it, but you can't believe it.

However, Liu Xun was still very moved by Samoko's surrender. Sha Mo Ke is the younger brother of Sha Mo Kui, and it is said that he is still the number one fighter in Wuxi. If Samok can create some chaos and break out of a battalion, the war can be ended.

"What's the plan?" Liu Xun asked after thinking for a moment.

"This time, the 50,000 army will be given by King Shamokui with 20,000, Xirong woman leader with 20,000, and other leaders have sent a total of 10,000 troops. Xirong and Shamokui are not monolithic. My general is seducing Xirong woman leader. It succeeded. After three days, you can kill Xirong and create chaos for the two units. The general can defeat Samokui with only a few soldiers."

Long Qi said calmly.

That Samoko's plan was not small, and he was very courageous. But seduce the female leader and kill it? This Samoko was really interesting, Liu Xun took a breath of air-conditioning, and then he was surprised. After thinking about it for a moment, Liu Xun thought that if Samoko really did that, what awaits him is a joyous victory.

However, Liu Xun's doubts in his heart remained unabated. The heart is moved back to the heart, but being cautious will make people live longer. Liu Xun thought for a moment, but still felt that he couldn't believe it anymore and he had to find some people to discuss it. Therefore, Liu Xun decided to let this guy named Long Qi wait for a while in the mansion.

Although it was night in the lobby of the Prefectural Palace, the lobby looked very bright under the light of the lights. Liu Xun knelt and sat on the main seat. Mi Zhu and Zhao Yun were sitting on their knees. Guan Yu was patrolling the city defenses. Even at night, Liu Xun did not allow him to relax his vigilance. Therefore, Liu Xun did not come to discuss with Guan Yu.

One of these two is a civilian and the other is a military commander. Although resourcefulness is not as good as Zhuge Liang, but at least two people.

As the saying goes, Zhuge Liang is on top of the three heads. In the absence of top advisers, they can only pin their hopes on the two of them.

Liu Xun straightened his face and glanced at Mi Zhu and Zhao Yun. Both of them were a little confused on their faces. I don't know why Liu Xun recruited them.

"Samoque's envoys entered the city just now, saying that they wanted to unite with us and kill Samoko."

An inexplicable light flashed in Liu Xun's eyes, and he said softly.


Mi Zhu and Zhao Yun said in surprise. Under the current stalemate, Samoko suddenly said that he would fight back, which is really surprising. At the same time as the accident, deep doubts also climbed into the hearts of the two of them. Could it be a surrender

"Master, is there any fraud in it?" Mi Zhu hesitated for a moment and asked.

"Yes, there are cunning people among Wuxi people." Zhao Yun nodded and agreed.

"Originally, I was as skeptical as you did, but the envoy revealed a secret, which made me shake."

Liu Xun told Longqi to him, about the grievances between Samoko and Samoko, to the two of them.

Zhao Yun frowned. He didn't know much about the situation in Wuxi, but Mi Zhu looked hesitant.

Mi Zhu's hesitating look made Liu Xun's heart move, and he couldn't help but said to Mi Zhu in a warm voice: "This matter may determine life and death. If you have any concerns in your heart, you might as well say it."

Seeing Liu Xun's question, Mi Zhu no longer hesitated, and boldly said: "Samoko has a great reputation in Wuxi. I also occasionally learn about his situation from some businessmen."

Speaking of this, Mi Zhu paused before saying: "Samoko's mother is a Han. Samoko lost her father when he was young, and his mother was taken over by Samoko and died within a short period of time. These are all. The words are true."

Liu Xun had only heard that there were only five hundred soldiers in Nasamoko, and the rest were unclear. But since Mi Zhu knew it, it meant that this matter was correct.

Therefore, Samok not only has hatred with Samok, but he is also not trusted by Samok. This matter is 80% correct.

"Now I have no doubts about this matter. We should think about whether we can send troops in one fell swoop to annihilate these forty-five thousand barbarians when the opponent's camp is chaotic?"

Liu Xun said happily, everything is ready now, only Dongfeng owes it.

When he was speaking, Liu Xun's eyes rested on Zhao Yun's body.

"Lord, if it is normal, there is really no way. After all, our army is not very large. Compared with the 40,000 to 50,000 barbarians, the gap is far too wide. But if Shamoko causes chaos, he will finally be confident that he can annihilate the barbarians in one fell swoop. "

Zhao Yun straightened his waist and replied loudly, exuding incomparable confidence. Zhao Yun's self-confidence is not blind, after all, there are now six thousand Profound Armies in the city.

Seeing the expression on Zhao Yun's face, Liu Xun smiled slightly and nodded and said, "Okay, go down and get ready. Three days later, when you see the chaos in the barbarian camp, he will send troops to wipe out the barbarian."

"No." Zhao Yun answered very loudly.

After Mi Zhu and Zhao Yun left, Liu Xun pondered for a moment and shouted outside the door: "Bring that dragon here."

"No." The strong voice of the guard sounded outside the door.

Soon after, the guard led the dragon and walked in.

"General." There was some expectation in Long Qi's eyes.

"I have considered your general's request. Three days later, in the middle of the night, if you set fire as a sign, my most elite army will attack the camp of Samoque. Help him take down the head of Samoque."

Liu Xun said in a deep voice, expressionless.

"Thank you General." Long Qi showed a sincere smile on his face. He knew that this time he was not only avenging Samoke, but also for the future of the Wuxi people. If you are trapped in Wuxi, you may have a certain degree of independence. However, people's living standards have always been very low. Walking out of Wuxi, people's lives will become better, and the general in front of them is also the object of their allegiance.

"I will send someone to send you back. Be careful not to leak the news." Liu Xun said softly.

"Okay, please rest assured." Long Qi nodded.

Looking at Long Qi's back, Liu Xun was ecstatic. The current dilemma, because of Samok’s help, will soon be solved. Victory is here...