Three Kingdoms

Chapter 8: Xiangyang Military Training


Although Liu Xun reorganized more than 50,000 troops, the military personnel are uneven, disciplined, and combat effectiveness is not strong.

Although Jingzhou soldiers are regular troops, Jingzhou has always been at peace, so they don't fight for a long time. In addition, there is very little training and management is lax. Therefore, most soldiers are timid and afraid of fighting. Most of the Yellow Turbans were of peasant origin, and they were very fierce in fighting. However, the Yellow Turbans did not understand the formation, did not know the discipline, and when they fought smoothly, they were very fierce; when they were defeated, they scattered in a rush, and the overall combat effectiveness was not very strong. What's more terrible is that these soldiers like to harass the people and steal property when marching and fighting. It has become a habit, and such actions can easily lose popular support.

All these make Liu Xun deeply worried. However, the rules need to be determined step by step, and things need to be done one by one. First, strict discipline will be discussed. Liu Bei was unwell, so he left these things to Liu Xun to handle. Liu Xun made up his mind and summoned Sun Qian, Jian Yong, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and others in the State Mu Mansion in Jingzhou.

Jian Yong said, "The people's heart is the foundation of the country. Emperor Huan of Han and Emperor of Han Ling are arrogant and extravagant, leading the Yellow Turban bandit It’s no different from a bandit.” Although Jian Yong’s words were ugly, they were reasonable.

Zhao Yun said: "The system of rewards and punishments for soldiers is also very important, and rewards and punishments should be clearly distinguished."

Zhang Fei said: "Soldiers should train frequently to train their guts. This way they won't be afraid of fighting."

Other generals also expressed their thoughts one by one.

Liu Xun synthesized everyone's opinions and reported to Liu Bei. With reference to the military system of the Han army, we worked out the organization and rules of the army.

The military system specifically includes:

1. Two thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry were transferred to the White-eared soldiers, a total of four thousand people, and they were organized into the White-eared Battalion. Mainly responsible for the defense of Xiangyang City and the safety of the lord and his family. Take Chen Dao as Baier's captain and command the Baier army.

2. Every five people are set as one corps, and there is a corps leader; every two corps is one thing, a total of ten people, and there is a special length; every five people is a team, with a total of fifty people, and a team leader; , A total of one hundred people, set up a village chief; every five tunes is one song, a total of five hundred people, set a song length; every second song is one, a total of 1,000 people, set up a lieutenant. Every five is a battalion with a total of 5,000 people. Each battalion leader will be appointed by Liu Xun himself during the war.

The infantry is divided into eight battalions, namely Huwei Zuoying and Huwei Youying; Huben Zuoying and Huben Youying; Huhan Zuoying and Huhan Youying; Shenji Bow and Crossbow Camp and Changshui Camp. There are a total of 31,000 infantrymen, 5,000 archers and crossbowmen, and 5,000 naval forces.

The cavalry was divided into two battalions, namely Xiaoqi Zuoying and Xiaoqi Right, with a total of more than 10,000 men.

Military discipline is specifically divided into "ten cuts", "five penalties, and three rewards."

Ten cuts are:

One: Hearing the drum but not advancing, hearing the gold is not stopping, the flag cannot be raised, and the one who does not hold the flag will cut it.

The second is that the name should not be called, the time is not up to the point, and those who fail to meet the deadline will be cut off.

Third: the weapons used, the bows and crossbows are extremely stringent, the arrows have no feathers, the swords are unfavorable, and the flags are depraved.

Fourth: Wherever he goes, he abuses his people, if anyone robs property or insults women, he shall be killed.

Fifth: The military and civilians gather to discuss matters, privately enter the account, and those who listen to the military aircraft will be killed.

Sixth: If you hear what you have planned, and if you hear the order, it leaks to the outside, so that the enemy knows it, cut it.

Seventh: The master is in charge of the money and food, and when the reward is given, the person who is loved by the private person, and the envoy of the grievance, cut it.

Eighth: The night is spreading a fight, neglecting and not reporting, even more arrogantly, and if the voice is unknown, cut it.

Ninth: Injury for illness, to avoid conquests, to pinch wounds and suspended animations, so those who evade will be cut off.

No. 10: When calling, should not be dumbfounded, lower eyebrows and bow heads, and cut off those who are embarrassed.

The five penalties are:

One: Stealing people and property, thinking of self-interest, taking the top of others, and punishing those who think that they are meritorious.

Second: rumors and tricks, fabricated ghosts and gods, false dreams, spreading heresies, and bewitching sergeants and punishing them.

Third: Good tongue and teeth, arrogantly acting right and wrong, mobilizing sergeants, making them discord, punish them.

Fourth: Those who go out of the ranks, rush forward and backward, make noisy speech, and those who do not follow the ban will be punished.

Fifth: Those who drink privately for pleasure will be punished.

Three rewards are:

First, rewards for killers.

Second, rewards for those who make suggestions.

Third, rewards for meritorious services.

The specific reward details are also stipulated one by one.

The military discipline has been formulated, and everything about Liu Beijun is on the right track. Liu Xun asked Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Wei Yan and other generals to train cavalry, infantry, and crossbow soldiers. After several months of training, the army is well-formed and disciplined, and its combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved.

The army of Liu Bei and Liu Xun did nothing against the people Qiu, and the people of Xiangyang were very happy to see it.

However, what Liu Xun didn't expect was that a disaster happened suddenly that almost wiped out Liu Xun's efforts.

It turned out that a sergeant took advantage of the rest, privately led a few soldiers to the restaurant to drink and have fun, but did not pay. When the shopkeeper asked them for money, a group of these soldiers beat and killed the shopkeeper. The people were very angry when they found out, and they ran to the prefecture to ask for an explanation. When Liu Bei learned about it, he was very furious and ordered Liu Xun to take someone to arrest the soldiers and the chief of the army, and all of them admitted that they had done bad things. Several people were dragged down and beheaded because they violated military rules and disciplines and committed capital crimes.

Liu Xun believed that he was also responsible for not restraining the soldiers well for the soldiers killed the shopkeeper. Liu Bei also believed that Liu Xun should bear a certain responsibility, so he ordered his soldiers to beat Liu Xun's ten sticks in public.

After seeing this, the people were very moved, and they all believed that Liu Bei and Liu Xun were fair and just and responsible.

The prestige of Liu Bei and Liu Xun has been further enhanced among the people.

Soldiers saw that Liu Bei and Liu Xun enforced the law strictly and that military regulations were not decorations, so no one would dare to violate them. This army can be regarded as an army with strict military discipline and strong combat effectiveness.

However, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well, and you need to have a formal official position granted by the imperial court to become a real prince. Liu Xun went to the table of Xu Du, playing Liu Qi as the prefect of Xiangyang and Liu Bei as the governor of Jingzhou.

Seeing that Cao Cao had no objection, Emperor Xian issued an imperial decree. Liu Bei was designated as Jingzhou governor, Liu Xun was General Anhan, and Liu Qi was prefect of Xiangyang. Liu Bei was allowed to be awarded the rank of four or less.

After Liu Bei received the imperial decree, he set up an altar to give thanks. They also named Guan Yu as the general for the thief, Zhao Yun as the general against the rebellion, and Zhang Fei as the general for the captives, all five ranks; Wei Yan as the general exterminating bandits, Chen Dao as the general Bingzhong, all five ranks; Do not drive for Xiangyang, Sun Qian is engaged in Xiangyang, Jianyong is the master book of Xiangyang, all are six grades. Other generals and officials each have their own rewards. The civil servants and generals were very happy to receive the awards.

Liu Bei was very happy to see that the people of Xiangyang were sincerely attached, and there were 50,000 elite soldiers. Therefore, Liu Bei set up a feast to reward the three armies.

Liu Xun believes that it was because of Yuan Kui's help from Yuzhou that he solved the danger in Fancheng. Therefore, someone should send a generous gift to thank Yuan Kui. Liu Bei readily agreed with Liu Xun's suggestion.

So how did Yuan Kui gain a foothold in Yuzhou