Three Kingdoms

Chapter 81: Liu Xun broke Guiyang


After Liu Xun defeated the barbarian army, he led his army into Changsha. Under Zhuge Liang's governance, Changsha City has restored its former prosperity. In this war, all battalions of the Han army suffered losses, and Zhuge Liang added newly trained soldiers to all battalions of the Han army.

Liu Xun spent half a month training the soldiers, and sent his troops to the city of Guiyang. At first, Zhao Fan took advantage of Liu Xun's crisis to attack Lingling. Now, Liu Xun has recovered, and of course he needs to settle accounts with Zhao Fan.

In the middle of May in the fifth year of Jian'an (200 AD), Liu Xun raised 30,000 troops to attack Guiyang.

When Zhao Fan in Guiyang Prefect's Mansion received the news, he was trembling with fright. The confidant Chen Ying and Bao Long, the guardian of the army, came to discuss countermeasures.

"The enemy army is thirty thousand, Hao Hao is coming, how should our army respond?"

Zhao Fan was confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Our army only has 20,000, but the Han army has 30,000. Moreover, the Han army is extremely powerful, so it is better to surrender early."

Bao Long and the Han army fought under Lingling City and knew the fighting power of the Han army. Therefore, he dared not fight with the Han army, so he suggested that Zhao Fan surrender.

"No! No!"

The master Chen Ying shook his head repeatedly and said: "Although the enemy has 30,000, our army can use the danger of the city wall to block the Han army, and we will not necessarily lose."

"This… "

When the prefect Zhao Fan saw that his confidant had a disagreement, he couldn't make up his mind and didn't know what to do.

Liu Xun under Guiyang City, seeing that Zhao Fan did not respond too late, he ordered the three armies to attack the city with all their strength.

"The son has an order, the whole army will attack the city!"

"The son has an order, the whole army will attack the city!"


The messenger passed Liu Xun's order to the three armies over and over again.

"Kill kill kill..."

After hearing the order, the Han army shouted and ran towards the city wall. Liu Xun has always distinguished rewards and punishments, and each time Liu Xun would award meritorious soldiers in accordance with the rules of rewards and punishments. Therefore, the Han army fought very desperately.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of siege ladders have been set up at the head of Guiyang City.

Wei Yan was the first one. He wanted to be the first to rush to the top of the city and get his first victory.

Wuxi General Samok did not show weakness either. This was his first battle after turning to Liu Xun. He was also eager to show his ability and rushed forward desperately.

The Guiyang County soldier on the head of the city was trembling with fright and was stunned.

"Quick, let go!" At the urging of the captain defending the city, Guiyang soldiers remembered to shoot the Han army with bows and arrows.

"Swish! Swish! Swish" the bows and arrows were shot down densely, but it was a bit late.

At this moment, Wei Yan had already climbed to the top of the ladder, holding a shield in one hand and a big knife in the other, and rushed forward desperately.

Seeing that Wei Yan had exceeded his own schedule, Sha Mo Ke quickly picked up the enemy's feathers and arrows and climbed up desperately.

"Wait for me!" At this time, Gan Ning also caught up with the wolf tooth halberd.

In this battle, Liu Xun believed that the enemy's strength was average, so he only brought general Wei Yan, general Li Wu, and general Wuxi Samoke. These three generals are also very strong, and against the defenders of Guiyang City, that is more than enough.

"Kill kill kill!"

In the Han army, there were thousands of soldiers in very special costumes, with their upper bodies, disheveled hair, and shining broadswords, scrambling to board the ladder, regardless of the stones dropped on the city head and the feather arrows shot down. These soldiers are the five thousand barbarians of Wuxi Camp. After being incorporated into the Han Army, Liu Xun treated them all in the same way, and did not discriminate against them because they were foreign soldiers, and their usual treatment was no different from other Han soldiers. These Wuxi soldiers were originally simple and honest. Seeing that Liu Xun treated them as his own family members, there was no one who was not grateful. They want to repay Liu Xun with their actual actions.

Although these soldiers of Wuxi Camp did not know the phrase "the soldiers died for their confidants," they did it.

The three Han army vanguards boarded the city almost at the same time, raising their weapons and killing them towards the enemy.

Gan Ning's wolffang halberd flashed from left to right, and the enemy troops fell down wherever he passed, gradually breaking a blood path at the top of the wall. The Han army behind him took advantage of the situation to board the wall and expanded its foothold.

On the other side of the city, Wei Yan wielded a big knife handily. As soon as he stepped up the city wall, a group of enemy soldiers came to him. Wei Yan yelled and greeted him. These Guiyang soldiers were not his opponents at all. They slashed down, and the three enemy troops died. When the rest of the enemy soldiers saw it, they were shocked, and when they wanted to retreat, they were slashed to death by Wei Yan. In just a quarter of an hour, Wei Yan killed dozens of enemy soldiers.

Sha Mo Ke is also quite brave. Although he did not formally practice martial arts like Gan Ning and Wei Yan, but after nearly ten years of actual combat, a shot of iron tribulus terrestris can be swung vigorously. His weapons danced in an arc, and the enemy troops on the edge of the arc fell one after another, bloody.

The three vanguards opened the way for the Han army behind them, and the Han army rushed into the city like a tide, shouting to kill the enemy. The one who shouted the loudest was the soldiers of Wuxi Camp. They held their bright and bright knives and slashed them at Guiyang soldiers, just like cutting vegetables.

Guiyang soldiers seldom fought wars. They had never seen such ferocious pioneers and soldiers so desperately. They were terrified in their hearts. They collapsed in a short time, and they retreated one after another, ignoring the urging of the captain behind him. As the city wall was crowded with people, Guiyang Soldier fled like a headless fly, and fell off the wall without paying attention. His head fell heavily to the ground, and his brain burst suddenly, which was horrible.

The Han army fought more and more smoothly. Everyone wanted to fight to kill more enemy troops and get more rewards. In the eyes of the Han army, these Guiyang soldiers became gold, five baht money, and knighthood officials. Although part of the Guiyang Army and the Han Army were brave enough to fight, they still did not ease the tendency of their own troops to retreat. ,

The defense line of Guiyang soldiers who defended the city eventually collapsed. Some screamed and ran down the city wall, while others knelt and surrendered.

For the soldiers who surrendered on their knees, the Han army confiscated their weapons and drove them to the corner without killing them. Because the military discipline of the Han army was very strict, Liu Xun strictly explained to them before the siege, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. It seems that the effect is good. Although everyone wanted to kill more enemy troops and get more rewards, the Han soldiers did not kill an innocent person. It seems that the Han army does have strict military discipline, and it makes sense to be able to win the battle.

The enemy forces broke up one after another, trampled on each other, causing countless casualties. Gan Ning, Wei Yan, and Shamo Ke led their troops to pursue them. Hunted from the outer city to the inner city. Within three hours of effort, the Han siege soldiers had already taken down the entire Guiyang city wall, seizing the east, west, north, south, four city gates.

Wei Yan, who controlled the east gate, ordered the soldiers to open the east gate city gate. Liu Xun, who had been waiting outside the city, immediately led three thousand heavy cavalry behind him into Guiyang City. A charge would disperse the five thousand enemy troops who had come to reinforce the East Gate, and within a quarter of an hour, the enemy troops of this team were completely defeated.

At this time, Guiyang City was shouting and killing, the Han army became more and more courageous, the enemy's fighting spirit became weaker and weaker, and the situation became clearer and clearer.

"Master, no... It's not good, the Han army has invaded the city, and we have suffered countless casualties!"

A soldier reported to Zhao Fan that the city had fallen.

"Ah!" Zhao Fan fell from his seat in surprise. They didn't expect the Han army to break through the city so quickly.

"Lord, now the general trend is gone, let's drop it."

Bao Long said hurriedly, at the time under Lingling City, he was shocked by the Han army.

"Yes, lord, the matter is over. It is impossible not to surrender. I heard that General Liu Xun of Anhan was quite benevolent. The Su Dai of the Xiangyang family colluded with the barbarian to attack Wuling and committed a heinous crime. However, after Liu Xun's victory, He didn't kill him. After the lord surrendered, Liu Xun would treat the lord favorably."

Chen Ying's change was really fast. Seeing the Han army broke through Guiyang City, he knew that the situation was over, so he discouraged Zhao Fan from surrendering. It's really grass on the wall, falling with the wind.

"Well, I'll surrender."

Seeing that the situation is over, Zhao Fan's two confidants also demanded surrender, so he reluctantly made the decision to surrender.

On the one hand, Zhao Fan sent people to declare surrender to Liu Xun, so that the soldiers in the city gave up resistance; on the other hand, he took the officials of Guiyang City and knelt in front of the gate of the Taishou Palace, holding the seal above his head, waiting for Liu Xun's arrival. After receiving Zhao Fan's order, Guiyang soldiers gave up resistance, threw down their weapons, and surrendered to the Han army.

After Liu Xun received the news of Zhao Fan's surrender, he was overjoyed and ordered the Han army not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and then rushed to the prefectural palace with a team to accept Zhao Fan's surrender.

Seeing Zhao Fan honestly kneeling in front of the gate of the Prefect's Mansion, Liu Xun asked sharply, "Why collude with the barbarians and attack my Lingling!"

Zhao Fan was trembling with fright, and tremblingly replied: "If I don't take the opportunity to attack you, you will also come and beat me at Guiyang. The soldiers of Guiyang have not been on the battlefield for a long time, and they are not your opponent at all."

"Since you know you can't beat me, why don't you surrender earlier, so many people have died in vain!"

Liu Xun's voice became more and more severe.

Zhao Fan collapsed to the ground in fright, unable to say a word.

When Liu Xun saw it, he couldn't help but smile. "It's ridiculous that such a poor person wants to be a prince."

"Bao Long, what is your sin for attacking my Lingling City!"

Liu Xun saw Bao Long kneeling in front of him, and was very angry, determined to teach him a lesson.

"Master Hui, I was the subordinate of the prefect Zhao Fan at the time, and each was the leader. Please forgive me, Master!"

Baolong is very straightforward, but the meaning is very clear. He will be loyal to his master. Now that he has taken refuge in Liu Xun, he will be loyal to Liu Xun.

After Liu Xun heard it, he laughed. Not only did he not punish him, he also restored Officer Bao Long to his post.

Liu Xun still appointed Zhao Fan as Guiyang prefect. However, Zhao Fan had to take Guiyang's seal to live in Xiangyang, just like Liu Du, the prefect of Lingling. This is called remote collar. Only a fictitious name, no real power.

At this point, the four counties of Jingnan have all fallen into the hands of the Han army.

This time, in addition to the two counties of Changsha and Guiyang, the Wuxi area was also conquered, and a population of 500,000 was obtained, which was very rewarding. Moreover, the Wuxi area is rich in gold and copper resources. These two metals are important raw materials for coin casting, and their value is difficult to estimate.

Liu Xun ordered Guan Yu to lead Huwei’s left and right battalions with a total of 10,000 soldiers stationed in Changsha to defend the four counties of Jingnan, while Liu Xun led his army back to Xiangyang.

At this time, the competition between the princes of the world is becoming more and more fierce and entering a white-hot stage...