Three Kingdoms

Chapter 84: The Fall of the Little Overlord (Part 1)


When Liu Biao heard that the banquet was in trouble, Wenpin and Wang Wei even shouted that Liu Bei should not be let go. They coughed and fainted with anger. Cai hurriedly called the imperial physician to wake up and asked about the funeral. Seeing that he hadn't died yet, the Cai clan was anxious to know who the heir was. He was very upset and depressed, and died soon after.

Cai Hao and others hurriedly supported Liu Cong to inherit the position of Jingzhou Mu, and Cai Hao could finally take over the power.

The death of Liu Biao affected the hearts of the princes of the world, especially Sun Quan in Jiangdong and Cao Cao in the north.

In Jiangdong’s Jianye City, an exciting discussion in the Jianye Chamber is about to begin, and the sky above the Jianye Chamber is bright. Sun Ce has moved the governing office of Jiangdong to Moling and renamed Moling to Jianye, which means a place of meritorious deeds. At this time, Sun Ce was complacent.

In the Jianye Chamber, Jiangdong Zhongchen is located in the main hall.

Chief counselor Zhang Zhao stepped forward and suggested: "Tell Wu Hou, Jingzhou Liu Biao is dead, and the people in Jingzhou are panicking. It is the best time for our army to send troops. Wu Hou will decide."

Sun Ce was overjoyed and said: "Zibu's words are exactly what the plan intended."

Zhang Zhao has always been very disgusted with his successive wars, and now Zhang Zhao's proposal is enough to prove that the odds of victory in this battle are unprecedented.

Everyone in the hall agreed with them and agreed to go to war.

Sun Ce waved his hand. Stopping everyone's agreement, he said: "Since everyone is in a high spirit of fighting, Ce is unwilling to be a coward. If the order is passed on, the whole army will be on standby tomorrow, and the next day will come."

He glanced at the officials in the palace and asked again: "We are about to dispatch troops. Today, our army must work out a reasonable combat plan. What do you think?"

The counselor Lu Ji stepped forward and said: "Ji Wen Shanyue has another change. If we launch a rebellion when our army is dispatched, then our army's morale will be greatly affected. To stabilize the northeast of Baojiang, Lu Ji suggested that one should be sent. The capable person personally sits in Kuaiji to prevent Shanyue from rioting again."

Sun Ce pondered for a while, and felt that Lu Ji was right. The Shanyue alien race is very brave and good at fighting in the mountains. It has repeatedly attacked the settlements inhabited by the Han people, which is indeed a major problem in Jiangdong, and said: "Since the Gongji (Lu Ji) has this Proposal, it will be guarded by Gongji."

Sun Ce's words were in line with Lu Ji's mind. He said: "Wuhou rest assured, Ji will not let the mountains go over the other races and be presumptuous in Jiangdong."

Sun Ce smiled happily, looked at Zhou Yu and asked, "What is Gongjin's opinion on this expedition to Jingzhou?"

Zhou Yu took out a map of Jingzhou from his sleeve and hung it in the palace. He pointed to the river basin of Jiangxia and said: "Back to Wuhou, Yu thought about it all night, and felt that Cao Cao and Liu Bei would definitely act upon hearing that Liu Biao died. Our army cannot be greedy for merit. We should take down Jiang Xia in one effort and punish Jiang Xia's guard Huang Zu."

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful" Sun Ce's uncle Sun Jing praised loudly: "Gong Jin said very well. Jiang Xia's Huang Zu killed his ancestor Sun Jian, just taking the opportunity to avenge him."

The prudent Lu Su put away the same battle plan as Zhou Yu in his sleeves, and then Sun Jing said: "Jiangxia is the important town of Jingzhou, with a lot of food and grass, and winning Jiangxia is indeed a profitable business."

Sun Quan looked around and said affectionately: "Brother, Quan is now 18 years old and has never been on the battlefield. He wanted to lead three thousand soldiers to fight in the north and south when his eldest brother was weak. As an example, study the strategy of warfare hard and think that he can become a leading general. Today, I am willing to lead an army to capture Jiangxia County and make my Sun family famous."

When Sun Ce heard it, he laughed and said kindly: "Second brother, you haven't been on the battlefield yet. This battle is very important, so let me personally direct my eldest brother.

There was an ominous premonition in Sun Quan's heart, but he couldn't tell it. Because the war is imminent, saying bad things will affect the military's morale.

When everything was prepared, Sun Ce took Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Huang Gai as the vanguard, leading 30,000 elite soldiers to attack Jiangxia, which had 40,000 defenders.

After arriving in Jiangxia, Sun Ce ordered the entire army to storm the south gate of Jiangxia, but it was not so smooth. With the help of his general Ling Cao, Huang Zu repeatedly repelled Sun Ce's army.

After nearly a month of offensive and defensive battles. Whether it is Sun Cejun or the Huangzu army in Jiangxia, and their soldiers have reached a state of exhaustion and powerlessness to fight, the piles of corpses under the city and the land stained with blood all prove the cruelty of this war. Painful and distorted body, broken flag, broken weapon, burning flame. The undried blood stains, the breath of death is straightforward and strong.

This month's intermittent siege. Let the experienced Sun Ce feel that his opponent is not as simple as the vulgar generation, in this month. The quality demonstrated by Jiang Xia's defensive army. It seems that there is no gap between him and the elite army he has brought. It is hard to believe this fact for him who has fought against Liu Biaojun several times before.

However, the fact is before his eyes. Thousands of elite soldiers he brought have all died under Jiangxia City. The fierce battle can be imagined.

Zhou Yu saw that it was no way to keep fighting like this. After all, Cao Cao still looked at him in the north, and it would be troublesome if Cao Cao led his army to the south. So he offered Sun Ce a clever plan. When the sky was foggy, he pretended to attack the South Gate and actually attacked the West Gate. Because of the low visibility and the inability to see the situation, Huang Zu will inevitably be fooled.

Three days later, when the fog filled, Sun Ce thought it was a good opportunity to implement the plan, so he tried his best to prepare for combat. Before setting off, Sun Ce summoned all soldiers to boost morale.

Facing the remaining 20,000 soldiers, Sun Ce exuded a shocking fighting spirit and determination to win, like an undefeated God of War, his gentle but determined voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"This day, this moment, we have been waiting for a month, no, it should be said that it is ten years. Ten years ago, my father died on the road to conquer Jiang Xia, and now my Sun Ce will lead you to complete your father’s future. Exhausted hegemony, the future and destiny of our army are now in our own hands, and our destiny will be determined by the success and failure of this war. As long as we win Jiangxia, our army will greatly increase its strength; As long as Jiang Xia is captured, our army will have more territories, and these territories will be the best proof of your achievements."

Through Sun Ce's bright eyes, full of powerful words, instantly infused the minds of the soldiers, in exchange for the generals' boundless fighting will and determination and desire to win.

He looked around at the soldiers and continued and said: "You are the most outstanding warriors and men today. You are brave and full of passion. It is the pride of Jiangdong. The feats you have made are your wife and children in front of others. Show off capital, your fighting on the battlefield, you will get everything that belongs to you! When you win Jiangxia, you will be heroes, worship the generals, and you will be just around the corner."

The surrounding flames suddenly burst and burned, and everyone was full of passion and lofty ambition. All the generals knelt down on one knee and said in unison: "May you die for Wuhou!"

"All the soldiers, please!" He looked around the sturdy faces and said loudly, "Go!"

Sun Ce Jun used the strategy proposed by Zhou Yu. First, they asked Cheng Pu to lead five thousand soldiers to the south gate of Jiangxia to yell at the south gate of Jiangxia by bluffing, attracting all Jiangxia defenders to the south gate. Then, soldiers with brave combat and strong breakthrough ability took the warship to land on the rocky beach to the west and assaulted the west gate of Jiangxia.

A thousand ships, full of heroic soldiers from Jiangdong, drove towards the rocky beach, and the sound of slamming water was submerged in the sound of the cold wind that passed by.

The fog is so heavy that it locks the river, and there is a vast expanse everywhere. When first boarding the ship, even the people at the bow could only see the vague outline of the comrades in the stern, and could not see anything ten feet away.

However, it is also difficult for the experienced Jiangdong navy to explore the way ahead with more than ten canoe. Each ship kept a certain distance in the heavy fog.

Since many experienced soldiers disguised as fishermen in advance, they explored the route of the rocky beach, and there were no accidents along the way.

The whole army reached the rocky beach smoothly.

The rocky beach is in a dangerous place, and even Sun Ce's army took more than half an hour to fix the ship's position, under good discipline. The soldiers disembarked neatly.

Suddenly, on the white shore in front, a few flashes of fire flashed, "Bang!" Hearing a loud noise from the bow of the ship, people all leaned forward and fell into the ship.

Everyone glanced intently, and it was a big stone of about ten kilograms. At this moment, huge boulders smashed into Sun Cejun's boat.

The clicking sound of flying rocks hitting the ship board; the screams of hitting soldiers; and the huge rocks hitting in the river all brought a heavy blow to the morale of the Jiangdong army.

Zhou Yu's heart sank, yelling that the big thing is not good.

The messy shouts came from above the river bank. From the perspective, Huang Zu's army has occupied the dangerous place of the rocky beach. The stone machine, the archer must have been waiting for them for a long time. There was a huge wave in Sun Ce's heart. He already knew the other party's methods, using the cover of the fog and using the geographical advantage to wipe them all out.

"What a vicious trick! Huang Zu! I underestimated you."

It turned out that Huang Zu was afraid that Sun Ce would attack the west gate of Jiangxia from the waterway in a foggy day, so he sent his general Ling Cao to lead 30,000 horses to wait for Sun Ce at the rocky beach in advance. He didn't expect that he really waited.

The thoughts in Sun Ce's belly flashed like a flash of lightning. "Is it forced to land on the rocky beach and fight Huang Zu desperately, or retreat?" Thinking of this, Sun Ce couldn't help but squeeze his eyebrows, fighting hard to the end, or retaining his strength, and come back in the future. This is indeed a difficult choice...

Zhou Yu immediately said in a loud voice: "Bo Fu, don't hesitate anymore. Now our army can only dash forward. It's not as good as the road in the water. If I didn't guess wrong, the fortresses on the water are already surrounded and we have no retreat .

Sun Ce's eyes lit up. How would he decide at this moment of crisis