Three Kingdoms

Chapter 87: The war is imminent (below)


Facing Mi Fang's anxiety, Zhuge Liang paused and said with a smile: "After Cao Jun has taken Nanxiang and Nanyang counties, he will inevitably attack Xiangyang from Wancheng to the south. Fancheng is the only way from Wancheng to Xiangyang. Fancheng is in the prefecture. Under Chong’s governance, the city has been well fortified. Now Fancheng should be said to be a strong city, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as a general and an army are sent to assist Xiang Chong to defend Fancheng, it will inevitably be able to block Cao Jun and Xiangyang. There is no danger.

After Mi Fang heard this, he let out a deep sigh of relief.

When everyone saw that Mi Fang was so greedy for life and fear of death, they all showed contempt. Mi Fang's elder brother Mi Zhu saw it. He was ashamed and could not wait to find a place to get in.

After hearing everyone's opinions, Liu Bei nodded slightly and said: "Okay, then send three armies. To defend Zaoyang and Fancheng respectively, and to attack Nanjun." Liu Bei seemed to remember something suddenly, then turned to Liu Xun and asked, "An General Han, now we have hundreds of thousands of troops too."

"Yes, Lord. We have newly recruited and trained tens of thousands of troops in recent months. The Xuanjia Army has been changed to Xuanjia heavy cavalry, reorganized into 5,000 men, and the White-eared soldiers are all changed to White-eared heavy infantry. Reorganized into 5,000 people. The current heavy infantry has two battalions of Huwei left and right, Zhonghan left and right battalions, each with more than 5,000 people, a total of more than 20,000 people. Light infantry has three tigers on the left, center, and right. There were three battalions from the left, center, and right of Huben, two battalions on the left and right, and two battalions on the left and right in Wuxi, with a total of more than 50,000 people."

Liu Xun said a lot in one breath, and it seems that the military strength has indeed increased significantly.

Liu Bei was fascinated by it, and then asked, "Are there other units?"

"The cavalry also has two battalions on the left and the right, and two battalions on the left and the right, with a total of 20,000. The crossbowmen have two battalions of the left and right battalions, with a total of 10,000. Five thousand sailors in the battalion."

Liu Xun is a treasurer. As the head coach of the army, of course he knows all these things well.

"Well, if we count it this way, we can accurately say that we now have nearly 120,000 regular troops."

Liu Bei seemed very happy to hear the accurate figures of the army.

"We now have five counties under our hands, six or seventy cities, large and small, and more than 1.5 million people. We can afford an army of more than 100,000."

Zhuge Liang said happily, looking very happy with the results achieved.

"Oh, yes. The great Jingzhou can't fall into the hands of Cao Thief."

Liu Bei couldn't help sighing.

Suddenly a servant hurriedly hurriedly said, "Master, there is a young man outside the door who claims to be Ma Liang, please see the master."

Liu Bei was startled when he heard the name Ma Liang. Then, it seemed to remember that I had seen him at the market in Longzhong, and at that time I had also heard the wonderful debate between him and many scholars.

"Kong Ming, this is your student."

Liu Bei turned his head and asked Zhuge Liang.

"It's the students who are underneath. Although they are young, they have very high savvy."

Zhuge Liang was not embarrassed to praise Ma Liang because Ma Liang was his own student. He believed that the actual situation should be explained to Liu Bei.

"Invite Ji Chang in."

Liu Bei is very polite to talented people, and a word of'please' is enough to see this.

After a while, the waiter led Ma Liang in. After Ma Liang came in, he worshiped everyone one by one.

"People say that the five permanent members of the Ma family have the best white eyebrows. It is really gratifying that Ma Liang can come here."

Liu Bei said happily. When he was in distress, Ma Liang resolutely came to vote, which even showed Ma Liang's loyalty.

"My lord, it's wrong. I have made a pact with the lord. I will come to take refuge at the right time. Now is the right time."

Ma Liang's face showed a calm disproportionate to his age.

"Oh, why is this the right time?"

Liu Bei was very curious about what Ma Liang said.

Ma Liang said solemnly: "If I come to vote in normal times, it will definitely not highlight my ability. Now that Cao Cao is going south, the main justice is to use people, so I took this opportunity to come."

"You kid."

As Ma Liang's master, Zhuge Liang knew Ma Liang very well. Ma Liang has always been naughty, playing cards out of common sense.

"Master, I brought a very important news this time."

Ma Liang said mysteriously.

"You are a little kid, young, but kind of bragging."

As Zhang Fei laughed, everyone also laughed.

Ma Liang's face flushed immediately, and he retorted, "Don't underestimate people."

When Liu Xun saw this, he waved his hands and said, "Don't laugh, let Youchang finish." After hearing Liu Xun's words, everyone gradually calmed down.

Ma Liang said solemnly: "I found out that Cao Cao wanted to attack Jingzhou in two ways, and he was going to send troops in a month."

After hearing Ma Liang's intelligence, everyone was very surprised. The news that Cao Cao's soldiers split into two routes has been predicted by Zhuge Liang and others. However, everyone did not know when Cao Cao sent troops. Under normal circumstances, according to Cao Cao's thinking, troops should be dispatched immediately. How could troops be dispatched only a month later

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Wei Yan burst into laughter, "If Cao Cao sees Jingzhou such a turmoil, I will immediately send troops, why take a month? Doesn't this give the enemy a chance to breathe."

"What you said is very reasonable, but this is only under normal circumstances, Cao Cao would do this. In special circumstances, Cao Cao may not be like this."

Ma Liang calmly refuted Wei Yan, without the slightest moment of stage fright.

"Then you say, why Cao Cao will send troops in a month."

Wei Yan asked unconvincedly. At this time, Liu Xun wanted to step forward and say something for Ma Liang, but Zhuge Liang stopped him. Zhuge Liang believed in Ma Liang's ability.

"According to my secret agent, Xuchang was rumored that Cao Cao sent troops to Jingzhou a month later. As for why, I don't know. However, my information is absolutely accurate."

Ma Liang appeared very confident and answered simply.

"There are secret agents under Youchang?" Liu Xun looked puzzled, and he didn't expect that this teenage boy was still very mysterious.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Ma Liang explained patiently: "This time I brought dozens of secret agents to join the lord. These secret agents were trained by my master, Guiguzi, and are known as the'Fengwei'."

"Wind Guard"? Hearing these two words, everyone was shocked, the reputation of "Fengwei" was really too loud. According to legend, "Fengwei" is the spy organization founded by the first generation of Guiguzi, with a number of 30 to 50 people, and there is almost no conspiracy that they don't know. With the help of "Fengwei", Qin State obtained the military deployment of Zhao State in time, so it was able to encircle Zhao Kuo’s 400,000 army regiment, and finally won the victory in the Battle of Changping and unified the six nations for Qin State. Foundation.

Later, "Fengwei" suddenly muffled to find a trace. Unexpectedly, two hundred years later, he was suddenly brought by this sixteen-year-old boy.

"You all come in and meet the lord."

As soon as Ma Liang's words fell, dozens of Fengwei entered the hall. I saw them all in black armor and black clothes, their faces were covered with a veil, only two eyes were exposed.

After "Fengwei" saw Liu Bei, he took the initiative to go down without saying a word. When everyone saw it, they were very surprised. From the outside, these "Wind Guards" seemed very mysterious. Although it is close at hand, it is still impossible to know what kind of face is hidden under the veil of mystery.

"How did You Chang get the'Feng Guard'?" Zhuge Liang was very puzzled. He hadn't even seen it before, and now You Chang had brought dozens of them.

"This was given to me by my master Guiguzi. He said that when the Han Dynasty is revitalized, these'feng guards' can help a little bit."

Ma Liang's words made everyone's doubts disappear.

"Well, since it's Fengwei's inquiring about the news, it must be accurate. Cao thief must make sufficient preparations before sending troops to destroy us and occupy Jingzhou."

Liu Bei believed in Ma Liang's words. He expected that the reason why Cao Cao didn't send troops in such a hurry was to make better preparations.

"Master, don’t worry. Our army is just using this month’s time to strengthen training, strengthen the city, and prepare more defensive weapons. Especially rockets, we must be prepared. Rockets can be shot at enemy forces at long distances. Weapons are very powerful."

Zhuge Liang thought more about how to deal with Cao Jun. Worrying is useless. Only by preparing ahead of time can we have a greater certainty to defeat the enemy.

"The plan has been decided. According to the current situation of our army, how should we dispatch the army? Then please General Liu Xun arrange it according to the actual situation."

Liu Xun’s military talents were appreciated by Liu Bei, and Liu Bei basically let Liu Xun do the military affairs.

"Now we have about 115,000 people. Ten thousand horses are now stationed in Changsha. Except for the five thousand Baier soldiers guarding Xiangyang, there are still one hundred thousand troops that can be used. The direction of Zaoyang City to stop Cao Jun should be the most important Yes, Cao Cao will definitely send heavy troops to attack Zaoyang. At least 50,000 troops should be sent. Fancheng is the important town to defend Xiangyang, and it is also very important. At least 30,000 horses are needed. The remaining 20,000 troops can be used to attack Nanjun."

Liu Xun looked at the map, calculated it carefully, and then made his own suggestions.

After Liu Xun finished speaking, Liu Bei showed his approving eyes and nodded in agreement: "Well. The arrangement is very good, just follow this plan."

"Zhang Fei is willing to lead troops into Fancheng to resist Cao Jun. I will definitely work hard with Prefect Xiang Chong to defend Fancheng and defend Xiangyang, and I will never let Cao Jun move forward."

As soon as Liu Bei's voice fell, Zhang Fei hurried forward to ask for his order.

"I am willing to go with General Zhang Fei and swear to defend Fancheng."

Gan Ning also wanted to participate in the battle and make merits. After all, he had not been in Liu Bei's camp for a long time, and he needed the opportunity to express himself before he could establish his position.

"There are only generals and no advisers. This is not enough. I am also willing to go to Fancheng with General Yide."

Ma Liang also took the initiative to invite Ying.

"Okay, leave Fancheng to you, and I'm relieved."

Liu Bei was very happy to see everyone bravely asking for orders.

"Lord, I am willing to personally lead my army to Zaoyang to stop Cao Jun."

Liu Xun also stepped forward and asked for orders to go to the most dangerous place. This time Cao Cao will definitely send heavy troops to Zaoyang, and the upcoming war in Zaoyang should be the most dangerous. However, Liu Xun was not afraid, he still begged generously, and his heroic qualities were revealed.

"This can't work, the son is a golden body, how can he go deep into danger!"

As soon as Liu Xun's voice fell, someone stood up against it. Who opposed it