Three Kingdoms

Chapter 9: Yuan Kui's concerns


Yuan Kui was Yuan Shu's second son, Yuen Long, who was born in the first year of the Emperor Guanghe of the Han Dynasty (in 178 AD). Yuan Kui grew up smart, wise, hardworking and studious, and Yuan Shu loved it very much. In the second year of Emperor Xian'an of the Han Dynasty, Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun and was named Emperor Zhong. Yuan Shu's sons were also appointed as officials, but Yuan Kui was not.

Yuan Kui believes that the world is falling apart, the princes are divided, and the heroes are fighting, but the scholars still have their hearts on the big men. No one dares to openly proclaim emperor at this time, and proclaiming emperor is undoubtedly putting oneself in danger. There is a powerful Cao Cao in the north of Yuzhou, and Lv Bu in the east. Cao Cao encircled the Han Dynasty in Xudu, "holding the emperor to make the princes". How could a powerful person tolerate someone claiming an emperor under his nose. Xuzhou Lu Bu originally agreed to betroth his daughter to himself, but now he does not agree. Even a warrior like Lu Bu knows that it is absurd to call the emperor. It can be seen that calling the emperor has placed us in a place where everyone betrayed.

But Yuan Shu couldn't listen at all, still immersed in the dream of proclaiming the emperor. Extravagance, levy and excessive levy have left the Jianghuai area in a dilapidated state. The peasants lacked clothes and clothes. The ministers who originally supported the emperor also complained and renounced their morals.

Seeing this, Yuan Kui was worried and knew that the catastrophe was not far away. Thinking that we should make early plans and not let my Yuan family force go to ruin. However, suffering from unscrupulous measures in my heart, I sighed every day.

Yan Xiang, the chief advisor of Yuan Shu's important adviser, looked in his eyes, thinking that Yuan Kui was as worried about the world of the Yuan family as himself, and was overjoyed, knowing that Yuan Kui is a helper, weeping with joy, crying in his heart that the Yuan family is saved. But calm down, Yan Xiang was not sure whether Yuan Kui could be a supplement. I figured out how to test Yuan Kui so that I could help him with confidence, but I couldn't directly say that the Yuan family was going to die. It was very sad.

As the saying goes, hard work pays off. One day, Yan Xiang saw a wounded golden silk bird in the garden, so he held it in his left hand and stroked it with his right hand. Suddenly, my thoughts flashed, knowing that the opportunity was here

Yan Xiang held the bird carefully, trotting all the way to Yuan Kui's house, and walked in without waiting for the housekeeper to notify Jing. I saw Yuan Kui sitting in the courtyard reading a book, frowning, thoughtful...

Yan Xiang coughed twice and Yuan Kui raised his head, but he seemed to be immersed in his thoughts.

At this time, Yan Xiang couldn't manage that much and walked forward, saying, "I heard that the son is quite generous in his usual life. I picked a wounded bird in the garden. I wonder if the son can take care of it for him."

Yuan Kui came back to his senses, took the little bird, and said, "I will take good care of it. I have a good cage for him to live in, and good bird food and water to provide it. It will be fine. Side He was stroking as he said, it seemed to be very pitiful.

"But, I don't think this bird will be happy," Yan Xiang said while shaking his head.

"This..., where does this start? Yuan Kui was surprised, and he didn't know what he meant by the Lord's Book.

"I heard that in ancient times there was a colorful divine bird living in luxurious cages that people enshrined, enjoying the food that people enshrined, but being depressed all day long, wailing and sighing, it makes people very incomprehensible", the Hades Book sternly Said, sighed. Turning to Yuan Kui again, he asked, "Does the son know why?"

Yuan Kui is a wise man. He immediately knew what Yan Xiang was trying to express, and he said loudly, "This sacred bird is a wise bird, a good bird."

"Why did the son say that?" asked the Lord Hell

Yuan Kui changed his sigh and said affirmatively, "Although this cage is a luxurious place, you can't live in it for a long time, because it is built on a cliff with an unstable foundation; although the food is beautiful, it is a life-saving thing and cannot be eaten often."

Yuan Kui paused and said to Yan Xiang, "My father acted against the sky, outrageously proclaiming the emperor, extravagant and extremely desperate, the people complained, and the crowds watched. There is Cao Cao in the north and Lv Bu in Xuzhou in the east. How can this be good?" , Yuan Kui said worriedly.

Yan Xiang stroked his long beard and said, "Lu Fengxian was a slave of the three surnames (because Lu Bu first recognized Ding Yuan as his father, and then killed Ding Yuan to seek refuge with Dong Zhuo, but later killed Dong Zhuo to seek refuge with Wang Yun, so he was made." "Three family slaves"), it is not a concern. Cao Cao hijacked the Han Emperor to make the world, and the momentum is prosperous, which is a major problem for our army. I predict that Cao Cao will attack our army before March. With the current situation of our army, he will definitely not resist it. liveā€¦"

"What to do? I hope that Lord Hades will teach me," Yuan Kui asked urgently.

Yan Xiang said bitterly, "Yiyang County is a major town in Yuzhou, with 30,000 troops stationed on the border with Jiangxia County, Jingzhou. You can ask the lord's assistant Jiang Xia, but you can make friends with Liu Biao of Jingzhou. Liu Biao has no ambitions and will not invade Yiyang. Yiyang can be the final basis for our army."

Yuan Kui suddenly enlightened. According to Yan Xiang, he requested to be stationed in Yiyang. Of course Yuan Shu agreed and sent several generals and Yan Xiang to assist Yuan Kui's assistant Yi Yang.

As expected by Yan Xiang, two months later, Cao Cao led an army of 200,000, and his counselor Xun Yu. The generals Jin, Li Dian, Xiahou Dun, Xia Houyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Lu Qian, Yu Jin, Xu Chu and others attacked Yuan Shu, and Yuan Jun was unintentional. In love war, Cao Jun was like a broken bamboo, and he captured Shouchun, Yuan Shu died in grief and indignation.

Before Yuan Kui was able to rescue him, he heard the news of Shouchun's fall and his father's death. He was very sad and indignant. Yan Xiang and others dissuaded Yuan Kui from grief and anger. They should cheer up and urge Yuan Kui to prepare for war.

Yuan Kui inherited the position of Yuan Shu under the support of the people, but only inherited the official positions of Yuan Shu in the Han Dynasty-General Tiger Benzhong, Henan Yin, and announced that he would re-support the Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and punish him with a light fuss.

However, eight of the eleven counties in Yuzhou have fallen into the hands of Cao Cao, and only three counties, namely Yiyang, Anfeng, and Ruyin, have not yet fallen. The situation is extremely urgent.

Yuan Kui cried to Yan Xiang, "My three counties, Yiyang 30,000 soldiers, plus the other two counties only 40,000, how can we win 200,000 Cao's troops

Yan Xiang stroked his beard and said, "As long as you hold these last places, there will always be a turning point."

"Transfer?" All the generals blasted the pot, "Cao Jun's 200,000 army is about to call, where is the turnaround?" He didn't believe what Yan Xiang said.

At this time, Yuan Kui was solemn and calm, cleared his throat and shouted loudly, "Everyone, please be quiet first, please finish the sentence first."

After hearing Yuan Kui's transformation, everyone calmed down and looked at Yan Xiang.

Yan Xiang was calm and calm, and said slowly, "Eight out of ten thief Cao's troops are dispatched this time. Lu Bu and Cao Jun have a deep grievance. With the resourcefulness of Chen Gong, Lu Bu's army master, Lu Bu will definitely attack Cao Cao. According to Yanzhou, it will be our army. At the turn of the day, as for the outcome, we can only see the good fortune of our army," Yan Xiang sighed after speaking.

Yuan Kui stood up and shouted loudly, "Our army will succeed in regaining the land of the eight counties."

After hearing this, the audience felt relieved a lot.

Three days later, the spies came to report that Lu Bu led an army of 100,000 to attack Yanzhou, and Cao Cao led an army of 150,000 back to defense, leaving behind generals such as Xiahou Dun, Le Jin, and Yu Jin, and 50,000 soldiers to defend the eight prefectures of Yuzhou.

After Yuan Kui heard this, he was secretly overjoyed. But then think about it, Xiahou Dun is a famous general, our army is newly defeated, and the hearts of the people are unstable. How to gather people's hearts and boost morale? How to defeat the 50,000 brave Cao army commanded by Xiahou Dun and regain the land of the eight counties