Three Kingdoms

Chapter 93: Zhuge Liang cleverly seized the South County (Part 1)


When the war between Zaoyang and Fancheng was going on tragically, an army of 20,000 under the banner of "Chinese" slowly set off towards Jiangling City, the capital of Nanjun. This is precisely the troops led by Zhuge Liang who are preparing to fight Jiangling. As the saying goes, soldiers are very fast, but Zhuge Liang marched at the speed of a tortoise. He didn't need to take seven days to reach Jiangling, but he had to walk for more than half a month before reaching the destination.

After finally reaching the Changban slope, as long as he catches up with the distance of dozens of miles, he will be able to approach the city. Zhuge Liang suddenly ordered the whole army to stand by. He ordered all the soldiers of the whole army to take a half step out of Changbanpo without obtaining his orders.

In the following days, the army lived a boring life on the mountain for several days.

After spending so long on the mountain, the veteran Huang Zhong couldn't hold back. On this day, Huang Zhong came to Zhuge Liang's handsome tent again, and saw Zhuge Liang shaking his feather fan, shrinking in the handsome chair, squinting his eyes and resting, leisurely and contented.

Huang Zhong was angry and anxious when he saw it, and shouted with his big old voice: "Military officer, we have been resting for several days. Cao Jun is fiercely attacking Zaoyang. Seeing that Zaoyang is about to belong to Cao Cao, you still I am in the mood to close my eyes and rest my mind here."

With that, Huang Zhong strode forward, grabbed the feather fan, and slammed it on the ground.

Zhuge Liang was a literati who had no power to bind a chicken. Facing Huang Zhong's sneak attack, he was naturally unable to resist, and could only watch the feather fan being thrown to the ground by Huang Zhong.

Zhuge Liang looked at Huang Zhong absently, and smiled bitterly: "My old General Huang, what kind of anxious you are! This commander is Zhuge Liang, if it is defeated. I, Zhuge Liang, will carry it alone. . What's up to you?"

Huang Zhong was anxious when he heard it, glared at Zhuge Liang, and said loudly, "Why don't it matter to me, now Fancheng and Zaoyang are in a hurry. If you win Jiangling earlier, you can go to support them in time."

Zhuge Liang said patiently after hearing this, "This is not something to be anxious. Since I let the army stay here, I have my reason. Don't worry, General Huang, there will be opportunities for meritorious service."

After Huang Zhong heard it, he was half-believing, but there was no way, he could only believe in Zhuge Liang for the time being, and then left.

Zhuge Liang's stay at Changbanpo was not without reason. He knew that Jiangdong’s Soochow Group had just lost its coach Sun Ce. However, Sun Quan, who took over the position of the lord of Jiangdong, quickly stabilized the situation. Jiangdong Group has always been eyeing Jingzhou. Now that the situation in Jiangdong has stabilized, Sun Quan will never be satisfied with occupying a Jiangxia county.

Zhuge Liang thought that if he attacked Jiangling hard, he and Cai Hao would lose out, and Sun Quan would take advantage of it. Zhuge Liang didn't want to see this. Therefore, Zhuge Liang has been waiting for the Soochow Group to attack Jiangling so that "the mantis will catch the cicada, and the oriole will be behind."

Of course, Zhuge Liang, as a strategist and tactician, considers the problem very long-term, which is not understandable by generals such as Huang Zhong.

As the saying goes, "Kungfu pays off for those who have a heart." Sun Quan of Jiangdong finally couldn't sit still. He ordered the governor Zhou Yu to lead an army of 50,000 to attack Jiangling, hoping to take advantage of the fire.

Facing the Jiangling City that Liu Biao spent decades building and constructing. Although Zhou Yu kept mobilizing troops and dispatching generals and launched more than a dozen offensives, there was still no way to take Jiangling City. Zhou Yu's army suffered the most damage since the start of the war in the ten-day battle. In just ten days, nearly five thousand Jiangdong army soldiers stayed at the foot of Jiangling City forever.

After ten consecutive days of offensive and defensive battles, the mountains of corpses under the city of Gangneung and the blood-stained land proved the cruelty of the war. There are corpses, broken weapons, unextinguished flames, and bloodstains that have not dried, all of which exudes a strong breath of death.

After several days of fighting, Zhou Yu still didn't understand why Jingzhou soldiers, who were not very powerful, were so stubborn. Those pairs of hatred, unafraid of life and death in the eyes. Let him have some lingering fears.

They didn't know that it was Cai Hao who wanted to keep his lofty position in Jingzhou, guarding the city, and waiting for the arrival of Cao Jun. People spread the news that the Jiangdong army occupied one city and slaughtered one city, looted another city, attacked another city, and harmed another city. Although the soldiers in Jingzhou were not as elite as the Jiangdong Army, they were unwilling to see their wives and children, and their land was ruined and violated by outsiders in this way.

All of them showed their courage and attacked and repelled the Jiangdong Army again and again.

On this day, the Jiangdong Army once again launched a general attack on Jiangling City.

The army commander Lu Su deliberately wrote out a detailed battle plan overnight. They intend to use the Chinese army as a containment force to contain the defenders of Jiangling City. With the West Road army as the main force, with hundreds of ladders and dozens of giant horns, the death squad will be concentrated, and the most severely damaged West City of Jiangling City will be the breakthrough.

The battle came with fierce drums of battle. The fifty thousand Jiangdong army launched attacks from the three cities in the north and east.

The fiercest battle was in Xicheng, which Zhou Yu attacked. Thousands of rockets flew toward the city like raindrops.

It landed at Jiangling City almost at the same time, and the walls were bloody and horrible. However, the Jingzhou Army braved the rocket without fear of life and death, and shot down the city one arrow at a time.

They used their lives and bows and arrows to pay tribute to the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army who rushed forward. The rain of arrows composed of thousands of leaning sharp arrows scattered down the city without interruption. The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army who rushed to the front suddenly fell seven to eight. For siege warfare, the soldiers rushing to the front often have to die. Because everyone is behind countless companions, there is no way to go back. Everyone was like moths fighting the fire, one by one fell under the city wall.

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army greeted the arrow rain on the city, stepped on their companions, and shouted "Chong..." "Kill..." over and over again to encourage themselves to move forward. After paying the price of nearly two thousand people, the Jiangdong Army finally reached the foot of the city wall.

A series of ladders stood, Jiangdong army continuously climbed up the city, and the giant horn cart also launched a violent impact on the city gate and city wall.

Jingzhou soldiers from the city also gathered on the side of the city wall, pushing the ladder on the city wall, and throwing rolling logs, boulders, and boiling oil down the city.

When the Jingzhou soldiers knocked down the ladder, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army would immediately join forces to send the ladder to the city wall again. Countless soldiers of Jiangdong Army were thrown to death alive in this time and again.

The war lasted for several hours, and the Jiangdong Army fought from dawn to dark, and had no choice but to retreat from gold.

Lu Su, who had been watching in Nancheng, witnessed the whole process of this battle with his own eyes. At this moment, he truly felt the powerful combat effectiveness of the Jingzhou soldiers. According to the information just received, the offensive of the east and north gates has also been declared a failure.

Jiangdong Army Camp.

Zhou Yu roared angrily in the camp. He personally supervised the battle in today's battle, and devoted all the main forces to attack Nancheng, but he retreated again and again. This is the first time for him.

Lu Su calmly stopped the angry Zhou Yu, and said: "Dadu, Jingzhou soldiers have fought against them before. Xinye and Fancheng fought. They only rely on the wisdom of Jingzhou Erkuai, but now Jingzhou soldiers are different. Fear of life and death, there must be a reason. In my opinion, we should stop the siege, find out the cause of the matter, and make plans."


Seeing Zhou Yu still hesitating, Lu Su persuaded him: "The general governor, the old saying goes: Will be out, military orders are not affected. At this moment, the prime minister does not know the real situation here. The orders given should be based on actual conditions. Certainly. If our army continues to attack again, I am afraid that even if it takes Jiangling, it will be powerless to other counties and counties in Jingzhou. Don’t worry about the chief governor, if the lord blames it, one person will take it."

Zhou Yu thought about today's battle, sighed, and said, "Okay!" This stopped. It stopped for ten days. Ten days later, Lu Su found out the real reason why the soldiers of Jingzhou didn't retreat. After cursing Cai Hao for being despicable, he immediately figured out a way to deal with it.

They gathered most of the people in Jiangxia, gave them generous food, and asked them to call in the city. Letters of persuasion to surrender and pledges to treat the people of Jingzhou were shot into the city one by one.

The hearts of the people in the city are floating. After another three days, the Jiangdong Army launched a fierce attack again. Sure enough, this time the Jingzhou soldiers did not have the original cruelty. In just an hour, a small number of soldiers boarded the city.

Seeing that the situation was wrong in the city, Cai Tao immediately fled northward from the north gate, preparing to go to Zaoyang to join Cao Jun.

The soldiers in the city surrendered.

Zhou Yu's natural disposition, Cai Hao, was despicable and led the army to pursue it.

I don't know if Cai Hao belongs to a rabbit. Zhou Yu divided his troops into three groups. After dozens of miles, he didn't see Cai Hao's figure. When he was about to return to the army, a bad news came.

"Jiangling was captured by the Han army!"

"What, Jiangling was captured by the Han army! How could this be?" Zhou Yu stared at the soldier kneeling in front of him incredibly, his eyes filled with blankness and unbelief.

"It's true! The little one dared not lie about the information. Just when the adults sent troops to chase Cai Tao, suddenly a large army fell from the sky and launched a fierce attack on Jiangling. There was not much force in the city, and almost all the soldiers were clearing the battlefield. Before our army could react, the cavalry of the Han army rushed into the city. General Huang Gai resisted bravely, but was beaten back by the opponent.” The Chuanling soldier reported the simple battle situation to Zhou Yu. The news was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, exploding in Zhou Yu's ears, and in an instant, the world became blank. Zhou Yu's face was full of excitement, and instantly became bloodless. It is no wonder that he has such an expression, his army lost nearly 30,000 soldiers in the battle against Jiangling City.

"Who is the leader of the Han army?"

Zhou Yu asked furiously, eyes full of hatred.

"I heard that it was Zhuge Liang, a military commander of the Han army."

The soldier who came by Zhou Yu's side to report the letter replied tremblingly. This soldier has followed Zhou Yu for many years and has never seen Zhou Yu look as fierce as today.

"Mr. Zhuge, I must strip you alive!"

Zhou Yu couldn't help clenching his fists, his heart filled with flames of revenge...