Three Kingdoms: Taking Over Liu Bei’s Legacy at the Start, Rebuilding the Han Dynasty

Chapter 13: Ah Man used a trick


After Cao Cao pacified Hebei, he began to plan to take Jingzhou. He sent Cao Ren to Nanyang and stationed 30,000 troops in Fancheng, eyeing Jingxiang and waiting for the opportunity.

One day, it was suddenly learned that Liu Bei had been killed by Cai Mao. The generals were overjoyed and asked for orders to take Xinye.

Cao Ren was suspicious and worried that Liu Bei was cheating, so he sent people to check. Sure enough, when Liu Bei's coffin was transported back to Xinye, the army was about to be assembled for battle.

Li Dian, the military officer, said, "The only person the Prime Minister fears is Liu Bei. Now that he is dead, his people have nowhere to go. If we send out troops rashly, they will surely go somewhere else. It is better to inform the Prime Minister and then make a decision."

Cao Ren nodded and said, "The Prime Minister has long cherished Guan Yu's talent and has wanted to recruit him. This is a heaven-sent opportunity!"

He then ordered people to report the news to Xuchang, and at the same time intensified the training of troops and horses, ready to send troops at any time.

In the city of Xuchang, Cao Cao was suffering from a headache and tossed and turned in bed in unbearable pain. Upon hearing the news of Liu Bei's death, he suddenly sat up.

After being stunned for a while, he suddenly burst into laughter. His headache and back pain were gone. He ordered Xun Yu and others to come and discuss matters.

At this time, the news of Liu Bei's death had spread throughout Xuchang. All the civil and military officials were surprised and delighted. Some suggested going south immediately to take Jingzhou, while others suggested persuading Guan Yu to surrender.

Cao Cao listened for a while and asked Xun Yu, "Wen Ruo, what do you think?"

Xun Yu replied, "I have heard that benevolent men do not attack when a country is in mourning. If we send troops to make enemies, Guan Yu and his men will surely surrender to Liu Biao, which is like driving a tiger into the mountains. It is better to send an envoy to offer condolences to show goodwill, recruit his troops to the court, and then take Jingzhou."

Xun You said, "That's right. Cai Mao is dead, Liu Biao is seriously ill, and although Liu Qi is barely managing the state, he is just hanging on. Sun Quan wants to avenge his father, so he will definitely take the opportunity to send troops. Liu Qi will be hard to defeat. If we ask for help from the Prime Minister, won't Jingzhou be within our grasp?"

Cao Cao never forgot Guan Yu and sighed, "I treated Liu Jingsheng's son like a dog or a pig, but Jingzhou is already in my pocket! What I am worried about is that Yunchang cannot be used by me. What a pity!"

Cheng Yu nodded and said, "Since Liu Bei fled from Yuzhou, he has been pretending to have a secret decree and has always wanted to attack Xuchang. Now he has entrusted his son to Liu Qi. His brothers are united, and if we only offer him titles and salaries, I'm afraid he won't succeed."

Xun Yu said: "Guan and Zhang are powerful generals of the time. Liu Qi will not be able to control them. The Prime Minister treated Guan Yu well before. If you invite him sincerely and explain the righteousness to him, you will surely succeed."

Cao Cao stroked his beard and said, "I have longed for Yun Chang. If I can exchange Jingzhou for Yun Chang's loyalty, I will never hesitate."

Cheng Yu said: "We can use a strategy of sowing discord: Liu Bei died in Xiangyang after all. First, send people to spread rumors that Cai Mao is the hegemon. Liu Biao and his sons will use the strategy of driving the tiger to swallow the wolf to get rid of Cai Mao and harm Liu Bei. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will naturally become suspicious."

Xun You said, "Zhongde's words make sense. Liu Qi is now the General of Zhennan, but Liu Bei is the General of the Left, which is above him. The Prime Minister can recommend Guan Yu to succeed him as the General of the Left. Yunchang is proud and arrogant, and he will be ashamed to be under Liu Qi. Since the two of them are not on good terms, you can take the opportunity to recruit him."

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Gongda's plan is brilliant. Guan and Zhang have nowhere to go. I would like to ask the princes of the world, who can use it? Only I, Cao Mengde!"

After Liu Qi arrived in Xinye, he recruited Deng Zhi and Fu Rong, who were the historical celebrities he could think of.

In addition, many civil and military officials also made recommendations. Among them, Hu Ji and Dong Jue, fellow townsmen from Yi Yang recommended by Wei Yan, were the most famous and were all given important positions.

In a blink of an eye, the seventh day had passed, and Guan and Zhang were still in low spirits. Liu Qi did not disturb them, as Huang Zhong and Zhao Yun were enough to take care of the military training.

Although Liu Bei was popular in Xinye, he had limited resources, only 5,000 soldiers and horses, and insufficient money and food. Although he had good generals, he was like a bird in a cage, unable to spread his wings.

Cao Ren was in Fancheng and could send troops at any time. Liu Qi transported food and grass from Xiangyang and supplemented two thousand troops. He was busy preparing for war for days, but there was still no sign of Cao's army.

In the morning, Xu Shu came back from the camp after instructing the troops in training. Liu Qi asked, "Cao Rending has confirmed that his uncle has been buried, but he has not yet sent out his troops. Could it be that he really follows the rules of benevolence and courtesy and does not attack the enemy during the mourning period?"

Xu Shu sneered and said, "It's not that Cao Ren didn't send out troops. I think Cao Cao must have other plans. Now that the emperor's uncle is not here, all the civil and military officials are left alone. Cao Cao must be interested in recruiting them for his own use."

Liu Qi laughed and said, "Generals, you hate evil and are loyal and righteous. How can you surrender to the traitor? Cao Aman is just being sentimental."

Xu Shu frowned and said, "Recently, rumors have spread throughout the city, saying that the general is suspected of plotting to murder the emperor's uncle. I'm afraid that everyone is suspicious and it must be Cao Cao's trick. The general should explain it as soon as possible to avoid making a big mistake."

Liu Qi said generously: "The innocent will be clear. I believe the three generals are righteous people. Since we have signed the White Horse Alliance, we should not doubt them. At this critical moment, explanation is a cover-up. The innocent will be clear."

"General, what you said makes sense." Xu Shu was slightly stunned, then nodded and smiled.

I have a new understanding of Liu Qi. He has such a broad mind and courage, and he trusts his subordinates, which is the demeanor of a wise ruler.

Liu Qi asked again: "I have often heard that Zhuge Liang compares himself to Guan Zhong and Yue Yi, which shows that he has a heart to serve the country and save the people. Since the military advisor has a good relationship with him, can we ask him to come out and help me?"

Since Cao Ren did not come to attack, Liu Qi turned his attention to talents, and the most urgent ones at the moment were the Dragon and the Phoenix.

He did not think that he could compete with the ancients in intelligence and courage just by relying on his own foresight, especially in terms of military strategy.

My advantage lies in knowing people and using them, foreseeing some major historical events and seizing the initiative.

But as these things have different outcomes, history will also change, which is equivalent to creating a new history and heading towards an unknown direction.

At that time, everyone was on the same starting line and it all depended on personal ability. Talent became particularly important, and integrating resources as early as possible was his biggest advantage.

Xu Shu sighed and said, "Kong Ming has great talent, but his character is too noble to be subjugated. The general needs to go and seek him out in person."

Liu Qi frowned and said, "The matter of Cai Mao implicated the Huang family. Kong Ming and the Huang family have decided to marry each other. I wonder if he will resent me?"

Xu Shu shook his head and said, "General, don't worry about this. Kong Ming is aloof from the world and cannot be judged by conventional etiquette. Besides, the hegemony of the Cai family is their own fault. Huang Chengyan rarely interacts with the Cai family and it has nothing to do with them."

"Then I'm relieved!" Liu Qi let out a long sigh and said, "Since Cao Ren is not coming to send troops, we will choose a day to go to Longzhong and see the style of Sleeping Dragon."

While they were discussing, a soldier suddenly came to report that an angel had arrived. They hurried out of the government office to welcome him and set up an incense table. They all knew that it was Cao Cao's instruction, but they still had to do enough superficial work.

In this age of intrigue, everyone is an actor, and whoever has poor acting skills will be driven off the stage.

After hearing the imperial edict, Liu Qi, in addition to expressing condolences to Liu Bei, also promoted Guan Yu to the rank of Left General.

This official position was above that of General Zhennan, which meant that Guan Yu also had the power to establish his own government and no longer had to obey Liu Qi's orders.

After the messenger finished reading the imperial edict, everyone's eyes were focused on Guan Yu, to see what decision he would make.

Liu Qi was also worried. Although he had accepted Guan and Zhang, they were only under the supervision of Liu Bei and were far from trusted.

Now that Guan Yu has the power to work on his own, will he pull these people together to start a new business