Three Kingdoms: Taking Over Liu Bei’s Legacy at the Start, Rebuilding the Han Dynasty

Chapter 449: Acting as the governor of Jiangdong


Liu Qi felt that this person's name was unfamiliar, and frowned and asked, "Who is Lang Zhi?"

Sun Shao replied, "The Lang family is a wealthy family in Yuhang. Although they have not produced any famous scholars, they have a lot of land. Now they have gathered their clansmen to respond to Sun Hao, and they have gathered more than a thousand people."

"So it's the local tyrants!" Liu Qi smiled coldly and said in a deep voice: "The Lang family must want to take advantage of the opportunity to gain power, but it's a pity that the stupid people don't understand the current situation and are only asking for trouble."

Lu Su said: "Although Lang Zhi is not a cause for concern, this incident has a huge impact on Wu County. If it is not stopped in time, I am afraid that other counties will follow suit and the situation will spread like wildfire."

Liu Qi smiled and said, "When I first took over Jiangdong, many officials were dissatisfied and people were uneasy. It's a good opportunity to use the Lang family as an example to scare the monkeys."

"Why use a butcher knife to kill a chicken?" Lu Su shook his head and said, "Now that Cao Cao has returned to the court, he will definitely come to Xuzhou to preside over major events. This is a serious threat! If you want to establish your authority and win the support of the people, you should go to Huainan to lead the troops. If you can defeat Cao Cao and enter Xuzhou, then the people of Jiangdong will naturally be satisfied. The rebellion in Wu County is just a minor incident. You only need to send a small general to deal with it."

Zhang Zhao also said: "Zijing is right. The general has only been in power for a short time, and if he punishes the descendants of the Sun family, the people will definitely have discussions. In my opinion, this matter can be solved by the descendants of the Sun family and the people of Jiangdong, so that it can be justified."

Liu Qi agreed with this and asked, "The troops in Huainan should not be moved lightly. Are there any talented generals in the territory of Dongwu?"

Lu Su smiled and said, "It's far away, but it's right in front of us! Gong Li is the confidant of the Marquis of Wu, and he has been personally instructed by him. Now he is leading the old troops of Sunhe and using his personal troops to fight against the rebellion. He will surely be invincible."

Sun Shao was overjoyed when he heard this, and clasped his fists and said, "We are highly regarded by the Marquis of Wu and have been given a surname. We are willing to protect Jiangdong's foundation until our death. If the general is willing to use me, I will kill Lang Zhi and capture Sun Hao to bring peace to Wu County."

"As expected of the soldiers led by the Little Overlord!" Liu Qi praised, and then said: "But Sun Hao is of noble status, and it may be difficult to subdue him with just one general. How about asking Sun Shao, the eldest son of the Marquis of Wu, to lead the troops and help him suppress the rebellion?"

Lu Su said worriedly: "Although the eldest son is of noble status, he has never participated in military and political affairs. I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Liu Qi smiled and said, "You don't need to lead the troops, just lead the army. Yu Zhongxiang can be your advisor, and all military affairs can be decided by General Sun."

Lu Su understood Liu Qi's intention and nodded, saying, "This is a very good argument. In recent years, the war in Jiangdong has been unfavorable, and many people miss the general who fought against the rebellion. If the eldest son can pacify Wujun, he will surely be popular."

Sun Shao clasped his fists and said, "General, you have made a thorough consideration. I have no objection. In addition, my uncle's third son, Sun Huan, has also grown up. He is both civil and military. He grew up with the eldest son and has always had the ambition to join the army. He can be recruited into the army."

Sun Huan was also an outstanding general in the late Eastern Wu period. Liu Qi then appointed Sun Ce's eldest son Sun Shao as the General of Suppressing Bandits, Sun Shao as the General of the Central Army of Andong, and Sun Huan as the Commandant of the Wuwei Army, and led 5,000 troops to Wujun to suppress the bandits.

Zhang Zhao added: "Although Lang Zhi is causing chaos in Wujun, not everyone will support Sun Hao. Zhu Ju and Zhang Wen are young talents in Wujun, both virtuous and talented, and can also be recruited to join the expedition. With the support of Zhu and Zhang, Sun Hao will not be able to hold on alone and will surely fail."

Wow, he recommended two representatives of the four major families right at the start. Liu Qi glanced at Zhang Zhao, and thought that the old man was indeed a deep-minded person.

In the territory of Jiangdong, the powerful and aristocratic families are deeply rooted and can even influence the Sun family. This is one of the reasons why Sun Quan started a killing spree in his later years.

But now Liu Qi, like Sun Quan, has no choice. The territory is so small and the talents come from the big families. The others are either mediocre or suppressed and buried. If they are not used, they will easily be sidelined.

However, Zhu Ju and Zhang Wen were also outstanding men in Jiangdong. Zhang Zhao acted as a matchmaker for him, and he had to repay the favor, so he recruited the two of them to join the army. It could also be considered a training for these young men.

After everyone left, Ma Su said, "The people in Jiangdong are not stable. If you go to Huainan, who will take charge of the situation?"

Liu Qi pondered for a moment and said, "In Jiangdong, only Lu Su and the two Zhangs have the highest prestige. Who do you think can take on this task?"

Although he has a better understanding of historical figures, the situation has changed drastically now and the direction of many events is unpredictable. He is also a person involved in the situation and needs to seek more opinions from these advisers.

Ma Su said, "In my opinion, Zhang Zhao usually appears to be upright, but he is very good at opportunism. If the war in Huainan goes against him, he may abandon his master and surrender to Cao. He should not be in charge of the power alone. Zhang Hong is usually low-key and cannot convince the people. Only Lu Zijing is a real hero. With Zhuge Ziyu's assistance, he can stabilize the situation."

"Youchang's view coincides with mine!" Liu Qi agreed deeply.

Looking at the entire Eastern Wu, including Zhou Yu, Liu Qi felt that only Lu Su was a true patriot, who had a deep understanding of current affairs and a sense of the overall situation. Other people more or less had their own little thoughts when doing things.

After returning to the inn, he summoned Zhao Yun and Ma Liang to discuss matters. The trip to Jiangdong was smooth and the initial goal was achieved, but the plan in the north had changed and needed further discussion.

This time he went to Jiangdong alone, not as a rash act, but a decision made after repeated consultations with Xun Yu, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others. Before that, he was 90% sure that pineapple cake was a huge conspiracy.

The most crucial link is to expose this conspiracy and disintegrate the situation in Eastern Wu. Although no one expected that the mastermind behind the scenes was Wu Guotai, and even Sun Quan was a victim, the result was as expected.

When setting out from Jiangxia, Liu Qi had already transferred Pang Tong, Zhang Fei, Zhang He, Yu Jin and other generals back to Jingzhou to organize their troops and prepare for battle.

Zhang Fei guarded Jiangxi to intimidate the Eastern Wu and prevented them from acting rashly. Zhang He and Yu Jin were unwilling to fight with Cao's army, so they were transferred to Jiangling and could take Yuzhang at any time.

At this time, Xu Shu was in Luoyang and Zhuge Liang was in Yingchuan. The two of them coordinated the military affairs in the Central Plains and deployed troops according to the situation in Jiangdong. If Jiangdong was in chaos, they would return to Jiangnan first. If Liu Qi's trip was successful, they would continue the Northern Expedition.

When Zhao Yun heard that Liu Qi was going to Huainan to lead the war, he said, "Huainan is full of old generals from the Eastern Wu. Although General Huang has appeased them, they may not obey orders. When two countries clash, the generals are not in harmony, and orders cannot be carried out and prohibitions cannot be stopped. This is really a taboo! If the lord goes to Hefei to lead the troops, he can transfer Yide and the civil and military officials of Jingzhou to the army nearby, so that we can fight against Cao's army."

Ma Liang said, "Although Zilong's plan is sound, it cannot solve the problem in Jiangdong, but will increase the contradictions. If you use the civil and military forces of Jingzhou, if you win, the whole Wu will lose face, and if you lose, your lord's reputation will be ruined and he will be trapped here!"

Ma Su nodded and said, "Brother, what you said is right! The people are already dissatisfied with our lord's appointment as the leader of Jiangdong. If we use his trusted men, it will be like usurping the throne and destroying their hearts! I think we should use the old generals of Jiangdong and the newly trained soldiers to march across the Huai River to show our lord's ability. Only in this way can we convince the people of Dongwu."

Liu Qi smiled and said, "You two have a point. Yide is cooperating with Jiangxia from north to south to intimidate Jiangdong. If Sun Yu is loyal and wise and offers Lujiang, we can go straight to Huainan to help. The troops have been arranged and there is no need to mobilize them. Zilong alone is as good as 100,000 soldiers of Dongwu. I have you to accompany me!"

Ma Su said with a smile: "General Zhao's martial arts are no less than General Zhang's. If the Jiangdong generals are defeated by Cao's army, can you just sit back and watch?"

Zhao Yun clasped his fists and said, "I will take action!"