Three Kingdoms: Taking Over Liu Bei’s Legacy at the Start, Rebuilding the Han Dynasty

Chapter 88: Undercurrent surges


The two returned to the lobby, and Lin Wen asked, "Master, do you have a solution?"

Xuan Zhizi said: "The only way is to move the mother and child to the west. The White Tiger is in the west, and this island will still be wood, which can resolve this disaster."

Lin Wen pondered for a moment and said, "Leaving Shenlong Island and heading west, the only place where we can temporarily stay is the Dragon King Temple. How about we keep him here?"

Xuan Zhizi nodded and said, "The island owner is right. The Dragon King Temple is protected by the Dragon God, which is opposite to the White Tiger. It can suppress the White Tiger Evil. The soldiers will be unable to kill and attack, which can help the island owner turn defeat into victory."

"Hahaha, the Immortal Master is truly my benefactor!" Lin Wen couldn't help but be delighted. He clasped his fists and asked, "I'll send the evil spirits to the Dragon King Temple right away."

Xuan Zhizi said, "Tomorrow I will check the terrain and set up a formation on the island to eliminate the lonely evil spirit. I need to prepare spiritual talismans, nine peach wood swords, and a pot of cinnabar wine. Once the formation is set up, I can send the two away."

Lin Wen was even more convinced and said, "There are traps on this island. Taoist priest, you must not act on your own. I will send someone to help you tomorrow."

So he ordered his people to entertain the Taoist priest well and prepare the necessary things overnight. It happened that Liu Qi was arrogant and gave him ten days to surrender. He just had to wait for the formation to be set up and then launch a counterattack to see how long Liu Qi could be so arrogant.

That night Xuan Zhizi first set up an incense table at Zhou Buzhi's residence and laid the eye of the formation. The next day, all the materials were ready. Xuan Zhizi took Zhou Buzhi to set up a long-term sitting formation on the island, and each group of people guarded it carefully.

On the third day, the formation was set up. Lin Wen sent a hundred trusted men to escort Zhou Buyi and his mother to the Dragon King Temple to stay temporarily. Xuan Zhizi had to stay on the island for another day until the formation was stable before he could leave.

Lin Wen was deeply moved to see that Xuan Zhizi was so concerned about him, so he treated her with great courtesy, entertaining her with wine and meat every day, and gave her fifty kilograms of gold as a thank you.

Xuan Zhizi was immediately displeased and said, "I came here to express my gratitude on the orders of my uncle, so I should have done my best. But the island owner took out these yellow and white things, which is bullying me!"

Lin Wen quickly apologized, ordered his men to take the gold and donate it to the Dragon King Temple, and sighed: "The immortal is indeed worthy of being a hermit."

Lin Wen was busy setting up an array to resolve the crisis on Shenlong Island, while the officers and soldiers on Wangyue Island were also busy recruiting prisoners and settling the bandits in batches. There was jubilation on the island.

With this great victory, Gan Ning once again established his prestige. He seized the Lingjiao ship by himself, found a strategy to defeat the enemy, and killed the bandit leader Zhou Xiong, shocking the three armies.

The name of Jinfan Gan Ning once again resounded throughout the rivers. Even as powerful as the twin dragons of Dongting Lake, they were no match for Gan Ning.

The pirates everywhere were shocked when they heard the news, and finally realized that the man from that year had returned.

Even though he hasn't appeared for more than ten years, he is still the strongest man on the river.

Originally, Liu Qi appointed Gan Ning as the naval general. The Jingzhou soldiers were still dissatisfied, thinking that a pirate could climb over their heads. They were somewhat resistant. But after this battle, everyone was convinced.

Just when the three armies were in high spirits and requested to go into battle, Liu Qi ordered the troops to rest and give up the opportunity to attack while winning.

There are nearly 10,000 captives on Wangyue Island, most of whom are fishermen and civilians. They need to be properly resettled. At the same time, rumors should be spread everywhere to divide the bandit army, and they should also wait for news from Xu Shu.

The best strategy is to attack the enemy's strategy. This time, when conquering the Dongting pirates, he did not want to kill them in large numbers. Nowadays, Jingnan is a vast area with few people, and it is urgently needed to replenish the population to speed up development. The more people he can capture, the better.

According to Liu Xian and Yang Ling, most of these people were forced into a corner by the government, and some of them tried to evade taxes in the hope of getting away with it. They were not unforgivable criminals and never oppressed the poor.

They were self-sufficient in Dongting Lake. They would occasionally rob merchant ships and government ships once or twice. They also helped the people deal with corrupt officials. Although they were hated by the government, they had a good reputation among the people.

The captured bandits who were willing to join the army were incorporated into the navy, and each of them was given a set of armor and weapons. The bandits cheered with joy when they put them on, as they were transformed from bandits into officers and soldiers.

Just as several instructors said, they have since gotten rid of the label of thieves, and have been rewarded for their achievements and returned home in glory. The thieves have finally awakened from their confusion and seen a bright future.

To revive the Han Dynasty and make great contributions, men should show their power. This is the light of righteousness!

Whenever people think of what Liu Qi said when he was reviewing the crowd, their blood boils and they are full of fighting spirit.

Officials who did not want to join the army were also properly resettled. Not only were their household registrations re-registered and land divided, but each person was given at least ten acres of land, and officers and soldiers helped by farming, and they were exempted from taxes for three years.

Moreover, for those who perform well, the government will help introduce them to partners and help them start a family. This makes many people very excited, even more excited than getting a land deed.

When everyone's land deeds were actually issued, the bandit army was both happy and worried. With so much land, they simply could not take care of it all by themselves. It was truly a happy trouble.

But no one was willing to give up, so they tried every means to contact relatives and friends to farm together, and even secretly contacted the brothers they knew on Shenlong Island.

In recent days, more than 500 bandits who had escaped from Shenlong Island have voluntarily surrendered. Even small groups of pirates in nearby waters have come forward to surrender upon hearing the news.

On this day, they were discussing the matter of establishing military farms in the Linxiang area when Gan Ning suddenly came happily to report that an old friend from Wuling had come to surrender with three thousand soldiers under his command.

Liu Qi was overjoyed and ordered the person to be brought in. He saw a burly man with a full beard, who looked very strong and powerful.

"Commander Zhang Yan pays homage to General Liu!"

"Please stand up quickly!" Liu Qi personally helped Zhang Yan up and said with a smile: "Since you are friends with Xingba, you must be a hero of the time."

"Shame on you!" Zhang Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I am a fisherman from Wuling, traveling back and forth in Jiangzhou to sell fish. Once, I was robbed by a bandit in Wu Gorge, but fortunately General Gan rescued me and I was able to survive. Recently, I heard that General Gan had joined the army, so I came here to join him."

Gan Ning waved his hand and smiled, "It was just a piece of cake to help him back then. Now Zhang Yan is a famous hero in the Yuanjiang River area. The general will be even more powerful with him."

Zhang Yan sighed, "We used to go from Yuanjiang River to Dongting Lake, and sell fish from Jiangling to Jiangzhou for a living. Since the waters were occupied by the two dragons of Dongting Lake, we can no longer enter the river. We were also heavily taxed by the government, so we had to enter Wuling Mountain to protect ourselves. But this is not a long-term solution, so we have been trying to find out the news from the outside world. When we heard that General Gan had defeated the two dragons of Dongting Lake, we dared to surrender to him. We hope that the general will not abandon us."

Liu Qi asked, "Master Zhang, do you recognize the twin dragons of Dongting Lake?"

Zhang Yanyan said, "More than knowing each other, we even fought several times because he wanted to collect tolls. But the Twin Dragons were more numerous and their warships were large, so our fishing boats couldn't compete with them. So we had to cut off the Yangtze River route and retreat into the mountains. Our lives have been getting worse and worse in the past few years."

Liu Qi narrowed his eyes and suddenly asked, "If you go to Lin Wen, will they be willing to take you in?"

"General Liu, what do you mean?" Zhang Yan was shocked when he heard this and knelt on the ground: "I surrender sincerely and am willing to go through fire and water for you, but I absolutely do not want to become a bandit."