Three Marriages

Chapter 14: Arresting a Blind Woman and Identifying a Suspect (1)


But Long Er didn't expect that this matter would be settled, but it would not be so easy.

At night, Ju Muer, who had slept all day, finally woke up. She was driven up to eat and drink medicine at dinner time, and then fell asleep again. She didn't even know that her father was worried and came to Longfu to look for her.

Father Ju came to Longfu and was honored as a guest of honor by the Long family. Long Er took advantage of this time to talk about marriage with Father Ju.

Father Ju was dumbfounded. Didn't this daughter come to testify in the murder case? In the end, instead of going to the government office, he slept in someone's house for a whole day, that's all, before he woke up, he asked for a kiss.

Father Ju was stunned for a long time, and finally came back to his senses: "Whether to marry or not, I have no choice but to listen to Mu'er."

The Long family members who were waiting on the sidelines were all speechless, this father deserves it!

So all the people were waiting for Ju Muer to get up. Before he could wait, a policeman brought two yamen servants to the door, saying that Mr. Fu Yin wanted to invite Miss Ju to go to the government yamen to identify her.

Now it's something important, Long Er felt that the sleepy girl had slept long enough, so he sent someone to wake her up. Father Ju felt sorry for his daughter, and hurriedly said that her daughter is like this on weekdays. She has to go to bed early every day. If she doesn't get enough sleep, she has to sleep twice as long to regain her energy.

Just as she was talking, the maid brought Ju Muer over. Ju Mu'er's fever subsided, she got enough sleep, and felt much more energetic. When she heard that the official sent to find her to identify someone, she quickly agreed and asked to go on the road immediately.

So Mammy Yu didn't have time to take a closer look at her, so Long Er and Ju Daddy took Ju Mu'er and followed the Yamen servants away.

Afterwards, Nanny Yu thought about it for a long time, and finally realized the "special woman" that the second master said before—"so special that people don't care about her appearance, her temperament, and her talent".

Aunt Yu thought, this girl is indeed like this. Apart from thinking that she was special, she really didn't remember what she looked like at all, and she didn't know what kind of temperament she was, or whether she was talented or not.

Well, it's special anyway.

Long Er didn't know that Nanny Yu had "understand" his "special theory". He brought Ju Muer to the government office, Qiu Ruoming gave them a brief explanation, then called someone to bring Ren Baoqing up, and wanted Ju Muer to recognize him.

In order not to affect Ju Muer's judgment, Qiu Ruoming didn't say anything to her, but whispered to Long Er: "Second Master, you really hit the mark with what you said about the girl. This Ren Baoqing is of medium height, strong in build, with the back of his hand There are also many small scars on his body caused by oil stars. It's just that there are no marks on his stomach where he was poked by a bamboo stick, and there are no scratches on his wrists. Injure the murderer. The other items are all in line."

Long Er nodded and asked, "Did he admit it?"

"No, I won't admit it even if I die. That's why I thought about it, or let Miss Ju come and admit it, so that this guy can let go."

Long Er nodded again. He watched Ju Muer listen carefully to the sound of Ren Baoqing being escorted up. He yelled wronged all the way. Listening to his voice, Ju Muer's expression did not fluctuate.

Seeing Ju Muer, Ren Baoqing shouted: "I have never met her, and I did not kill Boss Zhu! My lord, I was wronged!"

Qiu Ruoming ignored him, and just called Ju Muer: "Girl."

Ju Muer nodded, and took two steps towards Ren Baoqing's direction. She asked, "My lord, may I touch his hand?"

Qiu Ruoming nodded in agreement, it has been a day since the murder happened, the clothes and smell have obviously changed, the only recognizable ones are probably the scars.

The old man at the side was a little panicked, for fear that the thief would hurt his daughter. He walked over to help Ju Mu'er, thinking that if the thieves made trouble, he would be able to block forward.

But Long Er frowned. This woman proposed to him, but now she wants to touch another man's hand in front of him

He stared at Ju Muer, watching her touch Ren Baoqing's hand over and over again. He really wanted to chop off that hand and let her feel it.

Everyone waited for a long time, and Ju Muer finally had enough touching, she stopped and took two steps back. That Ren Baoqing shook his body and held his hands in fright.

In the anticipation of everyone, Ju Muer finally spoke. "It wasn't him," she said.

When Ren Baoqing heard it, he burst into tears immediately, crying and shouting: "My lord, I have been wronged, I have been wronged."

Qiu Ruoming frowned: "Miss Ju, are you sure?"

Ju Muer nodded: "My lord, this man has more scars on the back of his hands than the murderer, and he has a darker scar, which the murderer does not have."

Ren Baoqing kowtowed again and again, crying loudly: "Your Excellency is clear, Your Excellency is clear."

Long Er frowned, and went to pull Ju Mu'er away from Ren Baoqing, lest this man rush her into agitation. Then he found a chair for her to sit on. Father Ju took a peek at Mr. Fu Yin, seeing that he didn't seem to mind, so he also sat down on the chair next to Ju Muer.

Qiu Ruoming lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then asked the yamen servant to detain Ren Baoqing. Then, he told Long Er and Ju Muer about the confessions of Zhu Chenshi and Ren Baoqing.

It turned out that Mrs. Zhu Chen had been married to Zhu Fu for many years, and said that although Zhu Fu was kind to her, it was a pity that she was weak in bed and had no children for so many years, and she was often blamed by Zhu Fu for this matter. She felt bitter in her heart, but she couldn't complain. She was blamed by Zhu Fu, and she felt extremely wronged.

One day, she went to a sesame oil shop on the same street to buy sesame oil, and met Ren Baoqing. Ren Baoqing was young and strong, he was much more energetic than Zhu Fu, and he also made fun of her, so she became distracted all of a sudden.

After going back and forth like this, she always went to the sesame oil shop to buy sesame oil, and Ren Baoqing often made teasing words, and the two of them hooked up and became adulterous, and they became dirty.

At first this Zhu Chenshi was also guilty and afraid, but Zhu Fu devoted himself to the shop and cared little for her, and with that Ren Baoqing coaxing her with sweet words, she gradually became bolder. When Ren Baoqing said that the money was tight and not enough to spend, she would secretly give him some money. In this way, Ren Baoqing became even more clingy to her.

The two of them had been doing that wrong thing for more than half a year, but Zhu Fu was negligent and didn't notice it. But the day before Zhu Fu was killed, Zhu Fu forgot to take the account book, and suddenly returned home, and happened to see Zhu Chen's family going out with a beautiful face and a peachy face. Zhu Fu's heart moved, and subconsciously followed him secretly. This time, the adultery between Zhu Chenshi and Ren Baoqing was exposed.

Zhu Fu was furious, and scolded the two people bloody. The two were so frightened that they didn't know what to do, they just said that they lost their minds for a while, and they dare not do it again in the future, and begged Zhu Fu to forgive him.

Zhu Fu also wanted to save face, so he didn't report to the officials, but only dragged Zhu Chenshi home, so he was scolded.

That night, Zhu Fu didn't sleep. Zhu Chenshi was frightened and huddled on the bed, not daring to sleep. At dawn, Zhu Fu told her that the shop had been losing money anyway, so he couldn't keep going, and now that she was treating him like this, he might as well sell the shop and give her some money to find a way out.

The meaning of these words is that he intends to sell the shop and divorce his wife. Where in Zhu Chen's heart would he be willing? She cried a lot and begged bitterly, but Zhu Fu said that she had made up her mind and would not change it.

He actually made an appointment with the shopkeeper Lu who had been talking with him about buying a shop that day.

Zhu Chenshi went to the tea shop to inquire about Zhu Fu's whereabouts under the guise of delivering meals, and then rushed to the sesame oil shop to discuss with Ren Baoqing what to do.

In fact, Ren Baoqing had no real affection for Zhu Chenshi, but he was willing to give him money and silver flowers, and he was able to coax him easily, that's why he has always been so good with her. Seeing Zhu Fu see through the nasty relationship between the two of them now, he also panicked in his heart, for fear that Zhu Fu would report to the government and make him suffer. Just as she was frightened, Mrs. Zhu Chen came. She said that Zhu Fu was going to divorce her, and she would live with him from now on.

This frightened Ren Baoqing. If this woman had no money, why would he live with her? With his own money, he can definitely marry someone who is younger and more beautiful than her. What's more, if it's not guaranteed, he can find another one who can give him money and silver flowers in the future, so why hang himself on an old woman who was abandoned by her husband's family

Mrs. Zhu Chen saw through his crooked thinking and threatened that if he treated her badly, she would fight it out. When she went to the yamen, no one would be able to please her.

When Ren Baoqing heard this, he hurriedly comforted him, but he was not reconciled, and finally came up with an idea: "Since that Zhu Fu is unkind to you, you can also be unrighteous to him. In order for us to live a better life in the future, it is better to wait for him to sell Shop, with money and silver in hand, you rolled up his belongings, and we left here to make a living elsewhere."

Zhu Chenshi didn't dare at first, but Ren Baoqing persuaded her a lot, saying that she was dismissed for nothing, gossip is inevitable in this city, how can she come to live with him like this, the only way is to leave here. But if you want to leave, you don't have any money with you, so it's absolutely impossible, so Zhu Fu's money must be taken.

Zhu Chenshi was finally persuaded by him, and the two agreed that they would start after Zhu Fu received the money after selling the shop. Speaking of their pride, the two chatted again in the sesame oil shop.

But unexpectedly, when Mrs. Zhu and Chen returned to the mansion, they saw the waiter from the tea shop come looking for him and asked if Zhu Fu had returned. Zhu Chen naturally didn't know. After dismissing the clerks in the store, she went to discuss with Ren Baoqing again, because the last time the incident was revealed because she was being stalked, this time she had a ghost in her heart, and she was also afraid that Zhu Fu would find out that they were discussing about taking money.

Ren Baoqing and Zhu Chenshi said that since this is the case, they should not meet each other recently, to avoid the limelight, first find out Zhu Fu's mind, and then make countermeasures. Mrs. Zhu and Chen agreed in panic, and then went home.

She was fidgeting at home, and Zhu Fu hadn't come back, and she didn't dare to sleep. In the middle of the night, it was the official who came to the door, saying that Zhu Fu had been killed, and Mr. Fu Yin asked her to interrogate her.

Zhu Chenshi was taken aback, she thought it was Zhu Fu who approached Ren Baoqing and died in the fight, but she didn't expect to see it in the hall, but it was a completely different matter.

However, Ren Baoqing said that he slept at home that night, completely unaware of what happened, and only heard rumors from the neighbors that Zhu Fu had died the next day.

After Qiu Ruoming finished speaking, he said again: "Ren Baoqing's motives are obvious, and all the conditions are in line with what Miss Ju said. When the crime happened, he said he was asleep at home, but no one proved it. And that day Zhu Chen was with him Hanging around in the shop, the body smelled of sesame oil, so in the hall, Miss Ju smelled it up close, so that's the case. But now Miss Ju said that the murderer was not Ren Baoqing, so this is really strange."

Ju Muer replied seriously: "My lord, Ren Baoqing is indeed abominable. If it wasn't for the fact that Boss Zhu has been murdered, he sold the shop in the future, his property was stolen by this person, or there was another conflict, I don't know. But if a person is guilty, he will be held accountable." It is a crime; if it is innocent, it will never be wronged."

Qiu Ruoming nodded: "Miss Ju, I really underestimated you before. The Zhu Chen family and Ren Baoqing have vicious hearts. If nothing else, the crime of adultery has already been convicted. I will investigate carefully and see if you are still alive." What clues can be found."

Long Er said at this time: "My lord, since we have been able to determine the characteristics of the murderer, we can infer that this case has nothing to do with Shopkeeper Lu. When will my lord release him?"

"Second Master Long, although I believe Miss Ju's words, there is still no basis for what she said. If Ren Baoqing is the real murderer, that's fine. If it can be proved that Miss Ju's words are true, then he is not the murderer. How can Miss Ju prove it? I can't convince the public with the words 'I believe it', so before the truth is known, I'm afraid Lu Sixian won't be able to let her go."

Long Er's expression darkened when he heard this, he understood that Qiu Ruoming wanted to use shopkeeper Lu to restrain him. If shopkeeper Lu is released from prison, he will not take care of this case anymore, but as long as shopkeeper Lu stays in prison, he, Long Er, will definitely go all out to help solve the case.

This Qiu Ruoming is really a fox!

Long Er was unhappy, but Qiu Ruoming couldn't find anything wrong with his words. Ju Muer's testimony is indeed unsubstantiated, and even if he insists that he and Ju Muer colluded to confess, there is no way to refute it. So without real evidence, it is really difficult to do.

Long Er turned his head to look at Ju Mu'er, she was frowning and thinking, sitting there without speaking. Long Er thought that she was injured, so running around was really hard work.

Long Er thought for a while, and asked: "My lord, is the guy from the sesame oil shop suspicious?"

Qiu Ruoming shook his head: "That was a fourteen-year-old boy, thin and short. He was sleeping soundly at home when the crime happened. His parents can prove it."

Long Er nodded, and said again: "My lord, if the murderer had premeditated the death of Boss Zhu, he must have followed him, and he could only strike after knowing his whereabouts. If he made a sudden move or went to the wrong door, he must have been in that inn." The active person. Your lord has surrounded and locked the inn after the crime happened, what have you found so far?"

Qiu Ruoming said: "There were not many residents in the inn that day. After checking, there was no suspicious person. Even the people near the inn were questioned, and there was no suspicion."

Long Er asked again: "My lord, have you taken a closer look at Boss Zhu's belongings?"

"Second Lord wants to say that if he murdered for money, then there must be no property in Boss Zhu's relics. It should be taken away by the murderer. If there are still property, then he must have been killed for other reasons, right?"

Long Er nodded.

Qiu Ruoming said: "This officer has known about this for a long time. At that time, he checked everything in the house, and found that Zhu Fu's money bag was still there, and there was a piece of silver in it."

"A piece of silver?" Long Er raised his eyebrows, "My lord, the murderer would have thought of planting a frame for blame, and I'm afraid he would have thought of keeping money in his pocket. My lord might as well check it out, what Boss Zhu ate and drank in the inn that day How much will it cost, plus his stay at the inn, is this piece of silver enough? As far as I know, Boss Zhu is a cautious person. If he has no money, he will not spend a lot. Sir, you can go to the restaurant he visited yesterday Wait for the interrogation to see if you can find out the condition of his property. If you can determine whether it is for money or for love, or for revenge, then this case will be able to delineate the scope of the murderer and investigate further. What do you think?"

Qiu Ruoming nodded, thanking Long Er for reminding. He arranged for the yamen servants to be arrested quickly and followed Zhu Fu's whereabouts and footprints to search everywhere. Seeing that he was seriously investigating the case, Long Er did not mean to be perfunctory, but half of his heart was at ease.

After the business in the government office was over, Long Er took the carriage to personally send Ju Mu'er and his daughter back.

Ju Muer had nothing to say all the way, she didn't speak, and Long Er and Ju Daddy had nothing to say. Three people in a car arrived at the home wine store quietly.

Father Ju got out of the car first, and wanted to pick up his daughter under the car, but Ju Muer said that he wanted to chat with Second Master Long. Father Ju looked aggrieved and was stunned for a while, then touched his nose and walked aside.

Li Ke called the coachman aside with great insight, leaving a place for Ju Muer and Long Er to talk.

After everyone left, Long Er said, "Okay, there is no one else, what do you want to tell me?"

Ju Mu'er bit her lips, and asked in a low voice, "Second Master, if the real culprit of the shopkeeper Lu's case can't be caught, will Second Master still want to marry me?"

Long Er raised his eyebrows, a little surprised she asked this. In his opinion, this matter is certain, how can there be variables? But when he saw Ju Muer's uneasy expression, he thought he wanted to marry him very much, so he couldn't help but feel complacent: "Since I agreed to you, it is natural to count."

Ju Muer's face brightened: "That's what she married, right?"


Seeing her smile, Long Er couldn't help laughing too. But then she yawned, and Long Er also yawned. Then he became unhappy, feeling that the good atmosphere was completely spoiled by her.

"Are you sleepy again?"

"Well, it's time to rest."

Long Er couldn't help but grit his teeth: "You slept all day today."

"That's to make up for yesterday's share, and now it's today's share. Hearing that the second master said that he is still married, as soon as I relax, I feel sleepy again."

Long Er really didn't know what to say about her.

Ju Mu'er called over to Ju Daddy, got out of the car with his support, then turned to Long Er and said, "Second Master, let's go, rest early."

Her voice was soft, which made Long Er's heart soften.

The father and daughter at home slowly went home. Long Er closed the door of the car, and was about to call the coachman to set off, when he suddenly heard Ju Lao yell. Long Er was startled, and pushed open the car door, only to see Father Ju running back, shouting loudly, "Second Master, Second Master."

Long Er agreed.

Father Ju's eyes glowed with excitement: "Second Master, my daughter said that she married, and she married you."

He already knew it! Long Er sighed, and looked up at Ju Muer who was standing not far away, she was smiling in this direction.

Long Er felt soft in his heart again.

On the way back, he thought, he would come to see her tomorrow.

The next day, Long Er got up early. He remembered that he forgot to take the medicine back for Ju Mu'er last night, so he ordered people to pack up the prescriptions and medicine bags, prepare a carriage, and deliver the medicine to her himself.

Before going out, Chief Tie reported everything he had to do today. Long Er took a look, and had already made up his mind. After delivering the medicine and seeing her, he just made another round to check the shop. The shopkeeper Lu at the tea shop was not there, so he showed up more often to show his concern, so as to save those guys from getting distracted and flustered. This year was a good time for business, so we must not relax.

Next, at noon, he will have dinner with Boss Liu from Yicheng. In the afternoon, he may have some time to go back to the mansion to look at the files again. In the evening, he will entertain several officials from the court to sit in Manxianglou. They like the food there. girl.

In this row of hours, it is really only this time in the morning that I can go to Ju Muer's place.

Long Er was very satisfied, he took time out of his busy schedule to look at her, she should be very touched.

But when Long Er arrived at the home restaurant, he found that lazy girl Ju Muer was still sleeping!

Ju Daddy and the two guys got up and had breakfast, and are busy with their own business, that lazy girl hasn't woken up yet!

Long Er's face was blue.

What worries him the most is not that Ju Muer is sleeping late, but that another young man came to see her with a gift at this time.

The young man seemed to be very familiar with Ju LaoJi, and they were as close as son-in-law in conversation. He also brought fruit snacks and other items without asking, as if he knew Ju Muer liked to eat them. Ju Daddy also refused politely at all, and accepted it directly.

In the end, the young man smiled and said goodbye politely, and only asked Ju Lao to tell her when Mu'er got up, let her recover from her injuries, and he would come to see her when he was free.

Father Ju hurriedly responded, and sent the man to the door of the wine shop, saying: "Liangze, go slowly, say hello to your family for me, and hello to your wife for Mu'er."