Three Marriages

Chapter 27: To seek countermeasures and work together (1)


Another accident happened to the blind girl Ju Muer!

Second Lord Long's unmarried lady was robbed outside Fuling Temple!

During the Chinese New Year, bandits came out to rob people!

One after another, news rushed into the city from outside the city.

Long Er hurried back to Long Mansion. The two guards sent to the house were covered in blood, and the doctor was giving first aid. And Ju Daddy was snot and tearing, his hands and feet were shaking, and he couldn't speak.

When he saw Long Er coming back, he rushed over, held Long Er's hand tightly, trembling his lips for a long time without uttering a word. Long Er had already heard the general outline of the matter when he returned, and now he was in no mood to comfort the old man. He pushed Father Ju on the chair and sat down, saying: "You sit, and I will take care of it."

With tears streaming down his face, Ju Lao couldn't stop nodding.

Director Tie asked the two guards urgently when they were sent back. Now that Long Er came back, he hurried forward and explained the situation in detail. With a frosty face, Long Er went to look at the injuries of the two guards, then turned his head and asked Li Ke: "Is everyone called?"

"It's all ready. Eight of them have already been sent out to find out the news first. We'll wait for the second master to make arrangements for the others."

Long Er nodded, and turned to Manager Tie: "You go to the government office and report this matter, and also inquire about any bandits and bandits recently, and report back all the information they have recorded. Yes, ask the government to dispatch people to search according to the area where bandits have been active in the past."

The iron chief agreed. Long Er asked again: "Is the third child back?"

"I'm back." It was Feng Wu who answered, "My husband heard about this and went out to find friends."

Long Er nodded again, and told Li Ke as he walked out: "Leave the two groups on standby, and send out the rest. Send people to keep an eye on Ding's and Yun's houses. We must find Mu'er today."

Li Ke responded, and everyone in the room hurriedly acted on their own. But Long Er didn't look back, went straight out, got on his horse and galloped towards Fuling Temple.

The outside of Fuling Temple is now completely deserted, and everyone hastily returned home for fear of being robbed if they stayed for a long time. When Long Er arrived there, seeing the blood on the ground, he knew that he had arrived at the place where Chen Huwei and the others fought with others, that is, the place where Ju Muer was robbed.

Long Er got off his horse and walked around. Two spies from the Dragon Mansion saw the master and hurried over to say hello. They came here to inquire first after they got the news, so they told Long Er everything they found out.

According to eyewitnesses at the time, the robbers jumped out of the woods on the other side. They only said some nonsense about begging for a daughter-in-law, they didn't call each other's names, and they didn't mention any place. It didn't sound like they had a specific goal. After they kidnapped someone, they were greeted by a carriage and a horse, and they ran away quickly. Lost. The two spies searched along the route mentioned by the witnesses, but found no useful clues.

After hearing this, Long Er remained silent for a long time with a sullen face.

What kind of bandit would run to the gate of a temple swarming with ants to rob people after being kicked in the head by a donkey? Is it because people don't know

Although his family's Mu'er was pleased with him, in all fairness, she was only average in appearance, she was superior in elegance and intelligence. With so many girls and daughters-in-law coming to Fuling Temple to seek happiness, he couldn't believe that those gangsters could only see his family, Mu'er, at a glance.

Moreover, Mu'er was holding a blind man's bamboo stick in her hand, which was very eye-catching. He, Long Er, has never heard of bandits picking someone blind to rob people, how troublesome is that

Furthermore, although the two guards he sent were not as skilled as Li Ke, they were indeed well-trained and skilled. It seems that these bandits are not ordinary people who can injure two guards like this. But what does it mean to just rob his Mu'er with such skills, not to rob more money, but to rob other girls

The more Long Er thought about it, the more ugly his face became. He told the spies to continue to investigate, saying that other people had already sent out, and asked them to follow this path as quickly as possible, and report back to the government if they had any news.

The spies agreed. Long Er got on his horse and ran towards the residence of Ding Sheng, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

It was cold and windy along the way, and it was extremely cold today. Long Er whipped the horse and ran quickly, but felt as if the pump had hit his heart, the pain made him unable to breathe.

The way Ju Muer frowns and purses her lips when she is dissatisfied with him, the snickering expression when she teases him after she succeeds, and her little hypocrisy where she is proud but pleasing to the eye... All these flashed in Long Er's mind one after another Pass.

Long Er's face was as cold as ice, but there was raging anger in his heart. He swore that those who kidnapped her and bullied her would be chopped into pieces and fed to the dogs.

Ding Sheng was very surprised by Long Er's arrival, but Long Er was not in the mood to be hypocritical and courteous to him this time. He said directly: "My fiancée was robbed by bandits outside Fuling Temple today. I came to ask Miss Ding how she is. words."

Ding Sheng hurriedly sent someone to the backyard to call Ding Yanshan out. Then he prepared some tea, politely asked Long Er to sit down, asked about the incident in detail, and promised that he would call his subordinates to help find him together.

At this time Ding Yanshan came out, facing Long Er no longer had the joy she used to have, but instead seemed a little embarrassed. She looked at Ding Sheng, then at Long Er, and asked, "Why is Second Master here?"

Long Er asked bluntly: "Mu'er was kidnapped, did you do it?"

Ding Yanshan was stunned for a moment, and then realized, she opened her mouth wide and said in surprise: "How could it be me? I didn't even know it happened."

Ding Sheng briefly explained the matter from the side, and then said: "Since Shan'er has nothing to do with this matter, it's good to be clear."

Ding Yanshan said loudly: "Of course it has nothing to do with me. How could I have contact with bandits, let alone do such a thing."

Long Er sneered: "Miss Ding is too self-effacing. Back then you found two thugs to touch Mu'er on the street, and ordered someone to pour dirty water on her. A few days ago, you even did it yourself. Didn't you tell her yourself to let her wait and see that day? Why do you say that you are so incompetent now?"

Ding Yanshan was stabbed heavily by his sarcasm, and her face flushed red: "Those are just small pranks, but I will never do kidnapping and murder. I don't know any bandits. The ruffian that day was dressed up by a servant from the mansion I found. I didn't find someone to rob that bitch, if I had such a vicious heart, why bother to rob her, I might as well just kill her."

"Shan'er!" Ding Sheng shouted, stopping Ding Yanshan from uttering a word.

Ding Yanshan shut her mouth abruptly, bit her lips tightly, and finally just stuck her neck and said: "In short, I dare to swear, I can swear any poisonous oath, I didn't do this, I don't know anything."

Long Er stared at her coldly, stared at her for a long time, approached her two steps, and said five words from between his teeth: "You are the bitch!"

Ding Yanshan trembled suddenly, and turned to look at Long Er. Her eyes quickly turned red, and tears welled up. Ding Sheng was very dissatisfied when he heard Long Er's words, and was about to drink him, but Long Er said first: "Don't let me find out that this matter is related to anyone in your Ding residence."

Ding Yanshan couldn't hold back the disgust in his eyes anymore, she yelled: "You're deceiving people too much." While shouting, she picked up the tea cup on the desk and threw it at Long Er.

Tea splashed on Long Er's chest. Long Er didn't move, just stared at her coldly. Then he lowered his head, patted the tea leaves off his clothes with his hands, said a word coldly, turned his head and left.

"I don't like every girl who throws tea at me," he said.

The carriage was galloping forward quickly, and the car was bumping violently.

Ju Muer and Su Qing hugged each other tightly, huddled in the corner of the car, not daring to breathe. Because there was a man in the car.

The robber leader sat across from them. He was full of beards and couldn't see his face clearly. He held a dagger in his hand and threatened the two girls to keep silent. The evil eyes, obscene gestures and disgusting words from time to time scared the two girls into shivering.

Ju Muer tried her best to calm down, and she quietly wrote on Su Qing's palm: Remember the road.

Su Qing squeezed Ju Muer's hand to show that she understood. The carriage was crude and there was a gap between the carriage boards. Su Qing hugged Ju Mu'er, her eyes could see out of the carriage.

Su Qing watched carefully, she had to know where they were taken, and if she was lucky, she might be able to find a chance to escape.

The car drove for about half an hour, made several detours, and then went up the mountain.

The mountain path was rugged, and the carriage could not go any further after halfway through. The leader of the robbers pushed the car door roughly, and then stretched out his hand to drag Su Qing to pull her out of the car.

Su Qing and Ju Muer screamed in unison, tugging at each other and unwilling to let go, and finally they were dragged down and thrown to the ground together.

Those robbers got off their horses one after another, and three of them led all the horses into the dense forest. Su Qing looked at it, and guessed in her heart that there was a place to hide horses in the forest.

At this time, the carriage turned around and went down the mountain. The leader of the robbers pulled Ju Muer up vigorously, Su Qing quickly got up and hugged Ju Muer.

The boss gave Su Qing a cold look, smiled evilly, let go of Ju Muer, and then yelled: "Brothers, let's go."

Several big men divided into two groups, one at the front and one at the back, sandwiched the two girls, and went up the mountain together.

Ju Muer was blind and walked slowly, and her feet were often tripped by dirt road stones, and the robbers behind her shouted and yelled, pushing her from time to time. She bit her lip and tried to move forward, holding the bamboo stick tightly in her hand and not letting go, for fear that if she accidentally lost the bamboo stick, those gangsters would not have the kindness to let her pick it up.

Su Qing held her arm, carefully remembering the way in her heart as she walked.

The group of people walked for a long time, and finally reached the depths of the dense forest. The robbers pushed through the thick bushes, and several gray wooden houses appeared in front of everyone.

Ju Muer couldn't see it, and just listened carefully to the movement and tried to keep up with everyone's footsteps. And Su Qing raised her eyes to stare at the house, almost desperate in her heart, how could those who wanted to save them find such a secret place

Ju Muer and Su Qing were escorted into the house by the big men. But Long Er was walking out of Ding Mansion at this time.

He came out, glanced at the alley across the street calmly, and then rode away under the watchful eyes of the gatekeeper and servants of Ding's residence.

In Ding's mansion, Ding Sheng was throwing a black face, and Ding Yanshan was crying bitterly while covering her face.

Ding Sheng yelled, "Why cry, it's useless!"

"How could he slander me like this, how could I do such a thing, how could he look at me like this." Ding Yanshan was sad and angry at the same time when she thought of this.

Ding Sheng was already furious at being humiliated by Long Er's breaking into the door, and his daughter's crying made him even more angry. He scolded: "You can't do that, you don't have that brain, idiot! What's the use of giving birth to you? You just know to cause trouble for me."

Ding Yanshan was startled by the roar, and looked up at Ding Sheng. Ding Sheng scolded again: "Go back to your room, don't bother me here."

Ding Yanshan bit her lip and didn't dare to cry again, then she gritted her teeth, turned and ran away with tears in her eyes.

At this time, the servant came in and reported to Ding Sheng in a low voice: "Second Master Long came by himself, and he left by himself just now. There is no one else around."

Ding Sheng walked back and forth a few steps, nodded, and waved the servant to go down.

Long Er left Ding's mansion, and went to Yun's mansion without stopping.

At the corner of the street not far from Yunfu, two small vendors were shouting for deals. When Long Er passed by, their eyes flickered. The vendors raised the gadgets in their hands and shouted loudly. He ran straight to the gate of Yunfu.

Yun Qingxian also got the news that Ju Muer was robbed just now, and was telling Ding Yanxiang that he was going out and took someone to find that Ju Muer, but when he heard Long Er's visit, he hurriedly asked his servant to lead him in.

As soon as he saw Long Er, he hurriedly said: "Second master came here because of Miss Ju's robbery? I just got the news, and I'm planning to mobilize people to search."

Long Er was not polite to him, and asked directly: "Do you know her whereabouts?"

Long Er's accusatory tone made Yun Qingxian stunned, and he felt displeased immediately, and said coldly: "I don't know if I haven't had time to search for it in the future."

Long Er asked again: "Do you have any clues? Where does Lord Yun want to search?" The sarcasm sounded really bad.

"Second Master Long!" Yun Qingxian lost his face again, "Second Master Long suspects that I did this?"

"Master Yun has handled many cases, so he clearly understands that there must be a motive for committing a crime. From my point of view, Master Yun was very embarrassed by Mu'er's refusal to marry him. It is reasonable to speculate that Master Yun got angry and asked someone to rob Muer." , Master Yun said?"

"You don't want to spitting blood." Ding Yanxiang couldn't bear it any longer, and said angrily, "Sister-in-law would not do such a thing."

"He won't do it, what about you?" Long Er turned his head and burned the fire on Ding Yanxiang, "Didn't you force the marriage back then because of the safety of Mu'er and her family? Threats acted out, didn't they?"

Ding Yanxiang's face turned livid, but she didn't know how to refute what Long Er said about her scandal. On the contrary, Yun Qingxian didn't deal with Long Er at all, and he kept suppressing his hatred for taking Ju Mu'er's revenge. Now that he stepped on the door and said these stupid words, he wanted to draw his sword to face each other.

Yun Qingxian couldn't hold back his anger anymore, and shouted at Long Er in a deep voice: "Get out!"

Long Er calmly looked at the faces of the couple, and said with a sneer, "This time, it's my turn to tell you, just wait and see!"

Long Er went out and walked away.

Ding Yanxiang covered her face and sobbed: "Sister, it's all my fault, I did something stupid, if I didn't go to that house because of my obsession that day, you wouldn't be so tired today that people came to your house and insulted you."

Yun Qingxian gritted his teeth, sighed for a long time, and waved his hands impatiently: "Forget it, what's the use of talking about it now?"

Ding Yanxiang was in tears, but she didn't dare to speak anymore. Yun Qingxian glanced at her a few times, but finally couldn't bear it, reached out to wipe her tears, and said: "I'm going out." After saying that, he turned around and went out.

Ding Yanxiang looked at his back and clenched her teeth.

Long Er left Yunfu and went to the government office again.

Manager Tie was inquiring about the news there, when he saw Long Er coming, he hurried forward to report: "Second Lord, the government office has received a report, today besides Ju girl, other girls were also robbed outside the city, But the location and direction are completely different. The house girl is in the east, and the other girls are in the west. Those thieves are even clamoring to come to the city to find some girls. Mr. Fu Yin has ordered an all-out investigation, and has also strengthened the security in the city. Previously involved The case and location of the bandits have also been obtained, but the adults said that those cases have been closed, and the thief's nest has also been wiped out, which may not help much. The location of the unsolved cases is not clear."

There was no expression on Long Er's face. He pondered for a moment, nodded, and then went into the mansion to meet the governor Qiu Ruoming, and personally put pressure on him to search for Ju Mu'er with all his strength.

Qiu Ruoming had a very deep impression on Ju Muer because of Zhu Fu's case last time, and now he repeatedly said that the real culprit could only be caught with the help of the girl Ju that day. He is grateful, and now he will go all out to find her trace Rescue her.

After discussing with Qiu Ruoming, Long Er and Qiu Ruoming made sure the arrangements were made, so they left and went back to the residence.

Manager Tie saw him expressionless all the way, as if his soul was gone, and he was very worried. He watched the brothers of the Long family grow up. Long Er is the most aristocratic of the three, and also the most unpredictable. He smiles when he is angry, looks cold when he is annoyed, and often ridicules, but what kind of expression is he like now? None, but very rarely seen.

Manager Tie thought, this second master finally wanted to get married, but unexpectedly, there were twists and turns. When encountering such a thing, if Miss Ju is unlucky, she will die tragically. If she is lucky enough to survive, she is afraid that she will lose her innocence in all likelihood. The rumors from the outside are already bad, even if the girl can be rescued now, I don't know how she is, what about this marriage

Long Er got off his horse and walked into the house. Chief Tie followed behind him, suffering from not knowing how to comfort him. While walking, Long Er suddenly turned around and said, "She will be fine."

Chief Tie was taken aback, opened his mouth wide and didn't know how to respond.

Long Er's face seemed stiff, but he said again: "She will wait until I rescue her, she will be fine."

Manager Tie moved his mouth, wanting to say "yes", but felt that it was not good to coax him against his will at this moment, if the situation deviated from his expectations, it would hurt even more.

Long Er said again: "She will be fine, you don't know how smart she is, she will wait for me."

Seeing him like this, Chief Tie felt his eyes heat up, and his old tears almost fell down. Long Er ignored him, turned around and walked in quickly.

Li Ke came up and said: "I have followed the direction of the kidnapper's carriage, but there are many forks along the way, so there is no good news yet."

"What happened to the Ding Mansion and Yun Mansion?" Long Er asked, he came to the door and kicked them a few times today, so it's normal for him to respond.

"Master Yun went out, went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to recruit people, and quickly sent people out, as if he was also looking for someone. The spies followed him in several ways, and two people were staring at Master Yun. There was no one in Ding's mansion. movement."

Long Er didn't speak, and after a long while said: "Find an opportunity to take Ding Yanshan captive. Since those gangsters say they want to find a girl in the city, we will help to make a show. Whether it's Ding's house or Yun The people in the house did this, and Ding Yanshan disappeared, I see how they pretend."

Li Ke agreed, and immediately went out to make arrangements.

Long Er sat down and reached out his hand to Chief Tie: "Where's the file?"

Chief Tie hurriedly handed over the file. Long Er flipped through the pages one by one, while looking at it, he seemed to have no emotion and asked: "Is there any news about the third brother's return?" The subordinates at the side quickly answered "No".

Long Er asked again: "Where are the spies at Hualou, have you been told about this? This kind of bandit likes to show off, maybe the girls in the building will have some clues, and the prostitutes in the secret hall will also find out. The subordinate on the side replied: "All arrangements have been made, but there is no news yet."

After hearing this, Long Er was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and continued to read the file. Seeing his stiff movements, Manager Tie sighed in his heart, and hurriedly ordered the servant to serve Long Er a pot of hot tea, and he hurried out to make arrangements for the search.

After Long Er finished reading the dossier, he took the map inside and outside the capital and spread it out for careful consideration. At this moment, a spy ran back urgently and reported loudly: "Second Master, Miss Ding was really robbed."

Long Er raised his eyes sharply: "Who?"

"Two commoner men dressed as cargo," the spies replied. "We just made arrangements and planned to sneak into Ding's mansion when we had an opportunity, but we saw Miss Ding running out from the back door. She didn't bring a maid, and she looked like she was crying." Worrying, looking at the direction she was walking, it seemed that she was going to Yunfu. We were about to make a move, but two big men drove by in a carriage. When they saw Miss Ding, they knocked her out and put her in a sack in the carriage. Get on, then turn the car around, exit the east city gate, and rush out of the city."

"Have you caught up?"