Three Marriages

Chapter 41: I want to sue my grievances, and the second master recommends (1)


Li Ke took the order and left, and Long Er returned to the inner room.

He rolled up the curtain, and seeing Ju Muer sitting there with a pale face, he couldn't help feeling a little distressed. He sat beside her, stroked her hair, and buttoned her button.

Ju Muer grabbed his wrist suddenly and called out, "Second Master."

Long Er hugged her into his arms and comforted her softly: "Don't panic, the matter will always be found out."

Although he told her not to panic, at this moment Long Er himself was afraid.

The robbery happened strangely, whether it was the robbery at the beginning, or the poisoning and sudden death after being arrested, everything was very strange, and now there is even an incident of pretending to be an official.

Long Er has been thinking about this case in his heart, and never gave up on the investigation. But Long Er couldn't deny that his life after marriage was too comfortable and happy, he really let down his vigilance.

In this matter, Long Er was most suspicious of Yun Qingxian, but the matter was not that simple.

Yun Qingxian wanted to ruin Ju Mu'er's marriage and reputation if she failed to marry her. This motive was quite sufficient, and the trick of using robbers to abduct people could indeed achieve this goal. It's just that he didn't expect Long Er to find Ju Mu'er in time, nor did he expect Long Er to accept a girl whose reputation was ruined as his wife.

And Ding Yanshan's identity is Yun Qingxian's sister-in-law. This relationship is neither close nor close, and Yu Yun Qingxian has no loss if the robbers rob her, but he can disassociate himself from this matter. Logically speaking, it was indeed a ruthless and clever move, but Long Er thought it was stupid to do so.

There is no silver three hundred taels here.

I was puzzled by this Long Er. He didn't think Yun Qingxian was so brainless, but maybe he was overwhelmed by jealousy, maybe he was stupid even once.

So Long Er ordered the spies of Long Mansion to keep an eye on Yun Qingxian. It's a pity that Yun Qingxian has been behaving normally, and they didn't catch them.

And the government office also regards this case as a top priority case and is seriously investigating it. But whether it was Yun Qingxian, Long Er, or Fuya, no one had made any progress.

Today, Ju Mu'er went to the street without a guard, and Long Er felt terrified when he thought about it.

He was careless. If there is a slight mistake today, if his Muer's luck is a little bit worse, then I'm afraid...

Long Er closed his eyes, he didn't dare to think, he hugged Ju Mu'er tightly.

"Second master, I want to go to Ding's mansion to meet Miss Ding now."

Long Er was taken aback by Ju Muer's request, he thought about it, and agreed.

Long Er brought Ju Muer to the Ding Mansion, thinking that it would take a lot of talking to see Ding Yanshan, after all, she had just returned from a catastrophe, and the Ding Mansion had many excuses to refuse to see visitors. Unexpectedly, when they arrived, Ding Yanshan was clamoring to go out to Longfu to find Ju Muer.

It was such a coincidence that Ju Muer came to her door to meet her.

Ding Sheng's complexion was very bad, Long Er guessed that he must also know about the fact that the bandit was taken away by the fake arrester. Long Er felt that Ding Sheng was also suspicious of Yun Qingxian during this period, because according to the information he received, Ding Sheng often found excuses to reprimand his son-in-law Chenglong Kuai during this period. It's just that Yun Qingxian can hold his breath, even in this way, he can keep calm, work calmly, and be meticulous, so that no one can catch any of his pain points.

Ding Yanshan wanted to talk to Ju Muer alone, so Long Er drank tea with Ding Sheng. The two men were wary of each other and didn't say anything serious, but what Ding Yanshan and Ju Muer said was somewhat beyond her expectations.

"I think my brother-in-law did it."

Ding Yanshan's outspokenness surprised Ju Muer a little.

"You think so too, don't you?"

Ju Muer didn't answer.

Ding Yanshan sneered: "Ju Muer, your thoughts are deep. Although I had suspicions at first, I didn't dare to think about it. What the thief said today made me realize my suspicions. You must know something, otherwise you won't be so careful."

"It's about Miss Ding's family, I'm not good at guessing."

"He's not my family." Ding Yanshan was furious, "I've thought about it, why is it such a coincidence that you and I were robbed at the same time? It was because you refused to marry, and he couldn't swallow this breath. But he wants to do that robbery He was afraid that others would suspect him, so he dragged me into the water. My sister is his wife, and he dared not touch her, otherwise his reputation would be bad if something happened to his wife, but the sacrifice It doesn't matter if it's me. He has such a vicious heart."

"Miss Ding..." Ju Muer opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

"I thought so at first, but I wasn't sure. After all, he is my brother-in-law. Although he was unfaithful to my sister, I heard that he is good. I even felt that I was sorry for him. But today the gangster People say that our Ding family used him but didn't take good care of him, causing eight of his brothers to be imprisoned, and one brother was stabbed to death, so he wanted revenge, so he robbed me." She stopped here When he stopped, he seemed to recall the danger and fear at that time.

She closed her eyes and asked, "Ju Muer, what was the reason why you didn't want to marry your brother-in-law?"

In the past, she thought it was playing hard to get, and she thought that Ju Muer couldn't be a regular wife, so she was unwilling, but after going through this incident, she suddenly thought, this Ju Muer has a heavy heart, could it be that she discovered something long ago

Ju Mu'er understood what she meant, she shook her head: "Miss Ding, I really don't mean anything to Mrs. Yun."

"Then you have this kind of thought for the second master?"

Ju Muer's face became slightly hot. Between her and Long Er, from the very beginning, there were indeed some inexplicable things, like inexplicable trust, like a strange tacit understanding, and like tit for tat fun. No matter how bad he was to her, she felt that he would not really hurt her, and she was not afraid of him.

In short, if she had to choose someone to marry, she would choose Long Er.

Ju Muer's expression made Ding Yanshan angry again. She stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

"Ju Muer, although you saved me, I still hate you."

Ju Muer pursed her lips. What can she say about this

After a while, Ding Yanshan sat down and said again: "Did you hear that? Those two arrests were fake, and the bandit was taken away by them and disappeared. Even Xiaoyu's body..."

Ju Muer nodded: "I came to find the girl just because I heard about it. I want to ask the girl, did the gangster say anything?"

"He just said that our Ding family asked him to do things but wanted to kill him." Ding Yanshan paused, gritted her teeth and said, "I didn't recognize him. He said that there was an urgent matter in the house and asked the coachman to do it, and let him do the work." Son. I didn’t care, and took Xiaoyu into the car. The car drove to Ding’an Road, and he said that the horse’s hoof was broken, and he had to stop and take a look. Because I will be home soon, I still didn’t care. I’m so stupid, I let him park the carriage in the alley and realized something was wrong, but it was too late."

When Ding Yanshan said this, she was a little choked up: "Xiaoyu has been with me for many years. She has no family and signed a life contract. She once said that she will serve me all her life. In my heart, I also regard her as a family member. But no Thinking that she died because of me in the end, but I couldn't even keep her bones."

Ju Muer felt sad when she heard that, and she couldn't help lowering her eyes.

Ding Yanshan wiped away her tears and said, "Ju Muer, I can only tell you about this."

Ju Muer frowned, her secrets accumulated more and more.

Ding Yanshan ignored her expression, and said: "My sister is the closest to me. Now that my brother-in-law treats me like this, I can't say anything to her without real evidence. And my father, I have thought about it, brother-in-law He is his right-hand man and son-in-law, so he will not think about me being robbed. I can't do anything without evidence. I used to be stupid, and I didn't think about it. But now I know, so I can only tell you."

Ju Mu'er finally couldn't help persuading her: "Miss Ding, you still have to hold your breath for some things. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to be stupid."

"I know." Ding Yanshan said, "I'm trying to pretend to be stupid, but I'm not really stupid. I was frightened, and I want to stay with my sister for a few days and let her accompany me."

Ju Muer opened her mouth wide in surprise.

"If I can't find evidence, I won't give up. I must reveal his true face. Ju Muer, you are not so simple, so you must help me with this matter, otherwise, I will not let you Have a good time."

Ju Muer followed Long Er back to the mansion with a dull expression.

Her mind was in turmoil. Shi Boyin's injustice case, Hua Yibai's death, and the crisis lurking in her body, now Ding Yanshan also wants to join in the fun. Ju Mu'er's heart really couldn't relax.

Long Er asked her what Ding Yanshan had said to her, Ju Muer thought about it, and only said that she saved her life, and Ding Yanshan wanted to thank her.

Long Er squeezed her chin: "Thank you? How did you thank you so sadly?"

"She said she hated me and thanked me at the same time, which is quite worrying."

Long Er sneered, let her rest in the house, called the guards and spies to give orders, went to the government office to discuss the robbery with Qiu Ruoming, and didn't come back until late at night.

Ju Muer took advantage of this half day to think about the matter from beginning to end. At this point, the countermeasures she originally thought of must be changed.

It was night, Ju Muer and Long Er were lying on the bed, and asked Long Er a question.

"Second Lord, what kind of person is the emperor?"

This question is weird! Long Er raised his head and looked at Ju Muer. His wife tossed and turned and couldn't sleep well, now she is finally willing to talk? But why ask the emperor

"Long Jushi, you are lying on my bed, but you ask me about another man. Even if that man is the emperor, I will not be happy."

Ju Muer was taken aback for a moment, then sighed in her heart, Lord, stop making trouble!

"You made up Master Pai in your mind, didn't you?"

Ju Muer wrinkled her face: "Second Master is right, I can't make it up. I always praise Second Master in my heart."

"Hmph." Long Er poked her face. During the time she was married, he had raised her some meat. He was very satisfied with this, "How do you praise me?"

"It's too exaggerated, I'm ashamed to say."

Like the real thing.

Long Er poked his head over and bit her: "You really haven't made any progress in flattering."

"Thank you, Second Lord, for your compliment."

"I didn't praise you."

"It's a compliment. The second master praised me for being upright and not telling lies."

Long Er couldn't help biting her cheek again: "You're so thick-skinned, you knock your teeth."

Ju Muer rubbed her face and smiled. Long Er pulled her into his arms: "I was thinking about what happened today, you must be afraid of depression, but I didn't expect you to see it openly and calm down. So, I don't have to be too polite. You Since you can't fall asleep, Master will accompany you to do some activities, and you will be able to fall asleep when you sweat and get tired."

"Mister!" Ju Muer stretched out her arms and hugged Long Er, buried her head in his chest, and said, "Don't bother me, Mr. I have something to say."

"I don't want to make trouble, I want it seriously."

Ju Mu'er blushed: "Sir..."

"Okay, let's listen to what you have to say first." Long Er smiled and stroked her flushed cheeks, which made her look more energetic, very good.

Ju Mu'er breathed a sigh of relief, thought it over in her heart, and finally asked, "Sir, what kind of person is the emperor? If the people have a grievance, can it be useful to complain to him?"

"It depends on what the injustice is, who it is, who is involved, and whether it is beneficial to the emperor himself." Long Er replied without thinking, and there was no more teasing in his tone.

Ju Muer fell silent.

Long Er went on to say: "The emperor is the king of a country. Mu'er, you have to remember that all powerful people, no matter how high or low they are, must have their scruples and considerations. No one can be a pure and kind person. "

Ju Muer didn't speak, she knew this.

Long Er was also silent for a while, and then asked: "Are you going to tell me anything?"

Ju Muer hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Second Lord, Mr. Shi was wronged in the case of Shi Shangshu's extermination more than two years ago." As soon as she said this, she felt Long Er's body stiffen slightly. Seems very unexpected.

"I want to seek justice for Mr. Shi."

Now Long Er's whole body froze.

He was surprised.

He knew that Ju Mu'er traveled around the market to teach piano to some wealthy families, women in brothels, and commoner children. At first, he also felt a little strange that Ju Daddy's wine shop could not afford to support her, so why did she do this herself? Toil

But he thought it was because she liked to teach the piano and didn't want to be trapped in the house, and she stayed in the mansion very peacefully after marriage, so he didn't think about it any more.

But now that she said that she wanted to avenge others, he suddenly understood: She was doing things like this because she was looking for opportunities to hear news.

Who would have thought that a blind woman would want to overturn a major case that shocked the whole country

"Then who are you, Shi Boyin? Have you ever taught you the piano?"

"I've never taught it before. I've just admired it for a long time. Like other luthiers, I admire Mr. Shi's piano skills."

"Since he has no relatives and no reason, why do you want to seek justice for him?"

Ju Muer blinked, and in the darkness, she seemed to see Long Er's piercing eyes staring at her, and said: "People who love the piano, it is inevitable that they feel sorry for each other. Mr. Shi, the saint of the piano, if he is wronged, he will have to do it for him." Complain, otherwise it will be hard to feel at ease."

Long Er was silent for a long time. Ju Muer was so nervous that her heart was pounding.

After a long time, he finally asked, "Why do you think he died unjustly?"

"He told me the sound of the piano before his execution."

"Really? What does his piano sound say?"

"Is this important?" Ju Muer frowned, shouldn't it be time to find out how to be wronged and how to sue

"Nature is important, let's talk about it."

Ju Muer couldn't hear the emotion in Long Er's voice. Lying next to her at this time is the shrewd, capable, calm and calm Second Master Long, not her awkward and teasing master.

"Okay. It's like this. Mr. Shi's qin music is divided into two parts. The first part is the complaint of grievances, and the second part is Chen Yin. In the part of complaints of grievances, he cut up and combined five famous pieces. One is called "Fate", which is a The famous love song tells about a man and a woman who fall in love with each other, but in the end, because of the man, they rush to the future, labor and swallow are divided, there is no love, and there is nowhere to go. Mr. Shi cut this song into four changes and arranged them in the song, with different tones , the meaning of "Yuan" turned into distance, resentment, and injustice. Another song, called "Yuanzheng", originated from the legend of an ancient general in Liangguo. In the story of the final death on the battlefield, there is also the word 'injustice' in it. The other song is the popular "Gold List Title", which is the song that will be played when the winner is announced, and the husband must have heard it."

Long Er couldn't help but said: "There is also a story in this song? There is also the word 'injustice' in the story?"

"No, there is no story in the song, and there is no word 'injustice'. It just expresses the joy of studying poetry and books for the final gold list. But this song, Mr. Shi played it in the same way as the song "Yuan"."

Ju Muer thought for a while, but didn't know how to explain the method of changing the tune. She "hmm" for a long time and said, "Actually, it's the rhythm and beat..."

"Well, you're right, these are not important."

What Long Er said made Ju Muer feel relieved. It was too difficult to explain the advanced piano skills to a complete layman, and to make him understand without hurting his self-esteem.

"Why did he make it so complicated? Even if he can't sue his grievances in prison, since he has the opportunity to face many luthiers, wouldn't it be easier to just plaint out his grievances?"

"I heard that Mr. Shi hurt his tongue in prison, so he can't speak anymore."

Long Er was silent.

After a while he said again: "Since you have to play the piano to express your feelings, why don't you play a song with grievance, fate, distance, and resentment? Anyway, you just want to say that he was wronged. If you keep playing a song, isn't it easier for the pianists to understand?" ? What does it mean to be mysterious?"

Ju Muer frowned, she hadn't thought about it. She thought that several songs were all expressing the same meaning, and she should be more sure about the word "injustice". Their luthiers were caught in the challenge of solving puzzles with the sound of the piano, and they were so excited that they could understand the meaning of the music, but they ignored the truth that Long Er said.

The five famous songs, changing the melody, mixing and blending, coherently coherent, are indeed too complicated. Why is it so complicated

"Perhaps he knew it was the finale, so he deliberately showed off his skills. You know, Mr. Shi was originally eccentric and arrogant. This is the last time he played, and he deliberately showed off his piano skills in front of many famous luthiers. It's normal." Ju Muer thinks this should be the case. If it had been her, she would have played the piano for the last time before she died, and she would definitely have used all her strengths to amaze everyone and leave her name in history.

"That's why I say that all of you who learn the piano are crazy." Long Er disagreed.

These words made Ju Mu'er very uncomfortable, and she pursed her lips tightly.

Long Er said again: "Apart from Qin Yin, do you have any other evidence - indeed, it can prove that Shi Boyin was wronged."

Ju Muer thought and thought, and had to admit that she didn't.


"I have inquired about the case back then. It was a servant of the Shi family who escaped from death and reported to the official. The Fu Yin sent police to the scene to arrest Mr. Shi who was fighting the fire and snatching the piano score. At that time, the Shi family caught fire and said It was Shi Shangshu who knocked over the candle in a desperate fight with Mr. Shi before the poison was released, and the piano score was also burned. The servant left the capital after the case was closed, and no one knew his whereabouts. But the piano score was gone. I heard Mr. Shi play it once."

"The music on the piano score is the second part you just mentioned?"

"It should be."


Long Er's questioning tone made Ju Mu'er feel guilty for no reason, and she responded in a low voice: "Because I haven't read the music score, it's just based on the meaning told by the piano sound, and I guessed it before and after the incident. It's the tune on the piano score."

"So what if it's the song? The only witness is missing, and even if the servant of the Shi family is still there, what can he do other than prove once again that the murderer is Shi Boyin?"