Three Marriages

Chapter 5: Concentrate on fighting back lightly (1)


Long Er hid in the neighboring city for ten days.

Dealing with the current situation is like negotiating a sale. Strike while the iron is hot. If you should delay, you must delay. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are doing. If you procrastinate for a long time, the enthusiasm will wear off and the tenacity will disappear. , easy to deal with.

So Long Er made up his mind, thinking that if those few daughters-in-law couldn't see him, they wouldn't be able to entangle him, if the days were longer, and their hearts would cool down, they wouldn't be so troublesome. If they weren't so active, Nanny Yu wouldn't be too encouraged, and his life would be easier.

Long Er sent someone to inquire and heard that everyone seemed to be at peace in the past few days, so he packed his luggage and went back home.

On the road, the carriage passed the bamboo forest, Long Er opened the curtain to look out, and saw a person sitting in the bamboo pavilion from a distance. Taking a closer look, it was actually Ju Muer.

Ju Mu'er was dressed in a light blue cloth, which seemed to be padded, a bit thick, with a padded collar on her neck, tightly wrapped. It seems that she is really weak. Although it is early winter, she can't dress like this.

Long Er groaned in his heart, no matter how weak she is, he can't pity her. In his twenty-six years of life, he has never been so emaciated in the hands of any woman.

Ju Muer sat quietly in the bamboo pavilion by herself, and when she heard the sound of the carriage, she seemed a little happy, she tilted her head slightly to listen carefully, and then smiled. She laughed, her whole body glowing.

The carriage continued to move forward, and Long Er continued to look at Ju Muer. He saw her take a few deep breaths, with a happy expression on her face, as if she smelled something extremely beautiful. Long Er also subconsciously took a few deep breaths, he only smelled the smell of soil and bamboo forest, and he didn't think it was very pleasant.

The carriage drifted away, and Zhuting and Ju Mu'er disappeared before his eyes.

Long Er lowered the curtain, turned around and sat in the car. He suddenly felt that he should do something, but what should he do

The carriage was going fast, and when it was about to reach the city gate, Long Er suddenly called out "Stop".

Both the coachman and Li Ke, who was accompanying him on horseback, were taken aback.

Long Er jumped out of the car and said to them: "You wait for me here, I will be back in a while."

Li Ke was about to speak, but Long Er pointed at him: "You are waiting here too."

Li Ke got the order, shut up and stood where he was.

So Long Er pointed his toes and disappeared in front of the coachman and Li Ke. The coachman asked Li Ke cautiously: "Master Li, is Second Master going for convenience?"

Li Ke replied: "I don't know."

But God knows how itchy his heart is, he really wants to know what the second master is going to do. He didn't think it was convenient, but what was it for? As a serious and serious bodyguard, he also has a gossip heart, but he dare not follow.

Curiosity really hurts!

What is Long Er going to do

Long Er himself finally figured out this question on the way to the bamboo pavilion.

He has to get his debt back! Can't make that woman feel better!

She showed such a happy expression, it was like punching him hard in the heart.

He was suffocated by a group of annoying women, he was urged to marry by the old man in the family, and in the end he couldn't return to his family. Why? It's because of her! It's all her fault!

He, Long Er, is a man who calls the wind and rain. He coughed, and the bosses of many commercial firms below had to be careful. He put on a face, and even the dignitaries in Beijing had to figure out what he meant. This skinny, blind woman dared to trip him up and secretly tampered with him, causing him to lose face and flee in embarrassment. If he didn't teach her a lesson, how could he sleep well at night

Ah, he finally figured out why he couldn't sleep well.

Long Er quickly and quietly arrived outside the bamboo pavilion.

There was no one around, he looked at Ju Muer quietly. She was sitting by herself, still seeming quite happy.

Long Er narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about how to deal with her. He is a man of status, so he can't find some local hooligans to rape girls like Ding Yanshan. He wanted to do it harmlessly but it made her want to cry.

Long Er's eyes fell on the bamboo stick in Ju Mu'er's hand. Although the bamboo stick was very close to her hand, Long Er was sure to take it away without anyone noticing.

He did.

He secretly and quietly took the bamboo stick away.

Ju Muer didn't feel it, she still sat there blankly, smelling the smell of soil and bamboo forest that Long Er didn't like, and listening to the rustling sound of the bamboo forest blown by the wind. She couldn't see anything, these small sounds and smells were the proof that she still existed, and she felt lucky that she could still hear and smell.

Long Er couldn't understand the life of a blind man at all. He stood by and waited, waiting to see Ju Muer's expression when she found out that the bamboo stick was missing, waiting to see how she would walk without the bamboo stick.

But Ju Muer didn't move. Long Er almost lost his patience, he really wanted to shout: "Girl, where is your bamboo stick?" But he couldn't do that, he couldn't let Ju Muer know that he stole her bamboo stick, he just wanted to Let her guess nothing, and then be puzzled and panicked.

After waiting for a long time, Ju Muer finally sat down enough, she reached out to touch the bamboo stick, and was ready to go home. But this touch was empty. She tilted her head slightly puzzled, stretched out her hands and continued to touch, but found nothing. I have touched all the places around me that are within reach, but there is still nothing.

Ju Muer's face changed, and Long Er smiled.

Ju Muer stood up, a little panicked. She collected herself and searched the entire pavilion, but there was indeed nothing there.

Seeing the panic on her face, Long Er felt really happy. If I had known this, I shouldn't have invited her to eat. Seeing her cramped and hungry would be better than seeing her without a bamboo stick to worry about.

Ju Muer sat down again at this time, and she suddenly said, "Come out."

Long Er was taken aback, and almost subconsciously walked forward. If the last thought is wrong, she can't see herself.

"I heard you." Ju Mu'er's face had regained her composure at this time, "You took my bamboo stick but didn't intend to hurt me. What's your intention? Why don't you come out and tell me. I've heard you , you don’t need to hide anymore.”

She said it so confidently that Long Er almost believed it. He was surprised for a moment, but he suddenly remembered that she had tricked Li Ke into showing up in this way, and he had analyzed her methods. Now this confrontation almost caught her way.

He won't go out, never go out, let's see what she can do!

Ju Muer sat for a while without waiting for any movement, and asked again: "Is it fun to hide?"

Long Er thought it was quite amusing, much more interesting than talking to those rich ladies. Looking at Ju Mu'er's embarrassing appearance of pretending but actually helpless at the moment, he felt very happy.

Everyone knows that Long Er will avenge his revenge and never show mercy. Originally, it was reasonable to say that he shouldn't be so clinging to a girl's family, but no girl's family has ever provoked him like this, so Long Er felt that this Ju Muer annoyed him more than other men who plotted against him. Seeing her deflated at this moment, he felt joy in his heart.

At this time, Ju Mu'er had stood up, and said coldly: "I'll let you play with the bamboo stick." When she said this, her face showed anger.

Long Er watched from the side, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: Oh, you still have a temper.

Ju Muer walked out of the pavilion slowly while holding on to the railing of the bamboo pavilion, and then moved home step by step. She didn't look back, she didn't stop to listen to the movement around her, she just walked seriously.

Long Er followed her for quite a while, seeing that she was walking cautiously but still tripped a few times. But she didn't fall down every time, which made him a little regretful. Later, an elderly man came to call her, and when Long Er heard her calling him "Father", he knew that this man was Ju Sheng.

Ju Muer and Ju Sheng said they lost their bamboo stick, so they came back late. Ju Sheng yelled loudly why he was so careless, next time he would make a new one for her. The father and daughter went home together.

Long Er had nothing to see, so he ran back to the carriage. This time he let out a sigh of relief, feeling happy and smiling. This surprised the coachman and Li Ke.

Back at the Dragon Mansion, the coachman pulled Li Ke aside and asked in a low voice: "Master Li, the second master has been away for a long time, and when he came back, the haze was cleared away, and his complexion was much better. Could it be that he is suffering from constipation?"

Li Ke was embarrassed, turned around and left without answering.

After taking two steps, he turned back, patted the coachman on the shoulder and said, "You have to suppress your curiosity. Look at me and learn from it."

The coachman scratched his head, just by looking at his face, he couldn't tell that Mr. Li had suppressed his curiosity. What's so particular about this

Li Keyu said earnestly: "Curiosity can cause trouble."

As soon as Long Er returned to the mansion, he heard Madam Yu say that during the few days he had been away, the owners of several pharmacies had sent gifts, all of which were great tonic herbs. Nanny Yu inquired about it, and it was secretly entrusted by a few rich ladies, and those few were very considerate, seeing Long Er working day and night, they gave gifts to show their concern.

Long Er frowned, and turned his head to ask Li Ke to go to the market to inquire, and report back no matter what was passed on to him.

Li Ke knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, so he had to go out to inquire and report back. It is said that there are rumors in the market now that Erye Long regards wealth as fate, is stingy, holds grudges and has a bad temper, and that he is not close to women. The reason for his delay in marriage is that he really likes men, and the other is that he must have hidden diseases.

Long Er twisted his face after hearing this: So those women don't care if he is a good man or not, so they have to start from the hidden disease and make up for him


No wonder he would marry them! If they bring it home and let them worry about making up for him according to the gossip every day, then he will have to live for several years

But Long Er didn't expect that this matter is not over yet. A few days later, another pharmacy owner came with a gift, this time it was a good medicine to nourish the stomach and intestines.

As soon as the medicine was delivered, Long Er's face turned dark. Doesn't that face really look like a constipated face

Forget about hidden illnesses, what does it mean to curse him that he can't poop

Second Master Long is angry!

The dark-faced Second Master Long had his heart blocked for two days, feeling uncomfortable all over.

Fortunately, good things have happened these days. Not only came the people who brought tonics, but also the people who gave money. Everyone thought about the benefits of renovating the East Street, and began to show their favor to Long Erye, wanting to ask for this good job.