Three Marriages

Chapter 91: Episode 3 Bandit (7)


The bandit's heart suddenly thumped wildly. He clamped the horse's belly, ran a few steps, got closer, and finally saw the woman clearly, it was actually Ding Yanshan.

The bandit was so surprised and delighted that he was almost speechless.

"" He stammered for a long time, and finally finished his sentence, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?"

The bandit opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to answer, and finally held back a sentence: "I'm so happy in my heart."

Ding Yanshan's face turned hot, but she was amused by his silly appearance.

She smiled, and he laughed too.

The two smiled, but did not speak. In the end, Ding Yanshan asked the bandit to tie the horse to the pavilion, and dragged him to sit in the pavilion and talk.

The bandit obeyed, but he was a little worried: "This place is on the side of the road, people come and go, what should we do if we see us?"

"I'm not afraid, what about you?"

"I'm a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm leaving. I don't care about what they say that is ugly, but you are still living in this city. You are being gossiped. I feel very uncomfortable."

Ding Yanshan laughed again: "There are too many gossips about me, you're not bad."

The bandit thought about it too, so he nodded. She wasn't affected by those gossip, so she could live a happier life, so that's fine.

"Mu'er said you still want to come. What are you coming for?"

The bandit's face turned red, this... Mrs. Long Er actually said what he said. But since she said he would come, she must have said something else, but since she said it, why did she still ask

she... she...

With a blushing face, the bandit bit the bullet and whispered: "Come and see you."

"See what I do?"

"Let's see if you're doing well."

"Oh." Ding Yanshan nodded, staring at him while smiling.

The bandit was quite uncomfortable being seen by her, so he hurriedly asked: "Didn't you say you couldn't see me, why are you here?"

"I want to see why I waited for more than half a year for you to come." Ding Yanshan asked instead of answering.

The bandit opened his mouth wide, and his face turned even redder: "I... I..."

"Why didn't you write to me?"

The bandit opened his mouth even wider. He was stunned for a long time before whispering, "I'm not very literate."

Ding Yanshan was still smiling, looking at him with a smile.

The bandit gritted his teeth and said, "But I'm pretty good at other things, and I can learn Chinese characters."

Ding Yanshan's smile widened, and the bandit's face turned redder.

His mind was in a mess, and he had no idea what he was talking about with her.

At this time, Ding Yanshan asked again: "Before you came, did you ever think about what if I was already married?"

"I haven't thought about it." The bandit answered honestly, and then rushed to say, "Even if you are married, I can still come and see how you are."

"What if I'm having a bad day?"

"Then..." the bandit said with a big red and black face and poked his neck, "Then I will take you away and never let others bully you."

"Then you will be beaten to death if you can't get out of the capital."

"Of course I won't be so reckless, I will definitely think of a way before I act."

"Then have you thought about what to do after you come to find me?" Ding Yanshan blinked at him.

The bandit was a little guilty, afraid of being laughed at by her, but he still said: "I can't let you live a good life in the capital. People here are still talkative. If you are not happy, I will not be happy. In the village It’s really too poor, you don’t have anything, and you can’t live there for a long time. So I want to find a job in the city where I learned martial arts. I know the martial arts gym very well. I’ll be a trainer and save some money , I will also open the door to accept disciples in the future, and open a small martial arts gym. At that time... If you are still not doing well, I will come to pick you up."

At the end of the bandit's speech, his voice became quieter, and his face flushed again. He said this as if the girl was willing to go with him.

But after all the words were said, he didn't want to back down, so he continued to bite the bullet: "I am a rough person, but I swear that I will treat you well, and I will work hard to make money and never let you suffer. In the village, I liked you, but I didn't dare to have any thoughts, but I always thought about you when you left. Later, I figured out a reason, although I am like the mud at the foot of the mountain, girl, you are like that The flowers bloom on the top of the mountain, but the mud at the foot of the mountain is the same as the mud on the top of the mountain. As long as you plant it carefully, it can make the flowers bloom well. I thought about this, so I came here. I just want to tell you personally, In any case, as long as you are willing, I will protect you and treat you well. I am willing to do whatever you want."

The bandit finished speaking in one breath, and lowered his head, ashamed to look at her. But after waiting for a long time, Ding Yanshan didn't say a word to him. The bandit panicked, and when he looked up, Ding Yanshan was also looking at him. Her eyes were moist and surprisingly bright. In his eyes, there was nothing more beautiful about her appearance.

"You ask me why I'm here?"

Ding Yanshan suddenly spoke, and the bandit nodded foolishly. She said at the beginning that she didn't want to see him, and he was so sad that he didn't fall asleep all night.

"Because you said you would come again." Ding Yanshan smiled and blushed, "I only want to see you if you can't be driven away."

The gap between them is so big, even though he has come all the way and is sincere, but if he backs down easily, it may be difficult to maintain a relationship with her in the future.

Hearing this, the bandit was overjoyed, and quickly climbed up the pole: "Not only can I not drive away, but I can't fight back when beaten or scolded. I have also thought about what I will do in the future. I am not impulsive. I came here after thinking about it. I will not let you suffer, and I will treat you well."

He chattered and talked, seeing Ding Yanshan blushing while laughing, his face also blushed, and finally couldn't continue, so he scratched his head and giggled with her.

"You want to open a martial arts gym?"


"Do you know how to keep accounts?"

"I learn."

"You are illiterate, how do you write the account book?"

"I learn."

"How much money does it cost to open a martial arts gym?"

The bandit said a number, and then said: "It was calculated by them when I was still in the city a few years ago. I don't know what the market is now. I will go to find out when I go back."

"Then how long do you have to keep them?"

The bandit opened his mouth wide, and hurriedly said: "I don't just do a job. There are many opportunities in the city. I work hard. I must save it as soon as possible. I didn't spend much money when I came to Beijing this time. I am very economical." .”

He waited to say more, but Ding Yanshan didn't want to hear it: "When you save the money, I'm afraid I'll be old."

"Then...then..." The bandit panicked, did this mean he didn't want him

"I..." He was about to say something, but Ding Yanshan snatched the conversation, she said: "I'll give you something."

The bandit responded quickly. Now whatever she says is fine, as long as she doesn't want him.

Ding Yanshan took out a bag from her arms and handed it to the bandit. The bandit took it and opened it, but was shocked. It turned out to be silver taels and jewelry inside.

"This is my private money. I saved it. I originally thought that if I wanted to go far away, I would use this money to live. Now I gave it to you. You can open a martial arts gym."

"This... this... I can't take it." The bandit felt that the purse was hot.

"You don't want it, but I don't know when and what month will come to pick me up. Let me tell you, people in the capital are not easy to mess with. The person my mother will force me to marry must be a powerful family. If I pass by then I'm not doing well, being bullied, it's impossible for you to take me away no matter what. You are not afraid of death, but I don't want to lose my support."

The bandit stared at the money bag, his eyes felt hot, he gritted his teeth, hating himself for being useless.

"I lent you this money. You should settle down as soon as possible and come pick me up as soon as possible. You will return the money to me later."

The bandit stood there stiffly, thinking for a long time, and knew in his heart that she was telling the truth. He suddenly raised his hand, slapped himself hard, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm useless."

"I don't like to hear what you say. The mud at the bottom of the mountain or the top of the mountain makes sense."

The bandit nodded vigorously: "You wait for me, I will come to pick you up as soon as possible."

"You are going to write to me."

"Okay." The bandit nodded vigorously again. Tears welled up in his eyes. He was so ashamed that he wiped them away with his sleeve, and nodded again, "I'll learn how to read when I get back. You wait for me."

Ding Yanshan smiled and said softly: "I'll wait for you, you have to come quickly."

The bandit suddenly pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

Three years passed.

Ding Yanshan is three in her twenties, a well-known old girl and hot-blooded person in the capital.

For the matter of not getting married, she made several fights, and they were all real fights, real guns and desperate fights. In the end, her mother had no choice, and no one was willing to marry her, even if she was a concubine, she didn't dare to have her anymore.

There are gossips in the capital, but Ding Yanshan is not in a hurry or annoyed.

She receives several letters from Ju Muer every month. The letter came from a faraway place, and the words on the letter were ugly, but the affection was sincere. The man who wrote the letter told her about his daily life and earning a living in detail. There is no sadness or frustration in the letter, it is all about happiness. But Ding Yanshan knew that he had suffered a lot.

Ding Yanshan also wrote to him, her letters are very simple, because her life is very simple.

She is waiting for him.

The days passed like this day by day. Finally one day, his letter said, this is the last letter, because he is coming, he came to pick her up.

He kept his word, and here he is.

He didn't act recklessly, he asked Mrs. Long Er for help, and of course Mrs. Long ordered Er Master Long to help. So the second young lady of the Ding family, who couldn't get married, was going to get married.

She married a distant relative of the Long family, a relative who was so far away that she couldn't tell her seniority after going around several times. This relative not only lives far away, but is also poor. It is said that the dowry is so shabby that there are only three boxes.

But to everyone's surprise, Miss Ding Er agreed.

There was Second Master Long on this side, and Miss Ding on the other side. The Ding family had no choice, or maybe Mrs. Ding had lost her mind for this daughter long ago, so the marriage came to fruition.

That day, a newly decorated red silk carriage picked up Ding Yanshan, who was the topic of conversation in the capital. From then on, the news that this person stayed in the capital was that the old girl was unmarriageable, unruly and willful, and finally married a countryman helplessly.

But no matter what the rumors said, Ding Yanshan knew that she lived a happy life ever since.

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