Three Years After I Was Betrayed By Humanity

Chapter 10: Thousands of Years-3


Sometimes black cats look like people, and sometimes they look like cats.

For example, he even has a ball that he uses as a toy... which looks like the rattling little balls that other cats love to play with.

No bells though, luckily.

Ordinary cats may knock over all kinds of furniture in the process of chasing toys, but black cats are world-conscious after all, so as long as the furniture is safe, I can bear it playing with the white ball and running around in the cabin go.

"Speaking of which, what kind of material is that ball?" I chatted with Elijah, "Don't you think the ball seems to be glowing?"

"It seems to be a thought body, similar to an energy body," Elijah said, "It should be made by Mr. Black Cat himself."

That's for sure, and it's impossible for me to buy it.

"Also, doesn't he sometimes walk around with his mouth in his mouth?" I recalled, "just like a real cat walking around with a trophy...but how does it bite the solid ball? what?!"

Some bug settings that cannot be thought deeply have occurred.

Elijah raises the possibility: "Maybe the ball is soft."

It took me a few seconds to imagine, and I frowned at the result: "How many bacteria must there be on it?"

Elijah: "That's an energy body. Strictly speaking, Mr. Black Cat is also an energy body."

... You have a point in saying that, but the stereotype in my heart cannot be washed away!

Two minutes later, the black cat jumped in from the window, sat next to me, and announced in a heavy tone: "Something has happened."

"Yeah," I responded perfunctorily while punching Kirby Star, "A meteorite? A star explosion? A black hole? An interstellar war?"


"Are you going to cancel your account again?"

"No." The black cat may have seen that I was absent-minded, and took the initiative to reveal the answer, "I lost the ball."

"Did you finally go for the sterilization operation... Oh no." The black cat is a neutral body, the kind that is smooth and has no balls. "That little ball? If you lose it, make another one."

The black cat held my hand seriously: "No, there is only one ball like that in this world, and if you lose it, you may die."

"this world?"

"I will die."

I have to admit, this point in the conversation finally piqued my interest (﹣\"﹑)

Know that world consciousness is immortal.

Even if the world is destroyed and then rebuilt, to them, it is just as if I suddenly crashed while playing a game, so I chose to restart.

— Is it possible for me to die for the game? Of course not.

"Expand and talk." I put down the handle.

It's because of the friendship that I haven't seen up and down for many years, and it's definitely not because this level is too difficult and I really don't want to fight it.

Elijah worked hard and voluntarily helped me continue to fight the failure record.

"... In short, find that ball quickly." Black Cat said.

Me: "...What are you anyway, you just want to pretend to fast forward with an ellipsis, don't you?"

Black Cat: "My life is over."

"What is Mr. Black Cat talking about?" A little boy asked curiously at the door.

- This little boy has wolf ears on his head, although I can't tell the difference between wolf ears, cat ears and dog ears, I am the kind of judge who can only distinguish between rabbit ears and bear ears.

But this cub's grandmother is actually a mermaid, which is outrageous. How does this gene work? The reproductive isolation of the new world is too passive and sabotage.

Ah, speaking of which, is the secret that black cats can talk being known by more and more people

"It's okay, it's common knowledge that cats can talk," Elijah told me.

... What kind of common sense.

I haven't been out for a long time, how come I have developed this kind of common sense.

... In short, in the end, everyone went out to accompany the black cat to find its ball.

According to the person's useless recollection, the last time it saw that little ball was the last time.

The reliable Elijah searched the surveillance records in the hut: "At three o'clock yesterday afternoon, the ball was still on Mr. Black Cat's collar."

I figured things out: "Wait, when did it have a collar?"

"Grandma did it!" The little boy raised his hand and replied loudly.

I looked at the black cat: Do you really put yourself on a collar as a pet

The black cat explained to me seriously: "It is very important and cannot be lost."

Me: "Isn't this still lost!!"

Black Cat: "..."

I started thinking again: so how the hell did that smooth looking ball get attached to the collar... oh wait, I got it, screw it in and it's fixed!

Only Elijah was trying to solve the case seriously: "Please ask Mr. Black Cat to recall where he went after leaving the cabin at three o'clock yesterday afternoon."

Location: Shark Village.

I looked at the place that turned out to be the Shark Village and fell into deep thought.

Within a minute, I passed a dozen similar orcs—I couldn't tell the difference, but there was a rabbit ear in it—and everyone looked at me with a strange look.

"It's better to say that it has become a beastman country now." I said, "Has the outside world changed so much?"

"After all, you haven't been out for decades," Elijah said.

Well, makes sense.

For example, decades of reform and opening up have brought about earth-shaking changes in the motherland.

"By the way, this is not a country of beastmen, but a province of beastmen." Elijah added.

Me: "..." Good guy, there won't be cities, counties, towns and villages under the provinces. And the name "Orc" would be a little too casual.

The black cat jumped onto my shoulder and touched my ear with its pads in a hurry: "Come on, I feel it."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Whatever, just follow your instincts."

"? Do you want me to play a water hunting game with two metal rods? That's not Arceus' game content, it's about sword and shield!" I said in a trembling voice.

Wait, it could have been pearl diamonds too, I can't remember.

Black Cat: "..."

It's pointless to play memes without people cheering, and I'm cold.

Since the black cat said to walk casually, then I will walk casually on the street.

After walking tens of meters, I couldn't help but ask, "Why are they all looking at me?"

Elijah: "Hmmm..."

Black Cat: "Ah..."

Little boy: "Uh..."

"Ah," I realized, "it's because I don't have ears."

Elijah: "Yes."

Black Cat: "That's it."

The little boy was very excited: "Buy a headband with animal ears! It's a special product here, and it feels the same as the real thing!"

Me: "..." Wait, I can't think about this description, it seems a bit scary when I think about it.

The little guy pulled me to a booth: "Rabbit ears, the ones with rabbit ears!"

Black cat: "Cat ears."

Elijah: "I think big, floppy, pendulous fox ears."

Once people have horrible fantasies, they will be inextricably stuck in them, which is what I am now.

I sternly refused to buy the animal ear headband and left the vendor.

The other party was very enthusiastic and wanted to give me one directly, and the incomparably real hair brushed from the edge of my palm, rubbing goose bumps all over my body.

After shopping for more than half an hour, I found that the construction of this province was quite familiar.

They have administrative halls and management offices, and even street management offices exist.

Putting it this way...

"Didn't you just hear it from me!" I said in shock.

"Why are you surprised," the black cat complained, "You have been here before, and I don't know how many waves of National Defense University graduates."


"Those who can't enter your spiritual barrier will be blacklisted." The little brat said.

Elijah: "Hengpi: Mind barrier, easy to use."


"Wait, they all looked at me just now, maybe it's because a statue of me was built in the administrative center or something." I started digging my toes to prepare for the demolition.

Elijah comforted me: "Don't worry, it's not true."

I wasn't comforted with: "...that's what's there."

Elijah: "Hmmm..."

"Ah, there's something glowing there!" the boy said suddenly.

The black cat jumped down from my shoulder with a bang, and came back with the ball of light in its mouth again.

It had a very human look of relief on its face and asked me, "Can you give this back?"

Immediately, I thought of those cat saliva and bacteria, and shook my head repeatedly.

The black cat looked at me for a few seconds, then sighed: "You don't want this."

So the little boy helped to put the ball on its collar, which was very skillful.

By the time I reluctantly left the snack street and returned to the hermitage hut, it was already late at night.

After washing up, I lay down on the bed, counting Kirby stars and getting ready to fall asleep.

When I counted to the eighty-eighth, I suddenly remembered what happened in the afternoon.

Wait, the original words that the black cat said at the time seemed to be "give this back to you".

… return


? ?

The author has something to say: The inspiration for this chapter comes from the speech of my cat & classmate Mangosteen in the comment area: [Xiao Hei, do you think you secretly used the feelings of the heroine to create a new world! How could it be so lucky!]

In response to this remark, World Consciousness responded as follows: Once you get into your soul, be envious of mere mortals.

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