Three Years After I Was Betrayed By Humanity

Chapter 8: Thousands of years


I took a deep breath of my experience before the destruction of the world, and decided to eliminate all possibilities of becoming a savior in the new world.

Save the world, don't even think about it!

Man must learn to save himself!

But first, I have found the dinosaur, where are the humans_(:з」∠)_

After eating scrambled eggs with tomatoes, I took Elijah and made a quick flight around the earth—although this place can’t be called the earth anyway, that’s what it means—trying to find the existence of some humanoid creatures.

It turns out that some species that can walk upright on two legs have been found, but...

"They look exactly like chimpanzees." I squatted on a tree and observed, "...Although they can communicate with each other, they don't have language."

I can't quite fit into it, and I don't want to.

Let Elijah make a mark on the map, and I give up the idea of going to other planets to find intelligent creatures.

It seems that the restart of the world is quite thorough.

I decided to start growing vegetables and raising chickens. Thinking about it carefully, at least I still have a modern hut that is completely driven by my own abilities. There is a bathroom, toilet, kitchen, air conditioner, and computer. Isn’t it happier than anything else

Oh, as long as there is a computer but no internet.

Elijah searched his own database: "When I left your side earlier, I synchronized 3,000 TV series and 1,100 movies from the empire's database. Don't worry, it's safe and legal."

Well, I can live in another 30,000 years.

"The teacher said that the planet we live on used to have a very powerful civilization!" The child said to me, gesturing with his hands and feet.

While watching TV, I said insincerely, "Yeah."

"But as the book says, it's not as powerful as yours." The child's excitement came and went quickly, "I went to the city to see it during the holidays. It is said that it is the second most developed city in the country, but I asked them Whether there is a game console, they don’t know what it is, alas.”

That's not it, this civilization has only gone so far, and the age of steam has just begun, what kind of video game consoles are you talking about, what a joke.

"I told you what a game console is, but none of them believed me." The child said angrily, "I played at your place before! It's a pity that I can't take it out. Can I bring someone here?"

"As long as you can bring it in." I said indifferently.

After tens of thousands of years of living in a dead house, I have become stronger again, specifically how strong... I really have no reference.

Occasionally, when I was researching a few new skills, the black cat would come over and hold my hand silently, with a disapproving expression of "this won't work, it will destroy the world".

Among the new skills I have researched is what I call the spiritual barrier for short. It is just like the legendary unicorn. Only people with pure hearts can pass through the barrier and discover my hut.

In case the halfway is suddenly impure, the unicorn will not appear again.

It's quite fairy tale + smart.

The child in front of me is the first human being to pass through this barrier and appear in front of me for countless tens of thousands of years.

Moreover, it was three years ago that this guy came to visit for the first time. From the beginning, both of us were intimidated, and now we are in a relationship of visiting every now and then.

What's even more outrageous is that I don't know what gender the baby is now.

It looks very neutral, the voice and clothes are very neutral, even the hairstyle is neutral, isn't it a bit too much.

But as an adult who has seen all kinds of scenes, and a former savior who has lived for tens of millions of years, how could I ask someone if the child is a boy or a girl? ! What if this is someone's sad thing!

So I held back for three years without asking, and Elijah expressed his incomprehension, because "you didn't hesitate when you asked Mr. Black Cat's gender."

The child and I are somewhat evenly matched, because he hasn't asked my name once in three years.

"Are you curious about things outside?" The child rubbed against me.

"No." I cherish words like gold, "sit far away."

The child looked at me innocently, resting his chin on both hands: "Let me tell you the story I heard today."

I don't respond, and this guy doesn't need me to respond at all. He has always entertained himself, and he can even chat with the black cat "meow meow" for two hours, which is really social bullshit.

"It is said that our world is so big that even the stars in the sky live with people like us!" The child stretched out his arms and made a huge shape, "They have many powerful corgis..."

I couldn't help it: "Technology."

"Ah yes, technology." The child corrected it casually, "but they are very selfish, everyone just wants to take things from others, but is unwilling to give their own things in exchange, so they were punished!"

I nod.

"Later, God felt that maybe they shouldn't all perish, so he came down to the world to save them."

Me: "...huh?"

The child continued: "But these people are so bad! They even wanted to rob the gods, and finally the angry gods abandoned them, and they were all... um... extinct."

Me: "..." Where did the brainwashing package come from?

The child sighed like an adult: "I have learned a lesson from this story. When others help you, you should pay back. In this way, those who help others will be more willing to continue to help the next person, and those who need help will be more willing to help the next person." He will also wait for someone who is willing to help him."

I see this kid differently.

I am for everyone, and everyone is for me. What a back-to-basics principle of life!

"So..." the child took out a fruit from his pocket, "This is a gift to thank you for saving me three years ago!"

I was a little moved to receive it in my hand, looked at it carefully, and the smile disappeared: " just picked this from my vegetable garden?"

"It fell to the ground!" The child confidently stretched out two fingers, comparing a certain distance, "It fell so far out of your vegetable garden!"

I:"… "

Maybe seeing my bad expression, the child jumped up and ran out like his butt was on fire: "I'll come see you tomorrow! Bring someone with me!"

I threw the little sweet apricot into my mouth, curled my lips: "Little bastard."

It's so easy to find a person with a pure heart, I've only met him in so many years.

Will he be disappointed when he finds out that no one else can see the hut tomorrow

The next morning, Elijah used rock music to wake me out of bed after watching the drama all night, and said to my sleepy-eyed me: "You may need to get up right away."

I went to open the door with the anger of getting up, and I was ready to see traces of the little brat messing around outside.

As a result, there was a row of people standing outside, carrying chickens, ducks, sweet potatoes, and... someone carried a sheep?

Standing in the front is the child who ran home in a hurry yesterday. He put his hips on his hips triumphantly: "Look, I said I will bring someone to see you! I heard that you saved me, and everyone said they would bring someone to see you!" Thank you for the gift!"

My first reaction was to check whether the mental barrier was broken.

It turned out not bad either.

Good guy, the level of spiritual purity in the new world has seriously exceeded the standard.

My hut hasn't been this lively for a long time.

The child was very satisfied with this: "This is good, you are so beautiful, it's not good to always be cold."

I have just been thanked by TA's elders in a row, and I am a little dazed now: "So, are you a boy or a girl?"

The child blinked: "We don't decide our gender until we're thirteen."

I was shocked: "ABO?!"

"What's that?" The child scratched his head, "I'm a shark."

I:"… "

Child: OvO

I held down the child calmly, and told the artificial intelligence: "Elijah, bring me a chopped onion, right away."

"Good master."

The author has something to say: short story, full text is over!

In the middle of next month (probably) there will be "My High School Daily Life Doesn't Need Love"_(:з」∠)_