Three Years After I Was Betrayed By Humanity

Chapter 9: Thousands of Years-2


"You have to go out again," said the black cat.

I was shocked: "Haven't I already retired for the second time?" And after eons of nerd life, I have become less socially active than before!

The grown-up kid was biting a popsicle and beating the old man's ring, but he jumped up excitedly when he heard the flipping over here: "Really? Can I go together?"

She—yes, the brat chose to be a girl when she was thirteen, because she said she was afraid that if she chose a boy, she would fall in love with me and end up alone—she jumped up and hugged my arm, swaying and acting coquettishly: "How many years have you been away from me?" I’ve stepped out here! It’s great to see the outside world~”

I said coldly: "What's so good about being so backward, isn't the game fun?"

As I said that, I turned my gaze to the black cat and waited for an answer.

The black cat thought for a while, then took out a mini-notebook from the void, flipped through two pages, and explained to me: "This world needs acceptance. To become a complete tree, we are so close."

"Then what are we now?"

Black Cat: "A pile of grass."

Speechlessly, I poked my head to look at the book it was holding in its cat's claws. It didn't hide, but said, "If you understand it, you will have to become world-conscious in the future."

Seeing nothing but blankness, I immediately closed my eyes as I wanted to use my translation skills.

—Who wants to become something like world consciousness that cannot be transformed into a person! It doesn't even eat! ! Damn, what's the point of this person living

Then, there is a reason why the black cat, which only talked in front of me and Elijah, didn't avoid the cub this time.

The specific reason is that I tricked it to drink freshly brewed sorghum wine that day, and then the little boy came to play happily.

It has to be said that the alcohol capacity of the world consciousness is really good.

"Okay," I said, "Maybe the New World has something I haven't eaten. Let's go out and buy some seeds—Elijah."

The gem on my necklace flickers: "It's in place."

The little boy jumped up quickly: "I know where to buy seeds! I'm very familiar with the biggest market around here."

She elongated her voice, expressing it childishly.

But I'm not ready to appreciate it.

This is the area where I live, and I'm not going to make my presence known too widely.

Although, ah, although people from the tribe of the brats have already come to visit, I don't seem to have specifically told them to keep it secret.



... The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!

"Elijah, give me the opposite of the planet," I said.

In less than a second, Elijah reported the latitude and longitude.

Strictly speaking, this planet does not yet have a precise definition of "latitude and longitude", but I have positioned it according to previous technology and drawn several versions of maps.

The little boy hugged my waist with bright eyes: "Do you want to teleport? Is it flash?"

" play too many games." I raised the black cat speechlessly, "If you don't want to lose a lot of pearls, just close your eyes."

Speaking of which, I have acquired a little bit of cold knowledge.

Mermaids can cry pearls of different colors according to their physique! The little boy seemed to be crying for golden pearls.

When weeping because of joy, the pearl is the most perfect color; when sad or forced, there is only a baroque pearl.

I think this is also a good evolution, so that their race is always (in legend) being captured and abused.

"Ah, wait a minute." The boy with his eyes closed suddenly said, "What does the opposite of the planet mean?"

"It's the place farthest from your place," I said.

"Hey," the brat froze for a moment, "then it should be—"

Before she finished speaking, I had already landed with a shark and a cat.

So I don't need to say what she said later, I already know it.

—Why can a Catholic Church develop in this messed up world! !

"Unfamiliar text has been scanned." Elijah said, "Deciphering is in progress, and it is estimated that it will take another minute and forty seconds."

"So simple?" I touched my chin, "Is it similar to the existing language in the database?"

"According to the root of the word, it should be derived from the official common language of the empire." Elijah said.

A little ominous thought suddenly appeared in my heart.

The boy suddenly said, "Ah, isn't that your face?"

I looked up "..." and saw a statue of myself at the door of what I thought was a Catholic church.

The statue is majestic looking down on the earth and all beings.


In short, when I came back to my senses, the statue had turned into powder, and a bunch of people surrounded me with cold weapons.

"I was just passing by," I said calmly, "I didn't see anything."

The boy whispered, "You didn't even cover your face."

I rely on.

I closed my eyes in pain, refusing to admit that I was in a nonsensical comedy.

I asked the black cat, "Are we a tree now?"

The black cat jumped on my shoulder and didn't answer, obviously a negative answer.

Just when I was racking my brains and trying to make up a script from the n TV dramas I had watched, the little brat suddenly played on his own: "The envoy saw that your statues were not beautiful enough, so they got angry and confiscated them, can't you? "

I:"… "

The little brat was arrogant: "Look at the face of the envoy! Can the face of a god be faked? Of course only God can give an envoy such a face!"

I:"… "

Then this group of people kneeled down respectfully and invited me in, which was outrageous.

In fact, it’s okay to just teleport away, but firstly, this group of people will definitely try their best to find me all over the world, and secondly, I also want to find out what is going on in this uncomfortable place.

So I just followed in.

"Don't worry, when you're not joking, your appearance can still pretend to be a majestic envoy." Elijah said in the headset.

… What is it like when you’re not joking? Can you make it clear

"Like God himself," Elijah said earnestly.

I clearly heard the black cat couldn't help laughing in my ear.

The person who led the way heard the voice, looked back at me strangely, and then quickly looked away.

"My cat farts." I said nonchalantly.

Black Cat: "..."

Little boy: "..."

Guide: "... in front of you is the hall where the gods and artifacts are enshrined."

I nodded solemnly: "Very good."

I was stopped by a young man with white hair and red eyes at the entrance of the main hall.

The young men wore the finest and best materials I had ever seen in this new world, and their status was evidently not low.

I made such a reasonable guess, and feel that this guess is 100% correct.

Then the guide respectfully kissed the back of his hand and called him: "Son of God."

Instantly I put on the pain mask again.

I've only been in love, I've never had a moth like you.

"Have you begun to admit that you are God?" Elijah asked.

I ignored Elijah's teasing, ignored the Son of God... no, the young man.

But the young man took a step sideways and blocked me again: "I have heard that you claim to be an angel. But how do I know if you are fake?"

I can't refute it, because I'm really not an angel.

Seeing that I was silent, the young man snorted slightly: "It couldn't be easier to test your authenticity. Since God can save, destroy, and rebuild the world, the envoys He sent must also be very strong."

After he finished speaking, he used a spiral ball... No, he rubbed a ball of light and threw it at me.

I stretched out my hand and gently pressed the light ball back into his palm with one finger, it turned into a light spot the size of a mung bean, and then turned it off. It was as easy as a college student doing 1+2=? as simple as that.

Because it was that simple.

"However, have new supernatural powers emerged in this world? It's a bit fast." I stared at the palm of the young man curiously.

"After all, when you woke up, there were dinosaurs and humanoids at the same time." Elijah said, "Besides, there is a merman standing beside you. Based on my classification, I think the merman Weeping Pearl is also It can be regarded as a kind of supernatural ability.”

I suddenly realized: "Yes."

The young man was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and he clenched his palms tightly: "You are not an envoy of God."

The guide called him anxiously: "Son of God..."

The young man stared at me deafly: "You are Himself."

"He", "she", "it", and "he" in the official lingua franca of the empire are different words, and the language here also inherits this feature.

So I understood what he meant in an instant.

But how could I admit it!

Am I not afraid of shame!

So I said coldly, "No, I am an angel."

... Damn, it's not a little less shameful, okay!

The young man looked at me for a while, and suddenly smiled slyly: "Okay, then you are an envoy." After he finished speaking, he waved his hand to the guide, "I will lead this envoy to the hall for inspection, you don't have to follow me come over."

The little boy looked up at the young man curiously for a long time, and now tugged on my cuff.

I looked down at the little brat, and saw her tell me in an accent: "I've heard his name before, he is the most powerful person in the Seven Kingdoms."

Alright, I have an understanding of the current pinnacle of force in this world.

I have to take it easy.

"What do you want to see?" The young man walked into the hall. He didn't look like the son of God in the stereotype, but he looked a little foolish, "Are you curious about your face... oh no, how did your master's face be discovered? of?"

He obviously ran on me here.

But who am I and what have I been through! I haven't even taken back my feeble sympathy from the black cat yet!

So I said blankly, "Yes."

"Of course it's a portrait of God." The young man said, motioning for me to look at a well-protected place.

I followed his instruction to look, and was dazzled by the magnificent decoration there, only to see an incomplete photo that was enshrined in the center of the decoration like stars enshrining the moon.

— is a photo taken the day I graduated from the Imperial Academy.

Because I was in a hurry to go out on a mission, I didn't have time to take a group photo with the whole grade, and I only took a group photo with the people in the same team before departure.

"As for the other people in the photo," the young man said, "scholars are divided into two schools of thought after studying the fragments of the divine tome. One group believes that they are the companions of the gods when they walked in the world, and the other group believes that they are..."

Before he finished speaking, I leaned forward and erased most of the handsome face on the edge of the photo that made me feel refreshed but made me sick.

A little spark splashed from the edge of the already incomplete photo, and it was burnt into a smaller piece.

The young man said without blinking, "It's a scum that has betrayed God."

"Aren't you recycling the photos?" Elijah asked.

I looked sideways at the black cat and questioned it with my eyes why my photo was passed down.

The world is destroyed and reborn!

Black cat: "..." It replied me with eyes.

Although I didn't understand it, it looked innocent.

Ah, how about it, or you still blame me

"Do you want to take the photo away?" the young man asked suddenly.

I looked back at him: "Aren't you going to stop?"

"It's reasonable to return it to its original owner." He shrugged.

I thought for three seconds, and decided to say something straight: " this a trap question?"

The young man raised his eyebrows, looking a little surprised: "You speak less obliquely than I do... Oh, it really is because you are too strong, so there is nothing to worry about?"

"Yes," I said honestly, "if this place is turned into ruins and you have no homes to return to, my conscience won't ache."

Although I don't kill people, it's still very casual to destroy buildings.

"Then let me modify it." The young man raised his hands in surrender, and retreated, "Since you are an envoy of God, isn't it natural for you to take something from God and return it to God?"

I think it's reasonable.

So I directly burned the remaining half of the photo.

Who told me that I was still wearing the uniform of the Imperial Royal Academy? It's annoying to see.

"Are those people really traitors?" the young man asked. "Is it the reason why God destroyed the world?"

"No," I said, "the world ends just because it's time for the world to end. Not because of a single person, and not because of... God."

There was a thoughtful expression on the young man's face.

I walked a few more steps inside and saw the so-called artifact, a piece of rusted metal: "... Elijah, what is this?"

"According to the results of the scanning analysis, it is a particle cutting dagger that you have used before."

"The same model or the one I really used?"

"There is a small amount of calcium phosphide residue on the bottom of the dagger, which is in line with your behavior of embedding the 'Night Pearl' once and thought it was cool."

I:"… "

Have I ever done these two things, I forgot. "Don't remember this kind of thing so clearly."

"Number 0024 has been removed from your black history."

Has the "..." number been extended to four digits?

I forcibly changed the subject: "What is this divine tome?"

Elijah: "Looks like a diary."

My scalp was going numb: "I haven't written a diary, have I?"

"No," Elijah said.

Great, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"It looks like it's His Royal Highness... I mean, the notes of His Majesty the last Emperor," Elijah said.

I was silent for three seconds.

Destroy this new world.

The black cat jumped down and held my hand that was reaching out to the "God's Code".

The little brat asked innocently, "How many scholars have studied this divine tome?"

The young man looked at me and spread his hands: "There are probably twenty-seven people who can recite it backwards."

I:"… "

Destroy this new world! ! !

"Then what do you think the reborn world should look like after destruction?" The young man observed my face, "Should... this is the first time you have seen this world? Are you satisfied?"

I couldn't help but look down at the little boy.

Then I am a little curious whether this young man can pass through the spiritual barrier outside my hut.

"The last chapter of the canon reads 'I must go to her and go to her hermitage and beg for mercy.'" the young man read. "So, does He really live in the hermitage?"

I quietly asked: "Are you one of the twenty-seven people who memorized everything backwards?"

The young man touched his nose and said forcefully, "I won't recite it backwards."

I ignored him, turned around and destroyed the diary, leaving no ashes behind.

"Do you want to go outside to see the orphanage?" The young man said suddenly, "I think there is no better way to observe a civilization than to observe how their juveniles are doing."

I am a little funny: "Juvenile body? How old are you?"

"Seventeen years old," the young man was puzzled, "I have been out of my juvenile body for a long time."

I looked down at the boy, and suddenly realized a question: "What about you?"

The boy blinked: "I'm an adult at the age of thirteen."

My heart aches: times have changed!

"Then how old are you?" the young man asked.

"Do you know what the largest number is?" I asked rhetorically.

The young man said, "Ten thousand."

"Almost." I said.

The little brat, who was engrossed in listening, didn't pay attention, and suddenly fell to the ground.

I turned around speechlessly and lifted her up to wipe off the dust.

The little boy wiped away some pearls that fell out, whimpering, and hid them in the small pocket he carried with his backhand.

When I turned my head, I realized that the young man had been staring at us, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he reached for the “artifact” and asked me, “Then can I use this? They used to say This is God's stuff, I can't take it and use it."

That's fine.

I generously agreed, and gave him a one-click recovery.

A shiny particle-slicing dagger is no longer a weapon at this tech level.

... But since he is number one in the world, it doesn't matter how strong he is.

The young man took the dagger happily and couldn't put it down. His eyes were shining brightly, which was similar to the boy's expression when he expressed his expectation.

He raised his face and said with a flying tone, "By the way, my name is..."

I stopped him: "I don't remember the name."

So a black cat is a black cat, and a pup is a pup.

Since a certain point, I haven't tried to remember anyone's name.

"...Really." He drooped his snow-white eyelashes again, looking very demure and beautiful, he really didn't look like a person with fire abilities.

But in any case, I was still a little soft-hearted. Seeing that he had been following my excuses, I modified the dagger for him: "Okay, then you can pour the ability into it to use—"

Before the word "use" was finished, the young man's supernatural ability was curious and impatiently poured in along the energy groove I built, and jetted out from the blade, like a white flame forming a knife.

I didn't have time to hide - and of course there was no need to hide - I was burned by Bai Yan.

At the same time as the little boy exclaimed, the young man was so frightened that he let go of the dagger and held my hand for a closer look.

I can carry a nuclear bomb physically, how could I be burned by this little flame.

There was commotion outside the hall because of the cub's screams.

"If I..." The young man looked up at me, with white flames still dancing in his eyes, "Can I get your praise for building the world you want?"

I thought about it seriously: I haven't seen communism in the whole world yet.

So I told him bluntly, "It's going to be hard."

The young man showed the sly smile he had when he first saw through my identity: "I'll give it a try."

The guards rushed into the hall, and the young man let go of my hand, turned to them and said, "The envoy is satisfied, she is leaving."

I blinked, lifted the little brat and teleported away.

When landing in the hermitage hut, the little boy asked, "Where are the seeds? Don't you want to buy them?"

Elijah said kindly, "That's just an excuse for the master to go out."

I ignored them and looked at the black cat: "Is the tree planted?"

"Soon," the black cat shook its beard, "you don't have to go out anymore."

I am satisfied.

... At least, I should be at peace when those twenty-seven people who have memorized everything passed away.


There will never be copying handwritten dictation books! !

After a few months, I understood what the black cat meant by "soon".

A young man with white hair appeared outside my retreat.

The young man of seventeen or eighteen is growing fast, and the contours of his face are obviously sharper than last time.

I was deeply surprised: "How did you find this place?"

"The little girl who was with you last time was a merman." He visited my orchard curiously, with a bright black dagger dangling back and forth on his waist, "There are only three tribes of mermen, and I found it twice. Anyway You didn't ask the sharks here to keep it a secret for you, they heard that I came to look for you, and they enthusiastically asked me to try your 'door'—speaking of which, where is the door?"

If he can come in, it means that he has passed through the spiritual barrier.

I observed deeply for a few seconds, then went to check the mental barrier again.

Not bad.

It's outrageous.

"Do you need help?" The young man blinked, "I can help you with your work."

I was silent for a few seconds and pointed to the vegetable garden.

Fine, be my dirt-turning robot before communism!

The author has something to say: short story, full text is over!

Next week, "My High School Daily Life Doesn't Need Love"_(:з」∠)_