Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 50: Loopback-21 You still have time


When Beiquan entered the fragmented space, he was empty-handed, and he only brought along a Wei Fuyuan, except for the natal instrument, the Vientiane Pen.

So at this time, he couldn't take out half a dozen props as he usually did, so he could only get materials on the spot.

Beiquan thought for a while, and walked quickly to Dong Chaoyang's body.

Dong Chaoyang kept his head up, his pair of pupils out of focus stared at Beiquan motionless, but he didn't seem to have any intention of attacking.

Beiquan smiled and took off the braid on the left wrist of the corpse.

Dong Chaoyang's woven belt is inlaid with an oval stone, which looks like a dzi bead.

"Although it's not a dzi in the true sense, but the material should be yak bone, which is barely enough."

Beiquan pinched the bead and rubbed it between his fingers. After confirming that it could be used, he placed the stone between the brows of the corpse and rubbed it lightly.

The next second, Dong Chaoyang's body lay down softly, motionless.


Beiquan threw the woven belt to Wei Fuyuan.

Wei Fuyuan stretched out his hand reflexively and caught the braided belt, but almost the next second, he realized that the belt had just been taken off a corpse, and immediately shivered, almost not giving the rope to him. throw it out.

"This... why give it to me?"

He squeezed the strap carefully and asked angrily.

"You have golden light of merit and virtue on your body, and your soul will be more comfortable relying on you."

Beiquan casually explained:

"At least it's better than following me."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the dead bone embedded in Dong Chaoyang's body.

-Half the problem solved, now it's time for the other half.

Beiquan squatted down and looked at the skeleton.

In the tragic white skull, two clusters of faint blue flames flickered like two ghost fires.

One person and one ghost stared at each other for a long time.

This little boy is a ghost who has been dead for over a hundred years. He has been staying in the dark and cold well, unable to leave, no one will save him, and he will be tortured by yin and evil spirits. To be honest, even if He is a big living person, and if he is locked up for 20 or 30 years, he will have a nervous breakdown, let alone a ghost.

Therefore, Beiquan is really not sure how much rationality this little boy still has, and whether he is still able to communicate.

If it is possible, Beiquan really doesn't want to deal with such a poor person, but only if the other party is willing to accept that his method may be somewhat peculiar.

Fortunately, the confrontation time is finally over.

The dead bone on Dong Chaoyang's corpse raised its head, its jaw moved, and it seemed to be talking.

[I want to kill too many people...]

Beiquan heard the young master say:

[The revenge I want to avenge... I can't finish it.]

The tragic death a hundred years ago, the imprisonment for a hundred years, resentment, unwillingness, emptiness, as well as boundless coldness and loneliness, made this thirteen-year-old rich boy become another person. cowardice.

[I know my enemy is dead...]

[They killed me, and my twelve domestic servants.]

[Those people robbed my family's belongings and spent the famine year with it... ]

[I know they kill people and rob money just to survive, but should I die?]

[I, like them, don't want to die!]

The little boy's voice stopped abruptly.

Beiquan did not urge him.

[But they are all dead now, and have been dead for many years.]

[They lived to the end of their lives with their children and grandchildren... And now, even their children and grandchildren are not here...]

In the eye sockets of the skeleton, the blue fire is more and more intense:

[So, you tell me, who should I seek revenge for?]

Wei Fuyuan, who was listening in, felt a burst of sadness inexplicably.

He felt that he couldn't answer the little boy's question.

Killing people and setting fire to gold belts, building bridges and paving roads without corpses - such things have never been uncommon since ancient times, and even today, they are still unavoidable.

Young Master Wei put himself in his shoes and thought about it, if it were him who suffered all this, 99% of the time, he would want to tear the entire village of Xuanmen Village into 180 pieces!

But time waits for no one.

One hundred years have passed, and those murderers have long since returned to dust and dirt. Even the descendants of the villagers who did not know how many generations moved away collectively 30 years ago, and they were integrated into the vast sea of people like water droplets. searched.

After thinking about this, Wei Fuyuan suddenly understood the origin of this fragmented space.

I am afraid that it is the obsession of this young master that will create this Xuanmen Village that is constantly circulating every day, and that there will never be a "tomorrow".

- Because in this time and space, there are his enemies.

After thinking about this clearly, Wei Fuyuan's face became even more solemn.

The object of Xiao Gongzi's resentment is not as clear as Dong Chaoyang's, which means that it is not so easy for Beiquan to make him "revenge".

- What should be done then

Wei Fuyuan frowned, racking his brains to figure out a way.

It's just a pity that he really couldn't come up with a good idea that could completely relieve the young master of his hatred.

At this time, Beiquan suddenly laughed in a low voice.

"How do you know they won't be punished?"

Beiquan smiled and asked the skeleton lying on the ground.

Withered bone's head tilted to the right, as if to express doubts.

"Look, since you can turn into a ghost after your own death, then it's not surprising that there are the underworld and the reincarnation of the six realms, right?"

Beiquan smiled slightly:

"Or, what about eighteen layers of purgatory?"

I don't know if it was his illusion, Wei Fuyuan felt as if he saw the phosphorous fire in the eye hole of the bone skeleton jumping obviously.

Beiquan blinked slyly, "Come here, I'll show you something good."

Saying that, he looked back at Wei Fuyuan:

"The phone in your pocket, take it out and give it to me."

Wei Fuyuan: "???"

He wanted to say where did I get my cell phone!

- When that thing tried to fish you out in the previous diving, I didn't know where it went!

- I even put on this outfit from the villagers' cabinets!

But Wei Fuyuan reflexively touched the pocket of his old robe.

With this touch, he almost jumped up.

Because he actually felt a hard, thin rectangular object in his pocket.

Wei Fuyuan quickly took it out and saw that it turned out to be an unfamiliar mobile phone.

- Where did this come from!

Before he could ask any more questions, Beiquan had already snatched his phone and opened an app on it.

"The prison is strictly prison and the top-secret live broadcast. I don't even show it to ordinary people."

As Beiquan spoke, he quickly swiped on the screen with his finger a few times, "I found it."

Then he put the screen in front of the little boy's skeleton.

"Look, do you know this person? Oops, this fried, crunchy chicken taste... oh! It hurts just looking at it!"

"Come on, let's take a look at these guys... Well, not bad, not bad. It's quite efficient to bundle a bunch of them and drive them into the volcano, right?"

"Ah, here it is! This is the legendary punishment of 'cannon branding'! ... Hey, it's only a few seconds, the whole thing is roasted into charcoal, it's not suitable for children, it's not suitable for children!"

Wei Fuyuan: "???"

He didn't know what the hell Beiquan was showing the little son, but it sounded like the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. Even if he didn't look at the pictures, just listening to Beiquan's verbal live broadcast was enough to make people creepy.

Beiquan swiped his phone for twenty minutes in front of the young master.

No one dared to urge.

During this period, Pan Xiaoyun, who had fainted from shock before, woke up and couldn't figure out what happened. Just as he was about to ask, Liu Lingling and Huang Lan covered their mouths from left to right and dragged them to the side. .

Finally, the little boy had had enough.

"Look, the sins committed in life, no one can run away after death."

Beiquan shook his phone:

"But you are different from them."

He smiled and said:

"You don't have to burden yourself with evil because of these sinners."

Beiquan paused and said word by word:

"After all, now, you still have time."

&&& &&& &&&

Beiquan asked Huang Lan to borrow her necklace, used the inferior Qinghai jade inlaid on the pendant to contain the soul of the young master, and handed the necklace to Wei Fuyuan for safekeeping.


He sighed and stretched his arms, "But I'm exhausted."

Wei Fuyuan: "..."

He just wanted to complain that you just fired a few times. When he was tired, he saw that the mobile phone in Beiquan's hand instantly turned into a golden red powder, and at the same time, even the shadowy figures around him disappeared. exhausted.

It was only then that Wei Fuyuan realized that everything they had experienced just now, whether it was Dong Chaoyang's two revenges or the live broadcast Beiquan showed the young master on his mobile phone, was probably all his technique.

- That's why he said "I'm exhausted".

For some reason, Young Master Wei felt a little bit of distress.

"Okay, now most of the problems are solved."

Beiquan turned his head and smiled at Wei Fuyuan:

"The energy that sustains this debris space is gone, and we can go back."

The moment they heard the words "you can go back", the eyes of the four students lit up.

They spent five days and four nights in this weird and unceasingly recurring village. They managed to survive until now, and every minute and every second, they were looking forward to leaving as soon as possible.

"This, is it true!?"

Pan Xiaoyun jumped up, as if he wanted to pounce and grab Beiquan's arm, so excited that he even started to stutter when he spoke:

"Then, let's get out of here!"

The other three nodded as well.

Beiquan shook his finger at several students.

"Don't worry."

He smiled and said:

"To get out of here, we have to make a way first."

Beiquan paused, his eyes swept over the four of them one by one.

"Also, not everyone can go back."

Wei Fuyuan: "??"

The four students were also very confused when they heard the words.

They looked at each other, all seeing the same confusion and panic in the expressions of the others.

"What, what do you mean?"

Pan Xiaoyun asked blankly:

"Why... not everyone can go back?"

Beiquan replied:

"Because, among you, someone has died."