Thriller Paradise

Chapter 10


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After the two agreed, they disbanded the team. Feng Bujue can still see Wang Tanzhi's current status in the friend list, and it quickly changed from "idle" to "in-game", but the specific mode is not displayed, this is also to ensure the player's information as much as possible Not to be mastered by others on purpose.

There are currently only three social options in Horror Paradise, namely [Recent Players], [Friends] and [Blacklist]. In the script, it is impossible to submit friend requests or drag people into the blacklist. These operations can only be performed in the login space.

How to "politely" reject others has always been a difficult problem in social networks, and Dream Company has also worked hard on this issue. Although the current game cabins provide the virtual appearance correction function (you can use this function alone without logging in to a specific game, Feng Bujue didn’t use it because he doesn’t care about it, and this person is already quite stinky), but even knowing that in the game The "beautiful players" encountered in the game are not necessarily beauties, and the probability of female players receiving friend requests is obviously not low.

There is also the phenomenon of "hugging thighs". Feng Bujue will often encounter this situation in future games. After the script ends, he receives many friend requests at once. Of course, this is also normal. Compared with meeting with uncertain teammates, people are naturally more willing to play games with stronger players, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of the game.

Whether it's sex-hunting, an attempt at thigh-hugging, or simply trying to make friends, getting rejected is always embarrassing. Dream Company has come up with the current method, so that players can only submit friend applications in the login space. If they are rejected, only you and the other party know it well. Besides, the script has already ended at that time, and players will not be emotionally upset. And do something that affects customs clearance.

Only players who have become friends can communicate directly through the screen in the login space like a phone call, but no video communication is provided, and others cannot see the expression on your face. Two players who are not friends can only use the mail function to communicate. Within 24 hours of real time, one party can send at most three consecutive emails to the other party. If the other party does not reply, the fourth email cannot be sent. The number of words in each email should not exceed 1,000 characters, and the content is also monitored by the system. Threat letters and harassing emails will be directly intercepted by the system, and the system will write an email to the recipient, explaining that a player has sent you a threatening letter, Or a player writes to harass you, asking if you want to add it to the blacklist.

Once a player adds someone to the blacklist, it is tantamount to completely blocking this person. In any mode in the next row, he will not meet the other party, nor will he receive the other party's email. If you are in a team that invites you to form a team For players on the blacklist, the system will also give you additional prompts before accepting team formation.

Under the restrictions of this series of settings, players can avoid playing games with people they do not want to contact to the greatest extent. Dream Company is doing its best.

Of course, the reality is relatively harmonious. After most players are rejected for friend applications, they generally don't make any other attempts, and the next round of the game will be. Writing an email to ridicule the other party for being unattainable is nothing more than getting a blacklist treatment. As the saying goes, there are encounters in mountains and rivers, and playing games is not for finding pleasure.


Feng Bujue was not in a hurry to start a new game, he checked his status first, and noticed that the specialization level was still only "Universal", and the other five items in the menu were still covered by shadows.

According to the game data, the six specializations are fighting, shooting, equipment, detection, medical treatment, and general. Specialization is the condition for launching and learning skills, and it is also the core of character strength. Although Feng Bujue doesn't tend to be a force player, it is definitely not enough to know nothing about specialization. He plans to try to open a few more in the next script, preferably "equipment" or "reconnaissance". During the closed beta period when players' combat effectiveness is generally low, avoiding frontal combat is the game method with a higher success rate of customs clearance.

Another thing is to check the items in the luggage. The stack of sketches cannot bring out the script, so it naturally disappeared. The syringe found before is still there, and its properties are:

[Name: Disposable Syringe]

[Type: Consumables]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: extract or inject liquid]

[Remarks: Stay away from drugs and cherish life]

Feng Bujue's luggage is very empty, and the landing space can store 30 things. Currently, there is no pressure on storage. He thought it might be useful, so he took it with him. No matter how bad it is, this thing is better than a stone Reliable.

Looking at the current situation, you need equipment and no equipment, skills and no skills. This time, there are a lot of things to do in the single player mode. If there is nothing to gain, it will become more and more difficult after level 5. By then, the training mode will be closed. People's scripts also increase in difficulty as the level increases, so you really become a burden to your teammates.

Feng Bujue had high hopes for the next script. According to his thinking, the scarier the scene, the better. As long as the reward is proportional to the horror, he can accept it.

[Crazy Unconscious, Level 4]

[Please select the game mode you want to join.]

[You have selected the single-player survival mode (normal), please confirm.]

[Confirmed, the script is being generated... ]

[Loading starts, please wait a moment.]

After Feng Bujue selected the mode, he thought that the elevator would move first, and then he opened the door and entered the routine of the script. Unexpectedly, he was teleported this time.

It became pitch black in front of my eyes, my feet were off the ground, I felt like I was floating in the air, and I had nowhere to rely on, and "Welcome to the Horror Paradise" sounded in my ears again. This time the voice changed again, and it sounded like an ordinary middle-aged woman. It seems that this line has nothing to do with the content of the script. Every time, a human voice appears randomly, combined with an intentional tone, saying Just the same sentence.

[The loading has been completed, you are currently in single-player survival mode (normal).]

[This mode provides an introduction to the script, and there is a chance of branch/hidden missions and special world views.]

[Script clearance reward: Randomly draw a learnable skill card.]

[The introduction to the script will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed.]

The dark background in front of Feng Bujue turned into a photo, which looked like a room or a corner of a certain warehouse. Due to the shooting angle, he could only see one corner, and it was difficult to judge how big the room was. The material of the wall should be metal, but it is not wood anyway, there is no wallpaper or paint, or the paint has faded, the floor is concrete, and there is no piece of furniture shown in the photo.

At this time, the subtitles rose from the eyes, and the familiar system voice began to explain.

[Your name is Arthur Segal, a well-known photojournalist. You have a happy family, good working salary, and satisfactory social status. Until one Christmas night, you wake up from a coma and find yourself in a strange warehouse. The last thing you can remember is to pick up your car in the parking lot after get off work...]

This episode is not long, and the information it can provide is very limited. After watching it, a white light flashed before Feng Bujue, and he was transported to the place in the photo.

He sat on the ground with his back against the corner. Before he could see what the warehouse was like, he lowered his head subconsciously because he noticed that he was holding something in his left hand—a silver alkman.

This kind of portable tape player is naturally a product that has long been eliminated in 2055. Feng Bujue has never seen the real thing. He has only seen this thing in a certain movie, and the current situation just makes him Reminds me of that movie.

Press the play button, a hoarse male voice sounded, speaking in English, his first sentence made Feng Bujue understand the basic setting of the script: "Hello, Arthur, I want to play a game with you …”

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