Thriller Paradise

Chapter 102: The First Arrival of the Thunderbolt is broken


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Horror Paradise VIP Chapter 102 The First Arrival of the Thunderbolt (broken) [The cloud vortex changes slightly, and the thunder is about to move! With steps as dense as rain, the figure stepping on the barren land swiftly like the wind, passing by the bleak wall.


[The foundations are very different, and the strength of the battle is distinct. Kuang Zong Jianying didn't want to fight for a long time, and faced the fleeing opponent, he used a fierce killing move.]

The narration was slightly slower than the actual situation. After all, it took time for the system to convert what was happening into words, so when the description reached Feng Bujue's ears, the attack of Mad Zong Jianying had already arrived.

[But seeing the shadow of the Kuang Zong sword sweeping away Qi at the front, the sword body suddenly flickered with cold light. Under the dim moonlight, figures whirled. At the moment of holding your breath, the sword light is the only movement, and the concentration is thorough. The moment the clouds covered the moon and the earth was dark, he drew his sword!]

[Wow—Kuang Zong Jianying flashed forward, and the distance of more than ten steps disappeared. The first move caused tens of thousands of clangs. Under the mountain wall, in the wilderness, the sound of swords trembled.]

At this moment, it was Kuangzong Jianying who used the title (quick sword like wind) skill [Huiying Slash].

[Name: Shadow Slash]

[Special Ability Type: Active]

[Consumption: 1 of the upper limit of physical energy, 1 of the upper limit of spiritual power]

[Effect: Instantly appear directly in front of a target within ten meters, and gain an 80% attack speed increase for three seconds, with a ten-minute cooldown.]

[Remarks: The sword moves intertwined with light and darkness are extremely fast and extremely dangerous, making the enemy dizzy and caught off guard.]

When Kuang Zong Jianying suddenly appeared in front of Feng Bujue, the latter almost couldn't hold back his momentum and directly bumped into the opponent's sword. Fortunately, Feng Bujue had a quick reaction. He instinctively flashed to the side, and at the same time raised the pipe wrench to block it.

The blade of the sword touched and brushed against the pipe wrench, the flames burst out and there was a clanking sound. But Feng Bujue just blocked the opponent's first sword and avoided the vital point. Then, as he passed by the mad Zong sword shadow, the opponent's fast sword danced in succession. Under the bonus. Sweeping Zhongfeng Wujue several swords continuously, leaving wounds on the outside of his left leg, left shoulder, and back, and also added the effect of [bleeding].

[The first appearance of the absolute style, the madness unknowingly sacrificed his unique weapon, tried his best, cleverly turned the world around, and used his wonderful-body skills to avoid the front and fight! Every step is startled, every step is dangerous! But a moment of vigilance is not as fast as a moment of sword energy. The sword is like a net, and the blade is shining. The madness pierces through the body without realizing it, but leaves a bloody wind.]

"You can really talk about it! I was almost hacked to death!" Feng Bujue continued to run forward, explaining that he had not yet conceded defeat. He also knew very well that it was impossible to continuously use the skill of Mad Zong Jianying in a short period of time, otherwise it wouldn't be like a level 15 combat power, and level 25 would be about the same.

[Cold eyes and cold eyes, the strike is like the wind, at the moment when the moon reveals its brilliance, Kuang Zong Jianying turns around and chases after him. He shakes his wrist and stabs, it's the second move!]

"Come again?" When Feng Bujue heard the explanation, the opponent's follow-up move was close at hand. The tip of the sword was almost touching his back.

[Mad Zing Xiao Hengba, Jian Ying v. Ruthless. drink ~ ah!]

At this point in the game, Kuang Zong Jianying didn't feel that these narrations would cause any embarrassment, he was quite HIGH. This second move is his normal skill [Lung Sting], before Feng Bujue has opened the distance, he can just use this move to catch up with him.

At this moment, Mad Zong Jianying has basically figured out the foundation of Feng Bujue. He is determined. Judging from Feng Bujue's blocking method during the hand-to-hand combat just now, he doesn't look like a player who is good at fighting at all. Although the successful escape from Hui Ying's slash is worthy of praise, but that's all. In terms of this speed, it is impossible for him to avoid this sword, and the battle will be paid off after this move.

[The night was silent. I saw the wind sweeping the cold shadow, the blood shadow piercing the void, and the sword that decided the outcome failed!]

"Is there such a thing?" Kuang Zong Jianying hit the air with his skills, and his expression changed, but seeing Feng Bujue's speed suddenly increased, he pulled away tens of meters in an instant, leaving a faint smell of blood in the air.

"Hmph... It's really not that simple, this kid has reservations." Kuang Zong Jianying actually smiled, and his fighting heart became even more high-spirited.

[It seems that the game is about to lose, life and death are momentary! Kuang Bujue suddenly used a strange move, completely reborn, with a dexterous figure, he rushed away like a thunderbolt.]

bang bang bang bang...

Now that the Spiritual Consciousness Gathering Technique has been activated, Feng Bujue will not just run away. After drawing a certain distance, he turns around, aims at the mad trace sword shadow in the distance, raises his gun and shoots, ten seconds A shuttle of bullets was fired within one day.

"This kind of long-range attack is useless." Mad Zong Jianying smiled and approached again.

It's not that he has any passive skills that can ignore bullet attacks, but because of the armor on his body, including the hidden helmet, armor, and leggings, all defensive attributes are refraction, and they are all of the elite level. Pistol bullets are very difficult to cause damage to Kuang Zong Jianying. Unless the opponent's marksmanship is perfect and can hit the same point several times in a row, or hit his eyes and neck directly, otherwise it will not break the defense at all. .

Of course, if you use Winchester within ten meters, or shoot with rifle bullets from a long distance, you can still cause a certain amount of damage. The problem is that Feng Bujue doesn't have these conditions now, and he is not the head trainer. Players who specialize in shooting.

After returning the magazine and replacing the last round of bullets, Feng Bujue put the gun away.

"Sloppy maintenance can't be used. The bear's whip leg can only be used against monsters. I tried it just now and couldn't see anything..." Feng Bujue thought to himself: "The only skill I can use is spiritual consciousness Gathering skill, but he is not much better...`." Seemingly running away, in fact, Feng Bujue was calmly analyzing the other party's situation all the time: "This guy has already used two active Skills, the first move plus attack is very strong, 80% is a title skill, and the cooling time will not end so quickly; the second move, even if it has no CD, is just a more powerful thrusting move, which can be dodged. "

Feng Bujue took out the knife from his luggage, and held it with his left hand, while his right hand still held a pipe wrench. "Under the enhancement of Casey Jones' mask, my fighting specialization is D. He and I have the same character level. Fighting Specialization is at most D, theoretically speaking, his fighting ability is at the same level as mine, so I escaped from his ultimate move just now without using my skills..." When he thought of this, the other party It's gradually approaching, "I've activated the Consciousness Gathering Technique now, and the limit speed and strength must be higher than him. Besides, this time I brought the survival value supplement, this battle... can be fought!"

[The wild sword sweeps and attacks again. I don't know how to retaliate against the raging waves! Mmm ~ drink! The figures of the two intertwined, attracting back and forth.


[Hao Ran's sword is chaotic, thousands of refinements and hundreds of hardening chests come out, sword energy and spiritual power confront each other, and the winner is hard to tell for a while.]

Kuang Zong Jianying was already mentally prepared after seeing the opponent's acceleration just now, and Feng Bujue's counterattack was expected by him. This time he did not take the offensive completely, but first defended the front of him tightly, and then Make some faster feints to contain the opponent.

Perhaps based on years of combat intuition as a professional master, Kuang Zong Jianying faintly felt that Feng Bujue's current state would not last long, as long as he dragged the fight, this person would be self-defeating. Ignoring the injuries on his body, he fought more and more courageously, his fighting spirit increased sharply, and his joy was insane. drink-]

"Friend, it's not bad. Would you like to come to our club? I'll introduce you." Mad Zong Jianying fought with him for a while, and gradually put on a completely defensive posture.

There is a saying that one inch is short and one inch is dangerous. At this moment, Feng Bujue danced the two short weapons, the knife and pliers, as fast as lightning. His moving speed was already higher than that of the opponent, and he was attacking wildly around the sword shadow.

On the surface, it seemed that Feng Bujue was suppressing the opponent, but in fact, it was the opposite, he was the one that was going to lose.

This attack and defense reflected the huge gap in fighting strength between the two. Even when the speed and strength of Mad Zong Jianying are not superior, relying on the leading combat experience and skills, it can also remain invincible. But Feng Bujue was rapidly consuming his stamina and survival points in this unwinnable fight.

"No need, I don't want to meet a guy like you a second time." Feng Bujue replied. This can actually be regarded as a compliment.

"Hehehe...Since we know we are going to lose, why bother to hold on?" Kuangzong Jianying said again.

Feng Bujue didn't answer, and continued to attack. I don't know what he was planning. One-third of his stamina has been consumed in this short fight; his survival value is even worse, even if the clothes on his body can reduce the effect of [bleeding] a little bit. But the loss of survival value will not stop completely , the attack damage he received before and the consumption of the Spirit Concentration Technique every five seconds made his HP quickly drop below 30%.

Facing an opponent like Kuangzong Jianying, Feng Bujue never dared to be careless. If he waited until the blood dropped to 10% to make up, it was very likely that he would directly OVER due to a mistake, so he used the first one when the life value was 30%. A bottle of Survival Supplement.

"You are wasting things." Kuang Zong Jianying became more and more calm as he fought more and more, and Feng Bujue's attack routines gradually became familiar to him, so he also talked more: "I might as well say it bluntly, procrastination will do you no good The benefits will only benefit me more and more.”

Feng Bujue said: "You are quite frank, since that's the case, I might as well speak bluntly..." He suddenly stopped his attack and jumped out of the battle circle.

[Injured body, a battle with no chance of winning. Even if you are unwilling, there is nothing you can do.]

[The cold killing intent is still there, and the blazing violent attack has stagnated. The situation at this moment, is it the desperate gasp of the loser, or the solidification of his burning back.]

"You think procrastination is beneficial to you, and you think about it from the perspective of combat." Feng Bujue continued what he said just now: "In fact, I also hope that you can take a defensive position and don't rush to decide the outcome with me, because I also need time to think about the [answer] to the hidden mission."

The calmness of Kuang Zong Jianying disappeared from his face, replaced by a solemn expression.

"Smiling and looking at the defeat of the thousands of troops in the sea, planning the universe and calculating the cause and effect. Wujue, no fear, light life and death, not a ghost, not a god, like a madman." Feng Bujue read out his poem title, and then heard the system prompt: [Hidden mission completed]

[You have obtained your exclusive spiritual weapon—Death Poker]

[Psychic weapons are permanently bound to the player, cannot be traded, discarded or destroyed, and do not need to occupy the item bar. Those that consume the upper limit of spiritual power can be generated at any time, and the weapon attributes will grow with the player's level.]

Feng Bujue put away the two weapons he was holding, and with a thought, a white light gathered in his hand, and it quickly turned into a deck of cards. His psoriasis was correspondingly depleted a bit, becoming 47/50.

He quickly read the properties of the item, and then, he actually lifted the spiritual consciousness gathering technique.

[Crying poems in a low voice, gathering spirit waves, with a graceful figure and a vast momentum.]

[Crazy Unconsciously raises two fingers, with a piece of spiritual weapon between the fingers, no move, no style, no attack and no defense, but sees a stream of light suddenly rising, pointing directly at the sword shadow of madness, and rushing away.]

"Didn't I say that this kind of long-distance attack is never..." The last few words of Mad Zong Jianying's words choked in his throat, and he saw a piece of poker flying past his cheek, cutting a hole. "What is that..." Kuangzong Jianying's expression changed abruptly. If he hadn't seen the situation wrong, he quickly turned his head to one side, or the attack would have hit his eyes directly.

Feng Bujue replied calmly: "A card."

"So that's how it is... Is this the power of spiritual weapons?" Mad Zong Jianying said: "It seems that this hidden mission is worth doing."

"Do you think I'll let you think of a poem slowly, and then fight with you who got the psychic weapon?" Feng Bujue said, and quickly threw two more cards. After the poker left his hand, it burst out of the wind like a living thing, drew an unimaginable arc in the air, and flew towards the crazy sword shadow.

[Two blazes of light strike again, as if startled. Kuang Zong Jianying raised his sword to meet him, his sword energy was as strong as a peak. drink-]

[Jian Shao Lingyuan mentions, sword energy pierces Baihong, sweeping out with mighty power, two streamers of light fly away.]

Mad Zong Jianying's hand holding the sword was trembling, because his sword was trembling. But there were fifty-four poker cards. Although he avoided one and blocked two with his sword, according to the development of this situation, it became a matter of time before he was killed.

"Okay, that's all for the greetings, and I'm going to officially start the attack." Feng Bujue said.

[The situation turned sharply, and the rampant declaration made Kuang Zong Jianying look shocked.]

"Cut..." Kuang Zong Jianying listened to the narration, although he was not convinced in his heart, he had nothing to say, because when Feng Bujue was at a disadvantage just now, he didn't show any "shocking" at all. " look, at most it is complaining.

This time, Feng Bujue drew five cards at once, and unfolded in his hand, "Let's first try with huā Shun."

[At the moment when Kuang Zong Jianying hesitated, Kuang made a move without knowing it!]

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