Thriller Paradise

Chapter 106: Black and white ghost land one


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The so-called reality may just be an illusion portrayed by others beyond our control.


[Crazy Unconscious, Level 15]

[Please select the game mode you want to join.]

[You have selected the single-player survival mode (nightmare), please confirm.]

[Confirmed, the script is being generated... ]

[Loading starts, please wait a moment.]

"Welcome to Horror Paradise." A young woman's voice came into my ears.

Because the previous 1V1 mode didn't consume much time, Xiaotan and their team survival script is obviously not over yet, so Feng Bujue arranged a new mode that can only be opened at level 15, that is, single-player survival on the difficulty of "Nightmare" model.

[The loading is complete, you are currently in the single-player survival mode (nightmare).]

[This mode provides an introduction to the script, and there is a chance of branch/hidden missions and special world views.]

[Script clearance reward: Randomly draw two puzzle cards.]

[The introduction to the script will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after the play is completed.]

Before Feng Bujue's eyes, a very ordinary street appeared, with the outer walls of houses on both sides of the street. The sky is cloudy, and there are no tall buildings at a glance. The taller buildings are only six or seven stories high. It seems that this should be a small town.

It is worth mentioning that the opening CG is completely in black and white.

Then the system voice sounded: [This is an ordinary evening, you are walking home.]

[The town where you live was hit by a typhoon not long ago. Your original address was severely damaged, and almost all the nearby houses collapsed.]

[Although you survived without incident, you must find another place to live.]

[You are temporarily housed in an unused vacant house in the small town, which is an old old house located in 3-chome.]

[Legends, ghosts often haunt there, so no one dares to approach it. But after the typhoon, you and the other two affected households were forced to move in and live next to each other.]

The brief introduction of the script ended here, and Feng Bujue was able to move freely. Almost at the same second, he heard the system voice prompt of [Main quest has been triggered].

Open the game menu, the task bar shows the content of the main task, this task is really simple to the extreme, just two words: [go home].

"Hmm... is it a haunted script..." Feng Bujue read, "It doesn't look like there is a time limit. This 'Nightmare' difficulty script seems to be less intense than the one in the chainsaw."

He began to check his pockets, looking for documents or maps or something. While searching, Feng Bujue observed the surrounding environment. Strangely, after the CG ended, the world was still black and white, and he seemed to be colorblind. Moreover, he also faintly heard a small sound, clicking, clicking, the sound was very soft, and he didn't know where it came from. Whenever he tried to concentrate on listening, the sound would disappear. When he was inadvertent, it would ring again.

Tens of seconds later, Feng Bujue rummaged through all the pockets, and only found a bunch of keys in the right pocket of his trousers, a total of three keys.

[Name: Three Keys]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Normal]

[Function: Open the door lock]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Remarks: Find the corresponding door lock and use it.]

Feng Bujue picked up the key and put it in front of his eyes for a closer look. Judging from the appearance alone, the three keys look very ordinary, and their corresponding locks are not complicated in terms of sawtooth and grain.

"Suppose one is a house key, what are the other two..." Feng Bujue pondered: "Looking at the shapes of the lampposts and trash cans, this should be in the 20th century... At that time, the car keys should not have been folded and folded. Electronic ones, probably this kind of traditional key." He walked to the intersection in front of him and looked around the road: "It doesn't look like there is a parking lot nearby, so... even if one of them is a car key, the car will be locked." Not around here."

He scratched his head: "There seems to be a little less prompt information, am I playing the game as a player, or am I playing the role of 'me'... If it is the latter, is the identity of 'me' important? Will affect the plot. What will happen after 'going home'?"

Given the current conditions, these problems are clearly unsolvable. Feng Bujue decided to follow the main quest first. After all, this is a nightmare difficulty. It looks calm on the surface, and he might die if he makes a wrong step. Even if there is no time limit, it is very dangerous to wander around the town rashly.

"Speaking of which... Although you told me the information of 'abandoned longhouse in 3-chome' which seems to be the address, where is 3-chome..." Feng Bujue naturally couldn't know the way of the town, so just knowing the address is useless of.

"Since it's 'on the way home', then...the direction I was facing at first was..." Feng Bujue turned and looked in that direction, but there was a crossroad, "Well... I should look for a map or ask someone Let's go." He didn't want to choose one or the other to be lucky, and the reason is self-evident.

Thinking of this, there happened to be a pedestrian walking slowly. It was a woman with long black hair, wearing a windbreaker, trousers, a scarf wrapped around her neck, and a mask covering the lower half of her face. Feng Bujue stood on the street until now, and this was the first passerby he saw. But since it is a "small town", it is understandable that there are few people on the street in the evening.

"Excuse me, may I ask..." Feng Bujue moved closer, wanting to ask for directions.

As a result, he only spoke half a sentence, but the woman rushed to interrupt him: "Am I pretty?"

"Uh... what?" Feng Bujue immediately felt that something was wrong, and he instinctively reached into his luggage.

"Am I pretty?" The woman turned her face around and asked again, but half of her face was covered by a mask and scarf, so she didn't show it at all.

"Beautiful!" Feng Bujue had already realized at this moment, the one in front of him might be the legendary...

When the girl with the gap heard the words, she immediately took off her mask, revealing her entire face. The cheeks on both sides of her were divided by two openings, which were torn apart, almost all the way to the base of the ears.

"Is this still pretty?" she asked again.

Feng Bujue is really glad that he didn't learn the clown's look to the end, otherwise he and this girl could make a pair.

Looking at the monster that could scare a child into tears, Feng Bujue's eyes widened, and he replied decisively, "Hmm! It's beautiful." His hand holding the pipe wrench was ready to exert force at any time, and he thought to himself : Sanba, I already praised you a few words, if you still dare to take out the sickle, don't blame me for giving you a second plastic surgery.

After a few seconds, the Gap Girl said again: "What did you want to ask me just now?"

Feng Bujue was a little hesitant to ask her now, who would be willing to reveal the address to the monster. But after he thought about it, he didn't really live here anyway, so he said, "Excuse me, how can I get to the third-chome?"

"Over there, turn left, turn left again at the next street, and keep going." The girl with a gap pointed at the intersection of Yazi, and after she finished speaking, she put on her mask again, wrapped her scarf and left.

Feng Bujue didn't intend to chase after him to thank him, he watched the other party leave his sight, then let go of the hand holding the pipe wrench with a long breath: "I'll go... I haven't even returned home yet, I met a monster Ah...then when I go back, I'm going to bump into ghosts properly."

Even though he thought so, since he was playing a horror game, he naturally knew that there were ghosts at home, so he preferred to play at home. Feng Bujue immediately followed the route that the Gap Girl said.

Now the sky is getting darker and darker, and everything around is black and white, and the atmosphere is extremely weird. If it is another player, I am afraid that just standing on this empty street will feel creepy.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Feng Bujue wrapped his suit jacket a little tighter. At this time, a white mark streaked across the black sky, and a ferocious flash lit up the sky. A few seconds after the lightning, thunder rang out. It seems that not only is it windy, but it is also raining.

When Feng Bujue looked up, he happened to see a vision from a high place.

At the top of a wire, at the blind spot of the street lamp, there was a black figure in the shape of a human, squatting there squatting. When the lightning illuminated the black and white world, Feng Bujue could clearly see the appearance of "it". The monster looked like an old woman in a white kimono, with round hair on the back of her head and wrinkles on her face. The eyes are swollen and protrude from their sockets. The skin on his hands was black and wrinkled, and covered with pimples, and his fingers were spread open like ghost claws.

After the lightning ended, the figure disappeared into the darkness again. Feng Bujue couldn't see clearly, and he was not interested in getting closer to see what the monster was. Anyway, as long as the other party didn't jump over there, he would just treat it as a monster. did not see it.

Feng Bujue buried his head and continued walking, speeding up his pace again, almost to the point of running. He didn't see any passers-by again on this road, and he didn't stop until he was under a 3-chome road sign.

It was at this time that the rain fell.

The shower poured down, pouring on Feng Bujue's body. He quickly found his destination. Looking from the street, in a courtyard, he could see a row of three long houses connected together, which must be there.

Feng Bujue hurried to the eaves, brushed back the wet hair on his forehead, and took out the key.

According to the introduction of the script, there were three families living in this row of long houses, and he had two neighbors. Feng Bujue didn't know which door he lived in, so he had to try one by one.

I don't know if it was luck, but when he tried the first key in front of the first door, he succeeded directly. Pushing open the wooden door, the room was pitch black, and there was a unique smell of damp wood.

Feng Bujue reached out and groped by the door, and found the light switch. After flipping it, the lights in the room turned on.

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