Thriller Paradise

Chapter 108: Black and white ghost land 3


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Half of an old, pale face appeared outside the opened gap, and the old woman's congested pupils looked black in this black and white world, staring at Feng Bujue.

At this moment, the door has not been fully opened, so Feng Bujue has two choices, first, simply pull the door open, and call in a pipe wrench; second, take another look, wait, think again...

"Did I disturb you?" The other party actually spoke.

Feng Bujue didn't answer the question directly, but asked tentatively: "Excuse me... Is there something wrong with you? I heard shouts."

"It's an old problem. I'm really sorry if it troubles you."

"Where... I didn't understand the situation, I'm sorry." Feng Bujue replied.

Hearing this, the old woman glanced at Feng Bujue again, then turned her face away, and walked slowly back to her room.

Feng Bujue closed the door, and said softly: "Is this guy a human or a ghost..." He walked towards the tatami: "If it's a human... this is a patient with severe rheumatism, if it's a ghost..." He crossed his legs Sitting down, he picked up the teapot on the table, and poured himself another sip of tea: "Since I entered this script, so far, I haven't even met a single person, and all I've seen are demons and ghosts. "

Creaking—there was another sound in his head.

"What is it this time?" Feng Bujue raised his head and looked at the beam under the ceiling, the voice came from above.

Suddenly, the light bulb above his head flickered twice, and the next second, the wire hanging from the light bulb suddenly broke, and the light bulb naturally went out as well, and fell to the floor with a snap and shattered.

The room became pitch black, and a flash of lightning happened to light up outside the window at this moment, passing through the window grille and curtains, leaving a strange afterimage on the floor.

Two seconds later, another light source shone brightly.

Feng Bujue calmly took out the flashlight, turned it on, and directly pointed it upwards, muttering, "Please, it must be a mouse."

Unfortunately, not mice.

It only took a few seconds from when the lights in this room were turned off to when Feng Bujue turned on the flashlight, but at this moment, what was hanging from the beam was no longer a light bulb, but a dead body.

It was a female corpse, dressed as a housewife, she looked very young, not more than thirty years old, her face was distorted, her eyes were rolled, her mouth was half-open, and there were traces of saliva flowing from the corner of her mouth.

The corpse's face was facing Feng Bujue's direction, as if looking down at him from a height. In this atmosphere, even if the female corpse suddenly moved to attack Feng Bujue, it would not be surprising.

But what happened next was beyond Feng Bujue's expectation again.

He suddenly lost control of his body, and returned to the state of watching the opening CG of the script, and the scene in front of him began to change by itself.

Then, the picture in Feng Bujue's eyes changed from a dilapidated house to a foggy street scene, and he was standing on the sidewalk.

What's even more inexplicable is that the system voice sounded again at this moment: [This is an afternoon in November, and you are going to visit a friend in town alone.]

"What's the situation? Is there another script briefing?" Feng Bujue encountered this situation for the first time, but he still listened carefully and recorded every word prompted by the system.

[An hour ago, the sky was still clear and bright, the sun was shining brightly, and there was no cloud in the blue sky. But an unexpected fog descended without warning, and the surroundings were shrouded in unknown darkness. Fear entangled you, and your will almost collapsed. You ran frantically, avoiding some kind of threat that did not exist. Eventually lost in the fog.]

[Your mind is in chaos, your memory becomes blurred, you don't know whether everything around you is real or a vain fantasy, you don't know...whether you can reach your destination.]

After this passage was over, Feng Bujue regained his ability to move, and got a new mission: [The main mission has been triggered]

[Find the friend's address and arrive.]

"No way... two main quests?" Feng Bujue did see another main quest in the game menu. The previous one [Stay in the house until dawn] still exists and has not been ticked, but now Added one below.

"Well... what happened to that corpse before? How did I get here? In this script, I have to play several roles by myself?" Feng Bujue pondered: "Or... I am still in that body now. In this room, I just saw a hallucination similar to the reappearance of the death scene?"

The script in this nightmare mode made him more and more difficult to understand. The main quest only indicated what to do next, but did not reveal any information related to the ultimate purpose of the script. Feng Bujue now has no clue about the plot and can only be led by the nose.

The dense fog surged heavily, hovering around him slowly, without a trace of wind, as if the fog was driven by its own will to move.

Feng Bujue checked his body for any extra plot props as usual, but found that the bunch of keys had disappeared, and there was an extra note in his suit pocket.

He took it out to check, and the paper read: No. 4-5, Liubancho.

"I x... come again..." Feng Bujue said.

This time, there were still figures around him. In the fog, those shadows appeared and disappeared, reappeared, and disappeared again... indicating that he was not alone. Feng Bujue could hear the footsteps of these figures. They seemed to be moving around him, keeping a certain distance, and none of them approached.

click click click click...

The annoying voice was still there, very soft, far away, if there was nothing there, when I listened carefully, it disappeared again.

Feng Bujue took a step forward, cautiously shuffling forward, passing through the suffocating darkness. Occasionally, vehicles would pass by on the road beside him. Under such visibility, in such a small town, those vehicles naturally drove very slowly. Like gigantic monsters wriggling slowly, vague shadows appear from far to near, appear suddenly, and then disappear suddenly.

Although the strange and dark environment enveloped Feng Bujue, he did not immerse himself in this atmosphere, and still vigilantly observed and analyzed everything around him.

The cold and humid air spread in this dark sea, and the occasional car lights passing by could not bring much light. Feng Bujue tried to use a flashlight to illuminate, but the light couldn't penetrate the thick fog in front of him at all, and the visibility was less than three meters.

He couldn't even see the road, let alone look for a strange address in a strange town.

After walking for a while, he saw a street lamp not far away, the pole was solid and upright. Gives off faint, flickering spots of light. Feng Bujue supported the railing on the street and quickly leaned over.

There was a bus stop next to the light pole, Feng Bujue approached it quickly, wanting to see if there was a town map or something like that.

It turned out, reassuringly, that there was indeed a map.

Feng Bujue quickly found the location of the station he was at, and also found the location of Liufan Town. From the scale of the map, it was only about two kilometers away on foot. With his footsteps, at most twenty It will be there in minutes.

Once you know the route, things will be much easier. Feng Bujue has a good memory, and it is impossible to get lost after reading the map once. Just in case, he also wrote down the names of all the roads near his route, in case he went astray, and then set off.

After walking for a few minutes, he remembered another thing, what would he see if he used [Decisive Victory] now

At present, this script does not look like a total OSS, but is composed of many messy monsters, and the plot is also confusing and grotesque. But if all of this is an illusion created by a certain individual, such as a monster such as an evil spirit, then if you use your skills, you may be able to get some breakthrough clues.

Anyway, the skill is not consumed, and it feels like it is useless, so Feng Bujue activated it after thinking of this.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, his own face flashed before his eyes. A dazed, terrified face with wide-open eyes and lifeless pupils.

There is no information in the menu, and there is only a severe headache. Imagine the pain of the hammer hitting your finger in your head...

"What are you doing?" Feng Bujue supported his forehead: "What was that just now? What's going on with this script? Could it be that my skill is invalid in Nightmare difficulty?"

Like everything else in this play, he has no answers. Everything seems mysterious, unknown, and chilling.


Feng Bujue walked for nearly 30 minutes on this section of the road, the actual distance was somewhat different from what he estimated, and he was walking in this weird fog, which would inevitably affect his speed.

However, he managed to reach the destination after all. It was a Western-style mansion with a small garden outside. There were flowers blooming in the flowerbed, but there was no fragrance in the damp mist.

The iron gate outside the garden was not locked, and it opened with a push. Feng Bujue went straight through the garden and came to the door of the mansion. He knocked on the door, but no one answered, even after waiting for a while.

Feng Bujue tried to turn the doorknob, but the door opened. He pushed the door open and entered the dark hall. Although the room is fully furnished, it still feels very spacious.

[The current mission is completed, the main task has been updated]

[Exploring the Mansion]

A cluster of flickering lights lit up from the corridor on the second floor. Feng Bujue naturally accepted such obvious guidance. He walked up the steps to the second floor with firm steps and steady breathing. The wooden boards he stepped on made a creaking sound, which was very harsh.

After reaching the second floor, the light disappeared, but Feng Bujue still had a flashlight in his hand for illumination. There was a corner ahead, and he walked quickly to the first door facing him, and pushed it open without hesitation.

The moment the door was opened, a strange smell came into Feng Bujue's nose, it was a very strong smell mixed with perfume and blood.

In the room, there was a huge double bed, on which lay a woman, or... a female corpse.

Although she was naked, her body was completely festered, and the whole bed was stained red with blood. Her eyes were open, her face was facing towards the door, her empty eyes were staring at where Feng Bujue was standing.

And beside the bed, there was a monster standing with a hunchback figure, its neck and head were like vultures, its upper body was human, and its lower body was like a spider with huge silk sacs and eight insect legs.

The monster's mouth was full of blood, dripping slowly from the corner of its mouth, it seemed that Feng Bujue's unexpected guest disturbed its meal.

Seeing someone push the door and come in, the monster let out a strange squawk, and walked around the bed, approaching Feng Bujue.

Feng Bujue didn't want to engage in any melee combat against this kind of guy with amazing bones. He quickly pulled out his pistol, pulled the trigger at the monster, and fired five shots in one go. At a distance of less than five meters, and indoors, Feng Bujue, who has a shooting specialization of at least D, also hit all the bullets.

Unexpectedly... this monster was unexpectedly vulnerable. The first two bullets hit its chest, which seemed to make it lose its ability to move. After the next three bullets were fired, it fell to the ground and remained motionless.

"What the hell..." Looking at the disgusting monster, Feng Bujue felt more and more inexplicable about the script.

He put away his gun and walked to the female corpse on the bed, trying to see if there were any other clues. The whole body of the corpse was stretched out, motionless. Feng Bujue suddenly realized that the female corpse's face looked familiar.

"Wait... Isn't this the one who hanged himself?" Feng Bujue suddenly realized.

At this moment, the female corpse suddenly moved, her festering body suddenly sat up, facing Feng Bujue, opened her mouth wide, and let out a shrill scream.

Feng Bujue felt that his eardrums were about to be punctured, and was just about to pick up the pipe wrench to make her shut up, but unexpectedly, a weird scene happened again...

He lost control of his body again, and what he saw became a CG picture again. The corpse-deceived woman, the weird monster, the mansion behind the garden...all no longer exist, and the scene has changed again.

In the blink of an eye, the environment in front of Feng Bujue turned into a busy office. He was sitting behind a large desk. The computer on the desk still used a CRT monitor. The case was also placed on the desk, and there were piles of documents beside it and office supplies.

[The company you work for is facing a crisis of bankruptcy, and the superior has made a decision to lay off employees.]

"This jump is too big! There must be a limit to the stream of consciousness!" Feng Bujue was really at a loss this time.

[As the youngest deputy director of the company, you are assigned to be the person in charge of layoffs. You have to remove a large number of seniors who are older than yourself and explain to them, so you face tremendous pressure.]

"Hey! What kind of plot is this? Please let me stay in a haunted house for one night or go to a mansion to kill monsters or something!" Feng Bujue exclaimed in his heart: "Suddenly it becomes this kind of social reality theme This is the scariest! By the way, does this have something to do with the two plot lines just now? Could it be the same person? No way! The house this guy lives in was destroyed by a typhoon. Back home, the house is haunted by ghosts, and the friend I make is the strange uncle who lives in the mansion and raises monsters? Is this guy still a person?"

[After the lunch break, the office became busy again...]

The introduction is over again, just explaining some dispensable settings, and then throwing a main task to Feng Bujue: [The main task has been triggered]

[Work until off-duty time.]

Only one thing is consistent, that is, everything around is still black and white.

Feng Bujue can move again, but now he really wants to bang his head on the monitor: "What do you mean work until you get off work... At least explain what 'my' job is... Also, what time does this unit get off work... "

Everyone in the office is busy, running around with documents, or sitting in front of the computer and typing quickly on the keyboard with both hands, and no one can be seen as lazy.

Several young female employees seem to be in a hurry even after printing something, let alone eating snacks, looking in the mirror, and even chatting. The male employees even looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, with a constipated expression on their faces. Some even tied a white belt on their heads with the words "root nature" written on it. The last shift was like a college entrance examination. .

"Hmm... Is this the power of layoffs?" Feng Bujue said: "Speaking of it...they are doing it now for me to see."

"Mr. Hirata!" A voice interrupted Feng Bujue's thoughts.

Feng Bujue turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in his forties with a bald head and black-rimmed glasses.

"Is he talking to me..." Feng Bujue thought, "It turns out my name is 'Pingtian'... Where do I start to say this kind of name that is doomed to death..."

"Hmm... yes." Feng Bujue looked at the other party and replied.

"This is the financial report for last quarter, and the minister needs it before he gets off work today." The middle-aged man said while handing over a document.

Feng Bujue thought, "The minister wants it before he gets off work. What do you mean by handing it over to me as the deputy minister... Even if the minister goes to shit, you can put it on his desk, right?" Do you want to show your working ability in front of me? Or are you afraid that after putting things on the minister's desk, other colleagues will quietly throw your finished report into the shredder and try to trick you

Feng Bujue sighed, and said in a low voice, "Why am I thinking about this... none of my business."

"Mr. Hirata, what are you talking about?" The middle-aged man did not hear his words clearly and asked with some doubts.

"Ah? Oh... Oh, I see, I will pass it on to the minister, so you can leave it to me." Feng Bujue responded casually.

The middle-aged man respectfully bowed to a junior: "Thank you, Mr. Hirata." Then he turned and left.

"What is this... Is this script trying to tell me that being unemployed is more terrifying than being haunted..." Feng Bujue grinned at one corner of his mouth, loosened his collar, threw the report aside, and started to work on it Look for clues related to the game.

There are so many objects on this desk, and so many people in the office, he can't believe that he can't even find out the basic situation of "Mr. Hirata".

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