Thriller Paradise

Chapter 11


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"You love your job, a job that requires a strong sense of professionalism and mission. You have recorded countless bloody realities with your camera, and you have called on people to pick up their conscience and stop being numb. But do you care? A hypocrite hiding behind a mask of hypocrisy, or a real fighter

At this moment, some kind of toxin is spreading in your body, eating away at your life. When you wake up, your metabolism will speed up this process. You still have about forty minutes to find the only exit from this place. Let's see if the conscience of the man who has been hiding behind the camera can help him get back to his family.

Live or die, make your choice. "

When Feng Bujue heard half of it, he had already stood up and observed the surrounding situation. He was still wearing the default black T-shirt and trousers of gamers. According to a trick he often played in a certain movie, he even checked his trouser pockets, but they were still empty. The contents of the luggage have not changed, there is still only the plastic syringe.

"Choose your uncle's!" Feng Bujue cursed after listening to the recording. Anyway, he is in solo mode now, and the system didn't stop him from being rude. Then he observed the properties of that alkman from the menu:

[Name: Walkman with built-in tape]

[Type: Drama Related]

[Quality: Dilapidated]

[Function: Play the recording in the tape]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Remarks: You better believe the contents of the tape]

This is probably another plot item that is only used once. Although Feng Bujue had memorized every word in the recording, he listened to it again just to be cautious, and he didn't care about the time of one or two minutes.

After listening to it for the second time, he put the Walkman in his bag. Considering that there might be more than one tape in this script, it would be safer to bring it with him.

The space in front of me is spacious, the roof is about twelve meters or more from the ground, close to the height of the top, there are some large exhaust fans, you can see the sunlight coming in from the outside, but there is nothing to climb nearby. The roof of the warehouse is arched, and when you look up, you can see many brackets that are level with the ground. There are light tubes on the brackets, which are also on at the moment. The wall is very solid, the surface is a layer of metal plate, maybe the inside is a brick wall, but no matter what it is, Feng Bujue obviously has no power to forcibly destroy it and escape.

The system will not generate the kind of script that can end immediately in two or three minutes. If Feng Bujue has two hits of [Explosive Fist] that has not been consumed yet, and his fighting specialization has reached F, then the system will definitely change. The form of the script may make the walls of the warehouse twice as thick as they are now. Because under that premise, theoretically, it is possible for Feng Bujue to escape directly with his skills. Although the success rate of each punch is only 20%, and he can't be sure how thick the wall is before he hits the first punch, but the theoretical possibility exists after all.

When the system generates a script, it will inevitably kill that possibility. For example, Wang Tanzhi at this moment, he will never encounter this kind of script. In short, any script that can be cleared immediately by relying on the initial state of the character when entering the script, no matter how small the probability is, the system will never generate it.

Feng Bujue walked forward, there were many containers in the middle of the warehouse, the tallest stacked up to three floors, but there was still a considerable distance from the roof. The containers are connected end to end and arranged very closely, forming the only passage in front of Feng Bujue.

"Hmm... bad premonition." Feng Bujue didn't mean to be afraid, he just wasn't very optimistic about the rewards that could be obtained in this script. He felt that even for other normal people, this script from "Chain Saw" would not cause too much fluctuation in the fright value.

In Jigsaw's killing games, the opportunity to create terror mainly lies in "time". In these games, threats are all visible, and fear gradually rises with the approach of death. There is no sudden situation that may cause people's shock value surge. Moreover, in the movies, the way for players to escape is often "self-mutilation". The combination of physical pain and time urgency will make people fail. But the players in the thriller park can only bear the pain of hitting their fingers with a hammer at most. Even if that level of pain acts on every bone in the body at the same time, they can withstand it by gritting their teeth.

Furthermore... Anyone who has watched this series knows that the purpose of jigsaw is not to kill people, but to "save people". valuable. As long as you follow the "rules of the game" and dare to play tricks on yourself, there must be a way out.

Taking these factors into consideration, Feng Bujue has basically determined that the difficulty of this script is mostly focused on "solving puzzles".

The system does not create a death-to-death situation for the player, at least not in the modes on (Normal) difficulty. The difficulty of all scripts is set by the system according to the player's character strength, and the multiplayer mode will have a bonus.

As for Feng Bujue, whose character strength was similar to that of Level 1 except for his stamina, the system could only give such a scenario. With his current state, it is impossible for him to fight. If he generates a monster or OSS that meets the requirements of a fourth-level player, he will definitely not be able to fight alone. So the method of customs clearance has become very clear, either you solve the puzzle, or you are like the gamers in the movie, take the survival value to the hard limit, and die if you can't stand it.

Not long after, Feng Bujue followed the path through which the containers came out, and came to the side of a wall. There was an arrow drawn on the wall, pointing to a door obliquely blocked by the container. There was a very narrow gap in front of the door. , just enough for people to enter sideways.

Feng Bujue looked at the survival value and physical value in the menu, they were almost full, the survival value might decrease with the onset of "toxin", but the physical value should not be worried.

He calmed down, adjusted his breathing, and knew very well that the moment he opened the door, a "jigsaw" game would start, and he should concentrate from now on.

He moved a few steps sideways, opened the door, and walked into a new room. When he pushed the door, he heard a "click" in his ears. Obviously, something behind the door frame was triggered. After a few seconds, the new room lit up. After Feng Bujue fully entered the room, the door closed by itself. I don't know if this is part of the agency or a systemic correction.

In the middle of the room was a small wooden chair, on which sat a doll in a black suit, holding a newspaper in its hand. The shape of this doll is similar to that of a child, with a letter face, weird hairstyle, white face, black sclera, blood-red pupils, a spiral blush on the cheekbones on both sides, and wide and thin bright red lips .

The sudden appearance of this face in the middle of the night may be frightening, but at this moment, unless the doll jumps up and bites, no one will feel frightened.

"Hello, Arthur, coming here means that you have not chosen to sit still, so listen to the rules." The recording in the doll's belly played automatically after the door was opened, "You should have seen a machine at work …”

Feng Bujue's eyes moved to a machine not far away that was about the size of a washing machine. Above the machine, there was a circular opening the size of a plate, enough to put a person's head in. Some kind of parts came from the hole. sound at work. Feng Bujue took a few steps closer to observe, and could see that there were two rows of gears at a depth of about half a meter from the round mouth, and the middle fit quite tightly, leaving only a gap. These two rows of gears are turning inward from both sides, like two converging waterfalls. Although it looks slow, the torque is very strong. With the power of this machine, it is more than enough to crush wood and even scrap iron.

On the top of the machine, near the round mouth, there is also a countdown timer, the time setting is five minutes, and it is already running. Next to the timer, there is also a meter with the unit of KG on it, and the pointer is pointing to zero at this moment.

"This machine can crush objects, and it can also open the door to the next room for you, and all you have to do is throw a substance of sufficient weight into it. When you put in more than fifteen kilograms of objects, the door will open will turn on. If you're smart enough to cut the power, or wait until that timer runs out, the machine will stop..."

Feng Bujue's eyes had moved elsewhere, he was looking for something to throw in, obviously, besides the little wooden chair and doll, there were other things...

"The iron cage was welded to the ground, and inside was a deeply anesthetized Tibetan macaque weighing 10 kilograms. Of course, the first thing you should do next is to throw the doll and the chair away first. Go in, but unfortunately, the combined weight of these two things is 7.5 kg...”

Feng Bujue picked up the newspaper in the doll's hand, and the news headline on it was "They are not your dinner!" The photo below is a little puppy crawling in an iron cage and looking out with the special eyes of animals asking for help. monkey. The author of this report was undoubtedly Arthur Siegel.

"You demean the poachers and call the people who buy wildlife products rich executioners. But on your travels in the name of interviewing, you've eaten many delicious meals featuring protected animals, Your wife has more than one fur coat in her closet, and you've seen those animals being killed but just watched with indifference.

Now's your chance to experience what it's like to be a real executioner. Whether to use the life of this animal in exchange for your own survival, make a choice, Arthur. "

The recording stopped abruptly at this point, and Feng Bujue was still reading the newspaper. His old habit was repeated. He actually wanted to finish reading this fabricated report...

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