Thriller Paradise

Chapter 113: Hirata's world eight


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"Who are you?" The face in the mirror actually spoke to Feng Bujue: "I don't know you."

"It doesn't matter who I am." Feng Bujue replied, he cast a sharp look: "The important thing is, who are you?"

"Of course I'm Hirata Shuichi." The other party replied.

"No, you are not, you just resemble him." Feng Bujue said: "Stop pretending, I know there is another personality in this body. No one knows about your existence, Hirata doesn't know, Gao Cang doesn't I know, Watanabe and Tachibana...don't know anything about it." He said confidently, "You were the one who led the case fifteen years ago."

"Hehe... Ha ha ha ha..." The man laughed loudly: "No matter who you are, you are much smarter than that idiot."

"You can call me Mr. F." Feng Bujue said.

"You can call me Hirata Shuichi," the man said.

"You are Hirata Shuichi, who is that mentally ill person who has been imprisoned for fifteen years?" Feng Bujue said.

"He's an idiot with the same name as me, that's all." The other replied.

"Understood..." Feng Bujue said: "I want to ask, when did you and that idiot part ways?" Feng Bujue followed the other party's intention and asked a question.

"Start when you graduate from college," the man replied.

"Hmph..." Feng Bujue laughed, "I understand, how about this, for the convenience of conversation, I'll call you Hirata, how about calling that idiot Xiuyi?"

"Whatever you want." Hirata said.

"After graduating from Peking University, Hirata intends to go to a big city to develop, while Xiuyi insists on returning to his small town in his hometown, isn't that the case?" Feng Bujue asked.

"What you said is an understatement... That idiot..." Hirata in the mirror showed a cruel sneer: "He gave up the opportunity to work in Tokyo, and offered to break up with Miss Mikako, who is the daughter of the director of a large conglomerate , how many men are staring at it...

Then, that idiot went back to his hometown town, married his childhood sweetheart, and went to work in that kind of humble small business. Just look at what happened to him, that bitch Zhizi had an affair with Fukui behind his back, and he worked hard, but the company still collapsed because of a scumbag who pocketed his own money. My six years of life, this life His future was ruined in the hands of that idiot. "

"Hmm... so that's how it is." Feng Bujue said: "When he graduated from university, Xiuyi made a major and painful life choice, so you and him have two personalities. Xiuyi is a very honest and kind person, he Choose to go back to your hometown to get married. As for Hirata, you are ambitious, capable, tough and ruthless enough, but you lost to Xiuyi after all.” He paused: “Until six years later, on November 24, 1990, when Hirata Overhearing his co-workers in the bathroom, he breaks down, and then, you gain the upper hand and take control of your body."

"That's right, Mr. F." Hirata replied.

"You hate Xiuyi, the choices he made back then, the person he is, and even more that he ruined your bright future." Feng Bujue continued: "You want revenge and completely ruin his life." He thought for a while Seconds, start reasoning about the previous case: "As a well-educated person with excellent handling ability and enough ruthlessness, you are much better than Xiuyi when it comes to crime. There are many ways to kill Fukui, but just kill Fukui is not enough... In terms of the nature and circumstances of the case, Xiuyi's sentence for murdering Fukui will be very light, and his colleagues, even Zhizi, will appear in court to speak for him, maybe he will come out after being locked up for a few years." Feng Bujue Laughed: "So, you go and kill a policeman first, and then use the policeman's gun to kill Fukui, in this kind of case, Xiuyi can't escape.

Heh... you are really good. Logically speaking, the act of killing the policeman also makes sense, even if Xiuyi can't remember, he has nothing to say in front of the evidence. If you randomly kill a passer-by in order to expand the crime, then Xiuyi, who has no motive and knows nothing about that memory, may be directly regarded as a multiple personality disorder, and the killing of Fukui together with him can also be explained as a mental problem up. "

Feng Bujue breathed out: "Huh... so people who are good at calculating are scary." He shrank his neck: "Well... If I were to do this case... During the daytime on November 25th, I would First bring the burial tool to the planned murder site. The ruins of the old residence destroyed by the typhoon are a good choice.

First, you are familiar with that area, and second, you can easily invent a reason for being nearby, day or night, even if you are bumped into there by acquaintances.

In short, at night, you just randomly find a policeman on patrol with a gun, make up a reason to lure him there, attack suddenly, and then hide on the spot. In fact, you didn't think about hiding it for too long, as long as you don't get discovered before killing Fukui, who knows that the authorities have never managed that land, so that the body was not found until seven years later. "

"Oh? Did you come up with these based on speculation?" Hirata asked.

"Yeah, actually I should have figured it out a long time ago, but at the beginning, I didn't know you existed." Feng Bujue replied: "Xiuyi won't do these things, he is far behind you Well, even if that guy wanted to grab the gun, he wouldn't kill for it, at most he was planning to stun others from behind, hoping that the matter would not be revealed before he killed Fukui." His eyeballs rolled Circle, said with a smile: "But Hirata, you are different. If you assume that you are the one who committed the crime, I can make the above inference with confidence."

"Hmph...then you might as well go on and guess what happened next." Hirata said.

"What happened later was very simple. When you controlled your body, Xiuyi was in a state of no memory." Feng Bujue replied; "On the afternoon of the 26th, there is no doubt that you clearly knew that Zhizi left home to find Fukui. So, you put a piece of paper with Rokubancho No. 4-5 in your pocket, put on a pistol, went to Fukui's Western House, and temporarily returned your body to Shuichi.

He suddenly regained consciousness and was at a loss. There was a gun in his pocket, which made him very scared. Then he saw the paper, came to Fukui's Western House in a daze, went to the second floor and smashed their good deed. Someone like Fukui must have walked over to Shuichi Chao and tried to drive him away.

Rage, pain, confusion, or some kind of psychological suggestion you have given, there are countless Xiuyi who may cause confusion in his mind to draw his gun and shoot, this is almost inevitable, this is the trap you set.

So far, Xiuyi has a second memory. And shortly after he shoots, you retake control of the body and take the next step...”

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