Thriller Paradise

Chapter 117: Death Q&A 1


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[Crazy Unconscious, Level 15]

[Sigh in vain, level 15]

[Like the Rain, Level 15]

[Sad Spirit Laughing Bone, Level 14]

[Please select the game mode that the team wants to join.]

[You have chosen Team Survival Mode (Normal), please confirm.]

[Confirmed, the random number of team members has been generated: four people.]

[Your team has entered the queue.]

[Matching completed, neural connection is being coordinated, script is being generated... ]

[Loading starts, please wait a moment.]

It seems that their four-person team was very "lucky" to randomly get a four-person script this time. However, an abnormal thing happened during the script generation stage... The words "Welcome to the Horror Paradise" did not sound.

Moreover, the four of them were not teleported first like the usual team survival mode at the beginning, and then watched the opening CG from a first-person perspective. They just felt the elevator move a certain distance, and then heard the system voice prompt for the next step.

[The loading has been completed, you are currently in Team Survival Mode (Normal).]

[This mode provides an introduction to the script, and there is a chance of branch/hidden missions and special world views.]

[Script clearance reward: Randomly draw a learnable skill card.]

[The introduction to the script will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after the play is completed.]

In the next second, nothing happened, and there was no introduction.

"What's going on?" The four of them were thinking about the same question in their respective elevators.

Suddenly, they all felt empty under their feet, and then fell down.

The floor of the elevator opened without warning, and no one had time to react to this momentary change. Fortunately, this was not the "door opening and killing" setting that happened at the beginning of the script. The players just fell about two meters high, and then fell onto a slide. An invisible traction pulls their bodies, making them slide forward along the slideway under their respective bodies.

The design of this kind of slide is similar to that of a water park, but without water, it relies on gravity and repulsion to pull the objects on the slide to move, and the speed is very fast.

At this moment, the four of them were moving forward involuntarily in a pitch-black environment. They didn't know the position of their teammates, and they couldn't see anything. They just traveled on their own road at super high speed.

Not long after, this inexplicable opening ended, and they reached the end of their respective slides one after another.

Feng Bujue was dragged by that invisible force and fell onto a chair with a large back, and then the chair turned and rose on the spot. When it finally turned and stopped, Feng Bujue rose to a It seems to be quite an open space. The surrounding light was very dim, and he couldn't see too far away, and could only vaguely see the scenery within ten meters.

Looking around, Feng Bujue found that Xiaotan, Ruyu and Beiling were sitting on three of these armchairs, just like himself, and there was a rather high console in front of each of them. On one side, in the middle is a circular open space with a diameter of about ten meters. The floor is paved with large tiles, and the tiles have a black and white pattern like a chess board.

Just when they were at a loss, an extremely provocative, deep and powerful voice suddenly sounded in the darkness: "Ladies and gentlemen, and other audiences regardless of gender, welcome to the 'Death Questions and Answers'. At the scene, I invite the show host, MR—You!"

A column of light penetrated the dim environment and projected onto a passage connected to the circular stage in the middle. At the end of that passage was a huge skull-shaped door. At this time, the door opened, and a large number of white Fog poured out, and it was unclear whether it was dry ice or real clouds. In the next second, dozens of dazzling colorful lights swept past, and accompanied by the music of Jiangnan style, a fat man jumped out of the door all the way on horseback. In the surrounding darkness, there were also extremely loud cheers.

This MR You has a bald head, wearing a tailor-made tuxedo, a pair of small round sunglasses, and a tall black top hat on top of his bald head. He has a naive face, and although he is fat, he is very flexible when jumping. He moved to the center of the stage like a big penguin. The ending pose of "the person"...

"Hey... what's going on here... does the horse dancer have to fight for another 30 years..." Feng Bujue said.

"Welcome everyone! This is..." Mr. You raised the microphone in his hand and stretched it into the air.

At this moment, the surrounding lights suddenly turned on, and Feng Bujue finally saw everything clearly. This space is very similar to the recording site of a large-scale variety show. The ceiling is full of lighting brackets, and cables connected to speakers can be seen everywhere. The four players are all sitting facing the circular stage in the middle. On the console in front of them is a bendable microphone, a coaster-sized answer button, four small buttons representing ACD, and a display screen .

And in the direction with their backs, that is, on the stands around them, there are thousands of demons and ghosts, almost everything, eastern and western ghosts, monsters, orcs, goblins, vampires, werewolves, Frankensteins. Wait... Here, humans may be the outliers.

"Dead! Die! Ask! Answer!" In the absence of a live director at all, the audience still enthusiastically, neatly and loudly responded to the interaction sent by the host.

"Hohohoho..." Mr. You laughed like Coach Anxi, and then snapped his fingers, and a cane appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Mr. You held the microphone in one hand, raised his cane in the other and said, "Then... let me introduce the four contestants who are here today." He deftly rotated the cane a few times in one hand, and then, Feng Bujue pointed: "Number one, you're crazy." He followed the same pattern and introduced them one by one: "Number two, I sigh in vain. Number three, it seems like rain is leaving. Number four, I am sad and smiling."

"The prize for today's winner is..." Mr. You took out a white plastic medicine bottle from his pocket with the hand holding the microphone. There is no label or text on the bottle, "a bottle of twenty tablets SC-500 (the elixir)." He held it up and showed it, and then, as if by magic, the bottle disappeared, "Of course, if they all die in the game, the prize will accumulate to next episode."

Feng Bujue was not idle during this period of time. He used [Decisive Victory] to see who the OSS in this script was, but what he saw was the data of the fat host in front of him.

The data displayed by the skill is as follows: [Name: Mr. You]

[Race: Demigod]

[Level: beyond measurable value]

[Height: 160 cm]

[Weight: 103 kg]

[Battle method:? ? ?]

[weakness:? ? ?]

[Possess skills:? ? ?]

[Level of danger: extremely fatal.]

At this time, Mr. You just said: "Okay, let's listen to each player's pre-match declaration! First is No. 1, Mr. Crazy."

"Uh... I think it's best to play according to the rules of this game." Feng Bujue winked at his teammates as he spoke.

Because they knew each other's details before entering the script, the other three naturally knew what Feng Bujue's title skill was for. Rules are definitely a dead end.

In fact, even if Feng Bujue didn't say this, everyone would not act rashly. Even if they don't know whether the kind fat man in front of them is strong or not, they still have to be cautious about the strength of the audience around them. There are so many powerful monsters, and they will rush at random. When the number is down, all four of them can be wiped out properly.

"It seems to be a meaningless nonsense." Mr. You laughed, and the audience burst into laughter, and then he pointed to Xiao and sighed: "Contestant No. 2."

"Ah? Me?" Xiaotan was taken aback for a moment: "That... Is it possible to quit now?"

"Good question, the answer is..." Mr. You paused, then smiled and said, "No."

The audience burst into laughter again, and Xiao Tan also laughed twice with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Then... contestant No. 3." Mr. You said to Siyu.

"There's nothing special to say." Siyu replied coldly.

"This beauty is very cool." Mr. You shrugged, and then he turned to Bei Ling and said, "Contestant No. 4."

"Can I ask what the prize is for?" Bei Ling's performance at this time was still very pragmatic.

Mr. You raised his eyebrows and replied with a friendly and trustworthy expression: "Cure for all diseases."

"Oh, then can I ask again..." Bei Ling wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Mr. You.

"Okay! Everyone, before the first round begins, let us introduce today's three special guests..." Mr. You pointed to the row of seats in front of the stands, and the lights shone there in due course.

Sitting on the far left of that row is a blond white woman in a black suit with her hands folded around her towering chest. She looked about thirty years old, and she was beautiful, but the expression on her face was full of disdain and contempt.

"The first one is Ms. Arrogant from the Seven Deadly Sins." Mr. You introduced.

"Huh..." When the camera was aimed at her, Arrogance just snorted coldly and turned his head away.

But the audience responded enthusiastically, with cheers and whistles erupting.

On the seat next to Arrogance, was a young man who looked about twenty years old, also in a black suit. With a ponytail, his face was pale, his eyes were slack, and he was almost lying on the seat.

"Second, one of the four knights, Master 'Plague'." Mr. You said.

The light was thrown at the plague, and he covered his eyes with his hands, as if the light could hurt his weak body, he coughed twice and said, "Cough...cough cough...I seem to be a little uncomfortable..."

"I say that every time I see you, it's okay, you're much better than Mr. Kidney Deficiency." Mr. You continued.

The audience burst into laughter again.

Immediately, the light was given to the last guest. Sitting there was a middle-aged man with a resolute face and bright eyes. He was wearing a short-sleeved top and jeans. The muscles on his arms were as sharp as sculptures. .

"Next is the third one, Mr. Hephaestus, God of Fire." Mr. You added, "At the same time, he is the sponsor of our prizes for this program."

"Actually, I only came here because I was bored with those cyclops in the mining area all day long." Hephaestus said.

The audience gave sporadic applause, but some of the stands were Cyclops, and they expressed their dissatisfaction with boos.

"Okay, everyone, next, our show is about to officially start..." Mr. You suddenly moved in front of a camera, turned his face into a big close-up, and spoke to the camera at an astonishing speed Said: "This program is exclusively sponsored by Scary Box. Sending text messages to participate in the winner's quiz will have a chance to get an exquisite gift worth 1,000 ghost coins provided by Scary Box. You can also log in to the website at the bottom of the screen to participate in our live interaction. Make transactions , Come to Scary Box! Win prizes, watch death quiz! Thank you for your continued attention!"

"No wonder there is no introduction to this script, and it didn't say 'Welcome to Horror Paradise'." Feng Bujue ignored Fatty You, who was advertising with a lot of emotion, and thought, "It turns out that the host will explain the rules throughout the process." … "

Feng Bujue observed the group of monsters around him, none of them looked like aggressive characters, and that Mr. You should have the strength to kill him to pieces in a second, it seems that using force in this script The possibility is very low. Under such conditions, there is no degree of freedom to speak of. At this stage, I don't know the rules of this "death question and answer", but judging from the name and Mr. You's words just now, it is obviously possible to hang up during the game, but if you want to pass the level , It seems that the only way to participate is to participate in the end.

"First of all, the first round, you must answer the questions!" Mr. You threw the cane into the air, and with a soft bang, the cane disappeared without a trace. Then, he took out a stack of cards from the inside pocket of his jacket. The cards were the size of envelopes and were hard in texture. The logo of Death Questions and Answers was printed on the back. As for the content on the front, only the host could see it.

"The rule of this round is that I will ask questions to the four contestants one by one in the order of numbers. The answer time for each question is 45 seconds. Those who answer correctly will get 10 points, and those who answer wrong or exceed the time limit will deduct 10 points. The one with the lowest score at the end of the round will enter the arena." After Mr. You read out the rules, he immediately turned to Feng Bujue, "Then, please listen to the first question!"

Feng Bujue didn't have time to think about the meaning of this "arena", so he had to concentrate and start listening to the topic.

"This is a history question." Mr. You's tone was up and down, and the rhythm was well grasped: "Excuse me..."

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