Thriller Paradise

Chapter 12


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"Hmm... this trick may be useful for female players who are full of love." Feng Bujue took his eyes away from the newspaper and glanced at the monkey in the cage again, "If necessary, even in reality, I I won't hesitate either... Besides, it's just a game." He put down the newspaper, and seemed to have lost interest in the content, "But... since you told me the more accurate weight, it should be a reminder."

He walked to the machine, knelt down, brought his face close, and observed it carefully. Turned around the machine like this, then knocked on the shell of the machine with his fist, and kicked it twice with his foot. Obviously, the outer shell of this machine is not just a layer of iron sheet, but a rather strong iron plate, and the screws at the joints are tightly tightened, it is impossible to disassemble it with bare hands, and it is impossible to move it with one person's strength.

There were no obvious gaps on the surface of the machine, and the two gauges were fixed very firmly. It would be futile to try to find any loopholes in the machine itself in less than three minutes.

So, Feng Bujue went to pull the monkey's iron cage a few more times, but it was really welded to death, and it didn't move at all. He looked around the room, but there was nothing but the four walls.

He walked back to the middle of the room, picked up the doll, and sat on the small wooden chair by himself. Because the chair was very small, Feng Bujue was almost in a squatting position when sitting.

"If you want to pass through this room without killing the monkey... In addition to the 7.5 kilograms of the chair and the doll, you have to find another 7.5 kilograms of objects." He put his right elbow on his knee, tilted his head, index finger and middle finger He tapped his forehead lightly.

"That alkman only weighs two catties, not to mention the syringe, and the underwear and running shoes are restricted by the system and can't be taken off, um... I suddenly miss that stone, how can I get together a catty or two. "He smiled and said: "So... in this room with six sides that are all bare, there is only one thing that can move..." He raised his head and looked at the lighting equipment above his head.

It was a suspended fluorescent lamp. The lamp tube was about one meter long, embedded in a plastic lamp housing, and suspended from the ceiling by two wires. The wires were wrapped around the two suspension wires.

The ceiling of this room is much lower than the outside, but it is still about four meters. The hanging light tubes are not close to the ceiling, but they are not at a height that Feng Bujue can reach.

He stood up, stepped on the wooden chair, stood on tiptoe on the small stool, stretched his arms and measured it, but his fingertips were still about a foot away from the light tube. Whether this distance is long or short, it is just out of reach. The chair under my feet is very small, and it is very difficult to stand on it with my feet close together. It is obviously impossible to jump up and down with all my strength and reach out to grab something above my head.

Time is passing, Feng Bujue only has 73 seconds left.

After he stretched out his hand to observe the distance, he glanced back at the timer, then smiled, and said to himself: "It's very difficult at first... Hehe... It's just what I want."

After Feng Bujue thought for a while, his eyes moved to the doll again. He seemed to have figured out a way, ran over to pick up the doll, took off the black suit on the doll and held it in his hand, then returned to the wooden chair and stood up, grabbed a sleeve of the suit with his left hand, facing upwards. flick.

Although this little suit is only the size of a child's suit, it is enough to go over the light tube. Feng Bujue raised his right hand again and pulled the other sleeve of the suit over the top of the light tube. Feng Bujue held both ends with both hands, and when he pulled hard, the hanging wire on one side of the lamp broke. One end of the lamp housing of the fluorescent lamp was hanging down, and the other end was still hanging by the wire, dangling under the ceiling like a sausage.

Now, Feng Bujue can grab the light tube directly. The three sides of the light tube are plastic shells, so he doesn't have to worry about breaking the glass. Although the room was plunged into darkness due to the loss of lighting, it was not too difficult to touch the "floating" light tube in front of us. After he grabbed the light tube, with a little force, he tore off the wire at the other end, and took the one-meter-long fluorescent light tube together with the plastic casing in his hand.

Since just now, Feng Bujue has been counting the time silently in his heart, and there should be about 35 seconds left. In the darkness, the machine was still running, rumbling. He didn't rush towards the sound, but carefully stepped down from the chair, and tentatively found the doll on the ground with his feet. After remembering the positions of these two things, he walked towards the machine while counting the steps.

It is easy to come to the machine, and the position of the round mouth can be clearly known only by the sound. Feng Bujue retracted his head sideways, and inserted the light tube into the machine. The two rows of gears crushed the fluorescent light and squeezed it down through the gap in the middle. Although some tiny pieces of broken glass were splashed out during the process, Feng Bujue had taken precautions and was not injured in the slightest.

After three-quarters of the light tubes entered the machine, he released his hands, turned around, and faced the direction he just walked, counting the number of steps, and walked quickly in the dark. He intentionally controlled the pace of his steps, for fear of a big foot Going out and kicking what he wanted, he didn't have time to fumble around on the ground in the dark.

Not surprisingly, within ten steps, he lightly touched the doll on the ground. Time was running out, Feng Bujue squatted down quickly, grabbed the doll with one hand, and the small wooden chair with the other. He turned around and ran towards the machine, this time he didn't have to think about turning back, so he took big steps, and he arrived in front of the machine in a few seconds, and quickly threw the doll into it.

The backrest of the wooden chair is slightly longer than the diameter of the round mouth, Feng Bujue noticed this a long time ago and kept it in his heart. If he didn't consider this point, at this moment he would find that the small wooden chair was just stuck outside the opening and couldn't be plugged in. But Feng Bujue would never make this kind of mistake, never, before going to pull the lamp, he had thought through every step in the dark.

While the machine was still crushing the doll, he grabbed the back of the wooden chair with one hand, tilted it on the ground, and stepped hard with his feet, deforming the board of the seat. Such a folded stool can be easily inserted into the round opening.

The time calculated in my mind was only the last five seconds, and the broken wooden chair was smoothly filled into the machine. Almost exactly three seconds later, the rumble of the machine stopped. Due to the darkness, Feng Bujue couldn't see the countdown timer and the situation on the meter. He didn't know whether he stopped the game because he was satisfied with the weight of 15 kilograms, or the machine stopped running because of the time running out.

The next few seconds, the time is so long and difficult. Nothing happened, Feng Bujue's heart gradually sank, could it be that the light tube wasn't heavy enough? In real life, this kind of suspended fluorescent lamp with lamp housing and lamp tube may be less than 7.5 kg, but the thing I held in my hand just now feels that it has exceeded this weight. I believe this is also a game. The weight deliberately set in the game, is the idea of solving the puzzle wrong? The only way out of this room is to kill the monkey

All doubts disappeared with a strange "click", and the door to the next room opened at this moment. In fact, the response time of the mechanism was only about ten seconds.

A light came in through the crack of the door, announcing that the game was still going on...

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