Thriller Paradise

Chapter 120: Death Q&A 4


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"Well, thank you, Master Plague, for your serious comment..." Mr. You said, he stretched out his palm, and said in the direction of the big screen, "Let us reveal the answer!"

In the desert, Xiaotan and Beiling couldn't hear any sound from the scene of the show, and they didn't see any cameras around them at all. God only knows how the images were transmitted.

Just now, after the two of them advanced on their respective slides for a while, suddenly their eyes turned white, the glaring sunlight broke through the darkness, and the temperature around them also rose suddenly, as if they had fallen from a space crack in midair. It came out average.

This desert appears to be very calm. At first glance, there is nothing but yellow sand, no cacti, no animal bones, no rocks, and there is no oasis... The strangest thing is that in such an open place , there will be no wind, and the desert in front of you is completely flat, and you can't even find a slightly higher sand dune in your sight.

"This kind of condition is very suitable for shooting." Beiling put his hand in front of his forehead, looked around, and said.

Xiao Tan smiled awkwardly, first thanked: "That... thank you for coming to accompany me."

"Ah~ It's okay, this is also a strategy. Since the part of the battle can be shared by multiple people, try to make good use of the rules. Who made you stupid and weak." Bei Ling replied in a helpless tone, while lifting With his hand, he inserted his index finger into his collar and loosened the collar. She was wearing a full set of special forces uniform, so it was naturally too hot at this temperature.

Xiao Tan didn't pay too much attention to Bei Ling's evaluation of him, and he also knew that there was no malice in these words, "Speaking of...under such an environment, where would the enemy come from?" The light made it impossible to open one's eyes wide: "If it comes from the sky, will it be a monster like a giant black vulture?"

"According to what you said, if the monster came down from the ground, it would be a huge bug?" Bei Ling continued.

They all guessed wrong...

At this moment, at the scene of the show, Mr. You happened to be talking about the part of the announcement, and his next sentence was: "He is... from Cybertron... Sand! Desert! Strong! Tiger!"

There was a tsunami of cheers from the audience.

At the same time, the desert tiger also came into the sight of Xiao Tan and Bei Ling.

He appeared on the far horizon, approaching with astonishing speed, a trail of dust kicked up behind him.

When the Desert Tiger appeared on the stage, it looked like a giant mechanical tiger, and the outer shell of the metal body was also yellow and black with tiger stripes. Although he hasn't come close yet, Xiao Tan has already spotted this monster from a long distance...or the Transformer's size is not too big. It is estimated that it will only be five or six meters high when it becomes a robot.


The gun has gone off.

Xiao Tan turned his head to look, only to find that Sad Ling had already prostrated himself on the ground, and the sniper rifle was loaded, and the first bullet had been fired.

In this windless, bright, and open arena, as a player who specializes in shooting, if he can't do something before the enemy gets close, he must be unqualified. Even if the battle could not be ended directly at a long distance, the big iron lump could not be allowed to approach here unharmed.

Under good sniping conditions, Sad Ling decisively aimed at the head and shot. But unfortunately, her first shot missed the tiger's head. Of course, this is because the Desert Tiger is moving. If the opponent is still, in this environment, with a sniper rifle with a sight and normal performance, even a player who specializes in shooting F can hit it.

"It's really troublesome..." Bei Ling licked his lips, immediately got ready for the second shot, and pulled the trigger.


This time the target was much closer, and in the scope, it was almost within reach. And this shot did hit.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was luck, this time the desert tiger was not only hit, but the bullet just hit its left eye, leaving a black hole in the tiger's face, and sparks burst out the moment it hit . But the desert tiger is not an organic creature, but a living robot, so such an attack is not fatal.

Bang—the third shot.

After firing the shot, Bei Ling didn't even check to see if it was a hit. She took the sniper rifle back into her bag, took out a German M5 submachine gun, and aimed it.

Although this gun is a store item, it is expensive. For shooting specialist players with certain financial means, this submachine gun is an excellent choice in the early game. The weight is less than three kilograms, high rate of fire, low recoil, high precision, and fast reloading speed. As a mature standard weapon, M5 has been the first choice of many special forces in the world for a long time due to its reliability and excellent performance.

da da da da...

When the desert tiger came within 30 meters of the two of them, Sad Spirit began to pour bullets from the submachine gun in his hand. The third shot she fired with a sniper rifle hit the monster's chest, but the armor there was obviously thicker, and the sniper bullets couldn't penetrate it, only leaving a bullet mark.

Xiao Tan also took out the Winchester and held it up in front of his eyes. Although his heart was beating fast and his palms were sweating, he was not in a hurry to pull the trigger. After honed in several scripts, at least Xiao Tan has a certain degree of understanding of the characteristics of several weapons on his body. He knows very well that the shotgun in his hand can only be fired at close range to exert its maximum power. If you go away from tens of meters to fight, even if it is not a Transformer but a tattered armored vehicle that rushes over now, it probably won't cause any damage.

The M5 bullets swept all the bullets in front of the Desert Tiger, causing sparks to fly, but it did not slow down his speed. When it approached the distance of more than ten meters between the two players, its two hind legs slammed together. kick, jump high...

The sun cast a huge shadow of the tiger on the sand, and in just a few seconds while the desert tiger was in the air, the shadow on the ground changed drastically.

Obviously, it was the desert tiger that transformed in mid-air. The original tiger-shaped head was opened and twisted, and a robot's head protruded from its torso. The four curved beast legs were twisted, folded, compressed, and extended at strange angles, and the mechanical arms inside the torso were exposed. The patterned armor is attached to the outer layer of the limbs like armor. The bullet holes that hit him in the head just now have all been transferred to innocuous positions. It seems that his tiger form is used for high-speed advancement and beating.

The entire transformation process seemed extremely complicated, but it was swift and neat. Before landing, the leaping tiger turned into a robot warrior over six meters tall, attacking and killing the two players.

After the transformation was complete, he spoke...

A mechanical voice sounded without any emotion: "Human beings... obliterate... reshape..."

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