Thriller Paradise

Chapter 121: Death Q&A 5


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For Desert Tiger, human nature, like the impermanent multiverse, is chaotic and manic. Driven by survival instincts, lust for lust, and unending greed, they bring nothing but death and degradation. Only by destroying and rebuilding can order be restored.

The desert tiger's attitude towards human beings is like a housewife who is obsessed with cleanliness facing the stains on the stove. As long as he sees human beings, he will clean them up without hesitation...


The desert tiger's fist hit the sand, setting off a tumbling sand wave. The impact force both Xiao Tan and Bei Ling back, and the two staggered and jumped back a certain distance. Although they were not directly hit by this attack, the trembling power caused them to lose 8 survival points, and added the effect of [Slow Speed] within a few seconds.

There was another round of cheers at the show, and it seemed that the audience was very satisfied with the way the executioner greeted him.

"Thunder strike, this is..." Feng Bujue rested his cheeks, looked at the live broadcast on the screen, and said softly, "The opponent is Transformers... Then Xiaotan's title skill [Bee Sting] should be useless. It’s clear that it has a [bleeding] effect, so it’s not necessarily that it will become [oil bleeding] or [electricity leakage] when it’s used on a robot.” He tilted his head: “Sorrow mainly uses guns. It is more useful than a sword, but facing this kind of opponent, I am afraid it will be difficult to solve the problem... "

At this time, on the big screen, the Desert Tiger had already launched its next attack.

As a robot, seeing the humans in front of him shooting, if he didn't use some heavy firepower, he would lose face. A rectangular launch port popped up on the outside of his knees, and with two swishing sounds... the two guided warheads rushed towards the retreating Xiaotan and Sadling.


Two smaller explosions blasted out two bunkers and lifted a large amount of yellow sand. However, neither Xiao Tan nor Bei Ling was directly hit. Both of them avoided the attack and only received some damage caused by the shock wave.

So... Missiles, whether they are intercontinental or miniature, can attack large heat sources, but they cannot track and locate living people. Using missiles is better than using machine guns to sweep them.

"Hey! MR You." Feng Bujue moved the microphone in front of him, and said softly to Mr. You, who was not far away from him: "Can I ask... on what basis are the executioners in the arena assigned? Yes Random assignment? Or is it based on the race, number, or answer points of the contestants?"

Mr. You glanced at him and smiled. He didn't use the microphone either, but just replied in a low voice: "Just put together what you said, huh huh... It's based on the strength of those two people."

Feng Bujue tentatively asked: "That is to say... If the contestant entered the arena by himself just now, he wouldn't have met this guy now, would he?"

"Hehe... Of course, one person and two people have different strengths." Mr. You gave a definite answer.

"So that's how it is..." Feng Bujue said in his heart: "No wonder that fat man just used the wording 'one against two bloody mission'... It seems that there is no benefit for many people to enter the arena. Under such circumstances, even if it is raining, it will not have an advantage... because stronger players will encounter stronger monsters." He thought for a few seconds: "Well... Considering the consumption of survival points and stamina points, it seems that it should be in the In the answering session, they take turns at the bottom, so that they can share some of the pressure of the battle."

"Look, contestant No. 4 seems to be about to fight back!" Mr. You shouted into the microphone to bring Feng Bujue's attention back to the big screen.

In the picture, the petite figure of the sad spirit rushed straight to the steel and iron giant robot, and what she was holding in her hand at the moment was just a pistol.

Xiao Tan didn't quite know what Bei Ling was going to do, but he braved up and ran forward, and kept firing at the desert tiger for cover.

Seeing that the opponent did not retreat but advanced, the Desert Tiger was not polite, waved its giant arm towards Beiling, and swept away, Beiling dexterously rolled against the sand for a while, avoiding the blow, and then she got up quickly, Kneeling on one knee, with both arms raised, he aimed the gun at the desert tiger's chest.

Hitting such a big target at such a distance, Bei Ling would not miss it, and she would risk approaching it precisely to ensure a 100% hit to the opponent's core, because... this shot cannot be missed.

I saw that the gun body of the gun instantly gathered a dazzling light, and then...

The shot didn't make the sound it should have, what sounded in the air was actually the eagle's long howl when it was pouncing on its prey. The bullets that flew out of the muzzle glowed with silver light, and transformed into a luminous silver-winged giant eagle in mid-air, pounced on the desert tiger's body.

In the next second, the desert tiger's chest seemed to be hit by an RG warhead, and a reaction similar to an explosion occurred. The robot, which was more than six meters high and weighed several tons, was blasted to the ground by this huge force. off the ground and fall backwards.

[Name: Goshawk Breaks the Sky]

[Skill Card Attribute: Active Skill, disappears after being used once]

[Skill Category: Shooting]

[Effect: Infuse spiritual power on the bullet and launch it, causing powerful explosive damage to the target (a pistol must be used when launching this skill, and there must be at least one bullet in the gun).]

[Consumption: 500 stamina, 50 of the maximum spiritual power]

[Learning conditions: shooting specialization E, spirit art specialization F, level 10 or above]

[Remarks: It is a simple and practical move, and only basic spiritual knowledge is needed to understand the principle of this move. The more spiritual energy consumed, the more powerful the attack will be. Gunners with poor physical abilities will be paralyzed for a short time after making moves. The weapon that launched Goshawk through the air will be unusable due to overheating within the next fifteen minutes.]

This is the skill used by Bei Ling. She drew this skill card a few scenarios ago and learned it, but she never had the chance to use it.

Obviously, this is a gambling move. But facing the opponent in front of him, Bei Ling thought that it was worth the gamble.

Her analysis of the situation was accurate, and her actions were decisive and effective. Instead of keeping this trick and being forced to use it when you are in a desperate situation, it is better to use this trick as soon as possible to decide the outcome. Even if the monster couldn't be killed in one blow, there was room for maneuver in this battle as long as the survival value was acceptable.

After Bei Ling fired the shot, she squatted on the sand and couldn't stand up. She opened the game menu to confirm, and said in her mouth: "Cut... it really has been attached to the [paralysis] state."

But the desert tiger on the other side didn't stop for a second. He was a robot, and he wouldn't have to catch his breath after falling to the ground like a flesh and blood human. After the shot, he was left with a scorched black patch on his chest, where the armor plate was dented and cracked. However, the circuit in his brain calculated the degree of damage in a fraction of a second, and then fed back a message to him—"It can still move", so he immediately got up from the ground.

bang bang bang—

Xiaotan saw that the situation was not good, he loaded and fired continuously, and rushed forward, but he was still not fast enough.

The desert tiger's iron fist, which was as big as a refrigerator, descended from the sky and slanted towards Sad Spirit from above. If the blow was real, three words can explain the scene that will appear next: people, meat sauce, and white light.

Sad Ling knelt on the ground, watching a shadow pressing towards her, but there was nothing she could do, her body couldn't control her body, and she couldn't even roll sideways. She could only grit her teeth and prepare for the coming Pain simulation.

At this moment, a miracle happened.

The desert tiger's movements suddenly froze, like the images captured by a high-speed camera, and became very slow. His fists approached at a fast speed, and it felt like it would not die even if it really hit it.

The audience at the scene let out a burst of exclamation.

Mr. You is obviously a man of knowledge, "Oh! Readers, please take a look! It seems that someone has used the Sands of Time nearby!"

"No, it's just some time dust with impurities or inferior time dust. The real sand of time will not only have this effect."

The camera turned around, and the audience was surprised to find that the person who said this was Hephaestus, and it turned out that he could still give a few serious comments.

Xiao Tan held Winchester in one hand, and the palm of the other hand was dripping blood.

He also has no choice, if he wants to use [Slow Quicksand], he has to break the bottle, the surrounding area is surrounded by soft sand, the situation is urgent, he can only smash the small glass bottle with his hands.

The desert tiger's fist continued to approach, but the slowing effect helped Xiao Tan to get to the location of the sad spirit. Without saying a word, he picked up his teammates and ran away, running far away in one breath.

"Fool! Where are you going? Hit him now!" Seeing Xiaotan running farther and farther like Zhu Bajie carrying his wife, Bei Ling hurriedly shouted to remind him without any intention of stopping.

"Oh! Understood!" Xiaotan suddenly understood, let go, threw the sad spirit to the ground, turned around and ran towards the desert tiger.

A few seconds after he left, Bei Ling regained her ability to move. She got up from the ground with a dark face, wiped the sand all over her face, and took a deep breath: "This big idiot... I will beat you to death in the killing game... Calling Mom..." Although she was very angry, she also knew the priorities, and this is not the time to be awkward.

Bei Ling took out the sniper rifle from the bag again, and in just a few seconds, he was ready to attack and began to aim. In the almost static state of the desert tiger, she still chose to attack with the most powerful gun on her body.

Xiao Tan returned to the feet of the desert tiger, and swiftly walked up the opponent's arm that had not been fully retracted, all the way rushing up to the robot's shoulder.

Just before the slow quicksand failed, the muzzle of Winchester in Xiaotan's hand pressed against the head of the desert tiger at zero distance. Just as he pulled the trigger, Sad Ling's sniper rifle rang out in the distance.

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