Thriller Paradise

Chapter 123: Death Q&A VII


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"I won't forget even if you forget." Feng Bujue replied lazily in the chair.

"Hohohoho...then..." Mr. You snapped his fingers, and the console in front of Feng Bujue and the seat he was sitting on moved forward at this moment. These two things are connected to the lower floor, but in the During its movement, the black and white checkered floor disappeared like a virtual projection, and then reappeared without being affected at all.

"The second round is... multiple-choice questions." Mr. You said, "The rule of this round is that the contestants come forward to answer one by one. Each person can answer up to seven questions, and at least one question is required." He took another question out of his pocket. A stack of question cards came out, and the patterns on the back of the cards were the same as those in the first round: "After I finish reading the questions, the contestants can select the answers through the buttons on the console. Once they are confirmed, the answers cannot be changed."

Feng Bujue said: "Is it true that once you answer a question wrong, you can't continue answering it?"

"That's right, and the mysterious advantage you got in the first round is..." Mr. You paused again at a critical moment, and the scene was filled with rapid drumbeats, as if it was the soundtrack to the final jump of a trapeze artist in a circus , "In the second round, you can choose to skip a question at any time and get extra points."

"Will the person with the lowest score enter the arena this round?" Feng Bujue asked again.

"Hehe...the second round..." Mr. You smiled sullenly, "The contestant with the highest score at the end of this round will be randomly designated to enter the arena."

"I see." Feng Bujue said, "I understand, let's start."

"OK, please listen to the first question..." Mr. You held the question card and said, "The score of this question... is 10. Excuse me... Einstein's birthday is... A, March 13;, March 14; C, March 15th; D, April 13th." After he finished asking, he turned his face to the camera: "We all know that the second round is a very critical round. If contestants can answer all seven questions correctly, they will Very likely to build up a huge points advantage…”

Feng Bujue remained expressionless for a few seconds, then interrupted Mr. You: "I'm going to skip this question and add points."

The audience was in an uproar.

Mr. You smiled and said, "Really? Contestant No. 1, do you want to use up this opportunity on the first question? You must know that the following questions will only become more and more difficult."

"Yes." Feng Bujue replied calmly.

"Hehe... Bonus points!" Mr. You burned the question card in his hand, and the score displayed in front of Feng Bujue's console changed to 60 points.

"Contestant No. 1, may I ask why you used this advantage so decisively?" Mr. You said, "The contestants who participated in our program before would try their best to save this opportunity for the next topic. .”

"Because I don't know how to do this question." Feng Bujue replied.

"Why don't you guess it? It's just a question." Mr. You asked.

Feng Bujue replied: "It's a very simple math problem. Assuming I don't know how to do all these questions, if I just guess randomly on the first question, I get 60 points for a correct guess and 40 points for a wrong guess. Now, if I guess right There are 80 points, if you guess wrong... the result is the same as the first question, 40 points.

The probability is also 25, the risk is the same, but the possible return is higher, so of course I will use up this opportunity and make sure to enter the second question. He paused for a moment: "What's more... In case I know the second question, then I don't need to guess." "

Mr. You was a little dazed by what he said, and the audience was silent for a few seconds before bursting into applause and cheers.

"Huh... hehe, contestant No. 1 seemed very calm even when he couldn't answer the question." Mr. You laughed.

There was another burst of laughter from the audience.

"This is called using the rules reasonably, let's continue." Feng Bujue put his hands behind his head, looking very relaxed.

"Okay, contestant No. 1, starting from the second question, you can choose to answer or not to answer..." Mr. You pushed the small round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose: "The score for the second question is 20 points, plus 2 points for a correct answer." Ten points, wrong answer, twenty points will be deducted." He looked at Feng Bujue: "According to your theory just now, even if it is a guess, you will try it, right?"

"Of course." Feng Bujue replied.

"Please listen to the question!" Mr. You looked at the question card and said, "On April 30, 1943, a famous scam in history kicked off, that is, 'Operation Minced Meat'. Excuse me, that one was disguised as a major in the Royal Navy. His... real name, is... A, William Martin; , Samuel L. Jackson; C, Glyndwal Michael; D, Charlie Sheen."

Feng Bujue pressed the C button without hesitation.

Mr. You said: "Contestant No. 1, once the answer is pressed, it cannot be changed."

"Ah, I know." Feng Bujue replied.

The tense soundtrack played again, and Mr. You looked at the camera solemnly: "The correct answer is..."

"What are you doing with a constipated face... and D are both the names of actors, so they can be ruled out directly. And isn't William Martin the identity name forged in Operation Minced Meat? Even if you don't know the name of Operation Minced Meat People, if you guess between A and C, you will choose the name that is more like your real name..." Feng Bujue said.

"Contestant No. 1." Mr. You turned his face angrily, "Why don't you host it?"

"Okay, let's change positions, and I promise to send you into the arena." Feng Bujue replied.

"Oh? That's interesting. If Mr. You wants to enter the arena, he can choose one of the three of us to be the executioner." Plague, who was sitting in the guest seat, showed a playful smile.

Arrogant actually seconded: "Good idea."

"You just want me to die!" Mr. You said, "Don't change the subject, I'm announcing the answer right now!"

"It's C." The audience booed as if they had been spoiled.

"Okay... Now that everyone knows." Mr. You cheered up again: "The answer is correct! Add 20 points!" Feng Bujue's score displayed on the console immediately changed to 80.

"Well... It seems that this question is not difficult for contestant No. 1." Mr. You raised his hand and burned the question card, "But the next question... is worth forty points." He deliberately paused for a few seconds, The camera lens was also given to Feng Bujue, but Brother Jue didn't have a particularly big reaction.

"Do you regret using up the right to skip questions now, contestant No. 1?" Mr. You asked at the right time.

"So... will the scores of each question be doubled?" Feng Bujue ignored Fatty You and said to himself.

"Hohohoho... who knows?" Mr. You also looked sloppy.

"Hmph..." Feng Bujue sneered, and answered the other party's previous question: "If you think you will regret it, then you won't do it. If you do it, you won't regret it."

Mr. You whistled, and the cameraman used the split screen to give him and Feng Bujue a close-up at the same time: "So... Contestant No. 1, this third question, do you want to answer it?"

"Answer." Feng Bujue said.

"Please listen to the question!" Mr. You looked at the question card and replied, "Which of the following is not... Qitiandi's moves. A, God's Flame; God's Light; C, God's Hand; D, God's Judgment. "

This question is somewhat confusing, most of Qitiandi's moves start with "God's", Feng Bujue can't come up with the answer for a while, he needs to search in the attic of his memory.

"Contestants don't need to worry. There is no set time limit for the second round, but generally speaking, if you still can't think of an answer after three to five minutes, I will count down ten seconds and let you choose an answer at random." Mr. You finished. With these words, he turned his face to the center of the stage again: "Why don't we ask the other players to tell us what they think of the prospects of the number one player in this round while the number one player is thinking. Of course, if you know the answer, you can Don't try to remind him, otherwise he will be directly deducted points." He turned to Xiao Tan: "No. 2 contestant, what number do you think the number 1 contestant can answer."

Xiao Tan was looking down at his left hand silently. So far, his hand has not shown any obvious changes. When asked by Mr. You, he replied without raising his head: "I don't know, but I have something for Brother Jue." Confidence, he should be able to finish the answer."

"Contestant No. 2, No. 1 is leading the score now. If he can answer all the answers, then the highest score in the second round will be determined in advance. What if he chooses you to go to the arena?" Mr. You threw out a question. A more difficult question to answer.

"Huh?" Xiaotan raised his head and looked at Mr. You: "Then go, if brother Jue chooses me, it means it's more reasonable to do so."

"Hehe... It seems that the second contestant trusts the resourcefulness of the first." Mr. You commented, and then turned to Siyu, "Then... May I ask the third..."

"Ass." Siyu didn't let Mr. You finish his sentence, and responded directly in a way of "I don't care about you".

"Uh..." Fatty You smiled awkwardly, and turned to Bei Ling: "Then... do you have anything to say about contestant No. 4?"

"Team leader, if you can finish the answer, let Xiao Tan be selected." The words were addressed to Feng Bujue, but Bei Ling threw a malicious smile at Xiao Tan.

"What the hell did I do?" Xiao Tan looked innocent.

"If you lose your left hand and you don't have the chance to be a woman, you will have to depend on your right hand for life..." Feng Bujue actually spit out in a feeble tone at this moment. Judging by his calm demeanor, he probably already There is an answer.

Fatty You's eyes lit up, and he said, "Oh, contestant No. 1, your sentence is quite interesting, can I quote it later?"

"Whatever you want..." Feng Bujue said, "I've already chosen, please report the answer."

Mr. You bent down and glanced at the answer on the front of console No. 1, and Feng Bujue pressed the D key.

"OK, the answer for contestant No. 1 is D, God's Judgment..." Mr. You started his usual host trick again, without finishing the sentence, he would stop for as long as he could at key points, "... This answer..."

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